Abe the Wizard

Chapter 1293: Start the kingdom war

Chapter 1293: Starting the Kingdom War

The sky was clear that morning, and Abel didn't contact several dragons or tell them what he would do today.

Although his relationship with the Dragons is very good, the kingdom of God is the last bottom line for him. This is his last safe place in this world.

After coming to this world, he has no sense of security, so he built the golden castle with strong defense.

Although the Golden Castle is powerful, as long as it is defensive, it may be broken. He also has a clear understanding on this point.

But the kingdom of God is different. As long as the kingdom of God is not exposed, the security of the kingdom of God is not a problem.

The Warsong Plateau is very large, and the location of the kingdom of God is not afraid of being discovered by others.

Abel was standing on the top platform of the Golden Castle of the Kingdom of God, and beside him stood the War God, the second **** body of the dow, Milton, the three-headed giant of the slave, Demigod No. 1, Wei Legend Paladin.

In this kind of war, he didn't want to let the fighting power below the legend, and the legendary Paladin of Will only provided the Aura aura support for everyone.

"Doffer, let's go!" Abel glanced at Doffer, and it was only a month that Doffer had been extraordinary, but in front of him, Doffer was still the obedient child.

"Yes, master!" Responded the doffer.

The kingdom of God moves quickly in a strange space. This movement requires the power of faith to make energy to promote the huge kingdom of God.

Abel felt the consumption of the power of faith more than he had expected.

Just as soon as it moved, a lot of the power of faith was constantly being consumed.

He also understood why the kingdom of gods on the hill hadn't moved much distance for thousands of years, and the consumption was really too great.

The flash of his body flashed, and the angel's body was already revealed.

The angel's body waved a large amount of faith from his hands. In recent days, he has provided a large amount of faith to the Asura kingdom.

Compared with the power of faith in the barbaric race, the angel body has now reached tens of millions of believers in the kingdom of God. This is related to the continuous slaughter of gods and killing a large number of clergy. .

Although Abel could not invest too much of the "Book of Inheritance" into the kingdom of God at one time, his investment was never stopped. Every one or two days, a clergyman was born.

As soon as these clergymen appeared, they were immediately added to the vacant clergy's mission because of the lack of a large number of clergymen.

Compared to the entire kingdom of God, Abel's devotion to a clergyman every two or two days did not attract the attention of the kingdom of God.

Of course, this is also because no one has thought that the clergyman is not the clergyman of the demon in the kingdom of God. This kind of thing is incredible.

Some people find that the increase of clergy is too fast, but more often they think that it is the compensation of the clergy who died of too many clergy.

You need to know that even if it ’s Divine Enlightenment, you ca n’t communicate with the sleeping demon in the sky. You can only communicate with ‘Guardian Tianyi’. ‘Guardian Tianyi’ is not life.

A great deal of the power of faith emerged from the hands of the angels, and was not incorporated into the power of faith in the kingdom of God.

The power of faith in the angel's body and the power of faith in the kingdom of God are as distinct as oil and water.

However, the Divine Assembly digests the power of these beliefs by itself, removing the information of the angel's body, which will cause about half of the loss.

Fortunately, the angel's body does not rely heavily on the power of faith. The power of faith is not as important to the angel as the gods.

Angels are more based on their own strength, and the power of faith is a means to enhance their physical strength and the power of light in the body.

Without the power of faith, at most, it will only slow down the speed at which angels can improve their strength, and not like the gods, even life and death cannot control themselves.

With the help of the power of faith in the angel's body, the power of faith in the kingdom of God is quickly restored, and the speed of the kingdom of God is rapidly increasing in the strange space.

Abel sensed the current speed, and it would take a day and a night to reach the kingdom of God on that hill.

The power of belief consumed is also very amazing, but fortunately there is an angel's body to support the power of faith, otherwise he will have to use ‘divine power’ to supplement it.

This day and one night, Astoria, the second body of Astoria, Milton, Pirate God, still did not stop the work of drawing the gods.

Finally, in the morning of the next day, Astoria's Kingdom of God came near the place marked by Abel.

Due to the closeness, the kingdom of the Assassin can already discover the kingdom of God not far away.

Abel saw a huge sphere stop in the strange space, and countless **** patterns flashing on the surface.

Compared with only 500 initial godliness on the surface of the priestly kingdom of God, this kingdom of gods has a large number of godliness on its surface. From this we can see that this kingdom of God is much more powerful than that of the kingdom of doffer.

The priestly kingdom of God does not have many internal godliness, and there is no time to strengthen the external godliness. The kingdom of God in front of him cannot reach this level without thousands of years.

Abel looked at the kingdom of God in front of him, with a sense of tension and excitement in his heart.

Once such a kingdom of God becomes his, it can save thousands of years, not to mention the treasures of the **** of the hills.

"Rush forward and start the kingdom war!" Abel ordered without hesitation.

The Astronomy Kingdom moved again, just like a child rushed to the giant Kingdom of God like a giant.

If this is not the Kingdom of God, he would not dare to make such a decision, but the Kingdom of God is in front of him, but he lacks fear.

When two kingdoms of God come into contact, space and space meet, and the two kingdoms of God shake at the same time.

In the priestly kingdom of savages, the barbarian believers who were still in or praying or working at the same time stopped at the same time. Regardless of whether they were barbarian professionals, their warfare was stunned, and they rushed towards the intersection of the two kingdoms .

At the place where the two kingdoms intersect, Abel saw the concrete road he built collapsed, and the power of faith based on the architecturalization near it was dissipated in the air.

At the same time, he also saw the opposite kingdom of God, which was a huge cave-like kingdom of God.

The kingdom of the gods of the hills is very different from that of the priests, where there is no sky, no earth, and some are just underground caves.

The entire kingdom of God is surrounded by rocks. On the surface of the rocks are numerous holes. Abel seems to see the dwarf underground space.

Thousands of dwarves jumped from the openings of these holes, especially one of them, like a military dwarf. They were in full body armor, holding huge sledgehammers in their hands, riding huge rock sheep, rushing at The dwarves are at the forefront.

In the air of the kingdom of gods on the hills, three powerful figures rushed out of the sun-like object in the center of the cave.

Their goal is where they just intersect. At the place where the two kingdoms of God intersect, a space without any creation appears.

In this space, the previous creations are transformed into the power of the original faith because of the collision of two kingdoms of God.

"Battle! Battle! Battle!"

"Death battle! Death battle! Death battle!"

Shouts rang out in both kingdoms at the same time, but the number of believers in the priestly kingdom was not worth mentioning at all. Compared with the other kingdoms, their momentum suddenly fell short.

However, the difference between a deity and no deity immediately appeared. Abel's human body, angel body, doffer, second dove body, demigod one, Will's legend paladin, and three giants appeared simultaneously At the intersection, completely block that position.

Thief Milton disappeared, and let him participate in the kingdom war, not by his combat power, but by his other abilities.

The legendary Will of the Paladins has opened up the "Rescue" Aura aura, which has increased the resistance of everyone present.

In this kingdom war, do n’t think about weakening the opponent. The opponent also has the blessing of the kingdom of God. It is very difficult to weaken the opponent. The best way is to improve your own strength.

Abel's side was teleported directly, which gave him time to do other things, and he would not immediately start a war with the other party without being prepared.

"Build defense!" He cried.

As he yelled, the golden light on the body of Doffer and Doffer's second **** flashed, and then a wall appeared in front of them.

This wall is not large, it is completely composed of **** pattern, and it is also a **** pattern defense wall composed of **** pattern skills obtained by Abel in the exchange meeting.

This divine pattern defensive wall formed a defensive wall in the space where the two kingdoms of God touched.

This is the result of a busy month of Astoria, Astoria's second body, and Pirate God Milton.

One month is too short, even if it is the full effort of the three gods, it will not be able to strengthen the newly built **** kingdom.

So during this month, they worked together to build this godlike defensive wall.

By the time the defensive wall of the **** pattern was built, the three powerful **** slaves of the kingdom of gods on the hill had arrived.

The breath of the three **** slaves is not weaker than that of the three giants. Of course, because the three giants use three artifacts with two-handed axe, they are far more powerful than a **** slave. One must be stronger.

The first of the three **** slaves is a cow, which is not the look of a tauren, but a real cow. The whole body of the flame burns, and the fire element in the flame is extremely strong. It can be imagined that its flame must be very terror.

The second is a bear whose thunder flashes all over his body. This is a bear who has the power of lightning.

The third one is a huge mouse. The mouse is black and has a green mist outside its body. Needless to say, it has some special poisonous ability.

Abel didn't want to kill the three **** slaves. Instead, he was looking at the three **** slaves with a kind of gaze looking at his **** slaves.

Based on his knowledge of the divine life, the world today is afraid that in addition to the deep sea, there may be marine divine life, and the divine life on land and offshore has long been extinct.

In addition to the special environment of the kingdom of God, in addition to using strong believers as guardians, the best combat power is divine life.

So the three in front of him are already the divine life of the slave, and it is estimated that it is the last three divine life that Abel can get.

He is not willing to kill the three **** slaves, and the kingdom of God will rely on these three **** slaves to guard it in the future!

He didn't want to attack each other, but the three **** slaves would not relent. For the two parties who launched the kingdom war, there was no peace at all, and killing each other was the only option.

The flames on the horns of the giant ox in the flame of the whole body almost turned into pure white. It issued a roar, and then made a heavy impact on the god-shaped defensive wall.

The bear who has grasped the power of lightning is full of lightning flying, and a series of lightnings form a dense lightning storm and hits the god-shaped defense wall.

The poisonous mouse opened its mouth, exposing sharp teeth, and directly bit into the god-shaped defense wall.

Under the blow of the horns of the flame giant ox, a crack appeared on the surface of the god-patterned defensive wall that consumed three gods for a month, and then the coming lightning storm widened the crack.

Only the bite of the poisonous mouse can't see much damage, but in fact Abel can perceive that the god-shaped defense wall is consuming the power of faith madly.

He saw that the flame cow stepped back a few more steps and was ready to continue attacking, and the Lightning Bear was just like an infinite lightning force, and the Lightning Storm was constantly attacking.

He has also tested this godline defensive wall. If the angel's body is attacking with full force, it will take dozens of hits to attack at the same time to break it. As long as one of the attacks is slower, the godline defensive wall will supplement the faith. Opportunity to recover.

However, the three **** slaves seemed to have rich experience in dealing with the defense of the **** pattern. One poison and one lightning constantly consumed the energy of the **** pattern defense wall, while the fire ox focused on the full force of the attack in order to quickly break the **** pattern defense.

Abel shook his head. It wouldn't work like this. It would only take time for Pirate God Milton.

Yes, at this moment Milton, the pirate god, has entered the kingdom of the other party, which is why Abel did not attack.

Abel ’s knowledge about the kingdom war from the goddess of the moon, to deal with the stealth and hidden breath of the **** of stealing Milton, as long as the owner of the opponent ’s kingdom is still there, you can find anomalies in his own kingdom .

However, Abel's opponent this time did not have a kingdom of God owner. To the thief Milton, the other kingdom of God existed as if nothing existed.

As early as when he erected the god-patterned defense wall, the stealing **** Milton entered the kingdom of gods on the hill.

And Abel also discovered that the existence of the sun in the center of the kingdom of gods on the hill was the other's main temple.

He did not want to really start the war, as long as he held it for a period of time, there was no need to consume too much, and he could get everything to the opposite kingdom of God.

Just as Abel was thinking, the second batch of combat power had already rushed over.

This is the dwarven knight riding a rock sheep holding a long-handled hammer. Its number has reached 5,000. They chanted a battle song, and the whole body flashed into a knight battle.

Thanks for the "white hot" reward for 100 starting coins! !! Thank you "lobrfish" for rewarding 200 starting coins! !!

(End of this chapter)

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