Abe the Wizard

Chapter 1212: Strengthen defense

Chapter 1212 Strengthening the Defense

In the following days, Abel fought in the **** hills while collecting the trebuchets. As for the research and reproduction of the trebuchets, at least he had no time to do so.

After the Chinese New Year, he is also 21 years old. No one knows that little wizard who has only come to the Central Continent for several years from the Holy Continent, and is now a Level 25 rule wizard.

His strength didn't just improve this. In February of the new year, Frankenstein was successfully promoted to the twenty-two rule witches, and the Bruce Frenzy Knight was successfully promoted to the twenty-third Frenzy Knight in April. Downey Rules Wizard was promoted to Twenty-two Rule Wizards every month.

Among the many contracts, only the legendary Will Paladin has not been promoted, but at his level, even under the unlimited supply of Abel's resources, he cannot be promoted in a short time.

Naturally, the biggest reason for the promotion of these contracts is that these days, Abel kept them in the dark world and did not bring them back to the Golden Castle.

Although only a few months have passed in the central continent, in the dark world, these covenants have been cultivated for more than ten years.

Especially the two rule wizards, although they can't share the "lightstone" resources, the blue howler rabbit nucleus of dark gold quality has never been missing, coupled with the magic environment of large magic gatherings and the cultivation of dark gold quality. These resources are constantly being provided.

Compared with other professionals, the contract has an innate advantage. That is, because their souls are spawned by using the ‘soul potion’, they have no other thoughts of other professionals.

Contracts are more focused than any other professional in their cultivation.

Abel was able to safely place many indentures in the dark world. He also discovered that these indentures would no longer improve his strength, and it is likely that some of them would soon be unable to keep up with his pace.

This is just like the snow that year. When Bai Xue was subdued, Bai Xue's combat power was still very powerful, especially its ability to control the frozen element, which played a very good role in the battle.

It's just that Abel's growth speed has made Bai Xue's strength extremely backward, which is one reason why he gave Bai Xue to Lorraine.

Now Will ’s legendary paladin ’s combat power is still good. Bruce ’s fanatics can still rely on the Aura Aura to provide great help to the combat team. Fewer and fewer.

Of course, without the contract, the angel's body gave him this kind of spirit. Now the angel's body can appear at any time, and the form is invisible and hidden.

This greatly increases the security of Abel's human being, and does not cause his security to be in crisis because of the influence of the contract in the dark world.

"Falun spirit, how much has the Pentagram Falcon increased?" Abel asked Shen, sitting on the 'Starlight Defense Array'.

Beside him is the angel's body practicing the Angelic Sword Technique. The angel's body is almost not tired. He doesn't want to waste a little time, so as long as he has time, the practice of angel's body will not stop.

The Pentagram is a special circle obtained from the trebuchets of the Dark World in the past few months. He has handed this Pentagram to the research of the Phalanx.

As a spirit specializing in Dharma, the research level of Dharma is far beyond that of the strongest Mage. After adding some materials from the Wizarding Guild to Abel, the Dharma can learn from the wizard. In the guild exchange system, the information related to Abel ’s French array is open.

These have greatly enriched the database of Fa Zhen Ling, and even further improved the level of Fa Zhen Ling.

When Abel handed the Pentagram to the Penta Spirit for analysis and research, he didn't have much confidence. In the end, the Pentagram was a law circle in the dark world, and it was most likely a law circle from hell.

However, the analysis ability of Fazhen Ling was beyond Abel's imagination. After borrowing some resources of the research spirit from Fazhen Ling, it took only ten days to analyze the principle of the Pentacle star.

It is only because the main material of its matrix must be refined by the alchemist master Abel, which allows other people to obtain the information of the pentagram, and they cannot arrange it.

Unless someone else can find an alchemist to make master materials for it.

In the past few months, Abel spent some time, consuming a large amount of precious materials for refining, and stored a large amount of Pentagram Master Array materials in the warehouse.

Also during this time, the Pharama Spirit enhanced all the Pharaohs in the Golden Castle, because the appearance of the Pentagram Pharama has greatly enhanced the most important energy supply problem in the original Pharaoh.

The legal array of the central continent, with the exception of a few very large legal arrays, uses huge volumes and amazing data to achieve rapid energy transmission.

The reason for the slow use of energy provided by the normal array is that although the defensive array can generate a shield, it can only block a certain level of attack.

Like the Golden Castle, in many attacks, the physical defense of the war fortress blocked the enemy's attack. When facing the strong, the role of the shield was not as perfect as designed.

But now it's different. The magic circle spirit is consuming a lot of main materials, and the magic circle of the entire golden castle is updated. The energy provided by it is also divided into two types. The original energy received from the basement energy tank.

The second is that the Pentagram array gathers energy to provide energy for the Golden Castle's array.

Although it is slow to gather energy once every five minutes, after the energy is consumed, it only takes five minutes to gather energy again.

The golden array is densely packed in the Golden Castle, and the number of pentagram arrays will also be an astronomical number. The energy among them can be increased by the top magic stones of Biaber, and it is almost endless.

As long as there is magic in the central continent, the Golden Castle will always be full of energy. Once the entire Golden Castle has been transformed, it is not easy to break the defense of the Golden Castle again.

At least the level of gods like the Milton Thief, or stronger gods, would not be able to complete the defensive shield of the Golden Castle.

"Master, 80% of the overall transformation has been completed. In another month, the transformation can be completed!" Fa Zhenling replied.

Although the transformation is underway, the Pentagram was not opened. Except when the test was started, a small defense penta of the Pentagram was used as energy, which verified the success of this Pentagram Integration.

"Eighty percent, this can also be turned on, Fajin Spirit, open all the five-star mandala for me!" Abel ordered.

"Yes, master!" Fa Zhen Ling responded.

Then the whole Golden Castle trembled a little, and Abel felt that the rare magic in the air was absorbed by the Golden Castle frantically. Above the Golden Castle, the air flow caused by absorption formed a vortex.

"What experiment is Master Bennet doing again?" A rule wizard who had been teleported away last time looked at the whirlpool of the sky and said, shaking his head.

"Surprisingly, what level of poly magic circle is used by Master Bennett, and how can it cause such a magical gathering?" Another rule wizard saw what he asked, questioning.

Everyone knows that Master Bennett is a great druid and naturally does not need magical environment.

But so much magic is absorbed into the Golden Castle, but it is extremely strange.

You should know that the half-elven servants in the Golden Castle and Meyer Butler are ordinary elves, not professionals, and cannot survive in magical environments.

However, these professionals also quickly discovered that so much magic was absorbed into the Golden Castle, and no magic environment was formed.

This energy riot ended automatically after five minutes.

Abel sensed the differences in the golden walls around him, and the legal array above them was very different from before the transformation.

The pentagram array is perfectly combined with the world array.

Golden Castle's defensive array is composed of small defensive arrays. When attacking a defensive array, it will let the attack spread to all defensive arrays.

However, if the attack exceeds the limit of the small defensive matrix, it is like a blow formed by the crystallization of "magic power", the small defensive matrix will be broken, and the natural overall defensive matrix will also be broken.

The current small defensive matrix has undergone great changes in his perception. The energy contained in it is very powerful, and this energy is in the pentagram matrix of the small defensive matrix, waiting at any time.着 gets activated.

"It looks like an attack is coming!" Abel said to himself.

At the same time, the angel's body that was invisible beside him pierced the wall with the "Holy Angel Sword" in his hand.

When the "Sword of the Holy Angel" pierced the wall, the angel's body also appeared at the same time, and the stealth effect was automatically cancelled due to the attack.

When the Sword of the Holy Angel pierced the wall, a layer of defensive shield was raised on the wall, which was the last shield produced by the internal attack.

With the bang, the blow didn't pierce the shield, but just shook the defense shield, and then this force quickly spread among all nearby defense arrays.

The attack of the angel's body did not stay strong. According to Abel's estimation, this attack was not weaker than the full-strength attack of Pirate God Milton, so the full-strike was | without breaking the defense shield.

Of course, he also felt that the energy collected by the Pentagram in this small defensive circle was exhausted, but the Pensaid did not know what method was used to connect all Pentagrams.

The energy of the pentagram in this small defensive array just disappeared, and the defensive array next to it added energy to it.

Almost immediately after a sword was hit, the energy dropped and it immediately recovered.

The angel's body didn't stop, and the "Holy Angel Sword" in his hand attacked the shield with a force of light.

Although the defensive shield was shaking constantly, it had not been broken, and the energy in it was also consumed at a very fast rate.

At the same time of this consumption, on the one hand, some energy is transferred from the energy tank in the basement to supplement the consumed energy.

On the other hand, part of the Pentagram array was activated again, and began to absorb the magic in the surrounding air.

After attacking for a while, the angel's body stopped and Abel had a new understanding of the current defense of the Golden Castle.

In addition to the physical defense of the war fortress in the "Starlight Defense Array", the defense of the Golden Castle is now difficult to break.

Unless anyone can consume all the energy in the five-horse star array of the almost innumerable small defense matrix of the entire Golden Castle within five minutes, and also make it impossible to replenish the energy slot in the basement, Can break defense shields.

Otherwise, no matter how hard you try, after five minutes, all the consumed energy will be fully recovered.

Facing such a powerful defense ability, Abel thought to himself that no one else could break the defense of the current Golden Castle. If the goddess of the moon only descended, he would not believe that he could break the defense shield of the Golden Castle.

He also did not expect that the pentagram of the dark world and the law of the world formed a wonderful influence, which made the Golden Castle truly the strongest defense castle in the world.

And because of his efforts over the past few months, 225 trebuchets have been placed in the 'Starlight Defense Array' by him.

These trebuchets were housed in forty war fortresses, usually hidden in war fortresses, and would not be found.

Once the battle begins, these trebuchets will emerge from the inside of the war fortress, commanded by the spirit of the war fortress, and a horrible attack will erupt in an instant.

The reason why Abel wanted to frantically improve the defense and attack ability of the Golden Castle was touched by the Wizards Guild and the Kingdom of God.

The Wizarding Guild hides its powerful combat power. He knows that he can capture and detain the gods, which is enough to show the strength of the Wizarding Guild.

Although he has a very good relationship with the Wizarding Guild, he knows that his relationship with the Wizarding Guild is only at the level of the legendary wizard, and it is also the lowest five legendary wizards.

When a major benefit really appeared, he couldn't guarantee that the Wizarding Guild would really consider him a friend, but he had suffered from the Wizarding Guild's losses.

The biggest reason why he didn't dare to expose himself as a wizard Abel is that he showed the existence of Stone Giant Johnson in front of other professionals.

He didn't know before that the Stone Giant would cause so many peepers from the wizarding guild's strong. He always despised the ability of the Stone Giant to quickly open the mining veins.

It is the interest that moves him that he will incarnate himself into the elf Bennett.

He has also seen the power of the kingdom of God. The five Paladin Xeons who appeared there, don't watch him escape from it several times, but in fact he just faster than them and did not really fight.

Judging from its breath, it is still possible for the angels to play against one or two of them, but facing five at the same time, they will definitely lose.

Thanks for the "white hot" reward for 100 starting coins! !! Thank you "lobrfish" for rewarding 200 starting coins! !! Thank you "Bookfriend 150613125248325" for rewarding 100 starting coins! !!

(End of this chapter)

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