Abe the Wizard

Chapter 1266: transaction

Chapter 1266: Transaction

Led by the dwarven king Gunther, more than twenty high-level dwarven people came to the palace hall with Abel.

Outside the gate of the palace, two teams of dwarves sounded the horn of welcome, and the entire dwarf of Ironforge stood on the street and stood on their feet.

This is the respect of the dwarves to the strong, and it also shows the goodwill of the dwarves.

The dwarves have always been under the protection of the Wizarding Guild, and the dwarves themselves practice the wizarding profession, but because they are better at organs and forging, the dwarves' combat power is mainly reflected in the defense of the fortress.

The Dwarves have always spared no effort to make good friends, and this is reflected today.

In the palace hall, the dwarven king Gunther sat on the throne, and a special seat was added beside the throne, which was also specially prepared for Abel.

After a brief greeting, Gunther the dwarf sat down with Abel, while the other dwarves stood in the hall.

"Blue Dragon Abel, I wonder what happened to you today?" Asked the dwarven king Gunther, bowing slightly with a smile.

"Her Majesty the Dwarf, I came here today to visit a friend and talk to the nobles about smelting ore!" Abel stated the purpose of his visit.

"Smelting ore is not a problem, we dwarves can help you for free! Just don't know who your friends are in the dwarves?" Gangther, the dwarf, doesn't care about smelting ore. The dwarf is the blacksmith most, but he Paying great attention to Abel's friends, this is a rare opportunity to make a good relationship with a dragon of the dragon race.

"Her Majesty the Dwarf, my friend is Bernie Gough. As for the smelting, because of the huge amount, I still have to discuss it with you!" Abel naturally would not let the dwarves do it for nothing, he said with a smile.

"Blue Dragon Abel, are you talking about my disciple Bernie?" The Huton Rule Wizard suddenly screamed, but he didn't expect his disciple Bernie to make so many friends, even with this blue dragon. friend.

"Yes, can I see Bernie?" Abel asked with a smile.

"Of course, I'll bring him here now!" Hutton rule wizard bowed, and then he directly used the "momentary movement" and disappeared into the hall.

"Blue Dragon, Abel, make you laugh, Hutton is this anxious temper!" Dwarf King Gunther explained to Aaron the behavior of Hutton's rule wizard.

"I like to associate with dwarves because of their sincerity and straightforwardness!" Abel said with a smile.

"Haha, just say this to you, you are a friend of the dwarf family!" Said the dwarf king Gunther with a laugh.

Abel's words also relaxed the atmosphere in the hall, and he fully stated his position with this sentence.

"Abel, why are you here?" Two white lights flashed, and the Hutton rule wizard and Bernie appeared in the hall at the same time. Bernie looked at Abel sitting next to the dwarven king Gunther in surprise.

"Burney, Blue Dragon Abel is a legendary powerhouse, you have to pay attention to it!" Hutton Rules Wizard reminded.

He was afraid that Bernie's words would make Abel angry, a legend, especially a blue dragon, and no one can stop him here.

"Bony, I haven't seen you for a long time and have met again, but you have finally become a formal wizard, congratulations!" Abel said with a smile to Bernie.

When he saw Bernie appearing in the hall, he felt that the pattern of wizards in Bernie had reached level 6.

Bernie's heart was speechless. The Abel he saw on the Central Continent was the elf Bennett, which was normal. He knew that Abel could become an elf when he was on the Holy Land.

However, when I saw you today, I became a blue dragon Abel. He can be 100% sure that Abel is a real human being.

When he knew Abel, Abel was still of low strength, and was forced to flee his country by a senior wizard.

"Abel, aren't you injured?" This was the most important question Bernie wanted to ask at this time.

Because according to his knowledge, Master Bennett's last appearance was to fight the legendary wizard of the 28th level, and ended with the killing of the legendary wizard, but after that, there was no news of Master Bennett.

He was worried for a long time at that time, and soon after the news of the resupply of Master Bennett's potion from the Elves, he was relieved.

"I'm fine. Let's talk back. I'll talk to Her Majesty the King first!" Abel knew what he meant and said with a smile.

The Hutton Rule Wizard heard the content of the conversation between Bernie and Abel, and knew that the two had a good friendship, which made him proud.

He received a disciple, first Master Bennet and Bernie, and now Blue Dragon Abel.

"Blue Dragon Abel, what you said about the smelting of ore was taken by our dwarves, but the cost is really not used!" Dwarf King Gunther saw the relationship between Abel and the dwarf Bernie, Very happy, he said with a smile.

"Her Majesty the King, more than half of all the ore in the first-line battlefield is in my hands. I want to smelt all of this ore into materials. You ca n’t communicate with you on an equal basis without this amount of work!" Abel did not Concealing something, although he obtained half of the ore was a trade with the Wizarding Guild, but it is not a secret, he said with a smile.

"I don't know what you are going to use to settle?" Dwarf King Gunther heard the workload, and no longer refused, then asked.

More than half of the ore in the front line battlefield, all the blacksmiths in the dwarves all put in it, for fear that it will not be possible to complete this work for many years.

And most of them are precious ore, which must be smelted by a relatively high-level blacksmith, which greatly extends the working time.

"Can you use this wine to settle, can you see it?" Abel took a pot of wine and handed it over, and then said, "This wine can improve the meditation effect of the dwarven wizard, it is a kind of cultivation resource!"

The dwarven king Gunther took the jug, opened the lid, and immediately a strong scent of wine came out, and it soon permeated the hall.

The dwarven king Gunther himself was also a wizard. Instead of drank his mouth against the jug, he patted the jug, and at the same time guided his spirits, sending a little wine from the jug into the mouth.

There was a feeling that his soul was singing, and he was more sensitive to the magic around him. He had a feeling that if he meditates now, the effect will be greatly improved.

Of course, this is the main hall. He is talking with Abel and he will not meditate on the spot.

"Well, this is Grand Master Bennett's wine?" Hutton's rule sorcerer called out, where he was most familiar with the taste.

More wizards in the hall smelled what kind of wine it was.

And the dwarven king Gunther also reacted at this time, wasn't this the wine of Master Bennett?

Although this wine is obviously better than the guru that has been drunk before, the taste is the same.

"Blue Dragon Abel, Master and Bennet?" Gunther the dwarf asked.

"Your Majesty the King, you don't need to know this. I can provide such wine in large quantities. I will give you the ore. You can calculate how much wine you need to exchange and tell me directly!" Abe replied with a smile.

"Blue Dragon Abel, then I'm welcome!" Gunther, the dwarf, had a feeling of great cheapness.

You must know that after Master Bennett disappeared, this kind of wine that can be used in the cultivation of wizards can no longer be drunk. Even if this wine has no cultivation effect, any dwarf can't resist it.

Today, it can be supplied in large quantities, which is much more generous than that of Master Bennett.

If Abel knew what he was thinking at this time, he would be very depressed. If he knew anything, he would have to worry a lot and not dare to expose too much.

But now it is different. He has the identity of a dragon, and it is no longer possible for most of the forces to falter.

"Her Majesty the Dwarf, find a place for me to release the ore!" Abel reminded, looking at some dwarf King Gunther.

"Of course, come with me!" Said the dwarven king Gunther, standing up and asking for a gift.

The dwarves did not keep up at this time, only the Hutton rule wizard followed Bernie with him.

The place where the dwarven king Gunther took Abel was a huge vacant warehouse inside Ironforge. He also knew that the ore was extremely precious, so he chose this safe warehouse.

"Her Majesty the Dwarf, you can't fit all of them here!" Abel said, taking out the ore from the artifact space bag mentally.

Just a few breathing rooms, the huge warehouse was filled.

"Blue Dragon Abel, there is a warehouse next to it!" Said the prepared dwarf king Gunther to Abel, and took him to the next warehouse.

The ten warehouses were completely filled before all the ore was taken out.

The dwarven king Gunther could not help but take a breath. This time Abel took out the ore, almost filled the empty warehouse underground. Fortunately, this is over. If there is no warehouse to install .

"Blue Dragon Abel, you take a break. I will ask someone to calculate it and give you a list and the amount of master liquor you need!" The dwarven king Gunther knew that the ore in the ten warehouses would not be available for a while Clearly organized, so say.

"Her Majesty the Dwarf, I'll take a break at Bernie's side, and you'll notify me when that happens!" Abel bowed and left.

The Hutton Rule Wizard and Bernie were stunned at this time. The ten warehouses were huge. They thought that only one of them could be installed. Who knew that they needed a whole ten warehouses, even if they were dwarves, but because there were Entering the battlefield, I have never seen so many precious ore piled together.

"Bony, look at you!" Abel patted Bernie and said.

Bernie is only a level six wizard, but he owns a separate yard in the high place of Ironforge. This treatment is not even a senior wizard.

Only the regular wizards and seniors in the dwarves have this qualification. Bernie is the light of Abel.

"The environment is good, but Bernie, your cultivation speed is too slow!" Abel looked around with a smile and turned to Bernie again.

"Of course you can't compare with you. You are legendary. Tell me, how did you become a blue dragon?" Bernie asked with a look of curiosity.

"This is not easy. As long as your dragon blood reaches a certain concentration, it will naturally be recognized by the dragons!" Aber replied with a smile.

"Is this simple?" There was an unexpressable feeling in Bernie's heart. The dragon blood was the most powerful blood in the world. As long as it has a bit, it can be called a pseudo dragon.

And to reach the standards of the dragon, how much is the blood of the dragon? Is this a simple matter?

In fact, for Abel, this is really simple. At least he has not worked hard in the direction of the dragon's blood. It is only the fusion with the dragon crystal of the blue dragon that will achieve the current blue dragon's blood.

Of course, ordinary people want to merge with Long Jing, then it is almost a must, Long Jing is rare, and fusion is a life of nine deaths.

"Bony, you have become a formal wizard, and I have nothing to prepare, congratulations will use this general!" Abel said, took a plate and passed it.

"This is the large magic circle?" Bernie reached for it and said with a glance.

There are not many large magic circles in the dwarves, but they are only arranged in some important cultivation places. Anyway, he is a wizard with a regular wizard teacher, and he can only use medium-sized magic circles.

More importantly, this is a large poly magic array, which can be moved at any time, and its value has increased countless times at once.

Simply speaking, the materials needed are much more precious than the fixed large magic circle. The metallurgical circle materials required by it are estimated that only Abel, the alchemist, can refine it.

The large magic circle that Abel took with him was naturally the best he needed to travel to the dark world.

Since he got the Fajin Spirit, his Fajin no longer needs to find the help of the Master, but all of them are handed over to the Fajin Spirit.

Coupled with the fact that he can refinish the metallurgical law formation materials, and cooperate with the law formation spirit, he can almost make a formation that exceeds the level of the continental law formation.

This large magical platter is one of them. It is just that Bernie needs a better magic environment to become a formal wizard.

"Let ’s take it down, you rarely fight, these" super healing potions "and" super mana potions "are put away, save your life!" Abel took another space bag, put some potions in it and threw them away Said.

"Abel, I'm a businessman. Have you ever seen a businessman desperately?" Although Bernie said so, he quickly picked up the space bag.

Next, Abel and Bernie sat in the yard and drank juice to talk about the Holy Land. It wasn't until a few hours later that the Hutton Rule Wizard came to inform Abel that the list was complete.

Abel took the list and did n’t even need to take a closer look. He did n’t believe that the dwarves dared to greedy his ore. At the same time, the dwarves needed a small amount of guru wine beyond his imagination. Treated as a cultivation resource.

(End of this chapter)

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