Abe the Wizard

Chapter 1152: Will

Chapter 1152 Will

Abel is very satisfied with his alchemy ability after becoming an alchemist. He must have used various methods like cheating before to keep his alchemy ability in a blue quality state.

But now he has not used anything, just relying on his alchemy master pattern to achieve the ability to directly refining golden quality medicine, and can greatly shorten the refining time.

But just so, shouldn't the Wizarding Guild and those legendary wizards show such a noticeable draw?

Strange in his mind, he thought about the tasks of several legendary wizards, and maybe asked them to help them to complete the task of refining pharmaceutical agents.

He then took out all 30 "natural breath" materials of this month and started a one-time refining.

Even if it is a batch of master-level potions, the refining process is as easy as breathing.

Ten minutes later, in front of him, there were thirty bottles of golden-quality 'natural breath'!

"Research spirits, return these twenty bottles of" natural breaths "to the Pharmacists Guild, and store the rest in the warehouse. Later, the worship of the followers will be replaced by golden quality" natural breaths! "

The master alchemy's potion directly becoming golden quality should be the ability of the alchemist master. He does not need to conceal his ability, which can also improve the power of the elven druid.

The 'natural breath' in front of him was disappeared by the study of teleportation, and Abel did not work anymore. At this time, it was late, and he needed to enter the dark world.

"Master Muir, please take a look at these potions!" Master Laura looked at the twenty bottles of golden-quality 'natural breath' in front of him, and called on Master Muir using the internal contact circle of the Pharmacist Guild.

"Master Laura, what's the matter?" Master Muir hurried to Master Laura's office and asked as soon as he entered.

But he soon knew what was happening, because he saw twenty bottles of golden-quality 'natural breath' on the table, and he couldn't help but have a clue.

He knew that in the future, "natural breath" master-level potions would not be allocated to these potion masters because of the promotion of Master Bennett.

Because no great druid wants to use the blue quality 'natural breathing', but now he has changed to the golden quality 'natural breathing' and then wants to use the ordinary 'natural breathing'.

He also considered that elves, such as 'natural breath', had master-level potions of breeding materials. After having no effect on master potions such as Master Bennett, they would allocate quotas to several of them.

It is important to know that when the Master Pharmacist refining the master-level potions, there is no alchemy energy feedback. That is to say, each time Master Bennett refines 'natural breath', he simply completes the task of the Pharmacist Guild.

In fact, Abel didn't think so much. He just took ten minutes to refine the master-level 'natural breath'. He didn't think there was any trouble in refining 'natural breath', and he didn't think of these master-levels. What kind of material does it have for other pharmacists?

"Master Bennett is really too powerful!" Master Muir muttered.

"Master Muir, this is a good thing. Today, the status of our pharmacists' association in the mainland can be said to have improved too much!" Master Laura said with a smile.

"That's true!" Master Muir laughed.

The Pharmacist Guild was only a large professional guild among the elves, but the impact on the central continent was relatively small.

But now, as long as you are a member of the Pharmacists' Guild, you will get courtesy anywhere in the mainland.

This was all done by Master Bennett's Guild of Pharmacists, who changed the Guild of Pharmacists.

Abel was standing in Roger's camp for a while, looking at the sacrifice artifact dominoes in the magic circle, his face was a little excited.

At this time, the sacrifice artifact dominoes have been completely restored, and the original cracks on the surface have now disappeared. This artifact is as brand-new.

He reached out and took out the sacrifice artifact dominoes from the magic circle, and released the body of the legendary Paladin from the personal storage box, and placed it on the ground in front of him.

His spiritual power drove the sacrifice of dominoes for sacrifice. When the ‘resurrection’ spell spell was chanted in his mouth, a suction was created in the sacrifice of sacrifice for sacrifice.

He knows what it takes to sacrifice the dominoes for sacrifice, and guides the power of faith from the "crystal angel statue" into the sacrifice of sacrifice for sacrifice.

The ‘Resurrection’ spell pattern flashes on the sacrifice artifact dominoes, and then the spell pattern flies towards the legendary Paladin corpse on the ground.

In Abel's tense gaze, the body of the legendary Paladin jumped up instantly, and the resurrection was successful.

But although the resurrection was successful, Abel did not rejoice, because the legendary paladin should be flying off the ground since the resurrection was successful.

"Maybe he doesn't have a soul yet and can't master his own ability!" He only comforted himself.

But he had a bad feeling in his mind. It seemed that the legendary paladin was much weaker than he thought.

Of course, at this time, the process of resurrection has not ended, and the most critical process has not yet begun.

Abel looked at the broken dominoes of the sacrificial artifact again with some heartache. This time the cracks were more severe than the previous times. Fortunately, despite so many cracks, the sacrificial artifact dominoes were complete and not completely broken. .

As long as it is not completely broken, the characteristics of the artifact can allow it to slowly recover.

But this time the sacrifice of the dominoes of the sacrifice was restored to its original state, and he was afraid that it would take longer, which he could not estimate.

Carefully put the sacrifice artifact dominoes back into the magic circle again, his movements are light and light, for fear that his movements are slightly heavier, it will make the sacrifice artifact dominoes a fragment.

Many personal corpses were placed in his personal storage box, waiting for the sacrifice of dominoes to be resurrected.

After handling the sacrifice artifact dominoes, he took out the "Soul Potion" and fed the "Soul Potion" to the resurrected legendary paladin.

After consuming ten bottles of "Soul Potion", a weak soul appeared in the body of the legendary Paladin.

Abel was happy, at least in this step he was successful.

Then he used ‘Mounting Enhancement’ to sign a soul contract with the legendary Paladin.

At this time, the soul of the legendary paladin was very weak, and only had a ignorant consciousness, which allowed him to sign the contract with almost no space for the soul.

In fact, as far as Abel's contracts are concerned, it has long exceeded the number of contracts that even the soul of a legendary professional can hold.

Abel has always hidden a part of the contract, so that no one really knows how many contracts he has, let alone know that there are so many soul contracts in his soul.

If it is a rule wizard, just signing a soul contract with a rule wizard like Frankenstein, it is estimated that there is no room for a soul contract to sign even a small creature.

And Abel uses the soul to sign a contract when it is reborn, which can make the occupation of the soul contract reach the minimum, as the twenty-two rule witch strongman like him signs a contract with a chicken.

The next thing he has to do is to activate the body of the legendary paladin, which is almost impossible for other professionals, but he is only a bottle of 'full rejuvenation potion', let the legend The Paladin's body was rejuvenated.

As for the ‘full rejuvenation potion’, as long as the user ’s soul still exists, he can fully recover his body. This is the effect of the ‘full rejuvenation potion’, which is also the real regular effect.

Until now, this legendary paladin has truly become his contract, and the sacrificial artifact domino has been resurrected because of its 'resurrection' creature, and the goal of 'resurrection' is lost. The 'Rebirth' bit was vacated.

Abel has resurrected a paladin. It is very easy to transfer the skills of the paladin to the legendary paladin. The soldier in the "Crystal Angel Statue" passed all of the paladin skills to the legendary paladin.

This process needs to consume the 'Soul Potion' to maintain it, because this transmission has too much impact on the soul of the legendary Paladin, and the 'Soul Potion' is used to continuously repair the damage.

However, after all the Paladin skills have been transferred, the legendary Paladin does not need to practice these skills.

Because when Abel put his spiritual power into the soul of the legendary Paladin, he found that all his Paladin skills were automatically full after passing.

In other words, the legendary Paladin in front of him is now a true legendary professional who can fight.

"You'll be called Will in the future!" Abel said looking at the legendary Paladin in front of him.

The legendary Paladin, already known as Will, does not seem to have much consciousness. It is estimated that at this time, besides the fighting instinct, he can not understand much, even without giving a name to him.

Abel patted his head, thinking that his soul was still too weak, so he took out a pile of 'soul potions' and fed them.

With the help of a bottle of "Soul Potion", Will's legendary Paladin's soul grows stronger.

For this legendary paladin, Abel also gave blood, and consumed a total of two hundred bottles of ‘soul potion’ to give Will ’s legendary paladin, raising his soul to the level of a five-year-old child.

At this level, Abel no longer dared to give Will's legendary paladin more 'soul potion'. From nothing, Will's legendary paladin's soul grew too fast. Without time to settle, Ya Uncle feared that his impatientness would destroy the soul of Will's legendary Paladin.

But with this level of soul, Will's legendary paladin was able to understand Abel's orders.

I don't know if it is the natural cause of the Paladin occupation, or the soul of Will's legendary Paladin was given by Abel, and the able to think of Will's legendary Paladin kneeling directly in front of Abel.

Abel's mood is extremely comfortable. This is a legend, what glory it is to let a legend kneel in front of him.

But this glory can only be felt by himself, even if Will is not a legendary paladin, taking a legend as a contract will let other legends treat him as an enemy.

"Will, you fly into the air!" Abel ordered.

Will's legendary paladin understood his command, stood up and opened his hands, and in his expectant gaze, "Boom" fell to the ground.

Abel was speechless for a while, but this is a legendary paladin, a powerful legendary professional, how could this be?

Will's legendary Paladin seems to be wondering himself. In his body's instinct, flying should be able to do just thinking about it.

It's just that this world didn't let him fly, but pressed him heavily to the ground.

"Strange, go, let's try the fighting power!" Abel was puzzled, and he took Will's legendary paladin to the River of Fire.

At the River of Flames, the Bruce Frenzy Knight was summoned again, replacing the equipment already prepared for Will's legendary Paladin.

The equipment prepared for Will's legendary paladin is temporarily the same as the Bruce fanatic knight, with the rune language 'Principle', 'Spirit' sword and 'Spirit' shield, and 'Knowledge' helmet.

This is to test how well Will Legendary Paladin and Bruce Frenzy Knight are fighting, so their equipment is the same.

Finding a single ‘King of the Cave’, Abel asked Will ’s legendary Paladin and Bruce Faithful Knight to fight separately, and he turned on the ability of the Stone of the World to observe the difference between the two.

Will's Legend Paladin 26, Bruce Faithful Knight 22, with the same equipment and the same enemies, so that their true combat power is fully revealed.

As a result of the battle, Will's legendary paladin significantly outperformed the Bruce fanatic knight. This result was not different from Abel's expectations.

But Abel was very disappointed, because he did not see the powerful and terrible fighting power of the legendary Paladin in the central continent. The legendary Will of the Paladin was stronger than the Bruce fanatic knight, but only four levels higher. Powerful rank.

There is a level difference of four levels from this 'King of the Caves', which will make Will's legendary Paladin deal more damage with each hit than the Bruce Faith Knight, but that's all.

What kind of strength the legendary paladin showed when he was in the central continent, that is a strength that can completely suppress the fanatic knight.

It can be said that the mad believer has no ability to operate in front of the legendary paladin, but the suppression of the breath can make the mad believer unable to move his fingers.

"Why the hell?" Abel's mind was even more incomprehensible. He didn't understand what was happening in it. Was his "resurrection" failed?

But his perception told him that the ‘resurrection’ was a success, and the resurrection process of Will ’s legendary paladin was no problem.

Thank you "Yuan Yuan" for rewarding 500 starting coins! !! Thanks for the "white hot" reward for 100 starting coins! !! Thank you "lobrfish" for rewarding 200 starting coins! !! Thank you "Wail of the Night Wolf" for rewarding 100 starting coins! !! Thanks to "Stupid Man" for rewarding 100 starting coins! !!

(End of this chapter)

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