Abe the Wizard

Chapter 1225: disappear

Chapter 1225 Disappear

After sending away eight legendary wizards, Abel did not recall Meyer's butler, three followers, and those half-elven servants.

He is back to the days of cultivation. Every day he is either practicing or waiting for a reply from the Wizarding Guild.

Three days later, he specifically confessed that the research wizard had opened news for the Wizarding Guild.

"Master Bennett, regarding what you said about the legend of the legend of Juul and Halek combined with the legendary Paladin attacked you, after consulting the Wizarding Guild, you have not found any evidence. If you want to sue the legend of Juul and Halek Legend, please submit the corresponding evidence! "

Abel looked at the news, but his heart was cold.

To be honest, he has always had a good relationship with the Wizarding Guild. He has refined a lot of various potions for the Wizarding Guild, and has done a lot for the Wizarding Guild.

Now this shirk is disappointing him.

The attack by the two legendary wizards was unsuccessful. Even if they were found out by the wizards' association, they were just compensation to him, and some warnings, at most, were detention for a period of time, which is painless for the legendary wizard.

But the union between the two legendary wizards and the legendary paladins was not small. Abel thought that as long as the wizards' association wanted to investigate, it was not difficult to find out, at least there were traces of the legendary wizard's battle outside the Golden Castle.

But since that day, no staff member of the Wizarding Guild has come to look for evidence, and now this result is given directly.

In the Wizarding Guild, most of the time, the legendary wizard does not question the wizarding guild. For the legendary wizard, the power of the wizarding guild has no effect. The resources that can truly be used by the legendary wizard are Openly by a legendary wizard.

For legendary wizards, power affects their concentration.

This time, since Abel sued two legendary wizards, the wizards of the Wizarding Guild could not intervene. Even the first-time legendary wizards such as Dylan Legendary Wizard and Larkin Legendary Wizarder could not intervene.

This incident also fell into the hands of the twenty-nine legendary wizard of the legendary wizard of McAdam. Of course, the most important reason was that he brought it back.

This kind of offending two legendary sorcerers of the twenty-eighth level, naturally, no legendary sorcerer had any ideas to take over.

Abel grew too fast, and the level of his association was too low, at which point his shortcomings were reflected.

At this time there were no senior legendary wizards to speak for him, and legendary wizards who wanted to speak for him, such as the legendary wizard of Dylan, could not influence the senior legendary wizards because of their own strength.

Just a day ago, the legendary wizards of Juul and Halek visited the legendary wizards of McAdam, and the legendary wizards of McAdam announced the end of the investigation.

"Forget it, that's fine, I don't have to be distracted for other things, and practice better!" Abel sighed to himself.

He looked at the lavender trees that were originally planted in large areas outside the Golden Castle. Most of these precious trees were destroyed by the battle and the rest were seriously damaged. At least hundreds of years will not be restored here.

"Joseph, the extraterrestrial airships controlled by the Judson family were handed over to the elven royal family, which is my confession to the elven royal family, you should cultivate well!" He sent a message to his follower Joseph Archdruid by contacting the law circle.

"Lorland, I'll be back when you officially become a maiden!" This was a message he sent to Lorraine.

Explaining this well, without waiting for the reply from both sides, he flew directly over the Golden Castle, took the mysterious headband from the artifact space bag and put it on his head.

The mysterious headband doubled his mental power, and his mental power range was as far as 3,300 meters.

This area wrapped the entire Golden Castle in it. In a white light, the huge Golden Castle disappeared in place, leaving only the reinforced foundation.

The Golden Castle includes a 'Star Defense Defense Array' consisting of forty war fortresses, including the main body of the Golden Castle, including the underground part, including the additional facilities of the Super Teleportation Array, which are later added to the artifact space bag.

Then his figure appeared in the control room of the Firefang War Bastion. At the same time, his whole person changed from an elf to a human, and he returned to the appearance of human Abel.

Sitting in the control room, he targeted the Firefang War Citadel in the direction of the Wizarding Guild headquarters.

He is not the kind who can't fight back. He has given up his identity as the elf Bennett, so he wants the two legendary wizards to enjoy the last anger from Master Bennett.

Because the revenge is the legendary wizard of the wizarding guild, naturally the wizarding guild's intelligence system cannot be used, and because he does not want to use the identity of Master Bennett, the wizarding guild honorary elder badge given by the wizarding guild will not be used. .

This made him have trouble finding the information of the two legendary wizards, let alone ordinary professionals, and even ordinary wizards of the wizards association could not know the legendary wizards.

But this is not impossible. His angelic body has a large number of believers. Among them are some intelligence personnel fooled by the kingdom of God on the central continent. These believers did not disclose it either, because he could not explain his source. On the other hand, because these are not professionals, they can only do very little.

However, the current situation made him think of these believers. Through the channel of faith, the angel's body sent a deities to these believers to find out the information of the legendary wizards of Juul and Halek.

Of course, at the same time as issuing the parable, these believers are also forbidden to mention this to anyone.

This also prevents the kingdom of God from discovering that their intelligence personnel have been affected by others, and avoids knowing that someone is impersonating a god.

While Abel was waiting for the results of the investigations by the intelligence agents of the Kingdom of God, the entire central continent was once again boiling with his affairs.

First, it was found that the Golden Castle disappeared is the Virgin Lorraine. After receiving a message from Abel, she immediately wanted to go to the Golden Castle through the teleportation circle, but found that the large teleportation circle belonging to the Golden Castle disappeared from the teleportation list.

In this case, the teleportation matrix was generally closed. However, Lorraine knew that Abel would not put her in the prohibited use even if she closed the teleportation matrix.

The good thing is that the Golden Castle is not far from the Temple of the Goddess, and accompanied by several Archdruids, Lorraine came to the location of the Golden Castle.

Everything in front of her stunned her, the golden castle here disappeared, and there were signs of battle everywhere near the disappearing golden castle.

Of course, these battle traces, Loren also knows, that was left by Abel in the battle with the legendary Paladin of the Kingdom of God, and the extra "Legendary Light" was Abel's record.

Although Lorrain knew this, she was still very anxious to see the disappearance of the Golden Castle. She also understood why Abel wanted to leave that message. Someone threatened Abel and made him have to give up his elf identity.

"His Highness, Master Bennet will be okay, don't worry!" Lucia Archdruid whispered.

"I'm not worried, but I don't know if I can recognize him at a glance next time!" Loren said, shaking his head softly.

Her words made Lucia Archdruid a little unintelligible, but she also saw that Lorraine's look was normal.

"Investigate what happened to Master Bennett. I want to know the details!" Said Lou Lan in a deep voice.

The disappearance of the Golden Castle shocked the entire Central Continent. Those legendary wizards who had been in retreat for years and years did not know the influence of an Alchemist Master who could make a super healing effect on the continent.

The years of the rise of Master Bennett were not as good as a single retreat for them.

Soon, there were rumors in the mainland that Grand Master Bennett was attacked by the Legendary Wizard of the Wizarding Society and the legendary Paladin of the Kingdom of God, and that the Wizardry Association's investigation of this matter was left to nothing. The guru had to leave.

When McAdam, the legendary wizard, heard this rumor, he was very angry. At the same time, he knew that it must have been leaked by seven other legendary wizards present at the time.

But at this time it doesn't make sense to investigate who leaked it. He just regretted that Master Bennett was too timid, so that he didn't have the opportunity to shoot against him.

The reputation of the Wizarding Guild was greatly affected during this period. After knowing this, the Kingdom of God helped to boost the situation. Although the Kingdom of God Intelligence Organization did not have any professionals, its scope of influence was extremely high. Big.

However, within a few days, many people in the Central Continent knew how the Wizarding Guild's legendary wizards treated Master Bennett. The names of the two legendary wizards were also made public, and the legendary wizards of McAdam, who was responsible for the investigation, were also Open.

In a training room, the legendary Miles shaman opened his eyes, and the moment his eyes opened, the arcs spread in his eyes.

"It's a little bit worse. With more effort, I should be able to be promoted to become a demigod sorcerer within a hundred years, and I can participate in the core war!" He perceives the situation in his body, and smiles with a satisfied smile on his face.

Miles Legendary Wizard, Lightning's strongest wizard, a thirty-level legendary wizard, has been in retreat.

The phased mission of this retreat is over. He also needs to relax his mind before moving on to the next stage of cultivation.

His goal is clear, to become a demigod, and to play a greater role in the wizarding guild's battle with the kingdom of gods.

Not a demigod, the role it can play is very limited.

Even his legendary sorcerer of the thirtieth level is not far away from the demigod, but in the presence of the demigod, even standing is a luxury.

Now he only hates that the outer demon awakens too quickly, and given him a few hundred years, he may become a god-level wizard, and then he can face the deadly battle with the outer demon.

"Well, why did the little guy leave me so many words?" Then suddenly the Lightning-based Hal rule wizard left him a dozen messages.

You should know that Lightning will not leave a message to him without an emergency. This is an accident.

He opened a message and heard the voice of the Hall rule wizard.

"Master Miles, our friend from the lightning department Bennett Alchemist is threatened by the legends of Juul and Halek. Legend of Halek also threatens the Lightning Division to help him lead Master Bennett, please Act as Master Bennett when you go out! "

He went on to open the next message, and the messages were presented in front of him.

He was not gloomy either. The legendary wizard and the legendary paladin of the kingdom of God joined forces to attack the alchemist master who has made a significant contribution to the wizarding guild. The legendary wizard of McAdam did not do it.

The most important thing is that this incident has a great impact on the entire Central Continent. The professionals helped by Master Bennett ’s refining potion can no longer be counted. It can be said that in the entire Central Continent, rule wizards have not been favored by Master Bennett Very few.

Master Bennett has helped countless professionals above the senior level through the potion and the opening of the Golden Castle.

Such a man who can be regarded as the great, the first alchemist of thousands of years, and the first legendary druid of thousands of years, was forced to disappear to escape the threat of individual legendary wizards.

What happened to the Wizarding Guild?

Is this the Wizarding Guild I know?

The arctic arc of the Myers legend sorcerer flashes, his strength is not far from the demigod, and he is already the top-level existence in the legendary level.

In addition, he is a legendary wizard of the lightning department, and his attack power has won all legendary wizards.

His body turned into a white light. Excited by ‘momentary movement’, he disappeared into the training room, flickering toward the Wizarding Guild Headquarters with a strong breath of lightning in the air.

His practice room is not far from the headquarters of the Wizarding Guild. For the sake of safety, his practice room does not transmit the magic circle, and apart from contacting the magic circle, few people know his true place of retreat.

Wizards in cultivation are vulnerable, especially in prolonged retreats.

In the Wizarding Guild Headquarters, the legendary Wizard of McAdam was looking at the intelligence summary in front of him. His head felt a kind of pain, and the consequences of the disappearance of Master Bennett exceeded his imagination.

In the battlefield on the front line, a large number of rule wizards and senior wizards began to withdraw, on the one hand due to dissatisfaction with the high level of the wizard guild, and on the other hand because there was no super potion supply of Master Bennett.

Professionals in the front-line battlefield have become accustomed to using those healing potions that have very strong effects, whether it is the "light healing potion" at the beginning, or the "strong potion", to the final "super healing potion", every kind They can keep them alive in times of crisis and restore their combat capabilities at the same time.

Nothing has been realized without losing it. Once lost, I will know how precious it is. Professionals in the battlefield are fighting at the forefront, and they have a deep understanding of this.

Today, whether it is the legendary wizard of Juul or the legendary wizard of Halek, even his 29th-level legendary wizard is cursed by countless wizards, although it is impossible to treat them, in case those demigod wizards or god-level wizards Out of customs, look into the matter, they will all have big trouble.

(End of this chapter)

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