Abe the Wizard

Chapter 1206: struggle

Chapter 1206 Struggling

Even if he encounters such a strange and incomparable soul, as a **** of stealing Milton, he is not too worried. As long as he uses his own soul to assimilate this soul, all these weird things will be explained.

As for the strength of the soul, in his thoughts, he has never heard of the strength of the soul of a professional being stronger than that of the god.

When the golden soul showing the substantial form rushed to the druid's soul, he found something very wrong.

Because under the wash of his golden soul, this soul has not been affected, let alone assimilation, even if you want to control it, you can't do it at all.

It seems that this soul is like a sturdy castle. His golden soul can only impact on the outside, and cannot really invade the important interior of the soul.

At this moment, Druid's soul counterattacked, and the ‘Crystal Angel Statue’ phantom glowed pure white, and then the hymn came out from it.

Although there are not many "Crystal Angel Statue" phantoms, among them are the souls of nine fanatical knights, the souls of a legendary paladin, and the real Angel Yiel.

After the druid's soul was attacked, they began to chant, and the special power it produced was like a big hand holding three-quarters of the soul that the pirate **** Milton entered.

"What's this?" Pirate God Milton was terrified, and he frantically wanted to break free of the restraint force from the "Crystal Angel Statue" phantom, but the "Crystal Angel Statue" had some kind of soul-oriented The power produced a restraining force on his soul that made him unable to resist.

Abel did not command the confrontation in the druid's soul. He sensed from the druid's soul an instinctual sense of control over the three-quarters of the soul that the pirate **** Milton entered.

And he did not have much research on the druid's soul today, and he could not do better than the instinct of the druid's soul.

The ‘Crystal Angel Statue’ phantom draws a pulling force, connecting three-quarters of the soul of Pirate God Milton into the ‘Crystal Angel Statue’ phantom.

Thief Milton has a feeling that once three-quarters of his soul enters the virtual shadow, he will always lose his control of his soul. He believes in his own perception, which is the perception of danger by the gods.

Three-quarters of his golden soul began a frantic struggle, but this struggle was only exchanged for a brief stalemate. His soul was still slowly moving to the "crystal angel statue" phantom.

At this time, Milton, the thief, also knew that something more terrible than sleeping could happen. He took the initiative to send three-quarters of his soul into the soul of Master Bennett. This may be the worst he made. move.

Because as long as he does not take the initiative to remove three-quarters of his soul from his body, even Master Bennett cannot control most of his soul even if he is powerful.

His adventure put him in greater danger than sleeping, and he knew that once he lost control of three-quarters of his soul, that one-quarter of his soul in his body would also be lost, and he would Will really die.

This death is not the kind of permanent slumber of the gods, but the death of the soul, and it is likely that there is no more stealing **** Milton.

"No!" Three-quarters of the soul of Pirate Milton howled at the same time as one-quarter of the soul in his body.

At the same time, he made a last effort, a quarter of his soul in the body of God recovered the two artifacts belonging to him, and he needed the power of the artifact to make the final struggle.

Although he also knew that this struggle might be futile, he was not willing to disappear like this, and thousands of years of hard work could not be turned into nothingness.

Lake is a killer. His mission completion rate is very high. He is not a name. But in the killer industry, he has a gold signboard. His shot means success, so his shot price is very expensive. .

A few days ago he took a task to assassinate a town owner.

Although it is the owner of a small city, its guarding force has a professional who is a friend of the city owner, which is almost a task that other killers dare not take.

Killing is not just killing the task target, but also leaving the alive to complete the task.

With the participation of professionals, most killers cannot have the opportunity to shoot, even if they are killed, they cannot escape safely.

Rick is different. He has an artifact dagger. This artifact dagger was his accidental gain. Since he got this dagger, his life is completely different.

After several days of observation, he found that the owner of the city had a habit of coming to the back garden at the same time every afternoon, drinking red wine alone, and enjoying a peaceful time.

At this time, the friend of the city owner, the professional guard, would not follow.

The rest of the killers knew the news and could not use it, because the defense around the back garden was very tight, which is why the city owner would be alone here.

Rick was standing in the back garden at this moment. Under the sun, he had no shadow under his feet.

He is invisible. This is the special ability of his artifact dagger. The reason why he can accomplish so many tasks that are impossible to complete and kill the target without knowing it is because of this artifact dagger.

He slowly approached the city lord, wearing a Chinese robe, drinking red wine alone, showing his leisurely colors.

Without murder, without any feelings, he has no feelings like a cricket. This is the method he has summarized through many experiments, which allows him to deceive a professional to perceive danger.

You should know that as long as the professional is in the city's main government house, it is very likely that he will perceive his intention to kill.

Lake came to the back of the Lord of the City. He watched the Lord of the City holding the heavy power in front of him and die on his hand, still a little proud of his face.

He likes the feeling that the life and death of big men are under his control.

"It's over!" He thought, stabbing an artifact dagger in his heart.

As for the sharpness of the artifact dagger, he knew very well that even the city owner wearing professional armor could not stop his blow.

If it wasn't for his fear of counterattacks by professionals, he would have extended the killer mission targets to professionals.

When the artifact dagger in his hand was stabbed on the heart of the city lord, he felt wrong, because at this moment he had nothing in his hands and held it empty-handed and placed it behind the city lord.

The atmosphere freezes suddenly, and he doesn't understand what happened, where is his artifact dagger.

When he was in a daze, the city owner was startled and responded.

There are assassins! "When the lord yelled, he turned around and kicked Rick's lower body.

Rick made a sharp "Oh" sound, then fell to the ground.

The lord's **** professional also arrived soon. Waiting for Rick was the anger from the lord, and his consequences were either torture or to be slashed by a random knife.

In another medium-sized city, Viscount Bethune is hosting a reception at this time when the guests of the reception have just entered, and the reception will last from afternoon to midnight.

The family of Viscount Bethune is a nobleman who has been passed down for hundreds of years, and his wealth is extremely rich in this medium-sized city.

As the head of the family, he enjoys the most luxurious life every day. He also likes the reception, because at the reception, there will be many noble girls and family members, which are all part of his life.

Today he held a reception in the name of welcoming a friend. Of course, he intended to hold a reception. Most of the nobles in this city are well-known and can be regarded as the top receptions. Still rushing.

Viscount Bethune's eyes looked more at the aristocratic women who came, and he was choosing today's goal.

"Master Viscount, it's time!" The housekeeper on the side reminded softly.

Viscount Betheun put away his discomfort and walked to the center of the hall.

"Welcome everyone to the reception today!" He said loudly, holding a glass of red wine.

Just as the guests looked at him, all the guests suddenly looked horrified, and even the steward around him changed dramatically.

"What's the matter with you, what kind of system!" Viscount Betheun saw the steward's expression and couldn't help yelling.

It was just that he soon found that his voice was different from usual, and his voice became much sharper.

He is very familiar with this voice, because this is his own true voice.

But how could he change his voice back to the original voice in this large court?

He quickly reached out and touched his face. In his touch, the artifact mask that was close to his face was gone.

He was not actually Viscount Bethune, the real Viscount Bethune was killed and replaced Viscount Bethune during a lover meeting.

The artifact mask is the reason why he can perfectly impersonate Viscount Beshun and enjoy everything for Vis Beshun for ten years.

Artifact masks can hide their own faces, and can change their appearance, breath, and sound into designated targets, which can almost exist in another identity.

"Where's Viscount Bethune? Who are you?" The steward grabbed him, a faint guess in his heart.

Awaiting the trial of the counterfeit Viscount Bethune will be the trial of the noble arbiter. His fate is not much different from that of the killer Rick.

Thief Milton retrieved his two artifacts, and directly put the two users into a desperate situation.

In front of his body, two artifacts appeared in the air. He grabbed the artifact dagger, but the artifact mask was ignored.

A quarter of the soul was struggling to drive the body of the god, and he pierced the ancient steel wall with an artifact dagger.

However, at this time, the druid's soul no longer gave the Pirate God Milton the power of the "Crystal Angel Statue" phantom strengthened, and three-quarters of the Pirate God Milton soul was forcibly pulled 'Crystal Angel Statue' in the shadow.

If the intensity of the hymn outside the "Crystal Angel Statue" phantom is one, then inside the "crystal angel statue" the phantom intensity is ten.

Three-quarters of the soul of Thieves Milton lost his ability to resist as soon as he entered the "Crystal Angel Statue" phantom.

The golden soul turned into a figure, this figure was a little hesitant, but quickly fell to the ground.

At the same time, Abel felt that an extremely violent power of faith was transmitted from the figure transformed by the golden soul, and the power of the faith it produced was almost the same as that of Isaac.

That is, when three-quarters of the soul of the stealing **** Milton lost his control, the movement of the stabbing of the body of the stealing **** Milton stopped by the quarter soul in the "Star Defence Array".

Three-quarters of his soul lost control, leaving the remaining quarter of his soul deeply wounded.

If one's soul is attacked without losing anything, it is already fatal.

Many professionals are wounded by the soul, and can never progress or even regress.

For the gods, losing a little soul may have an impact, but it is not fatal, but three-quarters of the soul is lost. This is no longer a damage, but a real cause of harm.

And a quarter of the soul of the **** of stealing Milton could not be saved. From the "crystal angel statue" phantom of the druid's soul, the controlled three-quarter of the soul of the stealing **** of Milton's golden tooth came with suction .

This suction is the same as that of the original. If the pirate **** Milton can still be awake at this time, he can still resist this suction.

But at this time he lost all his ability to judge and think, and his soul was damaged so that he could hardly do anything.

A quarter of the soul was sucked directly from the body of the **** into the "crystal angel statue" phantom, fused with the golden soul of the three-quarter Pirate God of Milton.

Abel was also stunned. Among the "Crystal Angel Statue" phantoms, there was an additional figure composed entirely of golden souls. This was a god.

At the same time, he considered another consequence. When a rule wizard is killed, there will be ‘Soul Light’, and if a legend is killed, ‘Legendary Light’ will appear.

What happens to the **** of stealing Milton?

If there was any light related to the gods in the Golden Castle, how could he explain everything that appeared.

Kill a god, what did he kill?

He didn't even think about it now, how could the pirate **** Milton get all his soul into the "Crystal Angel Statue", didn't he say that the **** would not die? This soul has been sucked in, and has the **** died?

He focused his mental strength on the "Star Defence Array", but found that the stealing **** Milton was not dead. The **** body was still standing there. Although he stood still, his **** body did not collapse.

Abel did not enter the 'Star Defence Array'. Even if the soul of Pirate God Milton had been sucked away, he did not dare to take risks.

However, this body of God made him jealous. This is the body of a real deity. How much of this can be made?

Thanks for the "white hot" reward for 100 starting coins! !! Thank you "lobrfish" for rewarding 200 starting coins! !!

(End of this chapter)

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