Abe the Wizard

Chapter 1238: Settle

Chapter 1238 Settle

Two months have passed, and there is no news of Master Bennett in the Central Continent. No matter whether the organization with him or the Wizarding Guild Intelligence Network, Master Bennett has not been found.

The golden fortress shining with gold was as if it had disappeared and no one had seen it.

At this time, Abel was very comfortable. He first refined a batch of high-level wizards, regular wizards' cultivation potions, and returned to the Holy Land once, and returned these potions to Harry Castle.

He returned to Harry Castle, and no one knew he had returned to the Holy Land once, except for Duke Marshall and his teacher, the Morton Wizard.

The development of Saint Continent is very gratifying. Due to the sufficient supply of resources, the wizard of Morton has increased the wizard level by one step, and he does not need to consider the problem of insufficient life at all.

Murphy's seventh-level wizard has now reached the tenth level, which will impact the realm of intermediate wizards.

The former genius sorcerer Evelyn had long become an intermediate sorcerer, with a feeling of coming up later.

In fact, among these wizards, Abel was most favored by Wizard Evelyn, a very young genius who became a sixth-level wizard, and could not be promoted due to injuries.

Since receiving Abel's treatment, his constant efforts have reached a thick accumulation, and now the true skyrocketing.

Of course, this is only the holy continent. The wizarding level of the holy continent is still weak for the central continent.

Abel took away a large amount of 'Three Goddess Statues' spring water, and returned to the central continent through the dragon's super teleportation circle on the Holy Land.

In the following days, a large amount of special food was transferred from the Golden Castle to the Warsong City War Temple through the teleportation circle, and a batch of barbarian professional training resources were also passed.

Warsong Plateau is a very closed existence. The harsh environment makes it difficult for people other than the barbarians to survive here, which also makes the Wizarding Society's intelligence network scarce.

In particular, the glory of the clergy and the God of War returned to this land. The barbarians who previously worked for the Wizarding Guild no longer serve the Wizarding Guild intelligence network.

The barbarians changed their food for better, but the saved food was enough for ordinary barbarians.

In fact, if the barbarian has no professional, just an ordinary barbarian, relying on the hard work of the barbarian, even in this desolate warsong plateau will not appear hungry.

It is precisely to support the cultivation of barbarian professionals, and a large amount of food is consumed by these professionals who daily consume far more than ten times that of ordinary barbarians, which has led to the barbaric population has been unable to grow.

However, if there is no barbarian professional, then the barbarian race will not even exist. The powerful beasts of Warsong Plateau and the peep of foreigners are all because of the barbarian professional. .

This is like a strange circle. In the past, the barbarian race was desperately planting food, and then supplied most of them to barbarian professionals. This kept the number of barbarians only hundreds of thousands.

Only by solving the problem of food can the barbarian race grow.

Elder Bray looked in tears at the piles of grain piled up in the temple. These grains were full of energy feedback in his mental power perception.

Although some barbarians had advised him not to make the temple a grain warehouse, Elder Bray insisted on placing the grain in the temple.

"These are foods given by God. Every barbarian professional feels God's grace when eating it!" He said to every barbarian professional who came to receive food.

Although there has not been much change in the barbarians' race in a short time, but from the changes in the face of ordinary barbarians, it can be seen that the race of barbarians today is no longer the race that struggles between life and death. Already.

Elder Bray went in the direction of the Golden Castle when he prayed, and he found that every time he prayed like this, he would feed back more spirit.

Under his leadership, more and more barbarians prayed in the direction of the Golden Castle.

Abel sits on the 'Star Defence Array' over the Golden Castle, beside Beamon's beast.

Doffer was holding the ‘Ancient Totem’, and his body flashed a bit of gold from time to time. In the basement, the statue of Doffer was even more powerful.

Of course, the golden light on Astoria was only visible to the master Abel.

He solved the problem of food and cultivation resources for the barbarian race, which was given in the name of the gods, and naturally the greatest benefit was the assassin.

In today's physical transformation process of Astoria, the formation of the **** body is at least a hundred years earlier than previously estimated. This is a sign of the great increase in the power of faith.

It's just that Abel wasn't prepared to let the dove become a **** too soon, although he had already acquired the knowledge of the god's cultivation system.

As far as he knows, once the body of God is built, there will be changes in the heavens and the earth, and the Wizarding Guild will naturally know it.

With the attitude of the wizarding society to the gods, the birth of a new **** will never be tolerated.

And if he is allowed to achieve the **** body in the dark world, it is really hard to say what will happen. According to his research on the knowledge of the cultivation system of the gods these days, each world has different constraints on the gods.

The gods of this world can exert their strongest fighting power in this world, and their various abilities will not be affected. If foreign gods enter this world, they will not be recognized by this world. The original Strength will be greatly affected.

Abel walking between the two worlds has always had doubts as to why the suppression of the legend in the dark world is so horrible that even flying is deprived of it, even the true deity, the stealing **** Milton.

Is it because he is an alien and those **** creatures are also aliens, so no matter how powerful he is, he cannot reveal his ability.

Of course, Abel was also very skeptical that this was related to the Stone of the World, but these speculations will become clear after he takes the last piece of the World Stone.

However, it is impossible for him to become a **** in the dark world. Once he becomes a **** in the dark world, he is likely to be suppressed by the world. By then, the powerful fighting power of the Abel under the control of Adolf Will become restrained.

You must know that Dow himself is known for his combat. A combat instinct can completely suppress multiple strong players of the same rank in countless battles. This is all his instinct for combat.

Coupled with his practice of the barbarian profession, his talents made Abel lose the confidence to continue to cultivate the barbarian profession.

Although this time did not let Dowf fight, in fact Dow's combat power has far exceeded that of the past. Although he can't fly like a legend, his combat power can also hang a 26th-level legend.

Astoria has recently been baptized by the power of faith. His body is constantly being reformed. Although he has not achieved the body of the god, it has been greatly strengthened.

What's more important is what kind of person the believers of Astoria are. Those who are the most powerful barbarians. The faith power provided by these barbarians naturally plays a very important role in strengthening their physique.

This is why the God of War chose the barbarians as the source of faith. It is also the faith of these powerful barbarians that made the name of the God of War.

Now the dove has taken over the name of God of War. Although he has not really become a god, he has completely taken over the source of God's faith.

Today, Abel is going to use the ‘Soul Potion’ to strengthen all his covenants and summons. He ’s been controlling the usage of the ‘Soul Potion’, which has allowed him to save nearly 10,000 bottles of the ‘Soul Potion’.

Many of his contractual objects and summons can no longer keep up with his strength growth without improving his strength.

Following him was Black Wind, who had been his mount for many years. He spent many years fighting with him.

Black Wind naturally has its own advantages. Its speed is blessed with the ability of Hell to be `` especially fast, '' and it can easily avoid melee attacks.

However, due to Abel ’s wizarding profession, this speed is far less convenient than Abel ’s “momentary movement”.

But it was impossible for him to give up the black wind. He decided to increase the level of the black wind's spirit beast to see if he could enhance it.

It is just that Black Wind was originally an ordinary beast, but now it has risen to the level of intermediate spirit beasts, which is already far beyond its own price.

Abel stroked the hair on the neck of Heifeng and felt the joy of his old friend. Heifeng's requirements were simple. He would be very happy as long as he was with him.

He took out the ‘Soul Potion’ and poured a bottle into Heifeng ’s mouth. He knew what it was, and the tongue rolled the medicine into his belly.

A bottle of 'soul potion' caused a purple mist to appear on the body of the black wind, and the 'soul potion' has not been used for a long time. In addition, in many battles, the 'full rejuvenation potion' used due to the damage of the black wind, Its resistance to the 'soul potion' disappeared.

Just one bottle made Black Wind react, but Abel knew that this bottle of 'soul potion' was not enough.

When ten bottles of "Soul Potion" were sent into the body of Black Wind, Abel stopped the action in his hand, he opened the ability of the stone fragments of the world, and he could clearly understand the current state of Black Wind.

These ten bottles of "soul potion" are already the greatest bearing capacity of the Black Wind, and no matter how strong it is, it cannot bear it.

The body of the black wind is constantly twisting in the purple mist, these mists constantly impact its soul, but its soul is like a boulder that cannot be shaken.

Breaking the limit of the ranks again and again, and finally the limit of the black wind is here. Even if ten bottles of 'Soul Potion' are used, it cannot change its existence as a high-level spirit beast.

Abel looked at the struggling black wind, and was about to use a bottle of "full rejuvenation potion" to help him end this promotion.

However, Heifeng sent a request. He wanted his master to give him another bottle of "Soul Potion".

Abel was a little silent. The request from Heifeng made him very hesitant, but he knew that as a wolf born for battle, he could not fight with his master rather than die.

Abel took out another bottle of "Soul Elixir", and at the same time, the Druid's soul had activated a bottle of "Full Rejuvenation Elixir" at any time, and in the event of an accident, he immediately healed the Black Wind.

This time Heifeng actively poured the ‘Soul Potion’ into his mouth, and then his body began to tremble constantly. His soul began to appear extremely unstable and would collapse at any time.

You need to know that the "soul potion", a potion specifically designed to enhance the soul, has a surprisingly beneficial effect on the soul, but it is not without side effects.

After each use of the "Soul Potion" to strengthen the soul, it takes a long time to restore the stability of the soul before the next ascension.

Black Wind is a method of using overdrawn souls to find a chance to advance.

Abel has been paying attention to the soul of the black wind through the soul chain, sharing the pains from the black wind soul. To be honest, he has endured the pain after undergoing two energy transformations and one dragon force transformation. Levels have been increased.

With his shared pain, the tremor of the Black Wind has eased a bit, and the instability in the soul is also alleviating.

Abel even felt the obsession of Heifeng who did not want to leave him. When this soul was connected, a series of memories continued to emerge.

There was a scene where Heifeng ran behind him when he was a kid, and for the first time he rode on the back of Heifeng and ran really like a knight.

With the appearance of bits and pieces of memories, the spirit of Black Wind became more stable, and its soul rose with a sharp long snoring sound in a purple light.

Abel looked at the black wind wrapped in purple light, and his eyes were full of relief. In fact, even if the black wind could not be improved, when his strength reached a certain level, he could use other means to increase the strength of the black wind.

Even he can use the "Divine Power Crystal" to strengthen the black wind, even if the black wind is only a middle-level spirit beast, he can also have a body far beyond the high-level top spirit beast.

However, such an improvement has to wait for many years, but Heifeng is thinking not to leave him.

This is the pride of the wolf. Abel satisfied his pride and quietly withdrew the ‘full rejuvenation potion’ that was ready to be used.

After the purple light disappeared, the black wind could not wait to show its ability, and it was continuously transmitted by Abel's side.

This time, it did not get new capabilities, but it changed its transmission ability from a limited number of times to unlimited use.

You should know that the transmission of the black wind is not the 'momentary movement' of the wizard. Although they are very close to each other, because the transmission of the black wind is the instinct of the spirit beast, its casting speed can only be activated by activating the patterns on the nucleus in the body. Much faster than the wizards performing 'momentary movement'.

Among them, the process that the wizard draws the "momentary movement" spell pattern, even if the so-called instantaneous "momentary movement" wizard needs to draw the "momentary movement" spell pattern to be able to cast, only the 'momentary movement' spell is drawn. The speed of the pattern is suppressed within half a second.

Thanks for the "white hot" reward for 100 starting coins! !! Thank you "lobrfish" for rewarding 200 starting coins! !!

(End of this chapter)

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