Abe the Wizard

Chapter 1149: Promotion

Chapter 1149 Promotion

In fact, the requirements for the promotion of the alchemy master are not high, as long as there are enough alchemy items nearby to trigger the alchemy energy in the body of the promoter.

It should be known that after the alchemy master's pattern is broken, the transformed alchemy energy has become a higher level of energy. This energy is far from being driven by spiritual power. It requires the vitality of this alchemy energy to achieve it.

This also has something in common with the gods. The gods need enough believers to increase the power of their faith and turn them into divine power for use by the gods.

The same is true of the alchemy energy in Abel's body. It needs a large number of alchemy items to sense it, and eventually let it live on its own.

This is like a process of nurturing life. The alchemy energy in Abel's body is constantly flashing, and he seems to have a hazy consciousness in his perception.

From the outside, the entire Golden Castle, together with the Super Teleportation Matrix attached to the Golden Castle, is shining brightly and dimly.

Not only the Golden Castle, but even the alchemy potion in the warehouse glowed brightly and dimly.

Everyone in the Golden Castle stopped everything, the servants forgot about their busyness, the chef forgot the dishes being cooked in the pot, and the Mayer steward forgot to greet the guests.

The guests were stunned and watching the changes in front of them. Each of them had a life experience of hundreds or even hundreds of years, but they had never seen the situation before them.

The obscure consciousness of alchemy energy is very simple, in Abel's perception, it is like a simple calculator.

He transmitted the alchemy master pattern to the alchemy energy. This complicated pattern made him a little worried that the simple consciousness of the alchemy energy would collapse.

In fact, the simple consciousness of alchemy energy is far more complicated than he imagined. As the alchemist master pattern is input, the alchemy energy flashes in the light and darkness of the alchemy items outside, which also corresponds to the flicker and flicker of the outside world To transform itself.

Each flicker will generate a little power to change itself, this alchemy energy that even Abel's mental power cannot drive, but in this flicker, a little bit begins to change.

If he is not promoted in the Golden Castle, but still in the dark world, then without the influence of so many alchemy items from the outside world, his alchemy energy cannot change.

He estimates that he will become an alchemist who has lost his alchemy pattern. Although this does not affect his refining of the dark world, he can no longer refinish the potions of this world.

His perception helped him again, and he also believed in his perception, which was why he returned to the Golden Castle for promotion.

In fact, if you do not have the corresponding inheritance knowledge and want to be promoted from the alchemist master, unless you have the luck of Abel, you just have a gold castle with a dense circle of law. Even if other alchemists have reached the state of full energy, There are not enough alchemy items to affect their alchemy energy and the promotion fails.

At this time, Abel was like a spectator, watching the alchemy energy in his body move a little bit. In his mental power perception, an alchemy master pattern was being completed.

Of course, this process is very slow, and his strong promotion spirit has not weakened a bit. The promotion spirit of the combat professional used to last for a maximum of one or two hours and will disappear.

However, his promotion was inspired for six hours. From morning to noon, there was no sign of weakening.

The vision of the Golden Castle has been known by more and more people, and the guests here have been shocked from the beginning to later habits, and then they are informed everywhere.

The large teleportation circle of the Golden Castle is also open to the outside world, which allows members of all forces recognized by Abel to come.

Some people kept coming out of the large teleportation array and then stunned in the transfer room. Due to the large number of people, Meyer's housekeeper had to stand in the transfer room to remind these guests not to occupy the transfer room.

After hearing the news, Master Muir, Master Balfour, and Master Laura arrived immediately.

When they came out of the large teleportation circle, the oldest Master Balfour felt a strong promotion, and his eyes were full of tears.

"Yes, Master Bennett is being promoted to the Grand Master of Pharmacy!" Master Balfour watched with excitement in all directions in the teleportation room, flickering in all directions, stroking the light with his hands, and said loudly.

In his eyes, the road was originally closed, and a new road appeared because of Master Bennett.

Not only Master Balfour, but Master Muir and Laura are also very excited. They are also in tears. This is a great event for the Pharmacists Association.

"Three masters, please move to the hall!" Meyer butler reminded softly.

"Yes, we'll wait for Master Bennet in the lobby!" Master Balfour nodded quickly.

"Haha, when Master Bennett appears, we can't call him a master, but a master!" Master Laura said with a smile.

With the help of Fa Zhen Ling, the three masters were teleported into the hall.

In the process, all the guests confirmed that it was Master Bennett's promotion to the pharmacist. Although there had been speculations before, after the affirmation of the three pharmacists, this guess became a reality.

In the Wizarding Guild, the Clemens Rule Wizard was dealing with important information coming from everywhere, but at this time a piece of information marked as special caught his attention.

The marked information is usually particularly important information that occurs in real time, which requires him to review and process it immediately.

He opened the information, and he could not help but be surprised, and then all ecstatic.

Master Bennett is being promoted to Pharmacist, how could this news not exult him.

For Master Bennett, he took the risk to block the results analyzed by the intelligence analysis spirit, and invited several legendary wizards who had met with Master Bennett to appear and calm things down.

This incident is basically that he violated the rules of the Wizarding Guild, and he will have some trouble once he is found out afterwards.

But once Master Bennett became the pharmacist master, the only pharmacist master for thousands of years, all these troubles would not exist, even the high-level members of the Wizarding Guild would not pursue this matter.

You should know that the legendary master of pharmacy can make divine-level potions. Each of those potions has the effect of capturing the sky.

"I have to go to the Golden Castle and congratulate Master Bennet as soon as possible!" He stood up and whispered to himself, and then he disappeared into a white light.

Dylan's legendary wizard also received this information. Although he did not care much about the information, he was very concerned about things related to Master Bennett.

The staff of the Wizarding Guild naturally served the legendary sorcerer fully, knowing that he was interested in this area of ​​information, and immediately received the information from Master Bennett and immediately delivered it to the Dylan Legendary Wizard.

"I knew that Master Bennett had been promoted so quickly. How can I go to the Golden Castle to inform him of his identity, and whatever his identity is, as long as he is a pharmacist, then who would think of dealing with him!" The wizard said with a sigh.

It seems that he has to go again. He wants to stand up and ‘momentarily move’ in the direction of the teleportation.

In the imperial palace of the Dwarven Ironforge, the dwarven king Gunther also held a piece of information, but his face was overjoyed.

"Hurry up, invite the Hutton Rule Wizard, and in addition, let's send fifteen suspended fortress bases collected from everywhere to the Golden Castle immediately, as Master Bennett, no, it should be Master Bennett Promotion! "Shouted Gunther the dwarf.

The fifteen war fortresses originally collected by the dwarves can only be used as trading items when trading with Abel.

But when he heard that Abel was about to be promoted to the alchemist, he changed his mind immediately, and he must show his greatest respect to an alchemist.

Yes, unlike others, Gunther, the dwarven king, directly called Abel's promotion to the alchemy master.

In the central continent, almost everyone thought that Abel was a master of pharmacy, but only the dwarven people knew that this master of pharmacy was also a master of metallurgy, and he was the master of metallurgy who never failed.

This is also one of the important reasons for the Dwarves to want to have a good relationship with Abel. The materials required for each master-level metallurgical item are precious to rare.

And Abel will not waste a bit of superb metallurgical level of materials, allowing the dwarves to successfully restore many war machines only in the drawings.

And once Abel truly becomes an alchemist, it will be the most important technical support for the dwarves.

Some of the super war machines handed down are the fundamental guarantee for the existence of dwarves in this world, but due to the influence of time, more or less problems have occurred.

Other problems can be conceived by the dwarves. The only problem is that the metallurgical items at the master level cannot be solved by the dwarves or even the central continent.

"Your Majesty, are you looking for me?" Hutton Rules Wizard appeared in the palace hall, bowing.

"Huton Rule Wizard, you immediately go to the Golden Castle and bring our heartiest congratulations to the dwarves!" Said the dwarven king Gunther, passing parchment paper with relevant information in his hand.

Hutton Rule Wizard took the parchment and saw the contents above, can not help but widen his eyes, how is his first thought possible!

Then it came to mind that his disciple Bernie was developed, and was originally a friend with Master Bennett, which greatly increased Bernie's status in the dwarves.

Now that Master Bennet has become Master Bennet, then Bernie could not have further status because of his own strength, but it will change greatly.

"Yes, Your Majesty, I will surely bring congratulations to the dwarves!" Hutton's rule wizard bowed.

"Take the fifteen floating fortress bases!" Said Dwarf King Gunther, thinking about it.

Throughout the central continent, almost all the forces with good relations with Abel were doing the same thing and immediately sent people to the Golden Castle.

Abel never thought that there would be such a long time for a promotion. Ten hours had passed, and the alchemy master pattern in his body was slowly forming a complete pattern.

At the last point when the Alchemist Master's pattern was formed, the promotion air quickly recovered, and did not change the body of the professional like the promotion air of the combat professional, but instead went towards his soul.

A sense of immersion in warm water rose from his soul, and his mental strength rose rapidly.

This promotion brought his mental strength to a distance of 1,500 meters, which was almost half his original mental strength.

If you think about it, the alchemist's professional requirements are not as high as the spiritual requirements of the wizard, but they are obviously beyond the ordinary mental strength.

In the process of continuously improving the strength of the alchemist, due to the increasing difficulty of refining at each level, stronger mental strength is required to cooperate, which also makes each promotion spirit used for spiritual growth.

However, in the previous promotion process, this increase in spiritual power was not obvious. At least for his spiritual wizard, the growth of the previous spiritual power has not changed.

The promotion of the alchemist master this time has greatly improved the spiritual strength. It can be said that within the range of 1,500 meters in the future, his spell attack range.

In other words, once he fights the enemy again, his attack distance is 1,500 meters, and even if the enemy is a regular wizard, the attack distance will not exceed 800 meters.

In this case, he can issue the first wave of spell attacks first.

Besides, in case of danger, he needs to run away. His "momentary movement" is unmatched by other rule wizards.

The last breath of ascension entered his soul, and he felt that the pattern of the alchemist master in his body was also solid.

At the end of his promotion, the alchemy master's pattern in his body suddenly glowed with a dark golden light, and the intensity of this light passed directly through his body, making his body like a giant luminous body.

Not only his body, the defensive array he arranged, his training room, walls, etc. could not block the dark golden light.

The range of dark golden light shines almost the same as the area of ​​influence he just promoted, and within this range, all alchemy items are affected.

This influence is in a good direction. Like the core of all the magic circles in the Golden Castle, they have been upgraded by a small level, which seems to be a feedback to the alchemist pattern that just helped him.

Of course, it's not just the core of the Array, but all the alchemy items that were previously in the Golden Castle.

Take the magic ring on Conrad's Druid's finger. Originally, the magic ring could urge the shield to protect itself twice a day, but now it can be urged three times, and the strength has been increased.

This is because the magic ring on the finger of Conrad Druid has been improved from the basic materials, which affects the effect of it.

Zhu Xiaji, a novel combining historical myths.

There is no enlightenment, no preacher of the ministry has yet been born.

Various witches wish the totems to fight for the glory, the gas refiners and the devil and the lich chamber resist.

The king of the war fell, and the Zhuxia merged with the Zhuyi.

Worship of ancestors and worship of destiny fought against each other. Humanitarian monks replaced natural gods and began to shelter humanity.

The revival of Shinto, the opening of the Immortal Path, the foundation of civilization, the rise of the Red Sun, and its bright path.

(End of this chapter)

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