Abe the Wizard

Chapter 1235: strengthen

Chapter 1235 Strengthen

After the power of the dragon has been destroyed and repaired twenty times, it can no longer be destroyed and repaired, and the twenty times of destruction and repair is like a pinnacle.

Although the destruction and repair are over, Abel's dragon body has also reached the highest level that can be strengthened in the Dragon Temple, but the power of the dragon is not exhausted, but only half of the power of the dragon is used.

At this time, Golden Dragon Kenbour had the idea of ​​stopping to intervene, but found a new change on Abel's dragon body.

Abel thought that when he was promoted to a formal sorcerer, he used forging to strengthen the sorcerer's crystal, which allowed him to gain a lot of benefits in subsequent cultivation and fighting.

At this moment, he felt the power of the mad influx of dragons, and couldn't help thinking of whether he could also treat the body as a rough, and use forging to strengthen the body, and the flame was the power of these dragons.

Anyway, the power of these dragons has the effect of repairing itself. Since the power of the dragon does not actively destroy, then he forcibly destroys himself.

Otherwise, the power of so many dragons will never be released, and his body will definitely burst.

He did what he wanted, and he didn't hesitate too much, of course, it also depended on his backup resources, with the existence of a ‘full rejuvenation potion’, so that he would hardly care about any injuries.

His mental power immediately took 'Hradic Mares' out of the Artifact Space Bag. After leaving the Artifact Space Bag, 'Hradic Mares' became larger and heavier, under his mental power control Next, he slammed heavily on his dragon's body, and his dragon's body actively released his defense when receiving the 'Heradic Malus' drop.

Of course, the fall of ‘Hradic Mares’ was not so simple, but at a strange angle, it hit the weakest point of the dragon body without defense.

Regarding the use of a hammer, don't look at him being only 21 years old, but his application of the hammer can be compared to any blacksmith who uses a hammer in his life.

Anyway, he still has the status of a master blacksmith, and using a hammer is as easy as using a knight sword.

At the beginning, he was still experimenting, and soon he found the law, with each hit of 'Heradic Malus', a part of the dragon's power will be hit into the dragon's body. These dragon's powers Under the action of the giant force, the dragon body was torn first, and then the dragon body was quickly repaired.

He clearly felt that once a tear and repair, his dragon body was strong again.

As long as it is effective, he starts a crazy smash. Under this smash, the pain he suffers can be many times more severe than at the beginning.

"Damn!" He knew in his heart that even if the Lord's soul was strong enough, he could not maintain the best rhythm and accuracy of smashing under such pain.

Instantly he turned on the stone fragments of the world, at the same time moved the psychic from the main soul to the druid soul, and completely gave the control of the body to the druid soul, with the help of the stone fragments of the world, the same smash There will be no errors.

And the druid's soul's perception of pain is far less intense than the main soul's, or the druid's soul lacks some pain consciousness.

Jinlong Kenbul and Jinlong April were stunned. They have never seen any new dragon do this.

"I now know why the Abel Brothers achieved such success at the age of twenty-one!" Kim Long Kemper sighed.

"Yeah, he's a kid, but he's so **** himself!" King Dragon Aprilie nodded.

For the two of them who have lived for about 10,000 years, the 21-year-old is of course a child.

Although the pain was reduced, the persistent pain did not end, and the mind-controlled 'Hradidic Mallus' was always able to find the weakness of the dragon's body, just like when he was forging fine iron, he used ordinary The hammer can also forge refined iron.

Nowadays, the dark gold-level blacksmith artifact ‘Hradic Mares’ is used to make the dragon body as refined iron.

As time went by, even Abel's physical strength could not stand a little. These continuous processes of destruction and repair have been consuming his physical strength.

The original Dragon Shrine used the power of dragons to strengthen the new dragons, which would not make the dragons physically weak. Because the dragons are so powerful, it is difficult to consume them.

But now Abel is aware of the exhaustion of physical strength, and he has all kinds of destruction and repair like this, which are consuming his vitality.

As soon as his mental power was moved, a white bottle of "physical potion" in the artifact space bag was used.

This small vial of white 'physical potion' entered the huge dragon body and looked so disproportionate, but this was not the potion of the central continent, but the potion of the dark world.

After entering the dragon's body, this 'physical potion' with regular power immediately resumed exhausted physical strength.

It's not just restoring physical strength. After a few seconds of recovery, the continuous action of the ‘strength potion’ appears. Abel ’s physical strength was almost completely lost as soon as the dragon ’s body was torn and repaired.

His physical strength at this time was just like being solidified in the body. No matter how he consumed it, he could not reduce his physical strength.

An hour passed, and after the last power of the dragon was used by his body, the effect of the sixth bottle of "strength potion" also ended.

The body of Abel's dragon did not lie on the ground in a big image, panting heavily, although his physical strength has remained at its peak, but this strengthening has also consumed a lot of mental power. At this time, he almost didn't want to move. Just a moment.

This made him have to take a bottle of "full rejuvenation potion". After the potion was used, a purple light flashed over his body.

What surprised him was that his physical injuries were very serious just after the ascension. Of course, these injuries did not occur during the strengthening process, but at the end of the strengthening, due to the absence of the might of the dragon, part of his body was not completely recovered.

After taking the ‘full rejuvenation potion’, his spirit recovered and he sensed his dragon body.

The strength is at least several times stronger than before, and his defense is not clear, but seeing the most complicated patterns on the dragon scales on his body, there are many who want to improve defense.

He slammed forward with his front paws, and a sound of tearing air came, and then he left his front paws with energy and continued to strike forward.

At this moment, a flash of light flashed, and Jinlong Kenbul blocked the energy, and grabbed the energy in his hands and squeezed it.

"Don't use any attack in the Dragon Temple!" He said in a deep voice.

"Sorry, I haven't fully mastered this body yet!" Abe apologized quickly.

He retracted 'Dragon Change' and the dragon body began to change back to his original human body.

After turning back to the human body, he felt that his body was very different from before.

He took a step forward, but his body flew straight out.

Even if there was the suppression of the solid dragon force here, his body would fly out ten meters away.

The sudden increase in strength has a better effect on the dragon's body. At least the dragon's body itself must consider the strength factor and control the strength.

In the judgment of the stone fragments of the world, the strength of the other person's body is exactly half that of the dragon's body. It seems that his previous strength is completely in front of such strength.

At this time Abel really felt the power of the dragon. If each dragon had such power, in this small world, what race could be against it.

He stood up carefully, using the fragments of the world stone to help him start to move his body, but after twenty seconds, he regained control of the body.

"Brother Abel, can you keep your experience, this is very important to our dragon family!" Golden Dragon Kemp pleaded with Abel at this moment.

Abel's reinforcement process this time, no matter what causes the accident, but Abel's handling of this unexpected process is definitely worth learning by the dragon.

"Okay, but where do I leave my experience?" Abel didn't refuse, as long as he didn't expose his secrets, he didn't care about his forging experience.

As for whether other dragons will have this opportunity, unless they also have artifacts that can double their mental power and can tolerate the terrible pain.

"Come with me!" Jinlong Kenbul said leading the way, and soon came to a wall on the side of the Dragon Temple.

Abel looked at the wall with the names of the dragons. These names glowed white as his mental powers swept.

When he focused his mental energy on a name called Black Dragon Prague, an introduction to the ability to plunder life appeared immediately, which was a very scary ability that could absorb the life of animals and plants for his own use.

"Brother Abel, as long as you use vitality, you can record your experience on it. These records are good or bad, but they are all inherited from the Dragon race. Among them, you better not to look at the evil ones!" Bo was too young to be afraid of being attracted by those evil abilities, so he reminded.

In fact, Abel was much stronger than he thought. He had been fighting **** creatures for many years and had seen too many evil forces.

"Brother Kemp, do these experiences have dragon practice?" Abel asked curiously.

"It can be practiced, but in general, if you are a blue dragon, then it is best to find the experience left by the blue dragon!" Golden Dragon Kemper persuaded again.

Abel nodded, he began to organize the process just into language, and then passed into the wall through spiritual force.

He concealed the mysterious headband, concealed ‘Hradidic Malles’, concealed the two souls, concealed the ‘power potion’, and concealed the ‘energized potion’.

If there are dragons who can repeat his process, then he really admires the other party's ability.

However, the Golden Dragon Kemp just let Abel leave a possibility that has been realized. With this direction, naturally interested dragons will work for it.

Over the years, although the number of dragons has not increased, their strength has continued to improve, and it is precisely because of their increasing experience.

No matter what secret Abel hides, the dragon has time. As long as there is a direction, you can slowly solve one by one, this is the confidence of the dragon family.

As Abel transmitted the last language into the wall, his name 'Blue Dragon Abel' appeared on the wall.

On the side, Jinlong Kenbour focused his attention on the name of ‘Blue Dragon Abel’ with his mental strength, and soon saw it again.

"Brother Abel, when my child is born and grows into a young dragon, let him try it this way!" King Long Kenbul said to Abel with a smile after reading.

"Well, Brother Kemp, if your child is strengthening, then it's best to inform me before strengthening, I use my experience to protect him through strengthening!" Abel thought for a while without persuading, but directly.

Anyway, no matter what happens, he can use the medicament to treat it. As for how to achieve these conditions, it is not his responsibility.

"Haha, this is natural, go, I'll take you to see our super teleportation team!" King Dragon Kenbul was very happy, he invited Abel.

The Super Teleportation Array is in the left temple of the Dragon Temple, and its area is larger than Abel's imagination.

This super teleportation matrix does not have those auxiliary pools of magic, etc., or those are elsewhere, which is unknown.

He was just amazed by the size of the Super Teleportation Matrix, which had a diameter of 50 meters, which was the largest teleportation array that Abel had ever seen.

But think about the dragons that use these teleportation formations, and you can imagine why.

"Brother Kemp, what are the requirements for using this teleportation matrix?" Abel turned to Jinlong Kemp and asked.

"There are no requirements, anyway, you are not an adult, and you will not have any tasks before Chitose in Dragon Clan, so you only need to enjoy the convenience of Dragon Clan. Of course, if you use a super teleportation matrix, you still need to make up the energy consumed Yes, three top magic stones are needed at a time, regardless of the variety! "Jinlong Kenbul said with a smile.

For dragons, top-level magic stones that do not correspond to their own rules cannot be hatched by themselves, so these top-level magic stones are generally exchanged with other dragons or wizard guilds, or they are used in the super teleportation circle. on.

"After I travel to the Holy Land, I can still use the Super Teleportation there when I return?" Abel asked again.

"It's no problem, as long as you are a member of the Dragon Clan, no matter where you are, you can use the Dragon's Super Teleportation Matrix!" Golden Dragon Kenbour nodded.

"I'll take care of myself first, and when I have time to come by myself to use Super Teleportation!" Abel said for a moment.

"I will stop you now if you leave, don't you say that you want ancient objects? I also want to build an ancient flying fortress to help you activate it!" Jinlong Kenbul said with a smile.

He turned to look at Golden Dragon April again and said, "Become our child's toy!"

His words made Jinlong April laugh. If it wasn't for Abel beside them, they would have a baby now!

(End of this chapter)

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