Abe the Wizard

Chapter 1230: Emigration

Chapter 1230 Moving

Ten days passed, and the Wizarding Guild finally found out that something was wrong. Several staff members who served the Legend of Juul reported that the Legend of Juul had not appeared in the practice room for ten days.

Although it is not a matter of ten days for a legendary wizard to retreat, it is not a place for retreat, and the legendary wizard of Juul will not choose to retreat here.

The Joseph Rule Wizard of the Law Enforcement Department heard the news and immediately came to the training room of the legendary wizard of Juul.

He was able to sit in this position by relying on the legendary Zhul Wizard, and his status would be greatly affected if something happened to him.

The Law Enforcement Department is the real power department of the Wizarding Guild. It has very large powers, and many people are jealous of his position.

Then came the Clemens Rule Wizard of the Intelligence Department. If something goes wrong in the Wizarding Guild headquarters, he will be blamed for the intelligence department.

"Joseph Rule Wizard, don't worry. With the strength of Juul's legendary Wizard, he will never be silent if something goes wrong!" Clemence Rule Wizard said Shen Sheng.

What he said is naturally that on the one hand, the legendary wizard of Juul is in the headquarters of the wizards association, and there is no possibility of accidents. On the other hand, if something really happens, there will be no danger to life, because once the legendary wizards die, That towering 'Legendary Light' cannot be hidden at all.

Not to mention a legend, that is, the death of a high-level wizard, the soaring ‘light of the soul’ will also be known.

The words of the Clemens Rule Wizard reassured the Joseph Rule Wizard that, as long as the worst did not happen, his power would not be threatened.

"Clemens rule wizard, let's open the door together!" He smiled reluctantly, and said to Clemens rule wizard.

The internally closed practice room in the Wizarding Guild Headquarters, if it needs to be opened, at least two principals of the Wizarding Guild Headquarters must be present at the same time, and an application must be made to the spirit of the Wizarding Guild Headquarters.

"Yes!" The Clemens rule wizard nodded.

"Sorcerer spirit, apply to open all the defensive and isolated circles of the practice room, and open the door of the practice room!" Joseph Rules Wizard said to the door of the practice room.

"Secondary!" The Clemens rule wizard continued.

"Permission allowed, open the door of the practice room!" As the voice of the machinery came, the main wizard spirit in the wizard's guild headquarters responded to their request.

During this time, the wizard spirit actually scanned the practice room to see if it meets the conditions for opening the practice room door.

This is also set to protect the safety of the wizard inside the practice room. If the wizard inside is meditating, the door of the practice room will not be opened under any circumstances.

Only after the sorcerer's meditation is finished, will the door of the cultivation room be forcibly opened under the permission condition.

At this time, there is no wizard in the practice room, naturally it meets this condition, and there is no problem in opening the door of the practice room.

As the door of the practice room was opened, the Joseph ruler rushed in first. The last thing he wanted to see was that the legendary Juul wizard was severely injured and fell to the ground. Death was impossible, but if he was seriously injured, Juul Legend As the shaman's strength declines, Joseph's rule on shaman's power will also be greatly affected.

However, what he didn't expect was that when he entered the practice room, he found that the practice room was empty.

"What's wrong, Jure's Legendary Wizard is not here?" Clemens Rule Wizard also entered the training room and asked in surprise.

Joseph's rule sorcerer was silent, which made him uncomfortable, and he didn't want such an accident.

"The practice room was closed from the inside using a magic circle, indicating that no outsider can enter the practice room. Did the legendary wizard of Juul leave himself?" The Clemens rule wizard continued.

He could not help but be skeptical, and there was only one situation before him. The legendary wizard of Juul fled because he was afraid of the revenge of Master Bennett, and he was not assured of the security of the wizards' headquarters.

And the escape was in the name of cultivation in a way that was unknown to anyone in the headquarters of the Wizarding Guild.

Thinking of this, the Clemens Rule Wizard could not help but feel a little guilty, because the first thing he thought of was whether the legendary Juul Wizard had known that someone in the Wizarding Guild headquarters had released information related to him.

"Yes, it must have been the legendary wizard of Juul left!" Joseph Rules said in a busy interface.

As long as there is nothing wrong with the legendary Zhul Wizard, then Joseph's rule can be guaranteed.

When the Clemens Rule Wizard saw him, he shook his head secretly. After the Wizarding Guild, he would never let the Joseph Wizard Wizard master the law enforcement department.

Not to mention that this time the legendary Juulian wizard hid into the Wizarding Guild headquarters as if frightened, and escaped secretly, it is said that the Juvenile Wizardry Wizard would not stay because he dealt with the consequences caused by Master Bennett In the position of the Wizards Guild.

Different from what the two rule wizards thought, the legendary McAdam Wizard had a creepy feeling when he heard the news, even if he was in the Wizarding Guild headquarters, he had no sense of security.

He knows more than other wizards. The legendary Juul wizard comes to the Wizarding Guild headquarters for what he knows.

How could he leave the Wizarding Guild headquarters before the legendary wizard of Juul found a solution.

You must know that the legendary wizard of Juul is not alone. There is a group of relying forces behind him. His cultivation resources are obtained from this. Once he escapes, the forces he controls will definitely be taken by other legendary wizards. Possess.

"Come, give me an order. The Wizarding Guild found that Legendary Juul and Legend of Halek were involved in attacking the honorable elder of the Wizarding Guild, Bennett, and had links with the Legendary Paladin. Halek Legendary Wizard has died. To hold him accountable, the legendary wizard of Juul deducted a hundred years of worship! "He ordered loudly.

No matter what the legendary wizard of Juul encounters, he doesn't want to suffer the same result. What face counts at this time.

He ignored the weird look of the staff member who received the order, knowing that the order basically consisted of hitting his own face.

He immediately contacted the legendary wizard of Dylan, and wanted to resolve the conflict between the two parties through the legendary wizard of Dylan and Master Bennett.

Just when the legendary wizard of McAdam was anxious, a castle was hidden on a mountain outside Warsong Plateau and Warsong City. When the sun shone on the castle, the golden luster could not be seen directly.

Although there is such a large castle on top of the peak, the change of the peak cannot be seen from the outside.

Abel put the Golden Castle here, and hidden the Golden Castle by using the stealth magic circle that comes with the war fortress in the Star Defense.

If the entire central continent is a safe place, then Warsong Plateau is definitely one of them.

Already after packing up the Golden Castle, he considered the goal after leaving the Elven clan. To this end, he conveyed a divine metaphor to the barbarians of the Warsong Plateau through Beamon's beast, this mountain will become a **** mountain, no Allow any barbarians to approach.

The development of the barbarian race has been extremely smooth in recent years, and their living conditions in the central continent have improved. In particular, Abel delivered a lot of food to the Warsong Plateau through some indirect channels in order to solve the problem of barbarian food.

At the same time, the status of the barbaric warrior among professionals is also getting higher and higher. In the first-line battlefield, the barbaric warrior from the original provides three states: 'scream', 'combat system', and 'combat command'. Help was added to the use of 'healing' to treat injured professionals.

Especially since Master Bennett's disappearance, various potions made by Master Bennett have become out of print, and it is completely impossible to use those super potions in normal battles.

Even if it is seriously injured, unless you have a special relationship, you cannot enjoy the treatment of super potions.

The original healing potions of the Central Continent, after using all the super potions made by Master Bennett, could not bear the slow recovery speed.

There are still many injuries. The previous treatments could not be cured at all. They can only be slowly boiled with the body. Eventually, they will become old injuries that cannot be removed from the body and become obstacles on the way to promotion.

However, after Abel opened up their use of ‘healing’, the barbarian warrior ’s own magical effect similar to that of the super potion made many professionals crazy.

In the previous fighting groups, the barbarians were regarded as a kind of logistics personnel. There were not many fighting groups that they wanted to accept. Even if they accepted, the distribution of loot would be reduced.

It's different now. Every battle group wants to have one or more barbarians, because each barbaron can accumulate three 'healing', and as long as he continues to pray for hours, he can continue Repeatedly perform 'healing'.

In the past, when there was a super potion made by Master Bennett, it also showed its advantages. However, without the super potion, the ‘healing’ of the barbarian warrior has become one of the most important life-saving means.

Abe, like when he was in the Elf tribe, sits on the 'Starlight Defense Array', and the tables and chairs transformed from the ancient steel of the War Fortress allow him to comfortably enjoy the beauty of the plateau.

After the Golden Castle moved over, it also encountered many problems. The biggest problem was the transmission of the magic circle.

Needless to say, if he wants to use it, he cannot use it again unless he reveals the identity of Master Bennett.

The same is true of the large teleportation matrix, which cannot be connected to the wizard's transfer network, which also makes the large teleportation matrix useless.

It can be said that the Golden Castle now has no teleportation circle available, and has become a completely isolated castle.

Abel didn't care about this. He became an alchemist master in the elves. In the early days, he really provided a lot of help for his cultivation. The huge amount of cultivation resources kept his cultivation speed far higher than other professionals.

But after he became a legend, he found that there were more troubles than gains, and he decided to live in seclusion and practice well.

"Elder Bray begging to see you!" Research Spirit's voice came.

Abel smiled. Instead of using short-range teleportation, he used ‘momentary movement’ directly, and then appeared in the air outside the Golden Castle.

His appearance at this time has changed back to the original human, and he does not need to hide his legendary wizard identity.

Elder Bray is the elder of the God of War shrine. Now he is the spokesperson of the Astoria. Although the Astoria is not strong enough, Elder Bray cannot use God to descend, but he has also obtained the ‘Enlightenment Blessing’ ability through the Ancient Totem.

In the past few years, the number of new barbarian professionals in the barbarian race can illustrate the terror of this "blessing of enlightenment."

Because Abel was planning to live here for a long time, he naturally needed some channels of communication with the outside world. Elder Bray was the most suitable.

Astoria's spokesperson was equal to Abel's spokesperson, although Elder Bray himself was not aware of this.

"Holy Lord, Lord, the elder of the temple, Bray, salutes you!" Elder Bray saw Abel hovering in the air, and was not surprised by the accident. It is not surprising that God can fly.

He received the divine metaphor to let him come here to meet with the ambassador, which made him very excited. In the past thousands of years, the God of War Temple has gone through ups and downs, and it has almost made the barbarians race this God of War faith race several times. Extinction.

Only after the attack two years ago did the gods return, did the Temple of War begin to reappear glory.

The appearance of the envoy made him even think that the God of War is paying more attention to the barbarian race and the temple.

"Elder Bray, everything you see next must be kept secret!" Abel said with a smile.

"Yes, Lord God!" Elder Bray responded.

Abel waved his hand gently, and a spiritual force directly pulled Elder Bray, and then flew towards the defensive shield composed of the 'Starlight Defense Array'.

When looking out of the defensive shield, the summit was still the summit, but Elder Bray felt that everything had changed after he passed a barrier.

The huge castle made of gold gave him a strong sense of impact.

Compared to the barbarian house made of stone, this golden castle is like a building where the gods live.

Of course, Elder Bray also felt a castle made of gold in the heart. It seems that there is also a castle in this world, because that one is too famous, that is, the Golden Castle of Master Bennett.

Even the barbarian, who lives in the desolate Warsong Plateau, has heard the legend of the Golden Castle.

However, when he thought of what God said, he was just surprised, but he didn't say much. He walked into this golden castle with a spirit of looking forward to the gods.

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(End of this chapter)

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