Abe the Wizard

Chapter 1157: flap

Chapter 1157 Fanning

After a joke-like promotion ceremony, Abel also resumed daily life.

However, the number of professionals who applied for dinner at the Golden Castle at the butler's Meyer reached a new high. The furthest has been half a year later.

There are all kinds of human contacts. Through various relationships, the small forces ask the strong to bring their genius to the Golden Castle. On the one hand, they want to use the opportunity of dining to get promotion, on the other hand, they watch the legend. Light'.

In the central continent, the number of medium- and large-scale forces is far less than the number of small-scale forces, because the number of small-scale forces is extremely small.

However, these have nothing to do with Abel. He just watched the "light stone" in the warehouse increase a little, and its hospitality affairs were managed by Meyer butlers and three followers.

He is now on the ‘Starlight Defense Array’ and is choosing a suitable believer through the Faith Channel to assassinate the clergy in the kingdom of God.

Choosing a believer, he is already familiar with it, and soon he found a knight with good fighting ability.

He extends spiritual power to the knight through the channel of faith. Although this perception method is not as complete as when he was in possession of his contract, he can perceive everything the believer does without affecting the believer. .

He adored the believer, let him leave his residence, and rode a war horse to another city.

The Kingdom of God now controls the Teleportation Matrix, and ordinary people cannot use the Teleportation Matrix without going through a rigorous application process.

This has also made it more and more difficult for him to kill multiple professionals at once. Now, the believers under his control, at most once killing five or six professionals, will expose their whereabouts and be killed by the Paladin.

Therefore, every time he chooses a believer, he chooses the city with the most convenient transportation, and can easily shuttle through several towns in a short period of time.

The knight was riding a horse. His body and mind were bewitched by Abel's "Crystal Angel Statue". His heart was full of devotion to the gods, and he even performed the tasks that the gods explained.

Abel was resting right now, and he bored the scenery of the kingdom of God through the channel of faith.

Just as he was looking at a view completely different from the rest of the central continent through the vision of the knight, suddenly the light seemed to change in the sky.

The knight felt this change too. The knight looked up at the sky, which made Abel see the scene in the sky.

The "Guardian Skywing", which has been banned from moving, is flapping its wings, which caused the light emitted by the "Guardian Skywing" to shake.

Although the static "Guardian Skywing" is magical, it doesn't feel like it has been seen for a long time, at least for the people of the kingdom of God, this has been the case since their birth.

But the guardian wing of the light wing turned the guardian wing like a dead body into a living thing.

This shock manifested directly in those believers. Even if this knight controlled by Abel did not exert the influence of the gods through the channel of belief, the channel of belief would be unstable at this moment.

"The kingdom of God is abnormal!" Abel said secretly.

‘Guardian Sky Wing’ flapped its wings for thirty seconds in the sky, and then, as before, ‘Guardian Sky Wing’ was back to normal.

Abel didn't know if the situation of "Guardian Skywing" had happened before, but he found that this change of "Guardian Skywing" directly affected his "Crystal Angel Statue".

In his perception, in addition to the believers who were watched by his clergyman in the "Crystal Angel Statue", those believers who were accepted by him for various reasons or were stolen came in just 30 seconds. After that, it was reduced by a third.

In fact, the reason why those believers will be received by his ‘Crystal Angel Statue’ is because the prayers of these believers are not directed at the demons outside the sky and the ‘guardian sky wing’.

He did n’t talk about the demon outside the world. He has fallen asleep for a long time. Although missionaries and temples everywhere preach it as a god, but he ca n’t see the miracles. When he does n’t see the true god, he will fade the gods in a long time Presence.

‘Guardian Skywing’ is the most popular alternative to the gods ’believers. Of course,‘ Guardian Skywing ’is integrated with the demon of the outer world. The natural faith‘ Guardian Skywing ’is the same as the belief in the demon world.

However, although the “Guardian Tianyi” exists as a miracle, the people of the Kingdom of God were born in the Kingdom of God and grew up in the Kingdom of God. They have also become numb to the “Guardian Tianyi”. Instead, such miracles have affected them and Not big.

This makes many believers do not have a clear goal when praying, just praying about the approximate appearance of the devil in the sky.

The power of faith originally generated by this way of prayer is also attributed to the "Guardian Skywing" and also to the sky demons, provided that the "crystal angel statue", which is the same as the sky demons, does not appear.

This allowed Abel's "Crystal Angel Statue" to share the prayers of some believers, and some faith channels were connected to the "Crystal Angel Statue".

But today, the "Guardian Skywing" moved for only 30 seconds, but this real miracle is enough to change the direction of faith of many believers.

Although believers want to come, praying to the ‘guardian sky wing’ is no different than imagining the image of a demon in the sky.

But for Abel, it was very different, which made him lose a third of believers who were not in control.

Although he was affected, the mission will continue this time, and he will again send out the gods to let the knight set off again.

The unusual influence of 'Guardian Skywing' far exceeded Abel's imagination. In the first-line battlefield, while the legendary wizards of Larkin and Luke were exchanging some cultivation experiences, suddenly, the two legendary wizards stood up at the same time. Then they disappeared into the room.

"It seems that he is about to recover!" Larkin's legendary wizard said solemnly.

"This fanning of 'Guardian Sky Wings' is estimated to have had some influence on that one. If you want to come in a short time, it is impossible for him to wake up!" Said Luke, the legendary wizard of Shen.

The two legendary wizards did not name the demon in the sky, this is a respect for the Xeon, even the enemy.

"Report it and see what the above said!" The legendary wizard of Larkin shook his head and suggested.

Although they are legendary wizards, it is not something they can deal with to deal with the demons in the world.

"Unexpectedly, thousands of years have passed, and the peaceful time is coming to an end!" Exclaimed Luke's legendary wizard.

"Yes, I hope that our combat power will be greatly improved in these decades!" The legendary wizard of Larkin also said with emotion.

"The appearance of Master Bennett, at least, shows that the strength of our generation is increasing!" The legendary wizard of Luke thought of Master Bennett and said with a smile.

"Yeah, the appearance of the alchemist master can at least improve our overall combat power!" The legendary wizard of Larkin also laughed.

"It seems that it is necessary to increase the remuneration for the pharmaceutical refining task. Ten thousand low-level" light stones "seem to be despised by Master Bennet!" Luke's legendary wizard shook his head with a wry smile.

A few days have passed since the promotion of Master Bennett, but he has not accepted any tasks issued by the Wizarding Guild for Alchemists.

This made the three legendary wizards who posted the mission very helpless. They did not want to force Master Bennett to help them, which would lead to a series of consequences.

At least once it caused Master Bennett's resentment, even if the potions were refined for them, it would be very difficult to operate after Master Bennett took another shot.

"Then increase the number of" Light Stones ". Anyway, there are so many" Light Stones "in the wizard's guild warehouse. Master Bennett would like to give them. 10,000 low-level" Light Stones "are not enough. As far as 20,000 pieces are concerned, compared to the remedy, as long as it can be refined, everything is worth it! "The legendary wizard of Larkin said with a smile.

Throughout the Central Continent, where there are the most 'Light Stones', it is in the warehouse of the Wizarding Guild.

Just talking about the two legendary wizards who are on the front line battlefield, there are hundreds of thousands of low-level 'light stones' stored in the warehouse of the wizards' union. This is an accumulation of hundreds of years.

In addition to the "Light Stones" submitted by other wizards, it can be said that there are millions of "Light Stones" in the Wizarding Guild.

These 'Lightstones' were not invested in the mainland, because the Wizards Guild wanted the wizards to promote themselves. Wizards who were forcibly promoted with 'Lightstones' had very low achievements.

And if the "light stone" is used in the daily practice of the wizard, let alone only a few million, it will not be enough for the wizards of the Wizarding Guild to use it. It is better to pile it in a warehouse and use it as a reward. .

This is why there are so many 'Light Stones' in the Witch Guild warehouse.

"Report the changes in" Guardian Skywing "first, and I will revise the mission rewards later!" Luke's legendary wizard said helplessly.

After the assassination of the knight controlled by Abel succeeded four times, he was hunted down by the paladin of the kingdom of God. At the last moment, he manipulated the knight to commit suicide to cover up the hidden secrets of the knight.

Although this behavior is very unfair to the knight, but where can there be any fairness in the world, the knight is not actually a follower of him. Except for the towns currently managed by his clergy, the followers of other kingdoms of the gods They are not really believers.

Just like the "Guardian Skywing" flapping its wings, except for the believers managed by his clergy, the rest of the kingdom of God suddenly lost one third.

This time I used one of the "Books of Inheritance" in the "Crystal Angel Statue", but got four "Books of Inheritance".

Although it is far less profitable than earning dozens of "Books of Inheritance", it has been harvesting.

However, there was still a throb in his mind about the changes in the "Guardian Skywing". Does this mean that the demons outside the sky will soon wake up.

With his current strength, once the Tianwai Demon awakens, after knowing that he has robbed believers and the power of faith, he can't stop the Tianwai Demon's revenge.

Although he can hide back into the dark world, he can't hide into the dark world all the time. This is his world.

The strength still increased too slowly, he thought to himself.

In the battle against the **** creatures in the river of flames in the dark world at night, Abel seemed particularly active. With his firepower fully on, the results of his ten-day battles had reached the top twenty days.

The demon in the sky is like the sword of Damocles, hanging above his head, making him have to try his best to improve himself.

The next morning, Abel returned from the dark world. He had just had breakfast and was preparing to make pharmaceuticals. He heard the voice of research spirit.

"Master, the Wizarding Guild Hume Rule Wizard is waiting for you in the parlour!" Research Smart reports.

Abe didn't know what happened to the Hume Rule Wizard, and he quickly arrived at the parlor through the short-range teleportation circle.

As soon as I entered the parlor, I saw that the Hume Rule Wizard was pacing back and forth in the parlor, and seemed to be very anxious.

"Master Bennet, I'm sorry to bother you in the morning!" Hume Rule Wizard bowed.

"Hume Rule Wizard, is there anything wrong today?" Abel also saw that Hume Rule Wizard had something wrong, and asked directly.

"Master Bennett, I am here today to expedite you to order a batch of 'light healing potions' and 'mana potions'!" Hume rule wizard bowed back.

"The Hume Rule Wizard, why are you in a hurry for these potions, what's wrong?" Abel asked strangely.

You have to know that he provides a certain share of "light healing potions" and "mana potions" to the Wizarding Guild every month, and the number is the largest in the entire central continent.

"Master Bennet, there is no secret. There is an abnormality in the" Guardian Skywing "of the evil country. The Wizarding Guild wants to clear out the resources controlled by the evil country in the first-line battlefield, but you also know that because Dylan The effects of the legendary wizard ’s poisoning, the wizard ’s stockpiles were basically used up, and the amount of potions stocked recently was too small to meet the cost of a war! ”The Hume rule wizard did not hide, he explained.

The Hume Rule Wizard would not have said so if there were others in front of him, but Abel's current status was the Honorable Elder of the Wizarding Guild, and this great act did not need to keep Abel secret.

As a matter of fact, this big operation began to convene a rule wizard-level strongman yesterday to participate in this operation on the front line, but every professional who was called did not know the specifics of this operation. detail.

The multiple attacks on the central continent let the Wizarding Guild know how deep the intelligence organization of the kingdom of God is hidden in the central continent. Once the action is known in advance by the kingdom of God, it will be a big trouble.

"Evil kingdom 'Guardian Skywing' has anomalies!" Although Abel had known about it for a long time, he still looked surprised.

He quickly counted the amount of potion in his hand and made a decision in his mind.

(End of this chapter)

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