Abe the Wizard

Chapter 1301: victory

Chapter 1301 Victory

Abel looked at the Vulcan bound by the "Chain of God". At this moment he was truly relieved. He could perceive the current condition of the Vulcan without any resistance.

At this time he also had time to look at the sky, where a strong dangerous atmosphere had just appeared.

Pirate God Milton has flew to it. At this time, the danger of Vulcan Kingdom is greatly reduced. Without Vulcan's control, the entire kingdom of God is completely unguarded for Pirate God Milton.

Of course, this is also half of Abel's ingenuity in controlling Milton theft.

As soon as Vulcan contacted the main shrine, he let it be removed from the hidden state. Now, the stealing **** Milton did not need to find it, and found a standard shrine.

Close to the main temple of Vulcan, even using the body of Pirate God Milton, Abel could perceive the terrible flame energy inside it.

The surface of the main temple is composed of special **** patterns. This is not an ordinary main temple. Although Abel has not seen many main temples, he also understands the Lord from his knowledge of the kingdom war obtained from the moon goddess. Temples are generally defensive, and rarely have such violent energy.

You should know that the main shrine is the most important place of the kingdom of God, and it is the management and control center of the kingdom of God.

A normal kingdom of God will be built with the primary criterion of protecting the main shrine from the entrance of the opponent, and will not be built for the purpose of attack.

Abel felt a chill. If it wasn't for him to move faster, then it is very likely that he would fight against the **** of Vulcan this time, he would get nothing, and he would hurt the angel's body.

Taking control of the body of Pirate God Milton, he used ‘Breakthrough’ to change his breath and easily integrated into this dangerous main shrine.

Nothing was left in the main shrine, it was an empty main shrine.

This is also normal. Vulcan will not put his collection here in such a dangerous main temple.

In the entire main shrine, in addition to the huge throne in the middle, it is the light ball behind the throne.

Thief Milton constantly uses ‘Breaking the Territory’ to change his own breath. The various **** pattern magic arrays arranged here are enough to make any magician master helpless.

In itself, the Shenwen method is more advanced than the ordinary method, and on the study of the method, who is able to compare a **** who has lived countless years and has a super-computing brain.

However, the exception is Pirate God Milton. He did not lift the magic pattern, but transformed himself into the same breath as the magic pattern.

He came to the control of the light ball without any danger. He put his hand on the control of the light ball. The fighting God of War was immediately flashed out of the battle with the flame elf.

His soul breath was transferred through Abel's soul chain, and through the soul chain of the stealing **** Milton, he entered the ball of light control.

In the control of the light ball, there is only a trace of the soul breath of Vulcan. This soul breath of the vulcan saw the dove who entered the control of the light ball, turned into a flame giant, and rushed towards the doffer.

Unlike the aggressive doffer who enters the control of the light sphere, when the spirit breath of Pirate Milton enters the control of the light sphere, the breath is also consistent with the control of the light sphere.

Vulcan's breath of soul was affected by the breath of Dove, and he didn't notice that the stealing **** Milton entered the light ball slower than Dove.

The battle of souls is extremely dangerous at the level of doffer and vulcan, because any point of injury is fatal to a breath of soul.

Just as the soul of Vulcan was fully prepared to deal with the soul of Astoria, a black dagger emerging from the void pierced the soul of Vulcan.

The soul of Vulcan was struck by a dagger transformed into the soul of the pirate **** Milton, which directly defeated its soul, and the soul of Vulcan began to dissipate.

"No!" Roared Vulcan in front of the angel's body, bound by the "chain of locks".

Even if he had long known that he had been defeated and arrested, the occupation of the kingdom of God was inevitable, but at this stage, he still couldn't stand the occurrence of such things.

This is his kingdom of God. He walked step by step from an ordinary dwarf to today, and any step that goes wrong is in a state of infallibility.

He grew up walking on the corpses of countless people. His conspiracy plans to defeat a person who is more talented than him. Those who are strong in his contemporaries can only stay a few.

He successfully escaped numerous wars, and lived from the age of gods to this age of wizards.

But today he is about to end his eternity.

"Abel, I will be back, I will burn everything with you with the flame of revenge!" Vulcan shouted to the angel's body.

At this time, the breath of the dove's soul began to erode the control of the vulcan **** kingdom. The light ball began to erode.

The kingdom of Vulcan has an unusual **** light, just like the fate of this kingdom.

"The kingdom of God at dusk!" Vulcan left a shout to Abel, murmured to himself.

These **** rays are the last rays of the kingdom of God. At this time, all the dwarves in the kingdom of God of Vulture are crazy. They take the blacksmith's hammer and rush to the battlefield where they must die.

Vulcan now has a weaker and weaker perception of his kingdom. He knows that soon he will fall into a deep sleep.

But he is not afraid. As a god, as long as the godhead is still alive, then he will never exist.

Just give him time, as long as there are blacksmiths in the dwarves, then he can slowly recover.

This process is tens of thousands of years or hundreds of thousands of years, but as long as the dwarves do not perish and the profession of blacksmiths exists in the dwarves, the power of faith will continue to reunite his **** body.

Although the scarlet light of the Vulcan God Kingdom disappeared, both Abel and Astoria felt that the Vulcan God Kingdom became an expansion of the original God Kingdom and became a part of their own Kingdom.

And those dwarf blacksmith believers who were running and fighting, those flame elves who were still insisting, stopped moving.

The three giants on Abel's side, as well as three other **** slaves, and five thousand dwarven knight battle lines, all have rich combat experience. At this time, they also stopped attacking, and the kingdom battle was won!

The angel's body released Abel's human ontology, and then entered into the human ontology's body.

"Vulcan, you are defeated!" Abel said to Vulcan with a smile.

"Abel, yes, I lost, but you can't kill me!" Vulcan said with the last pride in his heart.

"You are wrong. After I receive your followers, I will make you completely disappear into this world!" Abel responded with confidence.

The breath of the **** of war shrouded the entire kingdom of Vulcan God, and in the space of the kingdom of God, his voice full of temptation sounded again.

"I said, I am the only faith in this world!

I said, I am the bread of life.

Those who come to me must not be hungry.

Believe me, never thirsty!

I said, Whoever believes in me has eternal life! "

With almost no resistance, these dwarf blacksmith believers who lost their pillars of faith immediately changed their beliefs.

Just as Astoria accepted the beliefs of these dwarf blacksmith believers, Abel knew the number of dwarven blacksmith believers in the kingdom of Vulcan god.

Thirty-two thousand dwarven blacksmith devotees surprised Abel.

This is not too much, but too little.

Vulcan is a **** who came from the age of gods. How could there be only so many believers.

Where does he know that the more professional and knowledgeable a believer, the less his faith will be.

What kind of believers can enter the kingdom of God?

Only those dwarf blacksmiths who are extremely devout in their belief in Vulcan have the opportunity to enter the kingdom of Vulcan. However, most dwarf blacksmiths have spent their lives in crazy forging. How can there be a lot of time to pray and believe in Vulcan? .

Of course, the position of Vulcan in the dwarven race also determines that his followers are not too many. In the age of gods, Vulcan was not too powerful. Although he is called Vulcan, his own ability is more useful. For forging flames.

In the age of gods, he was not valued, and was an unimportant existence in the dwarven gods.

The belief in the dwarf blacksmith has been obtained through many efforts.

And after the end of the gods age, the dwarves turned to the Wizarding Guild, and a large number of dwarves dreamed of becoming wizards from an early age.

Although blacksmithing is still very important among the dwarves, but because of the influence of the Wizards Guild, this belief is difficult to purify and cannot reach the level of piety.

But when Abel looked at the 32,000 dwarves, he was surprised.

Thirty-two thousand dwarves, including 5,000 dwarven blacksmith masters, others are master blacksmiths, and none of the dwarven believers are below master level.

"Vulcan, I really admire you, I have never seen so many blacksmith masters!" Abel could not help but say to Vulcan.

When Vulcan heard Abel's words, a pained expression appeared on his face, and he didn't want to say anything more. It was not easy for each of these dwarf blacksmith believers to get it.

In fact, those who have just become blacksmiths, or intermediate and senior blacksmiths, do n’t pay much attention to Vulcan and even refuse to enter the kingdom of God.

For master blacksmiths and master blacksmiths, he tried his best to make them believers by temptation and other methods.

The degree of difficulty is not enough to be humane.

These blacksmith devotees are also an important step for him to gain more benefits. Why he can create the six hundred magical magic card, which has the role of these blacksmith masters and blacksmith masters.

He redeems the resources he needs by making items for the strong that require blacksmithing.

It can be said that his kingdom of God is actually a processing farm. He has always had stable channels to obtain orders and conduct various required transactions.

You need to know that there are 5,000 dwarven blacksmith masters, even if the dwarven people have not seen so many blacksmith masters from the time of the gods to the present day.

But in such an environment that is completely blacksmith master and blacksmith master, there is a steady stream of forging work and unlimited life support. Starting from dozens of blacksmith masters, slowly the blacksmith masters in the kingdom of God are gradually increasing More up.

Of course, the blacksmith who did not reach the master level of blacksmith until his death had no hope of becoming a master blacksmith.

This is why Vulcan has only allowed believers in the blacksmith master to enter his kingdom of God. He does not want to waste resources to train those talented blacksmiths.

But now, with his countless years of hard work, everything he has given is accepted by Abel in front of him.

He hates Abel, he wants to curse him, he wants revenge.

He didn't think about why he reached this step, or it wasn't because of his greed, that when he was jealous of Abel's wealth, he was doomed to the result today.

"Vulcan, in fact, I am also a master blacksmith, and I am glad to see so many master blacksmiths here!" Abel continued to stimulate Vulcan.

"I'll get everything back to me! I swear!" Vulcan said with gritted teeth.

"Doffer, return the kingdom of God to the Warsong Plateau, and we'll go home!" Abel didn't bother with the Vulcan, but commanded Doffer.

"Yes, master!" The voice of war fighters sounded beside Abel.

Then the three kingdoms linked together began to move. Of course, moving in this special space would not have any scenery at all. At the same time, because the kingdom of God is bigger, the speed of movement is slower.

"Vulcan, during this time on the way back, I will solve your trouble!" Abel said to Vulcan with a smile.

"With your strength, you can't kill the gods!" Vulcan has no ability to resist, but he still said with confidence.

Abel has only legendary strength. For the deities, only one finger can pinch the existence.

Abel smiled, and he stretched out the power of dark gold-quality space from his soul.

"The power of space, how could you master this power?" Vulcan shouted in horror.

His body is incomplete. He knew today that his body would be destroyed. He could only pin his hopes on Abel. He did n’t know that the body of God was destroyed. In fact, he let go of the trapped spirit. Kind of thing.

His fright was half pretended, but half true.

The power of space, let alone a legend, cannot be mastered. The power of manipulating space is different from the application of ordinary space power. The application of ordinary space power is like building a kingdom of God. Force application.

When the kingdom of God is built, it is filled with the power of space, so that the space inside the kingdom of God is larger than the shell.

There is also the transmission of gods in the kingdom of God, which is also the application of the power of space.

But this is completely different from the force of manipulating space. Abel now regards the force of space as a weapon, and the application of the force of space is a borrowing behavior, which is essentially different.

Vulcan now thinks that Abel will destroy his **** body, so his godhead can escape.

He didn't want to be imprisoned in the Wizarding Guild, like the gods in the Wizarding Guild, as a tool to provide energy.

Living like that, you can hardly see the hope of awakening.

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(End of this chapter)

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