Abe the Wizard

Chapter 1163: Golden Dragon

Chapter 1163 Golden Dragon

As for the Golden Dragon Kenble being able to enter the Firefang War Fortress, the Golden Dragon can control the Lightning Element. Naturally, he can use the teleport ability. In addition, it has at least a legendary combat power, and enters a determined war fortress. Very relaxing.

Abel also knew for the first time that it wasn't just the Wizards' Guild that was defending the Kingdom of God. On the ocean that was invisible to the central continent, the Dragons quietly contributed to this world.

As long as you see the ubiquitous sea beasts here, you can imagine how difficult it is for the kingdom of God to leave the kingdom of God by sea.

In addition, there is still the Golden Dragon Kemp in the battle, which is able to escape the attacks of those sea beasts, and can not escape the pursuit of Golden Dragon Kemp.

"Honor Kemp, this area of ​​the sea is forbidden, and I will exit!" Abel knew that as long as the Golden Dragon Kemp was here, he would not have to think about the coast border of the kingdom of God, so he bowed and said .

"Haha, Blue Dragon Abel, this sea area is forbidden to enter, that is against other races, the Dragon race is not included, but if you leave this ancient war fortress, it is best to inspire the blue dragon breath, otherwise you will be affected by sea beasts Attack! "Golden Dragon Kemp said with a smile and shaking his hand.

"Thank you, I will pay attention!" Abel was overjoyed. He thought that the purpose of approaching the kingdom of God this time would not be realized, but found that his original blue dragon identity was very useful.

"Blue Dragon Abel, shouldn't you have been born in the Central Continent?" Golden Dragon Kemp asked again.

"Yes, I am from the Holy Continent!" Abel would not conceal naturally, he replied.

"Originally came from the holy continent, but no matter where you come from, since you have come to the central continent, then you are a member of the dragon family in the central continent. In the future, if you encounter any trouble, you can ask the dragon for help. We are the most united of all races. Yes, who dare to hurt me a dragon, we will destroy his entire family! "Jinlong Kenbul said with a wave of the atmosphere.

"Yes, I will ask the Dragon to help me when I am in trouble!" Although Abe promised, he did not think of the Dragon to help. At least the troubles he can now encounter are powerful, and he can Do not want to embarrass the Dragons.

But where does he know that the Dragons, especially the Dragons of the Central Continent, not to mention the powerful forces, even the Wizards Guild will give the Dragons face.

It is difficult to see the dragon figure of the dragons on weekdays, but on the truly dangerous sea surface, the dragons have been working hard for the security of the mainland.

As long as the Dragon clan orders, once these dragons scattered everywhere are gathered together, their strength is stronger than any other force. In addition to the hidden retreat hidden behind the wizarding guild, the wizarding guild ’s strength on the surface, Far worse than the Dragons.

"Blue Dragon Abel, I have been guarding here for 460 years alone. Any professional who dares to enter this area of ​​the sea and escape the pursuit of sea beasts has been killed by me, except for occasional kinsmen who perform missions. Passing by, I have never had a chance to chat with my family. If you are not in a hurry, let ’s sit down and talk for a while! ”Jinlong Kenbul said with some reluctance when he heard that Abel wanted to leave.

"Dear Kemp, I forgot to entertain you. Please sit down!" Abel went to the coast of the kingdom of God.

The two sides sat down on both sides of the table in the hall, and Abel naturally took out the best thing to entertain Golden Dragon Kemp.

"Dear Kemp, do you drink red wine, or rum, or juice?" He asked with a smile.

"Blue Dragon Abel, I have been drinking wine, but the juice has not been drinking for hundreds of years, give me some juice!" Jinlong Kenbul chose.

Of course, he would not know that the red wine and rum wine that Abel brought with him were treasures that were synthesized twice. Of course, the juice is naturally the water spirit fruit juice that was synthesized twice!

Abel took out two crystal flasks and took two crystal cups, poured the water fruit juice from the crystal bottles into the crystal cup, pushed one of the crystal cups in front of Jinlong Kenble, and made a smile with a smile Please gesture.

Golden Dragon Kenbour's nose was very sensitive. Just the moment he opened the crystal flask, he smelled the unparalleled taste of the water spirit fruit juice.

This made him wonder whether he felt the taste of the juice so attractive because he hadn't drank it for hundreds of years.

When he poured the water fruit juice into his mouth, his body and mind were refreshed.

"Blue Dragon Abel, your juice is really delicious, but unfortunately not enough!" He sighed to Abel while savoring the flavor of the water spirit fruit juice.

Abel understood what he meant, but did not dare to answer it. This was also when Golden Dragon Kemp became a human body, so Abel dared to entertain Golden Dragon Kemp with two synthetic fruit juices.

To know that letting a dragon drink is all it takes to let the dragon itself drink.

During the holy continent, Abel had seen dragons drinking alcohol happily. One hundred pounds of a barrel of wine required ten barrels to be considered a bit addicted.

And if ten barrels of water spirit fruit juice are synthesized twice, even if all the water spirit fruits on all the water spirit fruit trees in the dark wasteland of the dark world are picked, it is not enough to make ten barrels of water spirit fruit juice synthesized twice.

"Dear Kimberly, if the juice doesn't make you happy, then you have a rum bar!" Abel chose a different drink and said he chose a relatively good synthesis of Grand Master Liquor.

"Blue Dragon Abel, it seems that your aunt is also extraordinary!" Golden Dragon Kemp laughed.

This time Abel took a space jug directly on the table and pushed it over.

Golden Dragon Kenbul picked up the jug, but found that it was a twenty-cubic space jug filled with rum.

Seeing so much wine, his wine bugs were hooked out. He put the space jug on his mouth and poured the guru's wine directly into his mouth.

He was still very bold at first, but when he tasted the strong aroma of this master liquor, those wines that had already flowed down the corner of his mouth and would fall on the floor were caught directly by his spirit.

"This good wine can't be wasted!" At this moment, Jinlong Kenbul behaved like a drunkard, and he could not see the arrogance just now.

He drank a few mouthfuls of Grand Master's wine, and then he reluctantly put down the space jug.

"Blue Dragon Abel, please call me Golden Dragon Kemp in the future, no more honorifics, we are friends!" Golden Dragon Kemp said with a smile.

"Golden Dragon Kemp, this is my pleasure!" Abel responded with a smile.

"By the way, this is my dragon scale. Once you are in danger of life, excite this dragon scale, and I will try my best to help you!" Golden Dragon Kenbul took a scale and gave it to Abel.

He received the benefits of Abel, and naturally had a return. His return was to help Abel when he was in danger.

The young dragon's strength is not strong, which is related to the practice of the dragon. Most of the dragons use their long lives to cultivate.

The Dragons only need to sleep to improve their strength. Although this method of sleeping to improve their strengths does not use the special training method of the Dragons, it is fast and effective. However, the Dragons still like the most to enhance their strengths without having to sleep.

This also allows the younger generation of Dragons to be far from fully capable of protecting themselves.

The safety of the younger generation of Dragons will naturally be fully protected by the Dragons, but only if you stay in the Dragons, or if you are in an area where the Dragons appear.

The dragon scales given to Abel by Golden Dragon Kemper means that as long as Abel activates the dragon scales, the Dragon Scales will immediately notify Golden Dragon Kemper, and Golden Dragon Kemper will rush to come.

"Golden Dragon Kemp, thank you!" Abel said respectfully, taking over Dragonscale.

Although he had obtained dragon scales in the Holy Land, the dragon scales can only be used in the Holy Land. Now in the central continent, even if the dragon scales are taken out, no Han can contact the dragons of the Holy Land.

"Blue Dragon Abel, you're welcome, but after I've finished drinking, I still want to ask you some more!" Golden Dragon Kemp said with a smile.

In a short period of time, Abel became friends with Golden Dragon Kemp through his drinks, which also gave him another security guarantee in the central continent.

He doesn't know how strong Golden Dragon Kenbour is, but it is definitely better than the five legendary wizards he knows.

Neither Abel nor Golden Dragon Kenble talked about the value of a space hip flask. In their eyes, there was really nothing to pay attention to.

In the eyes of Golden Dragon Kenble, although the blue dragon's breath on his body shows that he is still in his infancy, although he is a blue dragon, he has cultivated the wizarding profession and has reached the twenty-two level rule wizard. This powerful one Small space items are naturally not important.

Although it ’s a weird behavior for the dragons to learn the rest of the profession, Abel ’s blue dragon is also very weird. King Dragon Kemp sees a lot, such as the breath that is obviously favored by the moon goddess, such as the body There is the breath of the tree of life, which he can perceive.

But as long as Abel is a blue dragon, then there is something weird and nothing else. The dragon can tolerate everything. Which dragon has never been wanton when young, at least has a long life of 10,000 years, letting the dragon find something to pass the time. .

It's just that it's too early for Abel's blue dragon to pass away, but Golden Dragon Kemp just wants to provide some protection for him. How to grow depends on Abel himself.

Golden Dragon Kemp didn't stay for long, as he came, his figure disappeared instantly in the Firefang War Fortress.

"Firefang, haven't you scanned the Golden Dragon Kenbour?" Abe looked at the empty hall and asked Firefang.

"Master, the power of King Dragon Kenbour exceeds the scanning limited area of ​​the War Fortress. If the master needs to scan this level of combat power, please add the corresponding components!" The voice of Firefang was soon heard.

Abel was speechless for a while, and the corresponding components. It is estimated that most of the ancient war fortresses in the Central Continent were in his hands, and no war fortress was found, let alone a component that enhanced the strength of the war fortress.

He looked at the dragon scales in his hands, but he was very happy. Although he was not a real dragon, his blood was really a blood of dragons. In this regard, the dragons recognized him and received him normally.

He can really feel the difference between the dragon and other races. The dragons, especially the dragons, have a natural closeness to life with the blood of the dragon. People like him who do not have the appearance of a dragon but have strong blood of the dragon, for a short time Became friends with Golden Dragon Kemp.

It may not be appropriate to say that a friend, at least he differs too much from King Long Kenble in strength, but in fact King Long Kenble regards him as a friend.

Compared with the dragons, especially the number of dragons in the dragons, the world is too big, and the communication between the dragons is very troublesome.

Kim Long Kenbul was naturally very happy to meet Abel, especially after getting along with Abel, and found that they got along very well. It is estimated that Abel has been with the legend for a long time, especially because he has a legendary saint. Knight contract, there is not much fear in the heart of the legend.

Even if the strength of King Dragon Kemper is extremely horrible, it also allows Abel and King Dragon Kemper to get along very casually. It is this kind of casualness that makes King Dragon Kemper very happy. He naturally will not come up with a strength level to suppress Abel. It is extremely rare for Jinlong Kemp to be offered a similar opportunity to talk casually.

If the dragons knew that the golden dragon Kenbul intersected with a young blue dragon on an equal footing, and also sent his own dragon scales, it would definitely be a terrible dragon tooth.

Aside from other things, just looking at Jinlong Kenble can stand alone and block a sea of ​​the Kingdom of God, you can imagine how terrible its strength is.

Just like a lightning wizard in a wizard, among the dragons, the golden dragon with lightning control is always the most powerful. Otherwise, how could the legendary sea beasts in this area stay quiet in this area? ?

It was played by King Dragon Kenbour. According to the dragon's simple concept, if you don't take it, you can take it.

At this time, Jinlong Kenbul was still flying in the air with a human body. He was holding a space jug in his hand, and was very proud of his heart. At this moment, he did not consider changing back to the dragon body.

In this way, if the wine changes back to the dragon, he can drink the wine in the space jug with a few sips. He would not do such a thing.

What is uncomfortable to say, Jinlong Kemp, who has become accustomed to the body, is really uncomfortable where there is nothing, it is just an excuse to want more.

"A few of you, my dragon family has a young dragon playing here, help me look at it, don't let him be bullied by sea beasts, he is bullied, I will bully you!" Jinlong Kenbul flew to a few legendary sea beasts Over the sky, sound spread through the sea through the sea, and the tone was full of threat.

Several legendary sea beasts looked helplessly at the arrogant Jinlong Kenbul in the sky, but they did not dare to refute his meaning. This one could really do it, but now they can only let their men be careful.

(End of this chapter)

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