Abe the Wizard

Chapter 1288: transaction

Chapter 1288: Transaction

Abel didn't say anything. At this time, the ten "divine power crystals" had been passed to the moon goddess through the "spiritual union". The moon goddess put away the ten "divine power crystals" with a smile.

"Well, today everyone is rare to meet. It is the first time that the blue dragon Abel and God of War have participated in the exchange meeting. Let's follow the previous process!" The goddess of the moon saw Vulcan and wanted to talk to Abel again. Artifact matters can not help interrupting the road.

Vulcan shut his mouth with a bad look. He is the one who lacks the most "crystallization of divine power". Among the gods here, he is in the worst situation.

The dwarves were affected by the Wizards Guild, and only a part of the blacksmiths believed in Vulcan within them, and each blacksmith paid more attention to forging, and even if they had faith, they would not be particularly religious.

This also caused his belief power to barely maintain his own existence, not to mention the improvement of strength, but to dare to use more divine power.

It is rare to be able to meet a newcomer who is obviously rich and wealthy. Of course, he wants to trade with the other party before he knows much about the gods.

"I recently researched the **** pattern and found that the combination of the second **** pattern, the fifth **** pattern, and the tenth **** pattern, when drawn in the order of the fifth **** pattern, the tenth **** pattern, and the second **** pattern, will produce a right The tenth **** pattern strengthen the role! "Moon Goddess continued.

While talking, her fingers drew three divine patterns in the air, and the golden divine patterns were flying in the air.

The tenth **** pattern is centered, and the other two **** patterns continue to rotate with it. Eventually, the second and fifth **** patterns disappear, and the tenth **** pattern is obviously brighter.

Although the Moon Goddess is simple, in fact, without her drawing process, and without the precise drawing direction and position, such an enhancement effect cannot be achieved.

As soon as Abel's eyes brightened, what he lacked most was the knowledge in this area. The divine pattern is also the pattern used by the gods. When the kingdom of God was built, the divine pattern was automatically generated in the mind of the `` crystal of divine power ''.

There is also some foundation of the **** pattern in the knowledge of the inheritance system of the **** of stealing Milton, but that is the foundation, and the **** needs to study it by himself.

This is a long-term work, because every time you draw a god's pattern, you need to consume the power of faith.

At present, the war gods have been using the basic **** pattern to strengthen the kingdom of God, and it is impossible to start related research in a short time.

The study of the goddess mentioned by the goddess of the moon at this time is just a little trick to strengthen the kingdom of God.

He also saw that several other gods did not show much enthusiasm for this communication. The kingdom of other gods has undergone thousands of years of reinforcement. Even if this way of the goddess of the moon is beneficial to the reinforcement, it will not be for this. Add bonus points to change the **** pattern of the whole kingdom.

The power of faith required is too great to be usable in the current world environment.

This technique is also most effective against gods such as war gods who have just built a kingdom.

It seems that this is what the goddess of the moon said especially for war gods.

With the lead of the Moon Goddess, the next few gods do not want to make Abel have any bad ideas in this regard. You must know that Abel is a rich local tyrant in their eyes.

So several gods have talked about some of their skills in applying the **** pattern, and they are all useful to the current war gods.

Abel remembered as he listened. These are all the long-term experience of the gods. If it were not for the goddess of the moon and the temptation of “crystallization of divine power”, the gods would not have come out so easily.

Of course, the application skills of these **** patterns are not so important. Now it is not the age of gods. Although the existence of gods is suppressed by the wizards' association, it is a little urgent.

But it is far less dangerous than the age of gods. As long as the gods recognized by the wizarding society, in thousands of years, they have never encountered real danger.

"Next is the item transaction. It ’s your first time to participate in Abel. Now that there are few gods, we ca n’t leave our respective kingdoms, so some materials need to be obtained through this kind of transaction. If this kind of transaction is not available, we will It will be exchanged to the Wizarding Guild, but the kind of transaction that we don't particularly need will not be carried out! "Said the goddess of the moon looking at Abel.

Helpless Abel in her tone heard clearly that such a powerful goddess of the moon goddess seemed to live under the suppression of the wizarding guild.

"Moon goddess, what do you mean that gods can't leave the kingdom of God?" Abel asked a little puzzled.

Although he knew that when the gods left the kingdom of God, their bodies would be in danger. It is said that in the age of gods, some powerful gods specifically aimed at hunting weak little gods and obtaining the divine power in their bodies.

Some gods even have special methods of imprisonment. If you are lucky, you can get the deities of weak gods.

But in this era, the number of gods is very small, and it is strange that the gods can't leave the kingdom of God when the wizard association recognizes the gods.

"Did God of War not sign the Wizards Guild contract?" Although the goddess of the moon knew about some war gods, they did not fully understand it, and could not help asking strangely.

"Goddess of the Moon, why did God of War sign a contract with the Wizarding Guild? God of War is my contract, I am a member of the Dragon family, so God of War is a **** belonging to the Dragon family!" Abel replied.

The six gods glanced at each other, and envy showed in their eyes. This war **** is a free god.

This kind of **** will appear in this era. It can only be said that the dragons are too powerful, so powerful that they can make the wizard guild concede.

In fact, they didn't know that in order to fight the gods, the two god-level strongmen almost started to fight, and the war between the dragon and the wizarding guild almost broke out.

"God of War is really lucky!" Vulcan murmured aside.

He all had the idea of ​​making a contract for Abel and belonging to the Dragon.

"Abel, all our gods need to abide by the Wizards Guild contract. Our gods must report to the Wizards Guild when they leave the kingdom, and the gods cannot leave the place of faith. They can only intervene in the affairs of the world through God's fall! The moon goddess explained.

"The **** of wealth and the goddess of the earth are not in this limit. They can walk at will using God's drop!" Vulcan interjected suddenly.

The **** of wealth gave a fierce glance at the **** of fire, but the goddess of the earth was indifferent and did not show.

Among the six gods, the God of Wealth and the Goddess of Earth are of low fighting ability, and they are not much stronger than Milton the Thief.

The followers of the God of Wealth are merchants and have no place for faith, and the followers of the Goddess of the Earth are farmers, and they also have no place to believe.

It is also because the fighting abilities of their two gods are too weak that the Wizarding Guild does not restrict the range of action of their gods too much.

"Blue Dragon Abel, you haven't signed the Wizards 'Guild contract, so you don't need to pay the‘ Divine Power' in the terms? ”The Goddess of Water asked a little unwillingly.

"Yes!" Abel replied with a smile, without seeming to hear her meaning.

Several gods once again cast their envy and jealousy on Abel, especially Vulcan. Even if Vulcan is already like this now, he did not dare to lose the `` divine power '' of the Wizarding Guild.

"I have a breeze iron that weighs two hundred grams and needs to wait for a heavy ice ochre!" Said the goddess of the moon at this time, her words broke the weird atmosphere at this time, and she glanced at Abel again and said: It's okay to exchange it with a 'Divine Power'! "

It appears that the last sentence she added was for the sake of Abel.

In the previous transactions, ‘Crystal Power’ was rarely traded because ‘Crystal Power’ was lacking. Only a few precious items appeared, and a small amount of ‘Crystal Power’ was traded.

Abel's spiritual power quickly rummaged in his knowledge of the inheritance system of the gods. There was too much knowledge about the gods, and he was not a god. He only studied the relevant content of the **** body and the kingdom of God.

As for the production of the following artifacts, I am prepared to study them later when I have the opportunity.

At this moment, I heard the breeze iron, and I knew very well that this must be the material used by the gods. I naturally need to check what it is.

Soon he found a description of the breeze iron, a type of iron that can only be obtained from the fierce gale at high altitude.

Since each time the breeze iron obtained from the gale is measured by one hundredth of a gram, it takes a long time to slowly capture 200 grams of breeze iron.

Only by possessing the gods of the kingdom of God, can the kingdom of God be elevated to that height, and the filtering power added to the kingdom of God over the years to capture the breeze iron that is so small that it can hardly be found.

The breeze iron is a commonly used material for artifacts, especially when applied to various artifacts for making jewelry. It is also a necessary material.

"Goddess of the Moon, I want it!" Abel took out another `` Divine Power Crystal '' and put it on the `` spiritual union ''.

The ‘spiritual alliance’ sends the ‘divine power’ to the moon goddess, and then the goddess of the moon transmits a little white metal through the ‘spiritual alliance’.

Abel picked up the breeze iron and felt it. Although he was the first time to contact the breeze iron, there is a description in the inheritance of knowledge, and in this kind of deities exchange meeting, the goddess of the moon will not deceive him.

Seeing the moon goddess complete another transaction, the eyes of several other gods were green.

Although the breeze iron is valuable, it is only a material that requires a lot of time to accumulate, and it is not particularly difficult to obtain. This material can even sell a `` divine power crystal ''.

"Blue Dragon Abel, I have a hundred grams of white molybdenum and three hundred grams of blood inflammation crystals here, do you need it?" Vulcan jumped up first and asked Abel.

"Yes, a crystal of Divine Power!" Abel paused, searched for inheritance knowledge, and nodded.

"Blue Dragon Abel, you have produced a" Divine Power Crystal "for those 200 grams of light wind iron. My blood crystal and white molybdenum are much more valuable than light wind iron, and the quantity has doubled. , At least four 'crystals of divine power'! "Vulcan said quickly after hearing this.

"Never mind, God of War is still too early to make the artifact. I will ask the dragons to help me find it later. It should not be difficult!" Abel said to Vulcan indifferently.

"Then why would you like to exchange the breeze iron of the goddess of the moon?" Vulcan felt that his temper was about to erupt, and he shouted to Abel, pointing at the goddess of the moon.

"Oh, I am blessed by the goddess of the moon, what a‘ divine power ’!” Abel replied with a smile.

This sentence suddenly discouraged Vulcan, and the goddess of the moon laughed extraordinarily, but Abel was associated with her when he was weak.

"A crystal of" divine power ", change!" Vulcan said almost gritting his teeth.

It's not that this business has lost. The value of ‘Divine Power Crystals’ is changed for these two materials. He definitely does not lose money, but it ca n’t be compared. After comparing with the Moon Goddess, his heart is bleeding.

Abel took another 'divine power crystal' and put it in the 'spiritual magic circle'. Vulcan also took out two materials and put it into the 'spiritual law'. This material disappeared on both sides at the same time.

Before, Abel paid ‘the crystal of divine power’ first, but now is the real way of trading. In this regard, he is very face-to-face with the goddess of the moon.

Next, Abel received a lot of materials. He is also a master blacksmith, but he has never seen these materials.

However, it took four more "crystals of divine power" and changed to some other artifact materials.

In his mind, as long as it does not need to consume a large amount of "Divine Power Crystals", use a small amount of "Divine Power Crystals" to exchange these materials, which is enough for war priests and Pirate Milton to practice making artifacts by themselves.

"Blue Dragon Abel, do slaves need it?" Asked the dying god, who rarely spoke.

Abel turned to spiritual knowledge to find the inheritance knowledge, but did not find any instructions related to the slaves, and could not help looking at the moon goddess.

"Abel, a slave is a special contract, and does not occupy the contract space of the soul. Instead, it is directly bound to the kingdom of God. The kingdom of God is there. The slave of God is there. So powerful **** slaves are the help to protect the kingdom of the gods! "Moon Goddess explained with a smile.

"Then how do the slaves catch, can I get relevant knowledge?" Abel asked again.

"Blue Dragon Abel, after you exchange the slaves, I will send you the relevant knowledge, but nowadays, the slaves can no longer be captured!" Said Shen Shen, a **** of death.

"As early as the Wizarding Guild ruled this world, the wizards began to exterminate divine creatures. Without divine creatures, the slaves would not be able to talk about it!" The Moon Goddess explained.

In fact, the so-called divine creatures are, in fact, some creatures that have a glimmer of hope, including various intelligent races such as humans, and some beasts with strange encounters.

Although divine creatures are difficult to achieve, they are the closest life to the gods. It is precisely because of their divinity that once they are subdued, they can rely on the power of faith to survive in the kingdom of God, and they are extremely powerful.

(End of this chapter)

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