Abe the Wizard

Chapter 1145: wisdom Tree

Chapter 1145: Wisdom Tree

Abeco didn't care about the shaman's reaction to the incident. Anyway, with his relationship with several legendary shamans, and his identity as a potion master, the shaman's guild would only find out the evil deeds of Xueling Mountain, then zoom in, His actions did not cause much reaction.

As soon as he returned to the Golden Castle, he immediately entered the training room, and the defense and isolation circles were fully opened. Then he opened the ‘Town Teleportation Scroll’ and entered the dark world through the portal.

Using 'Teleport' from Roger's camp, he came to the Blood Wasteland.

In the blood wasteland, an empty space was found, which released the ancient headquarters of Xueling Mountain.

Although the plant can survive in the artifact space bag, but this particular fruit tree, he does not want to have problems due to a little accident.

Immediately after the ancient building was released, he immediately came to the center and saw the fruit tree in the quarantine circle. This fruit tree is still the same as it was on the top of Xueling Mountain and has not changed.

Abel turned on the ability of the Spirit Whisperer, put his hand on the trunk of the fruit tree, and felt everything in the fruit tree. It was found that although there is no frozen element in the Xueling Mountain here, it only absorbs the fire elements gathered by the ancient buildings. Affects the energy absorption of fruit trees.

This made him ready to find a way to restore the magical fruit tree's growing environment, and it seemed that he must first know what the fruit tree is, its growth needs, and other information.

Thinking of this, he ordered the ‘high elves’ to help him take care of the fruit tree, and hurriedly returned to the Golden Castle.

"Research the spirit, and inquire about the fruit tree whose trunk is like jade, the leaves are green, and the fruit can breed the power of the rules!" Abel first ordered the research spirit.

Research Spirit has a complete inheritance of the frozen system, and there is a large amount of various knowledge. Generally, when he needs to inquire what, he will ask Research Spirit.

"Master, no such fruit tree information!" Ten minutes later, Research Spirit replied.

Abel stumbled. He didn't want to go to the Wizarding Guild Headquarters to check the corresponding information. You must know that he had just dug the Xueling Mountain Headquarters. At this time, check the information of the fruit tree. Didn't this tell the Wizarding Guild what he got?

He will not reveal the information of the fruit tree to others until it is clear what he got.

There is only one place to look up now, and that is the library of the elven royal family.

In the library of the elven royal family, no one dares to monitor his every move. As for the wizarding guild, just thinking about his own blue spirit, you can know how many ways the wizarding guild can know what happened on their site.

Taking Frankenstein to the teleportation room in the basement, through a large teleportation array, he activated the teleportation linking the Royal Palace of the Bay of France.

Standing in the palace's teleportation circle, Abel immediately felt the breath of Landau the Great Druid. The Great Druid, who protects the security of the elven royal family, immediately passed the law when he felt the breath of Abel. The array moves directly to the transfer room.

"Master Bennett, Frankenstein Rules Wizard, welcome you!" Landau Grand Druid saluted with a smile.

"Landau Druid, you're welcome to come in person, you're welcome!" Abel said with a smile, only Frankenstein was still standing behind Abel and didn't move.

Of course, Landau Druid knew Frankenstein's temper. Except for Master Bennett, Frankenstein would not respond to anyone. Of course, this was to exclude Master Bennett's enemies.

"Master Bennet, what did you tell me to come today?" Landau druid looked at Abel personally and thought what had happened, and asked quickly.

You know that Abel rarely comes to the palace.

"Landau Druid, I want to borrow some materials from the royal library!" Abel said with a smile.

"There is no problem. As a dragon druid, you have the right to consult all the knowledge of the Royal Library!" Naturally, Landau Grand Druid promised, and then he made a gift invitation: "Bei Master Nate, come with me! "

Abel followed Landau Druid toward the back of the palace, and all the elves in the palace bowed respectfully to make way and stood by the road.

Across the garden, Abel saw a three-story all-wood building.

Ordinary libraries are naturally the most afraid of using wooden buildings, because once the fire catches, the books in the collection will be completely gone.

However, the wooden material used in this all-wood building is a kind of insect-resistant wood, with various law arrays drawn on it. Let alone a fire, even if you hold a torch, you can't ignite it.

And because it is insect-resistant wood, this allows books in the library to be better preserved.

"Today's library is no longer open, and no elves can stay in it!" Landau Druid said to the library in a deep voice.

Although his voice was not loud, he went straight into the library, and soon the elf reading the book came out.

Among them, Abel even saw the elf wearing the royal coat of arms, and the elf did not hesitate. He quickly came to Landau Druid, bowed and saluted, and looked at Abel with a suspicious look. Hurried away.

In less than two minutes, the entire three-story library was empty.

"Master Bennet, this is the library's identity card. With this identity card, you can look at any book!" Landau Druid handed a sign to Abel.

He did not intend to enter the library with Abel, it was Abel's secret.

"Landau Druid, thank you!" Abel nodded and smiled back.

Frankenstein stood at the door of the library and he walked into the library.

On the first floor of the library, hundreds of huge bookcases are densely packed with books from low to high, most of which are extremely old sheepskins.

Aber frowned. There were so many books here that it would be extremely troublesome to find what he wanted.

He focused his mental strength on the identity card in his hand, but found that the identity card has a distribution map of the entire library books. Naturally, so many books will not be randomly placed, but arranged according to a certain category.

Soon he found the relevant classification of fruit trees based on the information in the identity card.

Various books on fruit tree cultivation, fruit tree research books, and even some grafting techniques are included here, but he didn't see what he wanted to find.

At this moment he thought that the fruit tree was not an ordinary fruit tree, how could it be included in these ordinary books.

Thinking of this, he walked up to the second floor, the books here are obviously much less, and the variety here is correspondingly reduced.

Here he saw the materials related to the spirit plant growing in the magic environment, and saw various strange plant introductions, but still he didn't find the fruit tree information he wanted.

However, he also found out that his mental power is in digging through the materials. He can use spiritual power to view the content without opening the book, and can read a book in almost one minute.

Of course, after reading a book, I just scanned it briefly, and his purpose was to find what he wanted.

Disappointed with the second floor, he set his sights on the third floor.

As he walked to the third floor, he felt an invisible diaphragm, but the identity card in his hand lightened, and there was no resistance in the diaphragm, which led him to the third floor.

On the third floor, he saw the unique leaf of the familiar elves, which he had seen in the library of the Holy Continent Elven Alchemist Library. He thought that it was a unique book of the Holy Continent. I did not expect that there was also a book leaf .

The central mainland's elves are more severely affected by the human race than the subcontinent, and most of the elves have accepted the human race's parchment books.

Book leaves, a method of recording with special leaves, are only used by some ancient books in the Central Continental Elves.

This third floor is the oldest book storage place for the elves of the Central Continent. The records here are the oldest in the Central Continent.

Abel looked at the data recorded entirely using the "High Elves", and his eyes were weird.

Is 'High Elf' really the first batch of life in this world?

Thinking of the "high elves" of the Dark World, these are also the earliest life in the Dark World. Will there be a rich race and culture like this world in countless years?

Aside from the unrealistic thoughts in his head, as long as he exists in the dark world, then only he can determine the direction of that world.

There are not many books on this third floor, and there are only about three hundred.

Abel was quickly attracted by the knowledge here. Before, what he wanted to inquire was to ask his followers to come to the royal library to inquire. This time he came here because he wanted to keep it secret.

Unexpectedly, the knowledge here reaches far after ancient times, and the tree of life and the moon goddess shelter the elves, which contains a lot of seemingly legendary content.

He is like watching a legend. The war between gods and spirits, the war between gods and wizards, etc. are recorded in these book leaves.

Just when he forgot his purpose when he came, he saw a record that in ancient times there was a fruit tree called the tree of wisdom.

The tree of wisdom, whose trunk is as white as jade, knocks like the sound of golden jade, bears fruit every 30 years, and bears 15 fruits of wisdom each time.

Wisdom fruit can give the eater the original power. As for the source power, it depends on what kind of energy the wisdom fruit absorbs.

The leaf of the book records that one of the Xeons used the fruit of wisdom to feast the strong. The grand occasion at that time was full of admiration in the leaves.

At that time, countless powerful men in the entire world competed at the banquet organized by the Xeons, and finally the top fifteen were awarded the wisdom fruit.

The Wisdom Fruit Banquet, once every thirty years, was the grandest event in the world at that time, and it made countless strong men crazy every time.

Because after taking the wisdom fruit, the strength of the strong will be improved, especially the strong stuck in the realm, can increase the chance of promotion.

Wisdom tree, wisdom fruit. After seeing the description of the wisdom tree, Abel decided that the fruit tree he got was the wisdom tree.

He didn't know how the Xueling Mountain got this tree of wisdom, a magical fruit tree that only existed in history.

As a matter of fact, the most powerful man finally fell down, the tree of wisdom was snatched by countless strong people, and the tree of wisdom was eventually destroyed in battle.

The founders of Xueling Mountain, after all the powerful were disappointed to leave, found a seed in the debris of the battlefield. At that time, only the founders of high-level strength established a small organization alone.

He thought about being able to cultivate the tree of wisdom one day, and then he would be able to enjoy the fruit of wisdom alone.

For this ideal, he chose to build a building on the top of Xueling Mountain that can absorb the elements of fire. In addition to the power of the natural freezing elements on the top of Xueling Mountain, Wisdom Fruit can bring its own rules of freezing and fire.

But the wisdom tree, such a magical fruit tree, can't be cultivated so easily. At least when the founder of the Xueling Mountain lived, he didn't see the wisdom tree sprout, let alone produce the wisdom fruit.

In this way, the descendants of Xueling Mountain have kept this secret, and the wisdom tree has slowly sprouted and grown.

Successive generations of Xuelingshan people have watched the wisdom tree grow and wait for the results, but they are disappointed and die.

It was not until the generation of the Ruth Rule Wizard, that the Wisdom Tree finally came to fruition, and Xueling Mountain finally appeared as the first Rule Wizard because of Wisdom Fruit.

Unfortunately, the rule wizard acted too aggressively. As a result, Xue Ling Shan had just started and was ended by Abel.

This gave Abel the secret that Xueling Mountain has guarded for many years, a tree of wisdom.

Abel breathed a sigh of relief, thinking fortunately that he was cautious. Once the news of this tree of wisdom was leaked, those who were waiting for him would be remembered by countless strong men.

He doesn't have the strength of the previous Xeon, suppressing all the strong. When he wants to come to the Xeon, he is not willing to take out the wisdom fruit and share it. It is very likely that the secret of the wisdom tree is not kept well. Known by the whole world.

Even the strength of the Xeon can't ignore the power of the whole world, so there will be a fruit feast of wisdom.

Anyway, Abel has a fruit tree of wisdom, and he will not share it with outsiders, at most it is only with his loved ones at home.

Putting down the leaf of the book, he no longer thought about it anymore, he just wanted to return to the tree of wisdom immediately.

He walked quickly to the first floor and walked out of the library door, but saw that Landau Druid did not leave, and stood right and left with the Frankenstein.

"Master Bennet, are you optimistic?" Randall's Druid saw Abel coming out and asked with a smile.

"Yes, thank you very much for your help with the royal family. Please thank Her Majesty Louisa for my help, I will not visit anymore!" Abe said with a smile and bowed.

After speaking, he asked Frankenstein to take him to the royal teleportation circle with ‘momentary movement’ and activate the teleportation circle to return to the golden castle.

(End of this chapter)

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