Abe the Wizard

Chapter 1245: Space crack

Chapter 1245 Space Crack

The defensive fortress in the front of the battlefield, the wizard constantly casts spells in the fortress, and the paladins outside the fortress form a battlefield, constantly using ‘sacred freeze’ to cover the attack, and also approaching the defensive fortress.

This is a daily battle in the battlefield, and both the Wizards Guild and the Kingdom of God are used to these battles.

Due to the lack of Master Bennett's super potion and the departure of many regular wizards, the wizarding guild side has been defensive.

It is just that it is not easy for the kingdom of God to break the defensive fortress. The battle between the two sides is just a kind of mutual consumption.

In the large front-line battlefield area blocked by the defense fortress, a large number of miners are busy, and various types of mines are mining.

At this time in the afternoon, the sun shining on the next battlefield is divided into two parts, one is the battle zone, where the wizarding guild and the kingdom of God are constantly fighting, and the other part is the remaining area, which has now become a mining area.

The Wizarding Guild brought in skilled miners from all over the place, constantly mining all kinds of precious materials.

At this point everything is normal, just like the daily front-line battlefields.

But at this moment, a crack appeared in the sky on the front line of the battlefield, and then a purple light shone on the crack, and the light covered the sunlight.

Suddenly, the entire battlefield turned purple.

Both sides, who were defending the fortress during the internal and external wars, stopped fighting at the same time, and the Paladins quickly retreated. Under this condition, they instinctively began to return to their resource points.

The professionals in the defensive fortress all looked at the sky, but the dazzling purple light made their eyes hurt, and they could not see anything.

In the mining area, those miners without combat power were even more panicked, yelling and ran away.

The battlefields in the front battlefields also warned the Wizarding Guild, and the Wizarding Guild also received news at the same time.

Above the doomsday defense wall, two figures appeared in the air, watching anomalies in the sky.

"What's wrong?" Larkin's legendary wizard asked in surprise, looking at the sky.

"Looking like that seems to be inspired by the cracks in space!" Luke's legendary wizard replied with a frown.

"God, how strong does it take to inspire a crack in space like this?" The voice of Larkin's legendary shaman shuddered a little.

"Issuing the highest alert and sending a demigod over the Wizarding Guild headquarters, do you agree?" Said Luke the legendary wizard.

"I agree, post the highest alert!" The Legendary Wizard of Larkin returned at this time, agreeing.

The spiritual power of the two legendary wizards was activated, activating a law formation in the doomsday defense wall, and almost immediately the highest alert appeared in the wizarding guild headquarters.

At the same time, this highest alert was also transmitted to the major forces.

Almost all the forces that received the highest alert thought that the outer demon was awake, but after looking at the content of the highest alert, they paid more attention.

The unknown is the most dangerous. The last time a crack in the space was triggered, the alien demon came in. The Wizards Association spent a huge price, but it only blocked the alien devil, but let it establish the kingdom of God.

In the Wizarding Guild Headquarters, Brennan Demigod Wizard came out of the retreat at the invitation of the Dragons, and is still in the adjustment period. He has not re-entered the retreat, so he was the first one to receive it when the highest alert came. Demigod wizard.

"Notify Myers the Legendary Wizard immediately, and he will be with me on the front line battlefield immediately!" Brennan the demi wizard said loudly.

What he ordered was the wizard spirit at the wizard's guild headquarters. This spirit can ignore any retreat and talk directly to the internally cultivated wizard, of course, provided that the other wizard is in a callable state.

The legendary Myers wizard has also stayed in the Wizarding Guild's headquarters these days. He has recently successfully established a communication channel between the Lightning Series and the Golden Castle.

And all the intelligence systems of the lightning department have shared with Abel, which is now completely closed, which is also a kind of friendly expression to Abel.

He plans to handle Abel's relationship with the Wizarding Guild before the next retreat.

Just then he received a notification from the wizard spirit, and he also received the highest alert.

He almost ignored the prohibition on using the 'momentary movement' in the Wizarding Guild headquarters, and disappeared in place with a flash of his body. Soon he appeared at the Brennan demi wizard.

"Ready to fight!" Shen Bengnan demi wizard said Shen Sheng, and then the two wizards disappeared at the same time.

In the teleportation formation of the Doomsday Defense Wall, the bodies of the two wizards appeared, and then 'momentary movement', they appeared in the sky of the Doomsday Defense Wall.

"It's really evil!" Brennan the demi-witcher said, feeling the purple light in the sky.

"Is the other party strong?" Myers legendary wizard asked out loud.

He is only a legendary wizard, unable to exert his mental power perception on the cracks in space.

"I don't know, the other party seems to be testing the strength of the cracks in the space!" Brennan the demi wizard said with a light wave.

The space cracks in this battlefield have been studied by the Wizarding Guild for many years. In fact, many years ago, wizards proposed the idea of ​​closing space cracks.

On the one hand, the strength of this space crack is not strong. The strongest who can pass through is the legendary stage at most, but the legendary stage cannot approach the space crack. The strength of the space crack will directly tear the approaching legend to shatter.

This also caused a rather weird thing. The biggest passage of the space crack is the legendary stage, but the legendary stage can't approach it, and can't use the space crack.

The reason why the Wizarding Guild has not closed the cracks is because of this. Although the space cracks exist, they cannot be used.

Of course, the Tianwai Demon entered this world through the cracks in space. In their analysis, it should be an accident. The Tianwai Devil was hit hard, and its strength actually fell to the legendary level.

However, after passing through the cracks in the space, the resources of this world quickly restored some of the strength of the outer demons. When the wizard guild besieged the outer demons, they used special explosive methods to forcibly upgrade their strength to a horror Degree.

Even in the end, the wings were transformed into the ultimate guardianship, forming the kingdom of God today.

The Wizarding Guild is very curious about the cracks in space, because they have seen records of other worlds in ancient records.

They can't find another world by any means until they find a crack in space.

This is also the biggest reason why the Wizarding Guild has not closed this space crack.

The Wizarding Guild has ruled this world, but the wizards' ambitions are not just these. They want to see more worlds, just like in ancient times.

This space crack is their hope, but it may be that the system of the wizard profession is not as strong as the ancient cultivation system, leaving them no way to pass through this space crack.

The various defense methods the wizards came up with were like bubbles in front of the power of space, and they would burst in one hit.

Brennan the demon wizard has been watching the space crack in the air, his mental strength is tightly locked in the space crack, and once something appears in the space crack, he can immediately attack.

The purple light lasted for about an hour, and it seemed that the test of the space crack had stopped on the opposite side.

Abel in the Golden Castle was interrupted by the voice of the research spirit while he was studying his angelic heritage.

"Emergency information came from the lightning department, the highest alert was issued in the battlefield, and the cracks in the space were abnormal!" The spirit of the research spirit had no emotion, but he heard Abel's heart startle.

The crack in space is where the demon in the sky enters, which he has known for a long time.

The space crack appeared abnormal again, and what would happen was an unknown feeling in his mind.

"Firefang, start now!" Abel's mental power connected to the Firefang War Fortress parked on the 'Starlight Defense Array', and ordered him to activate 'Momentary Move' while appearing in the Firefang War Fortress.

In an instant, the Firefang War Bastion turned into extreme speed and flew to high altitude.

"Firefang, the target front-line battlefield, start full-speed flight!" This is the second time Abel used this method, the first time he set the target on the mainland of Lan.

The appearance of the Firefang War Bastion began to change, its form became slender, the invisibility status disappeared, and then the Firefang War Bastion turned into an aurora straight away.

In the Golden Castle, the golden dragon Kenbul, who was drinking red wine to accompany Golden Dragon April, stopped the red wine in his hand.

"What speed is this!" He exclaimed, his heart yearning for the full version of the war fortress, this speed is many times faster than the dragon's flight.

Abel didn't know that his move caused King Dragon Kenbour to find many war fortresses for him.

Just less than half an hour, the Firefang War Fortress has already reached the front of the battlefield.

Abel put the Firefang War Bastion into the artifact space bag, wearing a stealthy cloak and a mysterious headband, and flew towards the front line of the battlefield.

He fully turned on the hidden breath ability of the transfiguration necklace and locked his breath in his body. This is a front-line battlefield, too close to the kingdom of God.

In particular, as far as he knows, both the Kingdom of God and the Wizarding Guild have a large number of scanning methods, and they can discover the existence of any legendary order at any time.

He arrived in time to see the space crack in the air. Although the space crack was only 30 meters, the influence covered the entire battlefield, and the purple light made the entire battlefield look strange.

At the same time, among these purple lights, there is a breath that makes him familiar. How can he be unfamiliar with such a breath that he has dealt with in the dark world for nearly a century.

His heart was cold, and the **** world discovered it!

He thought of the tragic conditions of the dark world, which was also a civilization formed through countless years of development, and eventually turned into an abandonment of hell.

Before he entered the dark world, there was no life there, and **** creatures were not life.

Could this world also become a second dark world?

He thought of Harry Castle, Duke Marshall, the adoptive father in the castle, his parents, his brother, his teacher, the knights and wizards who built the empire with him.

He thought of Lorrain, and the Elves, wasn't it all that he cared about?

He felt cold in his hands and feet, and no one in this world knew the terribleness of the **** world better than him.

As he was thinking, the purple light in the sky disappeared, as if nothing had happened.

Abel also began to wonder that this was not the **** world he knew. Hell world should launch an endless attack immediately after discovering a new world.

Use countless **** creatures and powerful **** demons to wipe out all enemies blocking their way.

He didn't know that the crack in the space was so weak that it couldn't accommodate the passage of powerful combat power.

The **** world has already positioned this world when looking for the escaped angels, but this world is too stable, and the level of this world is very high, so that the **** world cannot directly break through the space barrier to enter it.

But the patience of the **** world is terrible. Since the fleeing angels can enter, there must be a crack in the space that they do not know.

It is for this reason that **** worlds have searched for countless years before they have found this space crack.

It's just that the weakness of the space cracks limits the pace of the **** world, which is waiting for the final verdict of the **** world.

Although Abel did not know these circumstances, he thought that since the **** world did not immediately take the next step, it meant that **** world had trouble invading this world.

He is already thinking about whether to close the space cracks, but he has not studied these.

He flew across the battlefield and saw four wizards floating above the doomsday defense wall.

He knows all four wizards, but the legendary Larkin wizard and the legendary Luke wizard do not know him. The other is the deputy chairman of the Wizarding Guild, Brennan demigod wizard and the legendary Miles wizard.

He didn't hesitate, and now he needs to talk to the two high-weight wizards in these two wizard associations.

His body suddenly appeared in the air, and a 'momentary movement' appeared next to the four wizards.

"Blue Dragon Abel, why are you here?" Brennan the demigod sorcerer looked at Abel unexpectedly and asked with a smile.

The Legendary Witch of Larkin and the Legendary Witch of Luke, who had made preparations for the attack, stopped drawing the spell pattern and looked at the strange legendary witch with strange eyes.

At the same time, he was stunned by the title of Brennan demigod sorcerer, a blue dragon who became a legendary sorcerer. What happened to the world?

"I received the highest alert from the Wizarding Guild, so come and see!" Abe bowed to the few slightly saluting, and then replied.

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(End of this chapter)

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