Abe the Wizard

Chapter 1313: Valley of the Tree of Life

1313 The Tree of Life Valley

Abel did not stay in the Temple of the Goddess for a long time. Rarely spent some time alone with Lorraan, and he went to the teleportation circle at the mouth of the valley of the tree of life through the teleportation circle.

"Grand Master Bennet, welcome to you!" As soon as his figure appeared in the Taniguchi teleportation circle, he saw Landau Druid bowing and welcoming him.

"Landau Druid, why are you here?" Abel looked at Landau Druid and asked in return.

"The elven royal family has received a metaphor from the Temple of the Goddess. Her Majesty has commissioned me to serve you here!" Landau Druid did not have the randomness he had with him before, but a kind of respect from the heart. .

Just today, the Temple of the Goddess released the metaphor of the goddess of the moon. Master Bennett is among the elves and has the same status as the goddess of the moon.

This surprised the elven royal family, and immediately spread the news throughout the elven family.

The valley of the tree of life, the destination of nature Abel, must also arrange the elves to receive here.

The elves' royal family still knows about the character of Master Bennett. In order to prevent him from feeling uncomfortable, this is just to arrange the old friend of Master Bennett Druid, Lord Bennett, to be here to receive.

"Landau Druid, don't be so polite, we are friends!" Abel said with a smile.

"Master Bennet, are you okay lately?" Landau druid saw that he was still as usual and relaxed, and asked with a smile.

Randall Druid felt that the Elves couldn't hold Master Bennett. When Master Bennett needed most help, the Elves didn't have the power to help him.

Of course, Abel didn't care about this. Look at his enemies. They are legendary professionals. Where can the elves fight?

He chose to leave at the time, and had the idea of ​​not wanting to leave the battlefield in this quiet and beautiful forest of Ervo.

"I've settled down!" Abel responded with a smile. He knew that his strength had been reached, and that no one would tell him if his strength had not been reached.

All things related to him today are estimated to be confidential in the Wizarding Guild, and the existence of the deities can only be informed by the demi-god or above.

"Master Bennett, if you need anything from our royal family, please ask me!" Landau Druid also thought of Master Bennett's equal status with the Moon Goddess, and he was very weak, but still true Said.

"Landau Druid, my three followers at the Pharmacists' Guild, and housekeeper servants, please take care of me!" Abel also said politely, smiling.

"Master Bennet, please rest assured that the royal family will do their best to take care of them!" Landau Druid promised.

"Tell them, I will regularly transfer some cultivation resources to the Temple of the Goddess, I hope they can improve themselves as soon as possible!" Abel continued.

The House of the Pharmacists' Guild was the last concern of Abel among the elves, except Lorraine.

Those three followers who have followed him for many years, the three followers of his own, he is not suitable to place them next to him. It is the best choice to stay in the elves.

Rather than be accompanied by Landau Druid, Abel went into the Valley of the Tree of Life alone.

The tree of life also sensed his arrival, and the whole valley of the tree of life has a hint of joy.

"Tree of life, I'm bothering you again!" Abel said, placing his hand on the trunk of the tree of life, turning on the power of the Spirit Whisperer.

The tree of life delivered a joy, and Abel's strength increased, making the tree of life very happy.

In recent months, the tree of life has felt a lot of danger.

The wicked atmosphere of **** flowing from the cracks in the front-line battlefield space, the kind of danger that targets the entire world, makes the tree of life fearless.

The breath of **** is the predator of life, the natural enemy of the tree of life.

The Tree of Life also knows that it was its equal contractor who resolved that crisis from hell.

It has been waiting for Abel here, wanting to thank Abel for everything he has done to this world.

In this world, perhaps not many people know what Abel did. Except for some high-level professionals, ordinary people probably don't know. A huge nightmare disaster was lifted by a hero.

But as a special existence of this world, the tree of life is very clear.

In the simple idea of ​​the tree of life, the heroes who saved the world must be rewarded accordingly.

"Tree of life, this time I'm here to improve the strength of the Druid!" Abel asked.

The tree of life needs to pass the price of 5,000 green top-level magic stones, and Abel had already prepared. He had thought of so many green top-level magic stones.

Just looking at the number of top magic stones he spent upgrading from the twenty-nineth-level legendary wizard to the thirtyth-level legendary wizard, we can see that the number of top-level magic stones required by the tree of life is not large.

Of course, compared with the rough usage method when Abel was promoted, the tree of life's extraction and application of energy from green top magic stones are more detailed.

Abel piled 5,000 green top magic stones at the root of the tree of life, and the roots of the tree of life tumbled, pulling the mountain-like green top magic stones into the ground.

Then the branches of the two trees of life put Aberto in the air, and the massive force of nature entered his body. His exposed twenty-sixth-level legendary druid breath was rapidly growing.

Randall the Druid did not leave the Valley of the Tree of Life. He was standing at the mouth of the Valley of the Tree of Life. Although Abel did not accompany him, he was consciously guarding Abel.

When he sensed the breath in the valley of the Tree of Life, an enviable mood rose in his heart.

That was the legendary druid, but then, the breath of the twenty-sixth-level legendary druid grew wildly, leaving him unable to calm down.

Originally he was prepared to no matter what Master Bennett did in the Valley of the Tree of Life.

But now he couldn't help looking at the valley of the Tree of Life, and was seeing Master Bennett being held in the air by the Tree of Life.

"Goddess is on top, Master Bennett will not be promoted, will he?" He exclaimed in surprise at the familiar scene.

Because of his equal contract with the tree of life, Master Bennett helped many druids who reach their full maturity to succeed in promotion.

At the same time, there are also legends that Master Bennett was favored by the tree of life and forcibly raised the level of the druid, which made him the only legendary druid of the elves.

But it was all legend, but now it really happened to his eyes.

In the perception of Landau's Druid, the legendary Druid's breath like a mountain, even if he was far away, had the feeling of being suppressed by the soul.

In the perception, the legendary Druid from Master Bennett's breath continued to grow. At the same time, he also saw that the green light from the tree of life continued to enter Master Bennett's body.

No matter how ignorant, anyone can see now that the tree of life is really increasing the strength of Master Bennett.

What even surprised Landau Druid happened, a spirit of promotion emanated from Master Bennett's body.

He almost didn't have enough brain. This is the legendary druid, the twenty-sixth-level legendary druid, and he has just been promoted.

He began to doubt his own cultivation. For countless years of cultivation, he was just a druid, and his chances for further development were slim.

Abel was also weird, because now he felt that the spirit of promotion was energizing his body, but he did not have the pain of energizing the body.

He soon discovered that the tree of life came with a vital energy, which was constantly soothing his body, making the process of energizing the body extremely peaceful, not as crude as before.

The tree of life is using its own energy to help him through the process of energy.

This was Abel's most comfortable promotion in the legendary stage. There was no pain. Instead, he had a warm feeling of laziness, so he was promoted to the 27th-level legendary druid.

The Landau Druid in Taniguchi also spent the longest period of his life. When he felt that the spirit of promotion had disappeared, and the surging legendary spirit of Master Bennett, he knew that Master Bennett had advanced.

"Finally passed!" He breathed a long sigh of relief, and couldn't help but laugh about his emotions. He almost doubted his life.

It was only when he just relaxed that he felt the breath of Master Bennett rise again.

His expression was frozen, and he looked at Master Bennett. Sure enough, the tree of life passed from the roots to the branches, and then the green light of Master Bennett's body did not end. He continued to transmit to Master Bennett. With.

"Don't ..." Randall the Druid thought to himself, and he almost dared not to imagine it anymore.

Only Master Bennett is the only legendary Druid Elf. The Legendary Order is an existence that can only be looked up to for any Elven Druid.

Take Landau Grand Druid, for example, the 26th-level legendary Druid is an extreme existence for him, which is unimaginably powerful.

However, the master Bennett in front of him, after being promoted from the twenty-sixth-level legendary druid to the twenty-seventh-level legendary druid, is still improving.

Abel was now sensing the changes in his body, reaching 80% energy, which is why he came to the tree of life and sought the help of the tree of life.

He found that his estimation was correct, and his body was changing according to his energetic degree.

Don't underestimate the increase from 75% to 80%, just a small increase of 5%.

In the Legendary Tier, this growth will only happen to the Legend of the Peak.

When the legendary wizard reaches level 30, his body energy becomes 70%. When he reaches the peak of the legend, it will reach 75%, but after this level, he can only slowly slow down by himself. Conversion.

This process is very long, and the time and resources required are extremely amazing.

Abel is not worried about insufficient resources. He has many resources, but what he lacks is time.

He needs to raise his strength to a level sufficient to protect himself within a hundred years, then he needs to reduce the process of cultivation.

Not to mention the other, just 25% of the energetic process after reaching the legendary peak, the time required will be hundreds of years, or even longer.

Abel's legendary druid said that he had cultivated it himself, and it was better achieved with the help of the tree of life.

After he became a formal druid, he did not practice druids anymore, everything was achieved with the help of the tree of life.

Just as now, in his druid's soul, the druid's mark is also constantly ascended by the tree of life.

It is estimated that he is the world's least Druid legendary Druid. If anyone wants to talk to him about Druid's cultivation problems at this moment, he will not even know how to answer.

He was full again, and the steady flow of natural force and energy from the tree of life forcibly elevated the twenty-seventh-level legendary druid he just promoted to fullness.

The air of ascension emanates from his body, and his body begins the energetic process without pain again.

When the promotion energy disappeared, he felt that the energy of the body had reached 85 percent, and his druid level had reached 28.

Randall Druid was sitting on the ground without a slight image at the moment, he stared blankly at the valley of the Tree of Life.

He had the urge to plead with Master Bennett, and asked Master Bennett to ask the Tree of Life to increase his strength for him.

However, he still has the last trace of self-control. He knows that Master Bennett, who can be treated equally by the Moon Goddess, is different from him.

He had no thoughts about the still rising breath in the Valley of the Tree of Life, but he just stared blankly, his mind was empty.

In fact, if Abel knew what Randall's Druid thought, he would definitely say to Randall's Druid that you really think too much.

If it weren't for his own realm, the tree of life wouldn't be able to forcibly use energy to enhance his strength.

He is a real 30-level legendary wizard. Although this was not cultivated by himself, it did lay the foundation for the tree of life to improve his strength.

Promoting from the 28th level to the 29th level is just like the formation of a watercourse. The same promotion spirit appears, and the same painless body is energized.

His body's energy has reached 90%. This energy can basically try to be promoted to demigod, of course, provided that the rules and mana in the soul of his 30th-level legendary wizard must reach the peak level.

Level 29 was promoted to level 30, and a large amount of natural force energy continued to enter his body. The energy control of the tree of life reached the extreme level.

The influx of huge natural force energy, even the most gentle natural force, such a huge amount, entering the body in a short time, is enough to cause the ordinary legendary body to collapse, but the tree of life has always controlled this degree Is very accurate.

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(End of this chapter)

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