Abe the Wizard

Chapter 1256: Floating

Chapter 1256: Floating

In the morning, the weather in the Warsong Plateau is as fine as ever. There is no cloud in the sky, and the purity is like crystal clear sapphire.

Last night, the four dragons living in the Golden Castle were flying in the air, watching the Golden Castle with curiosity.

During a meal in the morning, Abel told them that the Golden Dragons would be suspended in the air today, which surprised the four dragons.

According to legend, in ancient times, there were huge cities that could be suspended in the air, but those were legends. Although this golden castle is a castle, it is definitely a very large castle in the castle.

In addition, it is made of gold, which can be heavier than other building materials. It is almost impossible to let it float in the sky.

At least, even if it is as powerful as the Golden Dragon Kemp, he dare not say that he can lift the Golden Castle, let alone stop it in the air.

Therefore, Golden Dragon Kemper, Golden Dragon April, Black Dragon Prague and Black Dragon King West all have the idea of ​​looking good, standing in the air and looking at the Golden Castle.

Previously, Abel would not have thought this way, but his sixty fortresses from the Wizarding Guild gave him new ideas.

He came to the Star Defence Array now and stood on top of a war fortress.

"Legend spirit, reanalyze the 123 war fortresses to form the 'Starlight Defense Array', wrap the entire Golden Castle, and use the Pentacle Star Array to provide energy to the war fortress!" Abel ordered.

"Yes, master!" With the response from Fa Zhen Ling, he saw an increasing number of position marks in the spiritual power associated with Fa Zhen Ling.

The original 'Starlight Defense Array' was designed for the air, but as the number of war fortresses has been increasing, its scope has been expanding.

In the 'Star Defence Array' composed of 63 war fortresses, you can defend all the areas above the ground.

But now it is necessary to suspend the Golden Castle as a whole, and it is necessary to expand the ‘Starlight Defense Array’ to the top and bottom of the Golden Castle.

The most important thing is the underground part, but since Abel can understand the arrangement of the Fajin spirit with spiritual force, all he does is remember all the positions, and then place the war fortress according to the position.

The adjustment of the "Star Defence Array" this time is actually not complicated, but the application range has been expanded, so the calculation time of the Fajin Spirit is not too long.

In Abel's spiritual power, the entire area around the Golden Castle, as well as the underground part, has location marks.

The location mark above the ground is easy to handle, as long as the war fortress is placed at the designated location, the underground part is a bit troublesome.

However, at present, the Golden Castle has a large number of projects. Thousands of projects have participated with some powerful and ancient antiquity, and constantly excavated a huge space underground.

All Abel had to do was to place war fortresses one by one into these spaces, and excavate a total of sixty huge spaces underground and put in sixty war fortresses.

This work took almost half a day. This was done with thousands of engineers and two powerful spirits.

Of course, the huge spaces that are excavated are also excavated temporarily because they don't need any beauty.

All the war fortresses were in place, and he again double-checked the positions of all war fortresses and confirmed that there were no problems.

You know, this is a golden castle, a huge weight that crushes everything. If there is a problem, this mountain may be ruined.

It is not a big deal to destroy this mountain peak. Anyway, the Warsong Plateau was actually given to him by the Wizards Guild, but there are four dragons waiting for the joke!

"Faljin spirit, activate the 'Starlight Defense'!" After all the checks were completed, Abel said with confidence.

"Yes, master!" Fa Zhen Ling responded.

A huge shield suddenly appeared around the Golden Castle. This shield was centered on the Golden Castle, and the Golden Castle and the two hundred meters outside it were completely covered by the huge shield.

And the mountain peak carrying the Golden Castle made a loud noise, and a shield also appeared under the ground of the Golden Castle. This shield forcibly lifted the Golden Castle and depressed the peaks under the Golden Castle.

A crack appeared in a part of the mountain, but it did not collapse. It was just that the sudden force made some rocks unbearable.

At this time, the golden castle was lifted into the air two hundred meters by a huge shield, but this sight made the faces of several dragons look strange.

This is not the so-called suspension at all. This is the use of a shield to lift the golden castle. This consumes a lot of energy and is very scary.

If this is done, then even if the Golden Castle is not attacked by an external enemy, the shield must be consumed all the time, which means that it is always under the attack of the weight of the Golden Castle.

If it were not for the powerful defensive capabilities of the 'Starlight Defense Array', it would be impossible to lift the war fortress, let alone maintain it.

Abel's face was very excited, at least the first step was completed.

"Legend spirit, start the second step, and introduce the energy generated by the Pentagram into the war fortress!" He ordered.

Thousands of engineering puppets appeared on the 'Starlight Defense Array', began to add Pentagram to all war fortresses, and changed the way that war fortresses used to use magic stones in energy troughs as their energy source.

With the help of the War Fortress Spirit, this change is not troublesome, it only consumes some metallurgical array materials and adds a batch of pentagram arrays to the War Fortress.

Having mastered the Pentagram array, the magic array ability of the spell array spirit has been greatly improved. At least in terms of energy, it is no longer bound by the original array system in this world.

In fact, if Abel did not have the help of Fajin Spirit, he would either study Fajin by himself or find a master training.

Maybe the magic circle master will get his magic circle ability to another level after getting the drawing method of the pentagram magic circle, and the appearance of the magic circle spirit will not let this opportunity fall on life, but be The magic circle gets.

The metallurgical array materials are readily available, and the transformation plan is readily available. With the efforts of thousands of engineering puppets, it was only an hour later that all the 123 war fortresses were successfully transformed.

"Falun spirit, activate the levitation ability of all fortresses of war!" The most exciting moment came, Abel said loudly.

"Yes, master!" With the response of the Fajin spirit, the energy in the whole world was concentrated in the direction of the Golden Castle.

This is caused by the pentagram array on the 123 war bastions absorbing energy at the same time. Since this has nothing to do with defense and is also intended to maintain the suspension of the war bastion, Abel's idea is that it does not need to be consumed Magic Stone.

You need to know that even if his top magic stone is simple, but once the golden castle is suspended, he does not want to keep synthesizing the top magic stone to maintain suspension for a long time.

Therefore, the pentagram array designed this time provides the suspension energy of the war fortress, which can just reach the supply over consumption. You must know that the pentagram array can absorb energy every five minutes, which can be done without the need for top magic stones. , The permanent guarantee of the Golden Castle suspension.

He doesn't know how the ancient powers flew the city in the ancient times, but he can only think of this stupid method at the moment, and he can't fly yet, only floating.

With the pentacles on all war fortresses being charged, the Golden Castle rises in balance.

The ascending force formed by the 123 war fortresses. This ancient flying war machine is a multifunctional flying weapon. It can add various components at any time to achieve various combat purposes. It can carry a great deal of load.

"Blue Dragon Abel really did it!" Golden Dragon Kemp looked at the Golden Castle flying into the air and muttered.

"Kemple, we will have a residence in the sky in the future, and we will invite friends here for guest visits. That's a lot of face!" Black Dragon Prague thought of the benefits and said with a light in his eyes.

"This is Sky Castle, I want to show all my friends!" Golden Dragon April also said excitedly.

Even the black dragon Jinxi had a longing for it. The four dragons glanced at each other, and then the figure flashed. The golden dragons Kenbul and the golden dragon April were directly teleported back to the golden castle. But also flew back to the Golden Castle.

The Golden Castle finally stopped at a height of one thousand meters, and at this height, everything on the ground became small.

"Brother Abel, how did you do that?" King Dragon Kenbour asked curiously at the sight of Abel.

He no longer wanted to ask if Abel would be embarrassed at this moment, mainly because the huge suspended castle was too exciting for him.

Although the dragon can fly, living in the sky is also a longing for the dragon.

It can be said that each dragon had a dream of living in the sky when it first flew.

Abel looked at the curious glances of King Dragon Kenble and the other three dragons, and couldn't help laughing.

"Kember, in fact, you can do it, the war fortress can hold up the castle, and even the war fortress in the small world of Long Island can be transformed into a small castle suspended in the sky!" He explained with a smile Road.

"Brother Abel, this gold castle is not changed, this thing can fly, then a city can be suspended in the sky!" Said Golden Dragon Kemp stepping on the gold castle under his foot.

"Of course, if you want the Golden Castle to fly, you only need to have more than 120 war fortresses!" Abel pointed to the sky and said.

With his mental strength, the ‘Star Defence Array’, which wrapped the Golden Castle, began to eliminate his invisibility.

The four dragons saw the 123 war fortresses enclosing the entire Golden Castle, and the sunlight of the Golden Castle was blocked.

"Forget it, there are 123 war fortresses. It is estimated that most of the war fortresses in the world have been collected by you. It is almost impossible to find so many war fortresses!" Some reluctantly shook his head and said.

Abel's mental power was once again stimulated, and the ‘Star Defence Array’ went into stealth again, all those war fortresses disappeared, and the sun returned to the Golden Castle again.

"That's God Mountain, God's city is in the air!" In the Warsong City, a barbarian warrior standing on the wall shouted excitedly pointing at the distant sky.

As he shouted, he was already kneeling on the ground, singing a hymn towards the Golden Castle.

As he yelled, more barbarians saw the golden castle. In the sky, under the sun, the golden castle emitted a golden light, just like the legendary kingdom of gods.

When every barbarian saw the Golden Castle in the air, his devotion to the God of War deepened again.

This is not just a miracle anymore, but the kingdom of the gods is truly revealed in the world.

"The great God of War,

May your name be honored,

May your kingdom come,

May your will be done in the world,

As in heaven.

"Of course Elder Bray would not miss this opportunity to strengthen his faith, his voice sounded across the city of Warsong.

All the barbarians in Warsong City walked out of the house, came to the open space, and saw the flying golden city that shook the soul, and a touch from the soul rose in their hearts.

The barbarians were kneeling on the ground, facing the Golden Castle, and singing along with Elder Bray.

The power of faith surged towards the Golden Castle like a tide, and part of it entered the statue of the Astoria, and the other was absorbed by the Golden Castle.

Although there is no change at present, as long as the Golden Castle absorbs more and more of this belief, the Golden Castle will one day fundamentally change.

You should know that the power of these beliefs is the same as the praise of the Kingdom of God. The power of faith directly acts on the Golden Castle, which is completely different from the temples in the world.

Everyone knows what a shrine is and does not equate it with the kingdom of God, but the barbarians use the golden castle as the kingdom of God.

Abel also felt the power of faith at this time. The power of these beliefs is not felt by strength, but must be related to it.

Unless you use special methods like the Guild of Wizards or the Kingdom of God, you can sense the power of the specified faith.

At least the four dragons beside Abel did not feel the sudden increase in the power of faith, but laughed as usual.

Abel also discovered his mistake, and turned off the stealth ability of the Golden Castle because he wanted to show the results of the suspension of the Golden Castle to the four dragons.

In normal times, the "Star Defence Array" comes with a stealth effect, not to mention the distance, even if you are close, you cannot see the golden castle near you.

At this moment he was considering whether to hide the Golden Castle again, and thought that he was not hidden anymore. Today's Warsong Plateau is his territory. Without his permission, no wizarding guild would enter.

(End of this chapter)

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