Abe the Wizard

Chapter 1275: attack

Chapter 1275: Attack

"No, there is a **** level here!" As soon as Neith Smith's **** wizard entered the Warsong Plateau, he found anomalies, and there was a clear problem with the water and gas here.

But because his real world is exposed, it has affected the exploration of water and gas, otherwise he would have been exposed when he first came into contact.

Only in this way, he cannot use 'momentary movement'. The influence of the space force caused by 'momentary movement' cannot be concealed from that god-level powerhouse.

But flying this way, it is estimated that the cohesion of the **** body will be over there.

He didn't want to just watch the success of condensing the **** body like this. To know that, for this matter, he had dismissed the face of the Brennan demigod sorcerer. If he quits halfway, I am afraid that even the Brennan demigod will look down on him .

There was a flash of light in his eyes that he could not sneak in, so he approached with speed and left immediately after he started.

Of course, he will not kill, even the contract that condenses the body of the god, he will not kill. As long as he destroys the process of condensing the body of the god, he reveals the wizard ’s attitude to the gods to the world.

Thinking of this, his figure turned into a white light, and then appeared a few kilometers away, but as soon as it appeared, it disappeared again.

"Abominable, he's really here!" Elder Eugene felt angrily when the news came back from the water vapor.

You need to know that he came over because Nesmesh-level wizards came out of the retreat, and Neysmith-level wizards are notoriously hardliners in the Wizarding Guild.

Based on his knowledge of the inner-level Smith wizard, the vice-chairman of the Wizarding Guild would never sit by and watch the Assassin successfully gather the gods.

But he was just skeptical at that time, and he was still thinking about the inner wizard of Nesmith. I will think about the relationship between the Dragons and protest to the Dragons. The worst plan is to take the shots in person.

It now appears that Neysmith's god-level wizard has indeed done the worst action that Elder Eugene thought.

"Inner Smith, how dare you?" Elder Eugene's voice circulated through the entire Warsong Plateau through water and gas. No matter how fast the inner wizard of the inner wizard was, he would hear his voice.

"Eugene, it's not above the sea, I'm not afraid of you!" Nesmith's god-level wizard exclaimed.

Speaking did not affect his "momentary movement", he approached the Golden Castle at a very fast speed.

For him, the energy fluctuations condensing the body of the gods were as obvious as the fire candle in the night.

Elder Eugene is also ugly, his figure is beginning to return to the Golden Castle, but he has left the Golden Castle some distance, plus his teleportation is not as fast as the ‘momentary movement’ of the inner wizard of the Smith.

In the end, he is not a golden dragon. He just transformed the water vapor in a space around his body into his real-world projection for a short time, giving him the ability to teleport in this space.

It's just that the speed is far less than the speed of the inner wizard of Nesmith. He did not expect that the wizard of inner Smith would do the same. Is this a complete war with the dragons?

Neith Smith, of course, knows the limits, he can be arrogant and provocative, but the dragon members who really kill, then it is a real endless situation.

The reason why the Dragons have been in this world for countless years and survived many times is that their unity is very important.

Elder Eugene also regretted it now. How could he be so far away from the Golden Castle? The most natural reason is his confidence.

He believes that as long as he stays near the border of Warsong Plateau, no one can enter the Warsong Plateau.

"Inner Smith, you dare to think about the consequences!" Elder Eugene shouted as he teleported.

"Eugene, rest assured, I won't take his life, but it will be difficult to achieve the **** body!" Neith Smith's god-level wizard replied while moving `` momentarily. ''

The distance between the two god-level strongmen slowly widened, and Elder Eugene was also very angry.

If this is the ocean, even the "momentary movement" of Neith Smith's wizard can't distance him, the ocean is the best battlefield of the Blue Dragon.

The speed of Neith Smith's god-level wizard is extremely fast. He can already see the Golden Castle, and he can see the huge, golden-groomed dove on the Golden Castle.

He can be considered very knowledgeable, but still surprised by the golden castle floating in the air.

What happened during his retreat? How could there be a castle suspended in midair? Did the ancient floating city technology appear?

But at this time he didn't have time to care about this. He needed to immediately get rid of the Bemon monster that was condensing the body of the god, and then retreat immediately.

He didn't want to fight Elder Eugene at all. Although he just dismissed it, in fact, no strong man wanted to fight the dragon of the same level.

This is because the dragon's defense is difficult for the strong at the same level to break, that is to say, fighting Elder Eugene, he attacks Elder Eugene, even if the defense is broken, there will not be too much injury.

But Elder Eugene broke his defense once, and he would be severely hit if he did not die.

So he needed to act now and then leave quickly, not to allow Elder Eugene to catch up.

"There is a strong one!" King Dragon Kenbour looked seriously into the sky. Although he didn't see anything, his perception told him that a strong one had arrived.

Abel nodded, he felt the same, but it was felt by his druid's soul.

After many mutations, his druid's soul is extremely powerful and has surpassed his main soul to a certain extent.

If the druid's soul possesses spiritual intelligence, the status of his master soul will be affected, but since the spiritual intelligence exists in the master soul, everything is still very stable.

"Several people, you stay here, I will meet this strong one!" Golden Dragon Kenbour said to several dragons.

Among these dragons, the black dragon Jinxi couldn't do anything. She was pregnant. This was very important, and no accident could happen.

The remaining few are only the strength of Black Dragon Prague and Blue Dragon Hurley among the demigods, but Black Dragon Prague is a master of soul manipulation, and encounters a more powerful existence, and it is difficult to exert its strength.

In this highland environment, the Blue Dragon Hurley can hardly exert its own strength, and lacks water here.

"Brother Kemp, you don't have to go out. If the defense of the Golden Castle can't stand up, you can try again!" Abe stopped Jinlong Kemp and said.

No matter who it is, it is difficult to break the defense of the Golden Castle, and he also took this opportunity to see what effect the defense of the Golden Castle has on the real strong.

"Okay!" Golden Dragon Kemp glanced at Abel and nodded in agreement.

He naturally thought of the defense of the Golden Castle, and that day he attacked the energy shield without breaking it. Since then he knows that the defense of the Golden Castle is extremely horrible.

At this time, the Necromancer was close to the Golden Castle within three kilometers. Although he was so close to the Golden Castle, due to real world reasons, the Golden Castle, except for the Golden Dragon Kenble and Abel, was aware of the rest. The dragon was not found.

Relying on eyes and mental power alone cannot discover the inner wizard of God. The real world is not what these demigod dragons can find.

Of course, the strength of Golden Dragon Kenbour is already the apex of the demigod. A god-like power is so close, he has a sense of it.

He looked towards the sky, and although there was nothing there, he was sure that there was a strong enemy there.

Half of Abel's mind is manipulating Doffer, and Doffer's physical changes continue. This process is slow, but it is an essential change.

His other half of his intellect is watching the sky, and he has also discovered the arrival of the strong.

The stature of Neith Smith was just three kilometers. The trebuchets above the 123 war fortresses were revealed from the hidden state at the same time. Five hundred trebuchets were excited at the same time. Five hundred elements with different colors flash The ball penetrated the space and attacked directly to the inner wizard of Nesmith.

Even if the inner-level Smith wizard uses the real world to hide all his breath, the effect is almost similar to the stealth of Pirate God Milton, and it is slightly inferior in effect, but he is automatically guarded by the slinger. Found it.

The way the trebuchet finds the enemy is unique to hell, which is very different from the way in this world. It can be said that for this world, if no one gets the trebuchet to study it in detail, the discovery mechanism is completely unsolvable.

He was startled in the spirit of Neith Smith, and a sudden attack surprised him.

However, his "momentary movement" at any time has prevented all accidents from happening. His figure flashed and the "momentary movement" excited. All the elemental **** lost their targets. Five hundred elemental **** exploded in the air at the same time. An area is transformed into a sea of ​​ice, lightning, flames, and poison.

Seeing the effect of this attack, the inner wizard of God Smith couldn't help but be surprised. This elemental ball, he didn't care at all, but five hundred simultaneous attacks, his real world would be affected.

When his figure reappeared, he was already outside the Star Defence Array, and it was not that he did not want to 'momentarily move' directly into the Golden Castle.

It's just that the defensive circle here allows him to ‘momentarily move’ here, and then he needs to break through the defense to enter the Golden Castle.

In his real world, a 'Meteorite' spell pattern appeared, and then a 'Meteorite' flew out of his real world. Immediately after flying out, it became a huge meteorite with flames. Strike 'Starlight Defense'.

He is very confident in this blow, knowing that this is not an ordinary 'meteorite' spell, but a 'meteorite' spell that has been added through the real world.

In his real world, there are rules specifically for strengthening fire spells, which can forcibly increase a full fire spell by twenty levels.

In other words, his ‘Meteorite’ spell has a true level of forty, plus in the real world, all fire spells are enhanced.

It is conceivable that the three spells of the "Meteorite" pre-spells, "Fireball", "Fireball" and "Hell's Fire" also reached forty levels.

Each level of 'fireball' can increase 5% fire damage of 'meteorite', each level of 'fireball' can also increase 5% fire damage of 'meteorite', and each level of 'fire of hell' increases 3% of fire damage.

Coupled with the power of Neith Smith's god-level wizard to enhance the power of spells, his ‘Meteorite’ spell is the most powerful ‘Meteorite’ that Abel has seen in this world.

The huge flame meteorite hit the energy shield in front of him heavily. In his opinion, his blow was enough to easily break through any energy shield.

We must know that energy shields have weaknesses, that is, once the energy supply is too different from the attack intensity, then the energy shield will be broken because the energy cannot be supplied.

However, the energy shield of the Golden Castle is not a simple energy shield. This is the product of the combination of the magic circle of this world and the pentagram of the **** world, and its effect can even block the attack of the transformation of `` divine power ''.

‘Meteorite’ hits on the energy shield, and it ’s not broken like the imaginary wizard of Inner Smith, but ‘Meteorite’ explodes, turning into a pile of burning flames that continue to consume the energy shield.

"What kind of energy shield is this!" Nesmith's god-level wizard was surprised.

He was in a hurry at the moment, and he couldn't break the shield of the Golden Castle in a short time. Then he, such a god-level wizard, shot himself to the junior without success. He really became a god-level powerhouse. Of a joke.

At this time, he also regarded the Golden Castle in front of him as a real enemy.

His mental power erupted instantly, and in his real world, fifty 'Meteorite' spell patterns simultaneously appeared.

This is already his greatest bearing capacity in the real world at present, and no matter how much, it will affect the real world.

"Break!" He shouted, and with his shout, in the real world, the seemingly small 'meteorite' due to the influence of space rules, became huge after leaving the real world. Burning 'Meteorite'.

At the same time fifty ‘Meteorites’ came towards the energy shield, and their effect was just like the end of the world.

The huge explosion made the entire ‘Starlight Defense Array’ tremble, but only the energy shield was trembling. At this moment, the energy absorbed by the Pentagram Array in the ‘Starlight Defense Array’ was consumed quickly.

It is also this consumption that makes the energy shield of the Star Defence Array not broken, but stabilized by shaking.

In the Golden Castle, countless energy channels are transmitting energy, supplementing the ‘Starlight Defense Array’. As long as the enemy cannot break the energy shield in one shot, this energy shield can quickly recover.

Abel spent a lot of effort for the defense of this golden castle, not only the Pentagram, but in order to speed up the recovery of Pentagram, he also placed the center of most Pentagram. The top magic stone.

Thanks for the "white hot" reward for 100 starting coins! !! Thank you "lobrfish" for rewarding 200 starting coins! !!

(End of this chapter)

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