Abe the Wizard

Chapter 1177: Hot pot

Chapter 1177

Shenqi stabilized his emotions, at this time several Xeons had rushed to the hall and were about to rush out of the hall.

He also opened the scanning array of the temple and looked around the temple. The scanning array of the temple was very powerful. Within 50 miles of the temple, no movement could escape the scanning array.

Just this check he found the anomaly in the sky, a strange air current appeared in the sky, and the direction of the air flow seemed to be flying.

But in his scanning array, he didn't see anything, only the air tail was confirming that there was indeed something flying.

However, Shenqi's powerlessness rose from his heart, because the speed was too fast.

Several Xeons rushed out of the temple and flew towards the air tail.

Under the investigation of Divine Enlightenment, although the speed of the Xeon is also fast, it is simply incomparable to that of the empty flying object.

Shenqi did not allow several Xeons to return. He needed to find out what was happening through ‘Guardian Tianyi’, and also needed to help several Xeonites ’through‘ Guardian Tianyi ’, and at the same time affected the void flying object.

"Check me for the life that entered the temple!" Shen Qi inquired to guard the sky.

"Shenqi, there is no life entering the temple without permission!" Soon answered, "Guarding Tianyi."

Shenqi felt a pain for the first time. What meant that no life had entered the temple, and the statues of the gods had been stolen. This life has not yet entered the temple!

If he did n’t know that ‘Guardian Skywing’ would not lie, he wondered if ‘Guardian Skywing’ had betrayed the gods.

"What is the life that caused the traces of air?" He asked after thinking about it.

"No life caused air traces!" ‘Guardian Tianyi’ replied again.

This time, Shen Qi finally realized that the gravity of the matter was far beyond his imagination.

He always thought that as long as the 'guardian sky wing' was there, he could detect anything that was within the kingdom of God, but in fact, this one who entered the kingdom of God even entered the temple and stole the life of the idol. Guardian Tianyi 'ignored.

And he couldn't make any treatment at all, and he didn't have the idea to track down the air trail, because since there was no way to catch up, what else could he do!

"Master Shenqi, the warehouse was stolen!" A paladin inspired 'Charging' and came to Shenqi, even before the salute was too late, he reported loudly.

Shenqi was startled, and his spiritual power was connected to the temple again and headed towards the warehouse. Soon he saw that the warehouse was much empty, and especially the ‘divine power crystal’ disappeared.

He felt a pain in his heart. This was a blow that the Kingdom of God had never had since its establishment. The rest was less and less, but those "crystals of the divine power" were prepared for the gods and did not belong to the Kingdom of God. But belongs to the gods.

It was here that his spirit was swept again in the basement, but a new discovery was made.

All three things, the divine sword, the sword and the artifact shield, and the angel wings that the gods handed over to the temple to help them all disappear.

With a sudden sigh from Shen Qi, blood squirted out of his mouth, and the blood stained the luxurious robes in front of him and the ground.

"How do I confess to my lord!" He murmured to himself.

His eyes were blurred, and he had all this was a dream, it was just a nightmare.

"Master God, what's wrong with you!" With a few exclaims, he woke him from this state and made him understand that it was all true.

"Check me. I want to know who did it. As long as we know who did it, we are doing our best and letting him pay the price!" Shen Qi shouted loudly with red eyes.

The people in the temple did not know where to start, but when they saw the state of God's revelation, they could only bow to their feet, and then looked around.

After Shenqi drunk the crowd, his mood slowly calmed down, and he began to think about what happened today.

First and foremost is the timing chosen by the thief, which is exactly the time when he left the temple. If he is in the temple, then the possibility of the thief entering the temple is very low.

In addition, the thief's speed and stealth ability are very special, which cannot be achieved by ordinary powerhouses.

Just these points, we should be able to lock in some targets.

As for the thief's strength, he would definitely not act like this if the thief's strength is strong, but it is also difficult to say in this respect, as long as he can find out an approximate, he can analyze many.

But before that, he had to retrieve the two artifacts through the "Guardian Skywing".

Where is the artifact so stolen? Every artifact is made by the god. As long as the **** recalls it, no matter where it is or who is using it, it can be recalled directly.

"'Guardian Skywing' recalled our two weapons!" He said in contact with 'Guardian Skywing'.

‘Guardian Skywing’ sent a wave of waves. After waiting for dozens of seconds, nothing happened.

"Shen Qi, cannot be recalled!" The answer from ‘Guarding Tianyi’ made Shen Qi ’s face even more ugly.

"Master Shenqi, found a drop of blood!" A paladin inspecting outside the temple rushed in with a drop of blood in a bottle, and bowed.

"Show it to me!" Shen Qi reached for the bottle and looked at the blood in the bottle.

Almost immediately he determined that this was a drop of 'God Blood', and the question was whether the drop of 'God Blood' came from the thief.

Did the thief get injured in the process of entering the temple?

Or some kind of blood-medicated secret method used by thieves?

He didn't understand why the blood was left, but he already knew that the thief was a god.

All this makes sense, only a **** can enter the kingdom of God, although he does not understand which **** dares to enter the kingdom of God in this way, and enter the temple of another god.

To know the temple of the gods, even other gods dare not approach them easily, because different **** powers will directly affect the power of the gods body.

The consumption of the gods against a temple will also be great, not to mention entering the temple to steal items.

His mind is already thinking about all the deities information he knows. In fact, for the possible future enemies of the demon in the world, all the deities information in this world is the most important intelligence task of the kingdom's intelligence system.

In the central continent and even in various sub-continents, through various means, the intelligence network of the Kingdom of God has searched for any possible information of the gods for thousands of years.

These messages have returned to the kingdom of God, and Divine Revelation has also learned about these gods.

"Stealing gods!" At this moment he thought of the name of a deity, which was a very timid deity, the best of which was stealth and stealing.

It was just that the Thief disappeared after the Wizards Guild joined the gods in the battle against the demons outside the sky.

However, God Kai knows that the thief should not have a deep sleep forever. It is impossible for the thief to have many believers, which makes him almost impossible.

But at the same time, believers who steal the gods can never be completely eliminated, because as long as there are thieves, there will be thieves who involuntarily call ‘steal the gods’ and then perform their work.

This is a weird god. No matter how the intelligence network of the Kingdom of God searches, it cannot find where the **** is.

Of course, according to the analysis of the intelligence system, this **** of stealing cannot be the enemy of the kingdom of God. From the historical behavior of the **** of stealing, it can be seen that it is a typical example of being alone.

However, no matter how you look at today's events, Divine Enlightenment feels that it should be the act of stealing God.

In fact, the "God Blood" is exactly the "God Blood" that lost the power of life given by the legendary wizard of Dylan. Blood is no different.

Of course, the same is true in the eyes of most strong men, and only Abel, the alchemist master, can perceive the difference through the alchemist master's pattern.

This drop of "God Blood" was a waste for Abel and the legendary wizard of Dylan, so the legendary wizard of Dylan did not return at that time.

Abel is based on the principle of waste utilization, leaving this drop of ‘God Blood’ outside the temple to influence the other ’s judgment.

To be honest, no matter how the kingdom of God is judged, if he wants to come to the kingdom of God, he will judge his identity in the direction of the gods. In this case, his own security is guaranteed.

"Command the intelligence system to immediately find all the news of Pirate God and dig me out of Pirate God from the central continent!" Shen Qi commanded loudly.

The more he thought about it, the more convinced he was that this pirate shot, and whether it was motivation or strength, he could explain it.

The first is motivation. The power of stealing the gods is very small. The "divine power crystal" in the central temple is definitely the most desired thing.

Even if Pirates of God does not want to improve their strength, these "divine power crystals" can ensure that Pirates of God can exist for tens of thousands of years even if there is no believer.

To maintain the existence of the divine body and the kingdom of the gods, they need to consume divine power.

The more powerful it is, the more it consumes. This is also the reason why many gods will lose strength once the believer disappears.

Of course, there will be believers in the kingdom of God. These believers are more religious than outside believers and can provide faith for a long time.

But believers in the kingdom of God also die. Although every death can be resurrected with divine power, it will consume a lot of divine power.

Once the gods are not supplemented by the faith of outside believers, after the need to ensure that they consume their divine power, the believers in the kingdom of God will gradually decrease because of insufficient power.

Of course, this process will be very long. The weakness of the gods is a long process, but once you fall asleep, it is permanent.

In fact, it is strength. It can sneak into the kingdom of God and secretly enter the central temple. This is not the ability of ordinary gods. Only the gods who claim to be gods can possess such ability.

In the past, God Qi would not believe that any **** would have this ability, but the situation in front of him convinced him that this pirate **** was a **** with such ability.

When Shen Qi analyzed that the thief was the thief who stole the central temple this time, Abel had already flown far away at this time, and his mental power could not scan the figure of the most powerful man behind him.

The guys who wanted to come had been pulled away by him. He slowed down and turned in the direction of the valley when he came.

The Xeons who followed were here after a while, because Abel slowed down and the air trail naturally disappeared.

The Xeons looked around ugly, looked at each other, and returned helplessly.

Abel came to the valley very quickly. He entered the medium-sized isolation circle and called for a moment.

Johnson rose slowly from the ground, and then the polyhedral iron **** on his body moved up, revealing Abel's human body inside.

The human body opened its eyes and stretched.

He reached out to the angel's body. The angel's body took both the artifact sword and the artifact shield from the angel space. He didn't know the two artifacts. God Qi had tried to recall, but he had failed.

He thought about immediately changing the confession in the two artifacts, or he would be recalled somehow.

There was still some joy in his heart. He thought that the temple was forgotten, or that two artifacts were not found at all.

His mental power entered the long sword of the artifact, but found that he could not enter the confession circle.

He patted his own brain, he forgot that his druid's soul had been separated in the angel's body.

The angel stepped forward, the spiritual power entered the artifact sword, and it was easy to find the master array.

In the confession of law, a golden spiritual power is in it. This is the message of confession of the demon in the world.

The spiritual power of the angel's body gently pulled the golden spiritual power. Originally, Abel wanted to eliminate the golden spiritual power in the past. However, the spiritual power of the angel's body was extremely easy. Pulled out in the array.

Then the spiritual power of the human subject is guided by the spiritual power of the angel's body, leaving the spiritual power of the human subject in the confession.

Almost immediately, this alien demon's artifact sword changed its owner, but this artifact sword, Abel, was not ready to be used by human beings, so the angel's body also put a small amount of spiritual power in the mastery In the battlefield, as the deputy of this artifact.

Under the same conditions, the human body has the highest authority of this artifact sword, and the angel's physical and mental power can be handled at any time.

This is also Abel's method to ensure that the artifact sword will not be recovered by the demon in the sky. Even if he does not use this artifact sword, he does not want the demon in the sky to take back the artifact sword to increase his strength.

He also dealt with the artifact shield in the same way. Since then, these two artifacts have nothing to do with the demons in the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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