Abe the Wizard

Chapter 1165: Green tire

Chapter 1165: Green Tire

Abel looked at the druid's soul and found that although the 'Crystal Angel Statue' has entered it, the power of faith flowing from the 'Guardian Skywing' continues, it seems that what is being bred in the druid's soul .

Then he saw a green tire in Druid's soul, a strange green tire.

This green tire is composed of the strange pure white energy transformed by the power of faith. It has a human-like body, but with a pair of wings behind it.

As soon as Abel saw the green tire, he knew it was an angel green tire.

This green tire is like an inflated balloon, and the strange pure white energy transformed by the influx of the force of faith is constantly injected.

The green tire is growing at a speed that is visible to the naked eye. The green tire is still the green tire, and its fingers and toes gradually begin to be clearly distinguished, and some details are slowly formed.

The face began to look, and the facial features began to appear.

When all the details had appeared, the green tire began to grow rapidly, and the green tire became a baby.

In Druid's soul, the size of this soul space cannot be described in words, as long as the existence of energy, it will be contained.

Even if the green tire grows into a baby, the baby still looks small in the druid's soul.

The babies opened their eyes. They were a pair of crystal clear eyes. These eyes were extremely charming, but no intelligence appeared in them.

Abel felt that the baby's soul was actually the druid's soul.

If he is using the main soul to fuse the 'Crystal Angel Statue', the energy flowing in at this time will transform his body without re-growing an energy body.

You need to know how much energy you need to transform, and to grow a new energy body, that energy demand is extremely amazing.

Even in heaven, generally the resurrected angels will use the bodies of other lives to transform. Only the angels that are particularly important can consume a large amount of energy to regenerate a fully energetic body.

There is a big difference between the two. Although the previous body has been transformed, it cannot achieve a real energy body anyway, and it is very difficult to further transform the transformed body.

Of course, it is not without benefits. The advantage is that the strength of that body can be directly obtained, and the strength of that body is constantly improved during the process of energyization. In this case, once the transformation is completed, you can directly obtain a strong Combat power.

The energy body that is regenerated by consuming a lot of energy is a body with infinite possibilities. He can practice normally and constantly break through himself.

However, this re-grown energy body needs to be slowly cultivated to become stronger, and its strength is very weak at the beginning.

The greatest weakness of this kind of energy body is the energy needed, even heaven, cannot provide infinite energy to the living angel.

To be honest, an angel can come to a world without restrictions on strength, and the faith of this world is very easy to obtain, this opportunity is very rare.

If it weren't for the Wizards Guild and the gods of this world, just give this angel called the demon of the outer world for a while, it is entirely possible that he will grow into a supreme man who suppresses the entire world.

For thousands of years, the power of faith accumulated by the demon in the world is splurged by Abel. If the demon in the world awakens, it will be extremely painful.

‘Crystal Angel Statue’ When entering the druid ’s soul, he discovered that the druid ’s soul does not have a controllable body, which means that the druid ’s soul has only one soul.

Of course, if Abel transfers his mind to the druid's soul at the time of fusion, the judgment of the 'Crystal Angel Statue' will change.

Then the "Crystal Angel Statue" will transform his body, instead of growing a new body as now.

The premise of growing a body is to have sufficient energy to provide it. In this regard, the ‘Guardian Sky Wing’ shield provides sufficient energy supply.

The baby's body is still growing in the influx of energy. The baby becomes a toddler, the toddler becomes a child, and the child becomes a teenager.

According to Abel's judgment, juveniles are about seventeen or eighteen years of age, and when they are grown up, they stop growing.

Then the influx of faith has not ended, because it has grown to become a teenager, and the wings behind the teenager are still the size of a finger of a teenager today.

The influx of faith this time is the pair of wings.

The pair of wings grew in size with the influx of faith, and in the process of becoming larger, more and more feathers appeared on it.

When the wings behind the juvenile angels really grew, and the proportions of Ezer's wings that Abel had seen were comparable, the influx of outside energy finally stopped.

Abel ’s left hand was also released from the Guardian Skywing. He shook his left hand, but his heart was attracted to the soul of Druid.

But no matter how he dare not try today's changes here, he needs to find a safe place to slowly check.

He looked at the Guardian Skywing hood in front of him, and carefully stretched his hand again, and soon he found that his hand passed through the Guardian Skywing hood.

Followed by his left arm, his head, his body, he passed through the Guardian Sky Wing hood, and the Guardian Wing hood did not react at all, it seemed that he was a normal and incomparable passer.

He is still standing on the beach by the sea. The difference is that he is already in the Kingdom of God. It is estimated that he is the first non-God person to enter the Kingdom of God in these thousands of years.

He truly stood in the land of God and felt some differences.

In the past, the channels of faith he could use to explore were limited. It was important to know that those believers' perceptions were far from being comparable to him.

His first perception was that the energy here is extremely rich. This energy is not magic, but an energy that is good for the body.

He thought of the surprisingly large proportion of knights in the kingdom of God. You must know that the proportion of knights in the Holy Land is extremely low. His Kingdom of St. Ellis is regarded as the most powerful empire of the Holy Land, but the true official knight More than 30,000.

Knights also need qualifications. This qualification is mainly reflected in physical fitness. Knights need physical fitness.

In the kingdom of gods, the number of knights is extremely large, especially in some large cities, almost everyone has learned the knighthood.

This is also the foundation of the Paladin of the Kingdom of God. As long as there is a sufficient number of Paladins, then the Kingdom of God can at any time inspire a corresponding number of Paladins from many knights.

His second perception is that there seems to be a strange smell here, which makes people's spirit especially fit into something.

This can only be discovered by his ability to open up the stone fragments of the world. The other people's perception can not feel the difference.

In Abel's view, this is why the whole kingdom of God is almost a believer. Even in places where there is no clergy, although believers are not religious, as long as the clergy guides them, they will immediately Become a very devout believer.

Abel was well aware of this. He continued to invest priests in the kingdom of God, and these priests would serve in areas without priests.

His 300,000 clerics managed by the clergy, the power of daily faith provided to him is very large, he can feel that those believers have a very high degree of piety.

Abel did not re-enter the kingdom of God. He originally planned to release the fanatic knight Bruce, but because of today's encounter, he no longer wanted to stay here.

He glanced at the sky of the kingdom of God, and he saw the 'Guardian Skywing' here more clearly.

Then he stepped back out of the "Guardian Skywing" defensive cover and walked out very smoothly without any unexpected circumstances.

He stole Frankenstein, and then ‘momented’ and returned to the Firefang War Bastion, ordering Firefang to return.

With full curiosity, he never went to check the condition of Druid's soul, and thus returned to the Golden Castle.

Before leaving Firefang War Fortress, he turned into Master Elven Bennett, descended from Firefang War Fortress, and returned to the training room through a short-range teleportation.

The defensive circle and the isolated circle were all turned on. He took a ‘Town Teleport Scroll’, and after activating, he returned to the Roger camp in the dark world through the portal.

Feeling that he was once again extremely powerful, this deity's ability made him feel safe.

He looked at the druid's soul again. The body of the eighteen-year-old juvenile angel remained in the druid's soul. Because there was no spiritual reason, the juvenile angel was motionless, like a puppet.

Abel took a deep breath, he transferred his psychic knowledge to the druid's soul, and immediately he felt a lot of knowledge, which almost burst his psychic knowledge.

He then knew that the original "crystal angel statue" strengthened the druid's soul before entering the druid's soul, because the fear was that it would allow him to receive this knowledge.

According to his estimation, if his master soul bears so much inherited knowledge, it will definitely cause his master soul to collapse.

Of course, if he chooses the fusion of the main soul, the natural 'Crystal Angel Statue' will strengthen his main soul.

These inherited knowledge is a cultivation system. This cultivation system is different from all the cultivation systems he knows. This cultivation system is an angel-specific cultivation system.

At this time, he did not study too much about this, because the cultivation system was too complicated, and he was more concerned about the body in the soul.

The body of this young angel is entirely composed of energy, but in the process of real growth, this body has truly become a living body.

This process is amazing. If it hadn't been for the young angel's growth process, he wouldn't believe that he could only grow from an unborn baby into an angel by relying only on some energy.

Just then, he suddenly felt that the body of the young angel was just like his body, or that he had two bodies at this time.

This feels very strange, because it is normal for a person to have a body, but it is extremely weird to have two bodies at the same time.

Even if he used dual-purpose, one-purpose and five-purpose training before, until the powerful one achieved multi-purpose, but that is only when manipulating mental power, not having two bodies.

But no wonder he was not afraid. This is Rogge Camp. He has the power of the gods here. At least there are uncontrollable situations that he can cope with.

He tried to focus on the young angel and give up the original body control. At least without training, he couldn't control the two bodies at the same time.

Four pairs of eyes look at things, two different bodies are supported by four legs respectively, and the balance problem is troublesome.

With his attention, the young angel's body appeared directly from his druid's soul next to his original body. At this time, his original body was out of control and was about to fall.

The juvenile angel's body stretched out his hand, held up the original body, and gently laid himself down on the ground.

It was only then that Abel began to really pay attention to this angelic body. He could feel the heart beating and the blood flowing in the body, bringing energy to all parts of the body.

The structure of this body is almost identical to the human body, and even the physical appearance of this body is completely imitated by his own appearance.

It can be said that if you don't look at the wings behind him, this body is completely not much different from his own appearance.

But it was with this wing that he made a huge difference from himself.

Because at this time his wings are constantly drawing energy from the void, these energy continuously supplement his body's needs, and the extra energy can slowly strengthen his body.

Of course, he also felt the same feeling as the possession of Will's legendary Paladin, that is, the world is suppressing his body.

He believes that if there is no such suppression, his body can completely rise into the air like a legendary professional.

This body is very strong, and he still has a say in this point. He has studied knights long ago and has been promoted to the rank of big knight.

It can be said that in the way of the knight, he has come to the end of the knight, and the knight is to master the body as the goal and constantly squeeze his own power.

He tried to open his hand, and squeezed it tightly, which made the air make an air explosion.

No need to attack any target, he can imagine what kind of power this is.

And this body has extremely strong elemental resistance in his perception. It is estimated that most of the spells will directly hit him without any threat.

He can completely imagine what kind of strength this body can play if the dark world does not have the repressive force on this body.

I would like to have a legendary paladin-like strength, of course, this body is still an adult angel, and it takes a long time to cultivate in order to increase strength.

(End of this chapter)

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