Abe the Wizard

Chapter 1186: Sanctuary of Chaos

Chapter 1186: Chaos Refuge

The autumn breeze in October has a slightly cool feeling. Although Abel ’s professional body does n’t have much feeling about seasonal changes, he is blowing the autumn breeze and drinking water fruit juice on top of the “Star Defence Array”. It's the best relaxation.

A few months passed, and a rare period of calm appeared on the central continent. The front-line battlefields remained opposed, but there was little friction.

The kingdom of God will attack the second- and third-tier battlefields within the mainland at regular intervals. However, the kingdom of God has not been dispatched again for several months now.

Everyone on the central continent praised the war conducted by the Wizarding Guild on the front line of the battlefield, which severely hit the kingdom of God and made it lack of energy to attack the interior of the continent.

But in fact, it is only known within the kingdom of God and Abel that all of this is because the kingdom of God does not have a "divine power crystal". Without the help of a "divine power crystal", every action is extremely dangerous.

In addition to the calm on the mainland, Abel's life was also very peaceful.

In addition to the constant battles and cultivation in the dark world every night in these months, he has been refining some potions in the Golden Castle of the Central Continent during the day.

His strength has also risen from the beginning of the twenty-two rule wizards to the peak of the twenty-two rule wizards, and he is almost full.

At the same time, the battle in the dark world has reached the chaos sanctuary, and each battle is more fierce.

The sunset slowly came down, and the sky gradually darkened, but Abel's warfare continued to improve.

It can be said that among all the professionals in the entire central continent, no one has as much combat experience as him. In the dark world, he has slaughtered for nearly a century.

Now that he has conditioned reflexes, as long as he sees the sunset on the central continent, he is full of blood.

He returned to the training room through a short-range teleportation. Everyone in the Golden Castle knew that the evening was his training time. At this time, if he wanted to find him, he would not respond.

When he stepped into the water-blue portal, he felt a different atmosphere from the central continent. He didn't stop, and quickly passed the station to reach the station of the 'River of Flame'.

This is the closest teleportation station to the Chaos Sanctuary. Continuous 'momentary movements' continue on the black stone road above the magma.

All the **** creatures here have been killed by him, and this area is already very safe.

But even so, he still blessed the three defensive spells: 'Ice Armor', 'Energy Shield', and 'Bone Bone Armor' when 'Moving Instant'.

At this time, he was wearing a ‘stealth cloak’. The blessing of the mysterious headband allowed his mental power to reach an effective range of three kilometers. Although **** magma affects him, his mental power can still release about 500 meters.

This made his 'momentary movement' not slow, and soon he saw the chaotic refuge at the end of Hell Magma.

At the chaos sanctuary, he did not stop, ‘momentary movement’ continued to perform, and moved quickly towards the interior.

He stopped when he felt the breath of **** creatures, and the surrounding environment had reached the place where the last battle ended.

Twelve "Ghost Guardian Knights", twelve "Ghost Guardian Wizards" and "Clay Stone Demon" were first summoned, which is the dead energy provided by the druid's soul.

Then called 'Grizzly Bear', this is the top summoned beast of the druid, and is also summoned by the natural power provided by the soul of the druid.

His hands waved again, and Frankenstein's rule wizard, Bruce fanatic knight, and Will's legendary paladin were called out.

These are his basic combat capabilities today. Those contracts with larger bodies cannot appear in the chaos sanctuary and cannot help him.

Of course, there is the fighting power of the angel's body. During this period of fighting, he had different ideas about using the angel's body.

When the angel's body is activated from the druid's soul, it does not appear randomly outside, but is affected by the spiritual power of human beings.

In other words, if in the central continent, without the help of the mysterious headband, the angel's body would appear in the designated position within a range of 1,500 meters next to Abel.

In the chaos sanctuary, this distance, with the help of a mysterious headband, also has 500 meters.

After discovering this, he continued to optimize the speed of activation of the angel's body, and continuously retracted it. Now it can be done in the chaos sanctuary. Within 500 meters, the angel's body can instantly appear in hell. Beside the creature, kill it, and then quickly retrieve it.

After doing so, he can use the super-attack power of the angel's body while possessing the two professional spells of Druid's soul.

At least until now, no **** creature can stop the blow of the angel's body.

"Discovered!" Abel had just summoned all the summons and covenants, and saw the Doom Knight who was rushing forward, and behind the Doom Knight, the caster forgotten the knight.

He skillfully casts a curse spell, 'Aging,' which slows down the doom knight who rushes to the front.

At the same time, the Bruce Faith Knight opened the ‘belief’ aura of aura. The green aura of aura rose at the foot of the nearby doom knight.

Will ’s legendary paladin did not fight immediately. First, the close-up was the “ghost guard knight”, which flashed directly to the doom knight. The weapon in his hand was not powerful. The “steel” sword was constantly attacking the cursed by “aging”. Doom Knight.

While observing these infernal creatures, Abel was casting spells with Frankenstein, and twelve 'ghost guardian wizards' were constantly inspiring 'chain lightning' around him.

It is not possible to let the contractors fight close here. Before the legendary Paladin of Will and the Bruce Faith Knight fight, he must judge whether the **** creatures have the ability to ‘attack and counterattack’.

You should know that when he first entered the Chaos Sanctuary, due to carelessness, when his two "Ghost Guardian Knights" attacked a forgotten knight who possessed "Attack Counterattack", they turned into dead bones.

Fortunately, the ‘Ghost Guardian Knight’ has a flashing ability, which is much faster than Will ’s Legendary Paladin and Bruce Faithful Knight. Contact the Forgotten Knight first.

Otherwise, whether Will ’s legendary Paladin or Bruce Faith Knight died here because of ‘attack and backwash’, it will have a great impact on his team ’s combat effectiveness.

Now the two newly summoned from the "Ghost Guardian Knights" have become investigative pioneers who specifically test whether the forgotten knights have the ability to "attack counterattack".

This also made these two newly summoned deaths in the “Ghost Guardian Knights” more than five times. Fortunately, the cost of resuming the “Ghost Guardian Knights” was not large.

Abel saw that the Forgotten Knights approaching after the Knights of Doom had now entered their attack range and were preparing to cast spells.

His mental power issued an order, and the two "ghost guard knights" who had died many times flashed to the side of the forgotten knight. The task of the two "ghost guard knights" was not to kill the forgotten knights, but to each of the forgotten knights. Make an attack stance and verify that you have the ability to 'attack counterattack'.

At the same time, the curse of aging in his hand was also cast out, making the cast of the Forgotten Knight slower.

Just as the Ghost Guardian Knight attacked, a flash of light flickered in the hands of a Forgotten Knight, and a strange cursed light appeared above the heads of the two Ghost Guardian Knights.

When Abel saw the bizarre cursing light, he was preparing to issue an order to the two "ghost guard knights" to stop attacking, but it was too late.

One of the "Ghost Guardian Knights" hacked at the Forgotten Knight again. With a "click", the "Ghost Guardian Knight" slashed the whole body's bones into fragments, and the equipment on his body fell on On the ground.

"Damn!" Abel whispered. Although they were newly summoned "Ghost Guardian Knights", each "Ghost Guardian Knight" was connected to his soul.

With his soul strength, the death of the 'Ghost Guardian Knight' can't affect his soul much now, but every 'Ghost Guardian Knight' gets along with him every day, even if it is newly summoned. Emotional.

He stopped another 'Ghost Guardian Knight', and he saw that the Forgotten Knight who instigated the 'Attack Backlash' curse was the only Forgotten Knight who could cast 'Attack Backlash', and the remaining 11 Forgotten Knights Did not perform 'attack counterattack'.

The 'Meteorite' spell in his hand was fired, and its target locked the forgotten knight who had 'Attack Back'. At the same time, 'Blizzard' was also activated in the other hand. Two extremely powerful spells in just one Seconds later, it all fell on the Forgotten Knight.

Frankenstein was like a dreadlock. Long-term cooperation let him know who should be attacked first, and the same blizzard and meteorite spells were also brewing.

Ten seconds after the two rounds of spells, the forgotten knight fell to the ground. The only forgotten knight with the ability to ‘attack back phasing’ fell down. There were no **** creatures in this group of ‘attack back phasing’ abilities.

Will's legendary paladin and Bruce fanatic knight at the same time inspired 'charge' and rushed towards the remaining **** creatures.

Abel activated the angel's body. The angel's body appeared next to a forgotten knight, and the sacred angel's sword in his hand struck a pure white light.

How strong the angel's body was, Abel couldn't give an accurate figure, but a forgotten knight just passed by with a sword and turned into gray-black ashes.

It's just that the **** creatures killed by the angel's body seem to have destroyed their souls, and the power of light is extremely targeted to these **** creatures.

This is why Abel has not wanted to use the angel's body too much. On the one hand, he is afraid of killing **** creatures with the ability to ‘attack back-bite’.

The **** ability of 'attack counterattack' is very overbearing. The more powerful the attack, the more horrible the damage of counterattack.

This ability is also the nemesis of the angel's body. With the strength of the angel's body, he can't stop himself from attacking and attacking.

Abel didn't know what the druid's soul would be once the angel's body died, let alone whether his human being would be affected.

The other aspect of not wanting to use angel body too much is the soul harvest without **** creatures. The raw material of ‘soul potion’ is the soul of these **** creatures. If the angel body is used too much, the production of ‘soul potion’ will be reduced.

So now using angelic body attacks, the main targets are some legal **** creatures and some **** bosses with great threats.

Of course, under the condition of security, he will release the angel's body to fight.

After killing all the forgotten knights, these doom knights lost the spell support of the forgotten knights behind, which made the battle easier.

Taking back the angel's body, Abel casts the curse of aging again, and then uses the dead doom knights and forgotten knights on the ground as raw materials to start the corpse explosion spell.

In the sound of constant explosions, only one doom knight fell. From the battle to the end, during the whole process, only one 'ghost guard knight' died due to accidental 'attackback', and the rest of the summons and covenants were No loss.

In fact, in the battle, unless there is a one-shot spike, there is the support of the ‘full rejuvenation potion’, and there is rarely the death of summoners and covenants.

Of course, the battle with the **** creatures can never be taken lightly. In the days of the river of underground flames, he was in danger several times.

Hell creatures flying from **** magma, fire attacks when **** magma erupts, and sudden outbreaks of **** creatures, these accidents often occur.

He always tells himself that life is only once, even if he is strong, in a place where the power is suppressed in the dark world, fighting **** creatures is dangerous everywhere.

Abel didn't go to search for the spoils. The **** creatures here could hardly find any spoils. Apart from the long sword polluted by the evil power of hell, the doom knight would hardly leave anything.

He now consumes a lot of energy for each battle. It can be said that none of the **** creatures he encountered here were weak.

If it wasn't for his rapid growth, he has reached twenty-two, and has three professions of wizard, sacrifice and druid, and has a lot of summons and covenants to help, here with the **** creatures Fighting is far from easy.

He re-summoned a skeleton from the body of a doom knight, and then fused it with a ghost wolf to become a new "ghost guardian knight" again.

This "Ghost Guardian Knight" picked up the equipment of the "Ghost Guardian Knight" who died in battle, put it on, and returned to the line of summoners.

Thanks for the "white hot" reward for 100 starting coins! !! Thank you "lobrfish" for rewarding 200 starting coins! !!

(End of this chapter)

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