Abe the Wizard

Chapter 1277: Divine Confrontation

Chapter 1277 God-level Confrontation

"Inner Smith, you dare to use the real world!" With a blast, Elder Eugene has come over the Golden Castle.

He saw the inner wizard of the inner world Smith expand the real world, and saw that the energy shield of the Golden Castle had been broken, but he did not perceive the power of Abel's space through water and gas during the chaotic moment.

Water and gas could not be probed at all around the real world of Inner Smith's god-level wizard.

In this way, Elder Eugene naturally did not know that the inner wizard of God had suffered a great loss and suffered heavy losses.

"Eugene, even if I fight with you today, I will make this junior pay the price!" Neith Smith ’s god-like wizard's voice was a bit harsh. He had a high weight in the Wizarding Guild. .

"Inner Smith, then come!" Elder Eugene was furious when he heard this, and responded loudly.

Then his human body swelled up immediately, and turned into a dragon again. At the same time, countless small patterns appeared on the dragon, these patterns emitted golden light, wrapping him all over.

In the mouth of the dragon, a real world also appeared at the same time, but unlike the real world of the inner wizard Smith, the real world of Elder Eugene was a pure water world.

As the elder Eugene of the Blue Dragon, his real world is determined by his attributes. It is because of this purity that he has unimaginable terror ability in the control of frozen elements.

Nesmith's god-level wizard sensed the surging warfare on Elder Eugene, and the anger in his heart fell, and his reason returned to him.

He is not a fool, and it is not the most suitable time to fight against Elder Eugene at this time. Before, his strength was not much different from that of Elder Eugene. Now his real world has just been hit hard, and he is the highest peak. When Elder Kim fought, the loss was even greater.

Just as he hesitated, Elder Eugene discovered that the situation was wrong. He smelled the **** smell in the air, and there was no dragon flavor.

Just as Elder Eugene came here, he smelled the **** smell in the air, but just now he didn't expect that the blood was from the Neith Smith wizard, and thought that the dragon was spewed out by injury.

Now he has released the real world of the water system. In the real world of the water system's enhanced perception of all liquids, he perceives that the blood is from the inner wizard of God.

"Haha, Nesmith, you were hurt by my dragon junior!" Elder Eugene laughed loudly.

There seemed to be a flame burning in the eyes of Neith Smith, and he wanted to fight against Elder Eugene desperately.

The two god-level powerfuls are facing each other in the air. Under them, the Golden Castle has been wrapped by the ancient iron and steel groups. At the same time, all five hundred trebuchets have appeared on the ancient steel, and energy has been gathered on the trebuchets. Well, waiting for Abel's order.

Abel is also paying attention to the two god-level powerhouses in the sky. Once dangerously approaching the Golden Castle, he also decides to make a full shot, even if the angel's body is exposed.

This is also the only means by which he can compete with the god-level powerhouse. Other methods are too weak for the god-level powerhouse.

However, as soon as the angel's body appeared, he would be in great trouble again. It would be difficult to say whether the Dragon could keep it.

In the sky, Elder Eugene and the Necromancer wizard looked at each other. Although they didn't start working with each other, the air between them seemed to be frozen.

Water and gas flew from the entire Warsong Plateau towards Elder Eugene, and even the groundwater of the Warsong Plateau also flew up from the ground, and the white snow on the peak also flew to Elder Eugene.

Although it is not the ocean here, the Warsong Plateau is also a barren place without water, but the pure water system attracts all the water from this area, adding to the available water for Elder Eugene.

Neith Smith's god-level wizard also put on several defense spells at this time, and then various scrolls of gain spells appeared in his hands.

The screams of the barbarians, the battle system, the battle command, the sacrifice of the Bone Armor, and the hurricane armor of the Druid. The elders of Neith Smith are shining with different colors.

It can be said that the state of almost blessing was used by this god-level wizard.

Among them, the three blessing spell scrolls of the barbarian professional have almost never appeared in the world. You must know that there is a barbarian who can make spell scrolls among the barbarian professional. This probability is very, very low. .

With the special habits of barbarian professionals, the extremely complicated work of making spell scrolls is almost impossible for them to learn.

Only belligerent barbarians can become barbarian professionals, and barbarians who focus on other aspects are difficult to become barbarian professionals, which also causes the spell scroll of barbarians' careers to be difficult to see.

For at least Abel's time in Warsong Plateau, he has never seen anyone make a spell scroll for a barbarian class.

It can be said that the high value of these three barbarian professional spell scrolls is definitely the existence of sky-high prices, or no one will sell such spell scrolls at all. Such spell scrolls will increase the chance of life-saving when necessary.

At this time, there was also a change in Elder Eugene's body. Pieces of ice like ice crystals appeared on his dragon's body, protecting his body like thick armor.

These ice cubes are extremely hard and are a kind of racial ability of the Blue Dragon. You can use the frozen elements in these ice cubes to resist any spell attacks and physical attacks.

It is impossible to attack Elder Eugene's body without smashing these ice cubes, and these ice cubes can continuously thicken as long as there is water, and they can continue to recover after being attacked.

The tense atmosphere spread over the Golden Castle, at which time Abel was keeping control of the doffer while watching the sky.

Even King Dragon Kemp didn't speak again at this moment, and the two gods completely showed strong breath in front of him, which was an excellent opportunity for him.

He is not far from the **** level. This time, he had the opportunity to see the two **** powers open up close, which gave him some confidence in his promotion.

The Black Dragon Prague stood in front of the Black Dragon Jinxi, blocking the Black Dragon Jinxi, his expression was a little serious, and the aftermath of the god-level battle might hurt the Black Dragon Jinxi.

Blue Dragon Hurley and Blue Dragon Maria flew back to the lair to collect the dragon eggs into the box specially prepared for the dragon eggs. They were also watching the situation of the sky at this time.

As the breath of the two gods gets higher and higher, a war breaks out at any time.

"Two, please stop!" Brennan the demigod suddenly appeared, interrupting the breath of the two gods, and shouted.

"Brennan, which side are you on? Don't get involved in this matter!" Nesmith Smith did not look at Brennan Demi wizard, but said in a deep voice.

At this time, he didn't dare to go to see the Brennan demigod wizard. Once caught by Elder Eugene, he would be at a disadvantage at the beginning of the battle.

"Vice President Neith Smith, I'm on the side of the Wizarding Guild. Are you trying to provoke a full-scale war between the Wizarding Guild and the Dragon Race?" Brennan the demi-witcher asked loudly.

You need to know that the inner wizard of God is secretly engaging in small movements, which is still a small friction, but it is really a battle with Elder Eugene here. Whether the win or the defeat shows that the Wizards Guild has waged a fierce battle with the Dragons.

"I'll explain this to several god-level wizards!" Nesmith's god-level wizard regained some momentum at this time, he still said with a strong tone.

"Brennan, the Wizarding Guild's behavior this time, our dragons will go to the Wizarding Guild to discuss, I will call back all the god-level dragons!" Elder Eugene's voice was extremely loud and very determined.

However, he was still restraining, and after the inner wizard of the Smith Wizard recovered some momentum, he also recovered some momentum, and was no longer approaching.

The Brennan demigod sighed a sigh of relief, both of them were very hard, but the action showed that both of them knew the seriousness of the situation.

"Two, the agreement between the Wizarding Guild and the Dragons was reached after countless negotiations and the efforts of many people. Please ask the two to take back the breath and put away the real world!" Brennan the demi wizard said again.

In fact, standing next to the two gods, his pressure was extremely great. Fortunately, neither gods targeted the breath, which allowed him to maintain a normal state here.

"Brennan, you also know how this happened. My dragon clan's attitude is very clear. This incident must give us an explanation of the dragon clan. This Warsong Plateau was given to him by the Blue Dragon Abel's contribution to the Wizarding Guild. Yes, the blue dragon Abel saved the world with his life. This time, his covenant condensed body was also reported to the Wizarding Guild in advance. I feel the Wizarding Guild's behavior for the wizard of the inner God Smith. Disdain for my Dragon! "Elder Eugene said in a deep voice.

"In these days, there will be two divine wizards waking up from the retreat. I will report to the behavior of Vice President Neith Smith. At that time, our shaman guild will give an explanation to the dragon tribe!" Brennan demigod bowed Said.

And at this time, the inner wizard of God was also restored to his usual state, and he also understood that today is too impulsive.

A very simple thing originally, but because of his obsession, evolved into such a result.

At that time, when Elder Eugene was found here, he should not forcibly enter the Warsong Plateau, and the following things were all beyond his expectation, especially his real world was injured, that was what he lost. The most important reason for reason.

"Eugene, I will not be reunited for thousands of years after the war with the demon in the sky, is it accountable to the Dragon?" Nesmith ’s god-level wizard eliminated all blessing spells on his body. Elder Kim said.

Brennan demigod sorcerer glanced at Nesmith Smith unexpectedly, but he did not expect that Nesmith Smith gave in.

Of course, the retreat of the millennium is also a normal behavior for the inner wizard of the Smith. If there is no matter that the demon in the world is about to wake up, he will not come out of the retreat.

"Inner Smith, I accept!" Elder Eugene nodded, and at the same time the ice on his body was re-converted into water and gas, and returned to all parts of Warsong Plateau in the same way.

This is Abel ’s territory, and he cannot destroy it. You must know that the water and gas that he just brought in will not restore this already barren plateau if it is not returned.

Elder Eugene wouldn't hold on to what the Smith Wizard of the Inner Smith had shot. In the final analysis, this is also a God, and there aren't many Gods in the Wizarding Guild, so how can he give some face.

Is it really that the Dragons will fight the Wizards Guild, then the world is probably over.

This was definitely not his original intention. Since the face was found back, they did not suffer, naturally everything is easy to say.

"Ah!" Doffer instinctively screamed on the platform of the Golden Castle.

This was not controlled by Abel, but because the divine transformation began to change from a sense of comfort to a pain that made the soul tremble.

At this time, Doffer's body was changing, and Abel could hear the obvious sound of bone fragmentation. It seemed that all the bones of Doffer's body were broken into a powdery existence.

The ten-meter-high Astoria was shrinking constantly, and his fur was undergoing strange changes.

It can block the sword, full of hair, but it is slowly shrinking back into the skin.

By the time Dove's body shrank to five meters, his skin had become the white skin of a human being.

But at this time it was like a ball, without the support of bones. His flesh was contained in the skin, like a huge flesh bag.

Abel sensed this change, but he was also a novice and didn't know what was going on. He could only wait for the divine power to take the next step automatically.

At this time, he had already let go of his mind and controlled the Doufu with peace of mind.

Because in the sky, Neith Smith, the Bronnan demigod, and Elder Eugene stood in the air, no longer fighting each other.

At this time, the ‘Starlight Defense Array’ was also recovering rapidly. There were no further attacks. Thousands of projects were under the control of the Spirit Array and repaired those Arrays that were damaged when attacked by the real world.

Thanks to the operation of Fa Zhen Ling, thousands of engineering puppets completed the restoration work in just a few minutes.

A new ‘Star Defence Array’ energy shield appeared again, and the inner wizard of God Smith saw that the corner of the mouth of the energy shield twitched twice. He suffered too much from the energy shield.

He is so distressed that he just thinks about it now, which is why he said that he would retreat immediately after the demon of the world, not just to give an explanation to the dragon clan, but also that he needs time to repair his reality world.

Thanks for the "white hot" reward for 100 starting coins! !! Thank you "lobrfish" for rewarding 200 starting coins! !!

(End of this chapter)

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