Abe the Wizard

Chapter 1214: Druid

Chapter 1214: Legendary Druid

The energy of the body is over, and the promotion is not over. Abel also needs to redraw the 26th-level wizard pattern in his soul.

However, there are no mistakes in this process, or every wizard who has experienced many promotions will not make mistakes in drawing the wizard pattern.

The three 25th-level wizards in Abel ’s soul were textured into three fluids that merged the power of rule with the power of spirit. Under the rune pen transformed by his power, he quickly turned the three 26 The level rule wizard pattern is drawn successfully.

When he opened his eyes, the corner of his mouth smiled, and he became a legendary wizard.

Although in the dark world, the legend is suppressed so much, it is not as great as the level 25 rule wizard.

But he knew that as long as he returned to the central continent, he could show a strong difference in strength between the legendary wizard and the rule wizard.

Thinking of this, he couldn't wait any longer. He quickly activated the "Town Teleportation Scroll" and opened the portal to return to the Golden Castle.

It was still night, and when he stepped out of the portal, his whole body felt extremely light.

Although he felt this kind of desire to fly on the angel's body, the body was not cultivated that day, but his human body was only obtained through his years of hard work.

When he walked out of the portal, his body floated up. If it wasn't forcing him to suppress his own breath, and then using the transfiguration necklace to hide the breath together, the breath he had just promoted and not stable at this time will put the gold castle All the elves of the Suppressed.

His feeling at this time was very strange. His body seemed to be lighter than the surrounding air. This made him float without having to spend any energy at all, so he automatically floated without force.

He tried to fly forward for a short while in the training room, and found that as long as flying, he needed to consume his mana. Although not much, it was indeed being consumed.

When the angel's body is flying, he cannot perceive energy consumption. The four wings behind the angel's body have been constantly absorbing energy, and the energy in the angel's body has been continuously increasing.

The cultivation of the angel's body is only to grasp his own power, and does not need to absorb energy, because his four wings are always available to help him enhance the power of light in his body.

But he became a legendary wizard and could not tell anyone else that he was now an elf Bennett.

This made him feel like a Jinyi walking at night, but he became a legendary wizard at first, and his curiosity about the flight of the human body allowed him to constantly fly in the training room, mastering the flying skills that are not exactly the same as the angel's body.

He didn't stop until it was bright outside, and he forcibly suppressed his body and pressed it to the ground.

At this time, he discovered that after becoming a legend, walking on the ground requires consumption of his own energy. Without consuming energy to suppress the body on the ground, the body will float if accidentally.

No wonder every time I see several legendary wizards in the Wizarding Guild, they are all flying, and they can hardly see them walking on the ground.

At this time he was walking on the ground, his spirit was always paying attention, which made him feel like a beginner to walk.

He didn't like this, so he needed to raise the rank of Druid as well.

Naturally, this kind of thing will not be practiced by himself. He has never learned the druid's cultivation method. What he thinks of is the tree of life. If he has such power, he will not find it.

He activated the short-range teleportation matrix under his feet, his body flashed in the teleportation light, and he reached the large teleportation matrix in the basement. Then the large teleportation matrix was activated, and his mental power locked the teleportation target.

"Master Bennet, good morning!" When Abel's figure appeared in the channel of transmission of the Valley of Life Valley Taniguchi channel, he heard the druid guarding the channel saying hello to him.

Abel smiled and bowed to the druid's hiding place, then walked into the valley of the Tree of Life.

The Great Druid was a little strange in the way Abel walked today. It seemed that every step was very hard and unnatural.

Of course, Abel did not know what the Druids behind him thought. He had just promoted the legend and did not fully control himself. In order to hide the strength of his legend, he had always been cautious, and of course it was unnatural to look at it.

He reached the tree of life, stretched out his left hand and pressed it against the trunk, and the power of the Spirit Whisperer was turned on.

At the same time, the tree of life sent a scanning force across his body. The scanning force was very hidden. He would not have noticed it if it had not become a legend.

He didn't ask for anything before he received the message of the tree of life.

The tree of life directly requested a thousand green top magic stones, and Abel naturally would not care about this green top magic stone.

However, before giving the green top magic stone to the tree of life, it is necessary to arrange an isolation matrix to hide the transaction process between him and the tree of life. One thousand green top magic stones are enough to cause no small amount. trouble.

He took a small Isolation Array disk and laid it out next to the trunk of the Tree of Life. Both he and the tree of Life were wrapped by the Isolation Array.

"Isn't Master Bennett going to be promoted again?" Taniguchi's Druid saw to Abel's familiar behavior and couldn't help himself.

But he was also amused by his own words. Grand Master Bennett had just been promoted to the 25th level Druid within seven months. How could this be promoted.

Just while this big druid was still guessing, Abel had taken a thousand green top magic stones from the artifact space bag and placed them at the root of the tree of life.

The roots of the tree of life stick out from the ground, pulling the green top magic stone into the ground.

After the last top magic stone disappeared, Abel shut down the quarantine circle and closed the array.

He stood upright, and the tree of life stretched out two branches, holding him from the ground in the air.

The great druid of Taniguchi was stunned at this moment. Wasn't this posture just about preparing to be promoted for Master Bennett?

How did Master Bennett just discuss with the Tree of Life, and how could he begin to enhance Master Bennett's strength in this way? We must know that Master Bennett has not yet reached the full state at this moment!

At least when Master Bennett reached full status, the tree of life would help him to promote without appearing excessive.

The druid's heart kept groaning. He thought of his twenty-first druid level, and when he looked at Master Bennett, he had the urge to bump his head against the wall.

No matter what he thinks, Abel felt the power of nature from the tree of life in the air. The power of nature surged, its speed was more violent than last time, and it just reached the maximum tolerance of his body.

His Realm of Druid also quickly improved from the beginning of the 25th level to the middle of the 25th level, and then entered the high level. Only twenty minutes before and after, he showed the breath of the great Druid. Reached a state of fullness at level 25.

The great druid of Taniguchi was holding the wall and watching the situation in the valley. He had forgotten to report this to the elven royal family, and was so surprised that the only thing he did was to look at the miracle in front of him.

The promotion spirit of Abel began to appear. This promotion spirit was very strong. This was also the second promotion of his legendary promotion spirit in a short time.

He originally thought that this second promotion will be wasted, but when the promotion is generated, the tree of life is leading a strange life energy.

The energy of promotion, which should have been impossible for the second time, has begun again.

The tree of life has an equal contractual relationship with Abel. In addition, Abel has always made a lot of efforts to protect the tree of life and has fought for it.

Promoting Abel's strength is a means for the tree of life to protect itself. The tree of life does its best to improve Abel's strength. In this regard, the tree of life cannot be lazy.

If other druids need to be promoted, it is impossible for the tree of life to consume its own source of life energy to help. You must know that this source of energy is not a green top magic stone that can be replenished.

The role of the green top magic stone is only to provide energy for Abel's promotion. The tree of life has not benefited.

At this time, Abel felt the pain of promotion last night again, starting from the skin again to the muscles, bones, bone marrow, internal organs and brain.

He did n’t know that he had just become a legend. After being transformed by the air of promotion, the energy of the body was only 50%. In each subsequent promotion, the energy level will increase by 5%. Ascension can enhance your own strength. At the peak of the legend, you can reach 75% of energy.

After that, it takes a long time to cultivate a little bit of energy to improve the energy of the body. This process is very difficult. Once you successfully reach 100% energy of the body, it will truly reach life. Permanent Realm.

As long as the energy in the body is not completely consumed, the 100% energetic body will not die due to lifespan.

This is the ultimate purpose of wizard training, but there are too few wizards to reach this level. The world will produce a batch of geniuses every few dozen days, and these geniuses constantly supplement the number of wizards.

Since becoming a formal sorcerer, every sorcerer has been frantically rushing for time with his life. As long as he stays too long at any level, he will die at this level.

When the last breath of ascension disappeared, Abel felt that his energy level had reached 55 percent. The tree of life just now helped him get one more opportunity for the breath of ascension.

Of course, this is also because he has two souls. Other professionals, even if they are practicing two professions at the same time, there will not be two opportunities for promotion.

As for the work of transforming the Great Druid Seal into the legendary Druid Seal in the Druid's soul, it is performed by the tree of life.

It can be said that the tree of life managed all the processes of his promotion to the legendary druid, and he was really lying and being promoted.

He had no hidden breath of legendary druid emanating from his body, and the great druid guarding the mouth of the valley of the tree of life was swept by this breath and knelt on the ground involuntarily.

But the great druid was not slightly angry, and a ecstatic expression appeared on his face.

The Elves finally have their own legendary druid. For a long time, there has been a saying in the Central Continent that it is impossible for a druid to become a legend.

This kind of statement follows all druids like a magic curse, but today, right in front of his eyes, the curse was broken and the first legendary druid of the elves appeared.

Unconsciously, the branches of the tree of life were retracted, but Abel remained in the air and did not descend.

He doesn't need to hide his ability to fly now, he became a legendary druid, he soon found that his own atmosphere suppressed the great druid of Taniguchi, and quickly recovered his own atmosphere.

He looked at the tree of life, flew to the trunk, reopened the power of the Spirit Whisperer, and thanked the tree of life.

The tree of life is to reply to him, at least six months can no longer help him, the tree of life needs to rest.

At this time, Abel felt that the breath of the tree of life was weak, and it was conceivable that just to help him, the tree of life had paid a small price.

The promotion of the same level of energy can only energize the body once. This is the rule of this world. It is impossible to break the power of this rule without paying enough price.

Abel accepted the benefits of the two promotion energies. In terms of physical energy, he reached the level of a legendary sorcerer of the twenty-seventh level, and what he paid was that the tree of life consumed some sources.

Abel, through the Equality Contract, used a bottle of 'full rejuvenation potion' to act on the tree of life, and a purple light flashed on the huge body of the tree of life.

In his perception, the weakness of the tree of life disappeared instantly, and at the same time the tree of life sent him the message that it had been restored.

Regarding the tree of life, Abel would not care about it revealing his secrets. The equality contract is on the one hand. On the other hand, there is too little life that can communicate with the tree of life. It is estimated that only the goddess of the moon is in the entire elves. Able to communicate with it.

And if the moon goddess wants to come to the tree of life, he must descend. Without major events, how could the moon goddess consume the divine power to descend.

In particular, after many cooperations, he established a strange relationship with the tree of life. Although the tree of life can only transmit information and cannot speak, Abel can still feel the tree of life to him. Extremely sincere.

The tree of life recognizes him, so it must be that he is the most trusted friend. In the tree of life, there is no scheming, no lies, and some just trust each other.

Abel bid farewell to the tree of life, and his body flew away from the valley of the tree of life, flew to the teleportation circle, and returned to the golden castle.

Thanks for the "white hot" reward for 100 starting coins! !! Thank you "lobrfish" for rewarding 200 starting coins! !! Thanks to Fengyun Yang for rewarding 100 starting coins! !!

(End of this chapter)

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