Abe the Wizard

Chapter 1253: remuneration

Chapter 1253 Reward

When returning from the Dark World to the Golden Castle the next day, it was already around nine o'clock. Last night, Golden Dragon Kemper, April, Black Dragon Prague, and King West all returned to Dragon Island, so his time in the Dark World also pulled. Long.

"Master, the legendary Miles shaman has sent three applications for the use of teleportation magic. Do you allow the other party to use the teleportation magic?" Abel heard the voice of studying the spirit as soon as he came out.

Abel's large teleportation matrix was directly connected to the lightning series teleportation matrix, and did not pass through the wizarding guild's transmission network, but was directly connected using the transmission address.

Today's Golden Castle is often home to four newly married dragons. The legendary Miles shaman wants to visit the Golden Castle before applying for permission to use the large teleportation circle.

"Enable permissions!" Abel said with a smile.

Want to come to the legendary Miles sorcerer should be to send Brennan demigod sorcerer's promised reward, the wizarding guild can be regarded as a pit for him in dealing with the cracks in the space. All right.

When he arrived at the parlor, the ancient lady had already prepared the juice and brought it to him.

Somehow, under the control of Fajin Spirit and Research Spirit, these ancient puppets worked longer and could not make mistakes than the original half-elf servants, but he didn't like it.

If it hadn't been for the recent few dragons to come and live for a few days from time to time, this golden castle would not be at all popular.

Shaking his head, he threw the idea away. He needed a quiet place to practice. The horror outside the cracks in the space reminded him that accidents would happen at any time.

Although the cracks in space were resolved, the pressure on him from that terror didn't end.

Although he had contacted the Wizards Guild again because of the relationship between the dragons, and he could guarantee his safety to a certain extent, he still wanted to stay in a state of seclusion and improve his strength during this period.

"I've seen the Blue Dragon Abel!" The legendary Miles wizard appeared in the parlour, and saw Abel waiting in the parlour, smiling and bowing.

"Welcome to Myers, the legendary wizard!" Abel said with a smile and bowing.

Although it was very unpleasant to have a meeting with the Wizarding Guild yesterday, the legendary Miles wizard was a lightning bolt. He had dealt with many times before and the relationship was not bad.

The ancient magpie sent two synthetic water fruit juices. Nowadays, there are more than legends in the Golden Castle, and he always keeps the best drinks.

"Blue Dragon Abel, this time on behalf of the Wizarding Guild, I would like to thank you for your contribution to this world, and this time I brought 200,000 elementary 'Lightstones'. As for the Suspended Fortress, the Wizarding Guild specially collected Some suspension fortresses made up 60 suspension fortresses, but due to the large number and large size, you can only go to the Wizarding Guild Headquarters to pick it up when you have time! "The legendary Miles wizard is straightforward, saying For the purpose of his visit.

At the same time, he took a space bag and handed it to Abel. Abel picked it up and explored mentally. Two hundred thousand elementary 'light stones' were placed in it.

It is estimated that such a great deal can only be obtained by the Wizards Guild. For thousands of years of confrontation with the kingdom of God, countless professionals have died each other.

"Myers the legendary wizard. Yesterday, I believe that the Wizarding Guild is not intentional, that is also for the safety of the entire world, but I do n’t like to be counted. I can take risks, but I have to make it clear beforehand. I will pick up the ten floating fortresses today! "Abel was also very straightforward, saying what he wanted to say.

He didn't know if the Brennan demigod wizard knew the danger of detonating the God of War yesterday, but the master Braton absolutely concealed nothing.

You must know that before the activation of the magic circle on the body of the **** of war is not over, the energy response of the **** body has reached the extreme. The work of activating the magic circle on the body of the **** when the explosion has just ended, not even one or even half a second, It exploded directly.

But Master Braton told him that it would take three seconds to activate the magic circle on the body of the **** before it exploded. This was where Abel was extremely annoyed.

If Master Braton is not dead, it is highly likely that the relationship between the Wizarding Guild and him will be completely broken.

But even so, he couldn't believe the Wizards Guild anymore, who knows if Brennan Demigod Wizard would sacrifice Master Braton on purpose!

"Blue Dragon Abel, I can guarantee that the danger was not anticipated by our Wizarding Guild. If you have any requirements, though, the Wizarding Guild will do its best for you, but I hope that yesterday ’s incident will not affect us. Relationship! "Said the legendary Miles wizard sincerely.

"The things yesterday were not all for the Wizarding Guild. I received these rewards enough, but I said beforehand. In the future, except for the lightning, I will use a part of my own potion, and I will hand over other potions to the Goddess Temple. Affiliate sales, the Wizarding Guild should not disturb my cultivation! "Abel said in a deep voice.

"Yes, the Wizards Guild will not bother you if there is nothing significant!" Myers the legendary wizard nodded.

"Well, after the business talks, come and drink some of my specially made juice!" Abel didn't want to speak to the legendary Miles sorcerer so seriously, and shifted the subject and said with a smile.

"That is of course. I have long known that the Golden Castle has the best food in the world, the best wine in the world, and the juice is the first in the world. I have tasted both the food and the wine, so come and drink the best juice in the world!" Meyer The legendary wizard also laughed and held up the crystal cup.

With the import of fruit juice, the atmosphere of the two sides has changed.

"Myers, the legendary wizard, I owe Glenn the wizard, Doreen the legendary wizard, Larkin the legendary wizard, and Luke the legendary wizard to make a 'renewal potion' in one shot, and you inform them privately if you get a fresh **** Blood, then send the corresponding materials to the goddess temple, and I will try to make them for them, but don't disclose my news! "Abel thought of several legends that have been good to him.

Helping them to make the ‘extended potion’ was also promised long ago, and I heard that these legends have been helping him in the Wizarding Guild.

It was just that he didn't want to be bothered by the alchemist's name anymore, so he let the legendary myers wizard contact him.

In fact, in the Wizards Guild, only the legendary Miles wizard and Brennan demigod wizard knew that he was Master Bennett, and the two of them also agreed that the dragon would not disclose this matter, at least in Before Abel didn't take the initiative, the two of them wouldn't speak out.

"Blue Dragon Abel, you asked them to take the **** blood to the Temple of the Goddess, wouldn't they make them anger the Goddess of the Moon? It would be better to send them to the Lightning Department, and then the Lightning Department will inform you!" Said with a smile.

On the one hand, what he said is also the fact that sending the **** blood to the goddess temple, in case it is found by the moon goddess, that is a big trouble.

On the other hand, it is better for him to give his own Lightning Series to the four legendary wizards, so that he can take care of the Lightning Series at least during his retreat.

"Myers the legendary wizard, you are very thoughtful, so be it!" Abel did not care, nodded in agreement.

The two then talked for a while about the cooperation between the Lightning Series and the Golden Castle. There was a period of time when they bought a batch of healing potions from the Golden Castle. The Lightning Series also organized senior wizards in a full state. , Retreat for ten days in the Lightning Series.

During these ten days, daily meals are special dishes delivered by Golden Castle and red wine synthesized twice, which can increase the chance of promotion.

Of course, some of these confidential matters will also be resolved by the lightning department, and will not let anyone guess Abel's side.

"Blue Dragon Abel, it's getting late, I'll take you to the Wizarding Guild Headquarters to get the suspended fortress!" The legendary Miles wizard looked at the sky and said to Abel.

"Thank you, then!" Abel thanked with a smile.

With the legendary Miles wizards acting together, at least the chance of other wizards attacking him is minimized.

Although he has the protection of the dragons, who knows which crazy wizard would want to do something for some reason.

Of course, since Abel spent almost innocence from the cracks in space and the explosion of the **** of war, the Brennan demi wizard had completely abandoned the idea of ​​using any means to target Abel.

Being able to survive that level of explosion, he couldn't think of any other way to keep Abel 100%.

At least Brennan the demon wizard himself was not sure he could live under that kind of explosion, but the explosion of the cracks in space, the doomsday defense wall could not withstand the power of its explosion.

The legendary Miles Wizard and Abel were first transferred to the Lightning Thunder thunderland through a large teleportation circle, and then transferred to the Wizarding Guild Headquarters through the thunderland's teleportation circle.

When the legendary wizards of Abel and Myers flew out of the teleportation circle, all the wizards in the lobby of the wizarding union headquarters bowed down to Abel.

Although yesterday's incident has just passed, this incident has spread in the Wizarding Guild. The young legend used his life's adventures to remove the space cracks that have great risks to the entire world.

Naturally, Brennan demi wizards contributed to it, and in this way, he showed his respect to Abel.

Abel did not expect this to happen. He didn't know how these wizards recognized him.

But if you think about it, the legend with the legendary Miles wizard is another strange legend, naturally the legend in the rumor.

"The Wizarding Guild has spread your deeds throughout the world, you saved the world!" Said the legendary Myers wizard with a soft smile.

"No, I just did what I should do!" Abel said, shaking his head.

If he didn't know that he was a **** demon, he wouldn't take such a big risk at all, especially guessing the strength of that horrible existence from Brennan's demigod wizard, and he would have to take risks.

This world has his loved ones, his lover, his friends, everything he cares about is in this world.

He wouldn't ask for compensation if it wasn't helped by the wizard's guild and his safety and strength.

Abe bowed slightly towards the wizards present, and flew into the guild headquarters with the legendary Miles wizard.

Above the guild headquarters square, sixty war fortresses have been placed here, and this square is almost full.

"Blue Dragon Abel, this is the suspension fortress for you!" Said the legendary Miles sorcerer with a smile.

Aber's figure appeared next to a war fortress, and his mental strength swept away. First, he checked it and put it in the artifact space bag, and then the second war fortress did the same.

Sixty war fortresses have gone through his inspection and found that there is still no full version of the war fortress, all are empty shells without components.

However, with these war fortresses, it is also enough to strengthen his 'Starlight Defense Array' to an unimaginable level.

He can arrange multiple layers of war fortress defense outside the Golden Castle, plus the updated defense matrix, the defense ability is enough to double.

The legendary Miles wizard is envious of Abel's artifact space bag. It has long been heard that Abel has a wonderfully large space artifact, but there are too many disadvantages to this artifact, which is rarely used by high-level wizard associations.

Can you imagine that when the high level of the Wizarding Guild fought against the opponent, the artifact was suddenly taken back by the god?

Although the Wizarding Guild has also been studying super-large space installations, the most important raw space stone is that it is difficult to have extremely high purity. Naturally, it is impossible to make super-large space installations.

Of course, the Wizarding Guild did not really have so many space items for the war fortress, and it was Brennan's demigod shaman that Abel came to the Wizarding Guild headquarters.

In any case, letting Abel visit the Wizarding Guild Headquarters often, especially showing him the attitude of the wizards in the Wizarding Guild Headquarters, can also slowly affect his view of the Wizarding Guild.

This is also a conspiracy, and it is not malicious, just to improve the relationship between each other.

"Thank you Brennan Demi wizard for me, these suspended forts are very useful to me!" Abel said with a smile.

"This is what should be paid to you, but I hope I will have the opportunity to visit you in the Golden Castle in the future!" Said the legendary Miles wizard with a smile.

"Myers the Legendary Wizard, Golden Castle welcomes you at any time!" Abel responded with a smile.

He glanced at the Wizarding Guild headquarters. He was also familiar here. It came in with the body of the pirate **** Milton, but from the recent situation, it seems that the disappearance of the legendary wizard of Juul has not caused much reaction.

He smiled, bowed to the legendary Miles sorcerer, returned all the way from the original teleportation circle, and returned to his golden castle.

Although this trip was troublesome, he was very satisfied, at least the Wizards Guild could no longer monitor his whereabouts.

Thanks for the "white hot" reward for 100 starting coins! !! Thank you "lobrfish" for rewarding 200 starting coins! !!

(End of this chapter)

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