Abe the Wizard

Chapter 1240: visitor

Chapter 1240: Visitor

The improvement of the contract's strength does not greatly improve Abel in the dark world. On the one hand, he fights on the ground in the dark world. He already has a huge advantage. When he enters the cave battle, whether it is Fei Yan Neither Johnson nor Jason could help him.

Of course, it is not without its benefits. The improvement of the power of the black wind directly makes his battle in the dark world more secure, such as the speed of lightning, plus the ability to use teleport to escape the danger at any time. Cooperating with each other is almost perfect.

When he returned from the dark world to the Golden Castle the next day, it was almost noon. This was an increase in the time he spent training in the dark world.

Now he spends most of the day in the dark world to practice, especially his covenants. He also tries to keep them in the dark world so that they can have a longer growth period.

Like Frankenstein, Bruce Faithful Knight, Downey's Rule Wizard, and Will's Legendary Paladin, these four contracts need to be cultivated by themselves to enhance their own strength.

All Abel can do is to provide them with sufficient cultivation resources. Fortunately, in this regard, as an alchemist, one has gained thousands of years of accumulation of the kingdom of God in the bag of artifact space, and one stole. For him in the central temple of the kingdom of God, cultivation resources are absolutely sufficient.

What he lacks is only a matter of time. He needs to reach the strength that can resist the demons in the sky within a hundred years.

Although Tianwai Demon also has such a powerful opponent as the Wizarding Guild, Abel does not want to trust his life in the hands of such a large organization.

After discovering that the wizarding guild's attitude would change with the will of some strong men, he lost the idea of ​​cooperating with the wizarding guild again.

He has always been working with the Wizarding Guild on an equal footing, but the Wizarding Guild has taken the initiative to break this cooperation.

He needs to increase his own strength, and the demon in the heavens has the paladin of the kingdom of God as a helper. He also needs a helper. If he does n’t get a dome of sacrificial artifact, he wants to find a helper, only the wizarding guild of the world ’s dominant power. .

But one hundred years is enough for him to resurrect two hundred strong men, of course, provided he gets enough corpses.

However, after using the stealing **** Milton to go to the Wizarding Guild to capture the legendary wizard of Juul, he has a new idea. He will not take the initiative to offend the Wizarding Guild, but he can start from the Kingdom of God and kill the legend one by one. Paladins, get their bodies.

Who is against him in the Natural Wizards Guild? Now that he is completely hidden, he does n’t need to worry about the Wizards Guild in retaliation, just as he did to the legendary Halek wizard and Juul wizard.

He feels that since he lived in seclusion, he is more free and stronger, and he has shown a strong danger to the world.

For lunch, he ate on the top floor of the Golden Castle. The meal was not those dishes of the past, but some dishes of ancient tastes. Although there may be a gap between the real taste and the ancient ones due to the problem of raw materials, but But it really made him feel fresh.

Of course, the most important thing is that during the cultivation period, he studied the recipes of two ancient chefs. He studied the recipes in these recipes that can enhance himself, just like the recipe of ancient medicine. Little replacement of raw materials.

Among them, the biggest contributor was Tallinn Flavi, the Holy Land's Harry Castle. This sentimental spirit caused by the integration of the ancient and the two spirits of the world, has been dealing with the various affairs of Harry Castle for a long time. The ingredients of this world are self-classified and recorded in its database.

Although the special ingredients of the central continent are missing, it also saves Abel a lot of energy.

Today, there are two of these dishes above the table. After daily consumption, they can slightly improve his physique and strength.

You know, in terms of his body, it is very difficult to add a little physique and strength after being transformed by the power of the dragon.

After the two dishes were researched, he was able to understand that the ancient food that the world has never paid attention to is essentially the same system as the medicament, but it has less side effects than the medicament, and of course its efficacy is much smaller.

But the most important feature of ancient foods is that they can be consumed all the time without worrying about physical resistance or causing adverse effects on the body.

It can be said that if a shaman with weak constitution wins, if he eats this kind of food from the moment he becomes a shaman, his constitution will always remain normal, or even improve, and will not allow the trainee shaman to be promoted to a formal shaman due to physical reasons And cannot be promoted.

If he still has a good relationship with the Wizarding Guild at this time, this discovery will change the wizarding system of the entire Wizarding Guild and make more wizards appear in this world.

At the same time, more wizards will have more chances of promotion when they are full.

Abel thought contentedly of the recent achievements, while drinking juice and eating lunch, he would not promote these dishes to the Holy Land in a short time.

Once the interest has exceeded a certain price, no one's identity can stop the greedy peep.

When Abel became a senior wizard and joined the Lightning Series, he took care. When adding more revenue to the Lightning Series, he used the Stone Giant Johnson, and it was for this reason that he had to become an elf. Bennett.

When he became a legendary wizard, he swelled again, thinking that he was powerful, but did not hide his own strength, and the secret that allowed him to quickly increase his strength became the reason why others peeped at him. Although he killed two peepers, But also had to hide again.

You know that he doesn't believe that in the Wizarding Guild, only the two legendary wizards have a peep at his secrets. The two 28th-level legendary wizards cannot succeed, then next time they will be stronger legendary wizards or even demigods. wizard.

Therefore, as for the ancient dishes, he will not be exposed easily under the premise that he cannot fully guarantee that he can possess this technology.

"Master, contact the Array and ask for activation!" Research Spirit's voice came.

"Research spirit, who applied?" Abel knew that his contact matrix was now attached to the large teleport matrix, and all previous contacts had been disconnected. Who was contacting him at this time?

"Master, it's Kim Long Kenble who contacted you. Would you activate the request?" Research Ling responded.

Abel laughed. Needless to say, it is estimated that Golden Dragon Kemp and Golden Dragon April are about to get married. The only people who can contact him are the War God Temple and the Dragon Race.

The last time he returned, he set the coordinates of Longdao's teleportation matrix in his large teleportation matrix, giving him a channel to connect with Longdao.

"Research the spirit and activate the contact circle!"

With Abel's command, the contact circle was activated, and soon he heard a familiar voice.

"Brother Abel, I handed over the task of guarding the waters of the country of evil. I and April planned to hold a simple wedding three days later!" The laughter of Golden Dragon Kemp came from the contact circle, listening He was very happy to come out.

"Brother Kemp, I wish you and April as soon as possible to have your own child!" Abel was also happy for Jinlong Kemp and said with a smile.

It is not so easy to come to Jinlong Kenbul to end his task of guarding the waters of the Kingdom of God. From the last time he looked so anxious, until today, two months have passed, and this task was handed over. Already.

In fact, this is also related to the fact that most of the dragons in the dragon family have their own related affairs, especially the ten thousand year dragons such as the golden dragon Kenbour. Very few.

"Brother Abel, and Prague and Kinsey are also planning to hold a wedding at the same time. Prague and I are standing in the teleportation matrix outside Long Island, waiting for you to open the teleport authority, but we have to come in person to invite you. Without your help, we wouldn't get married so quickly! "Golden Dragon Kemp continued.

The large-scale teleportation array of the Golden Castle is usually not open. At most, it only maintains a basic communication ability. That is to prevent it from happening in the Warsong Plateau.

"It's my pleasure to visit the two, and I will now open the right to transmit the circle!" Abel responded immediately.

Afterwards, the Array Spirit activated the large teleportation Array, and then passed the application of the two dragons.

Abel also came outside the large teleportation circle in the basement, waiting for their arrival.

Soon in the light of several teleportations, Golden Dragon Kemper and Golden Dragon April, Black Dragon Prague appeared with a strange woman in a large teleportation circle.

"Brother Abel!" King Dragon Kenbul laughed and hugged Abel, this move made King Dragon April laughed.

Abel was not accustomed to his enthusiasm, and hugged it slightly, and quickly pushed him away.

"Blue Dragon Abel, this is Kinsey!" Black Dragon Prague smiled and introduced the woman around him to Abel.

"Blue Dragon Abel, this is Black Dragon King West, Prague said a lot about you, thank you!" Black Dragon King West's voice was cold, but the words he spoke were sincere.

But it seems that Black Dragon Jinxi is not good at expressing her emotions, so her face is also very rigid.

"Black Dragon King West, needless to say thank you, Black Dragon Prague likes you more than his hobby, and I just made a deal with him!" Abel said with a smile.

Black Dragon Jinxi didn't say anything, just nodded slightly.

"Wow, this is gold?" Golden Dragon April screamed.

She glanced at the transfer room just now and noticed the difference.

Black Dragon Jinxi's gaze also flickered, and he turned to look around.

"Here is my castle, called the Golden Castle. I'll show you around. There are short-range teleportation circles everywhere, and they can be teleported to any place at any time!" Abel looked at the two and expressed great enthusiasm for gold. The dragon said to everyone with a smile.

Then he activated the short-range teleportation matrix at the feet of everyone, first came to the top platform of the Golden Castle, where you can see the whole picture of the Golden Castle.

"The Golden Castle has a great reputation in the Wizarding Guild. It is said that the legendary wizard of Halek in the Wizarding Guild was killed by this Golden Castle!" The Golden Dragon Kemp had been guarded before, naturally getting some major events on the continent. He explained to the two female dragons.

"Blue Dragon Abel, you are so rich." Golden Dragon April didn't care too much about killing the legendary wizard. The only thing she cared about was that it was too dazzling.

As a dragon, born with a special love for gold, so the average dragon will collect some gold coins.

But no amount of gold coins can be compared with the front-line battlefields with special output. There is almost a continuous flow of gold in the gold mines there.

Abel also had the ability to build such a gold castle because he had mastered the gold mines that have been mined in the Kingdom of God for thousands of years.

To be honest, if not a lot of other precious materials were added to this gold, but the gold here is not as valuable as the decoration in the cave of Blue Dragon Hurley.

The Blue Dragon Hurley cave is decorated with the shamanic inheritance items, such as ice-free ice. The wizarding organization can pay any price to exchange even a little ice-free ice.

Unlike Golden Dragon April and Black Dragon King West's love for gold, Golden Dragon Kemper and Black Dragon Prague pay more attention to the power of Golden Castle.

The ability to use the Golden Castle as a weapon demonstrates how strong this Golden Castle is as a whole.

It's just that this is Abel's home, and it's the first time he's a guest, and they're not easy to try.

"Kimber, I like it here!" Golden Dragon April said to Golden Dragon Kemp decisively.

Jinlong Kenble had a headache, and it wasn't hiss. Could he be asked to find another pile of gold to build a golden castle?

At the same time, the black dragon Jinxi didn't say anything, just looked at the black dragon Prague with cold eyes, and the meaning was obvious.

"Well, Brother Abel, can we borrow here?" Jinlong Kenbul was a little embarrassed when he said this, but he knew very well that he didn't deal with Jinlong April at such a crucial time Requirements, then there will be problems with the wedding three days later.

"Blue Dragon Abel, I have the same idea!" Black Dragon Prague, who had no principle, followed.

"No problem, I am the only one living here, and the side fort on the left will be used by you, whatever you want!" Abe said with a smile.

Today, the Golden Castle has no one else. At the beginning of the design, it was built with a large castle. Even when there were many servants and three followers before, most of the Golden Castle was empty.

The residence of the left dragon for the four dragons does not affect him. To know that today ’s gold castles, after upgrading all the legal formations, the privacy has been greatly improved. The presence of residents will not affect his access to the dark. world.

Thanks for the "white hot" reward for 100 starting coins! !! Thank you "lobrfish" for rewarding 200 starting coins! !! Thank you "Nangong Jueyu" for rewarding 100 starting coins! !!

(End of this chapter)

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