Abe the Wizard

Chapter 1326: Again

Chapter 1326: Reincarnation

To treat an already crazy god-level wizard, the suggestion of the Mosley god-level wizard to gather a few more god-levels to forcibly suppress the Bradford god-level wizard is really the best choice.

However, there are many problems. If this time is not because the demon in the kingdom of God is about to wake up, the Wizards Guild will not have three god-level wizards at the same time.

A powerful god-level view of time is different from that of ordinary people. A hundred years is a short time for them.

Therefore, these god-level existences will not basically interfere in the operation of the entire continent. As long as there is a god-level existence, the wizarding guild will not be affected.

The dedication that should be attributed to the gods will not be lacking, and power is sometimes troublesome for the gods.

The three god-level wizards who came out this time have long been planned. Once the demon in the sky shows signs of awakening, then god-level wizards will keep coming out of the retreat.

But to break such a plan, then it is necessary to awaken the **** level, just like the situation encountered by the dragon clan, the **** levels have their own cultivation plan. Coming out of the retreat, three days is not enough.

In fact, the most idle gods on the mainland are several gods, but several **** wizards of the Wizarding Guild and the elder Eugene of the dragon clan know very well that these gods left from the age of gods are not very powerful.

And because of the relationship between the gods and the wizarding guild, let them take action against a god-level wizard who will not affect the survival of the gods, and the gods will not do their best.

"Elder Eugene, can the Dragons send another **** level to help, I believe that as long as there is another powerful **** level, we can rely on five **** levels to forcibly suppress Bradford, so that he does not have Chance to destroy those treasures! "Nesmith asked the elder Eugene.

This kind of question is meant to explore the current strength of the Dragons. If it weren't for the threat of the sea beasts of the Dragons, he would never have asked them.

"One of my dragons is facing the sea dragons in the sea. If necessary, I can ask him to help!" Elder Eugene thought for a while and replied.

Of course, he thought of Abel, and now there is only Abel's war gods at the level of god-level combat power that the Dragons can use directly.

"It was a waste of time for a **** class to watch from the sea dragon family. The sea dragon family has not moved so far. If they want to come, there will be no movement in three days. Please come to the **** level to help suppress Bradford. ”McPhee God-like wizard couldn't help it.

"Elder Eugene, aren't you the one you said?" Nesmith's god-level wizard changed slightly, he asked in a loud voice.

"Yes, that's the Assassin of the Blue Dragon Abel!" Of course Elder Eugene knew who he was talking about and nodded.

Although the problem between Abel and Neith Smith, a witch, has been resolved, but the encounter between them has arisen, how can it be healed so easily.

At this time, we still have to fight together, how can we not allow the subtle changes in the mood of the inner wizard of the wizard.

"No matter who it is, as long as you have enough strength, call it quickly!" McPhee God-level wizard said anxiously.

"Just according to McPhee, please also ask Elder Eugene to invite the blue dragon Abel!" Nesmith's god-level wizard didn't hesitate too much, Shen Sheng said.

He also knew that once the Hailong tribe and the mainland went to war, they would most likely have more serious trouble than the kingdom of God.

You must know that the Dragon Clan in the open sea and offshore now has no war in the mainland for thousands of years. The large number of sea beasts accumulated over the years will play an important role in this large-scale war.

The mainland and the dragons cannot afford to sacrifice, but the sea beasts are different. As long as it is not the death of the top sea beasts, then the strong man over the sea beasts will not care.

In the eyes of top sea beasts, ordinary sea beasts are consumables and can be discarded at will.

There are too many sea beasts in the ocean. The almost endless ocean has endless resources and can feed so many sea beasts.

The mainland is different. Every professional in the mainland is fighting for resources.

Why are the more advanced professionals, the smaller the number, and the reduction of a large proportion. Among them, the cultivation of talents is one aspect, but the lack of resources is not an important aspect.

Therefore, once the sea beast tide appears, the mainland uses professionals to fight hard with sea beasts, and no one wants to see the losses.

For the sea beasts in the deep sea, due to the stability of thousands of years, and the peace agreement with the sea beasts, the mainland has not seriously responded to attacks that may come from the ocean.

In addition, in order to deal with the kingdom of gods, the Wizarding Guild invested too much resources and energy outside the front-line battlefield. Although it trained a large number of powerful wizards, it also reduced the marine defense that should have been strengthened.

Of course, if it wasn't for Bradford's move this time, the Wizarding Guild would definitely wait to resolve the trouble between the demons and the kingdom of gods, and even then there would be no problem fighting the sea beasts.

The key is that the time when the sea beasts started fighting was not good, and the incident was too sudden, which caught the mainland side by surprise and was totally unprepared.

Elder Eugene's figure flickered and disappeared. He asked Abel to come and fight, of course, he needed to come in person.

The three god-level wizards have their own real worlds. Considering that Bradford god-level wizards have just consumed the power of the real world, they want to break the blockade of their three real worlds, unless the other party directly blasts the real world. Otherwise, it is impossible to escape.

On the top platform of the Golden Castle, Abel and the four dragons were blowing the sea breeze, watching the horror scene opposite, drinking red wine and juice, it seemed very leisurely.

This is naturally after several battles and the tests of the four dragons themselves, and I understand why the defense of this golden castle is so powerful.

This feeling is extremely refreshing. Opposite is the god-level sea dragon with an almost endless wave of sea beasts, ready to attack this side at any time with an unrivalled crushing momentum, and they are happy to drink the most Good wine and juice.

Abel looked at the opposite, but in fact he wanted to test his super cannon with the opposite tide of sea beasts.

But he was very clear that such a major event concerning the security of the entire continent was not something he could do at will.

"Elder Eugene is back!" King Dragon Kenbour said, watching a figure in the distance.

Between words, the figure was approaching.

The defense of the Golden Castle did not stop Elder Eugene, and he landed on the top platform of the Golden Castle.

"Elder Eugene, did you find the god-like wizard who stole things?" Abe asked with a glass of red wine, smiling.

"Blue Dragon Abel, found him, but he didn't want to surrender the treasure of Hailong!" Elder Eugene ran continuously, saw the red wine, took it over, took a sip and felt the comfort brought to him by the red wine. Shuang, then went on to say: "Three wizard-level wizards of the Wizarding Guild have trapped them in the magic tower. Now they need the help of war fighters. We sent five god-levels to suppress the god-level wizard together!"

"Elder Eugene, then I'll go with you, but what should I do here?" Abel nodded, and then pointed at the four dragons.

"It's okay, let them stay here!" Elder Eugene replied, and then looked at King Dragon Kemp and said, "If there is danger, you take them out first. This is what the Wizarding Guild did. Now the Wizarding Guild has three God-level wizards can fight, at least this time the sea beast tide won't be of much help! "

In fact, when Elder Eugene learned that the three wizard-level wizards in the Wizarding Guild had not retreated, he understood that the crisis of the sea beast tide was not serious, but if the current problem was not resolved, then the next wave of sea beast attacks would continue. There will be more and more god-level sea beasts participating in it.

The current danger is not serious, at least it will not threaten the security of the mainland.

"Brother Kemp, this gold castle will stay here. I will give you control of the Falcon Spirit. If the other side comes over, you will order the Falcon Spirit to use a super cannon to fight back!" Abel thought for a while Golden Dragon Kenbul explained.

Although he did not test the power of the super cannon, when he designed this super weapon, he used the god-level combat power as the standard.

In addition, the super artillery is handed over to the control of the Array Spirit, and the Array Spirit who has rich experience in using long-range weapons can also be easily mastered.

The reason why the Golden Castle is left is because the four dragons do not want to be put in danger, even if the golden dragon Kenble is fast, but he is only a demigod.

When facing the **** level, it is inevitable that they will be affected by the breath of the other party.

"Blue Dragon Abel, thank you for taking their safety into consideration, but this will make your Golden Castle dangerous!" Elder Eugene said gratefully when leaving the Golden Castle to the nearest teleportation circle.

He naturally understood Abel's intention to leave the Golden Fortress, which was obviously uneasy about the safety of the four dragons.

In particular, there is his descendant Blue Dragon Hurley. Although Elder Eugene did not treat Blue Dragon Hurley differently on weekdays, he was very concerned in his heart.

"They are all my friends. Besides, it is just a god. It is not easy to break my golden castle defense!" Abel said with a smile.

The two flew and talked, mainly because Elder Eugene explained to Abel the war situation behind them, and behind them, the second warrior of the Shinto Adolf followed Abel like a bodyguard.

After several rounds of transfers, and after flying a further distance, Abel saw the encirclement formed by the three huge real worlds ahead.

"Elder Eugene, why did you bring a junior over here?" As soon as McFay ’s **** wizard saw Abel, he complained to Elder Eugene dissatisfied.

This occasion is a god-level battle. An accidentally sweeps Abel. Such a weak person who is not even a demigod is expected to die directly.

Besides, is God-level battle qualified for a legendary order?

"Magefield Wizard, Moseley Wizard, let me introduce to you. This is our blue dragon Abel, and the latter is his contract warlord." Elder Eugene swept McAfee. A glance at the divine wizard then introduced the two divine wizards who saw Abel for the first time.

This introduction directly explained why Abel had come over and was also qualified to come.

"I'm sorry, Blue Dragon Abel, I heard about you, but I didn't expect you to be so young!" McFee ’s **** wizard knew that he was rude. No matter how weak his strength is, his identity is the same as him, and he apologizes in a hurry.

Abel returned with a smile.

"Blue Dragon Abel, you are the Blue Dragon Abel who occupies the Warsong Plateau and possesses the deed of God's contract?" The Mosley-level wizard looked at Abel and asked equally unbelievably.

He was extremely opposed to the Wizards Guild allowing the Dragons to occupy the Warsong Plateau.

However, at this time, the Wizarding Guild was also begging for help. At the same time, the crisis was also created by the Wizarding Guild ’s own god-level wizard. Abel was shocked at his age, but said nothing more.

"Blue Dragon Abel, trouble you this time!" Nesmith's god-level wizard bowed slightly to Abel.

But soon his eyes widened, and he seemed to see something that surprised him.

"Blue Dragon Abel, have you become a 30th-level legendary wizard?" He asked in surprise.

Elder Eugene's heart was so refreshing that he could surprise the inner wizard of God, and his heart was balanced.

You know that he has been restraining the surprise in his heart. The last time he saw Abel was level 26, but now he is level 30.

But this time all his energy was in dealing with affairs. He didn't have time to talk with Chief Abel or ask about Abel.

"Inner Smith, although the blue dragon Abel has a strange practice in witchcraft, what can be surprised about a 30th-level legendary wizard?" Mosley asked the wizard, puzzled by looking at him.

In his opinion, a blue dragon with a god's covenant is only very low level 30.

"Blue Dragon Abel, when I saw you a few months ago, you should have been twenty-sixth at that time?" Neith Smith the wizard did not directly answer the words of the **** Mosley, but to Abel Asked.

"Yeah!" Abel knew his rank could not conceal these gods, and answered with a smile.

"How is this possible?" This time it was not only the Mosley-level wizard, but even the Macphery-level wizard looked at Abel incorrectly.

They also came from the legendary level. The levels from the 26th to the 30th level, although not as long as the practice after the demigod, are the most important in the entire wizarding system.

After the wizard is promoted to demigod, life is no longer a constraint for the wizard because of the full energy of the body, but before that, especially the legendary stage, how many wizards were trapped in this stage.

(End of this chapter)

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