Abe the Wizard

Chapter 1335: fighting

Chapter 1335: Fight

McAfee Wizard and Nesmith Smith are talking while they are speeding up their spells. The strength of the sea beast tide is increasing. At this time, the sea beast is more powerful than the initial stage. Many sea beasts will not be in the 'wall of fire'. One touch is dead.

Of course, this is also the result of the three god-level wizards not being fully strengthened through the real world. If they strengthen the spells fully, although they can achieve better casting effects, they will greatly reduce their combat time.

Although the battle here is not dangerous for these god-level wizards, the demigods and god-level sea beasts in the sea beast wave have already left, even the legendary sea beasts have not appeared. In this case, only a few can fly. The sea beasts will attack them.

"Be careful!" Mosley the wizard in front was reminding aloud.

Neith Smith and McPhee wizards looked into the distance, and there were very small sea beasts in the waves. These sea beasts automatically formed a large group.

They have the ability to fly, but they are hidden in huge waves, and their flight trajectory is even more bizarre. They often show flashing ability and instantly span a distance of hundreds of meters.

"It's the sea bee swarm!" Neith Smith's god-like wizard said solemnly.

At the same time, he blessed 'Ice Armor' on his body. Originally, he did not intend to bless defensive spells, because his sea beast that could attack the air during the sea beast tide had not yet appeared.

Now it is needed, because the sea bee swarm is an existence worthy of his attention.

McPhee wizards on the side also blessed themselves with 'Ice Armor', and the Mosley **** wizards in front also retreated, side by side to take care of each other.

Sea bee swarms are a very special kind of sea beast. Their individual strength is about that of a senior wizard, but you should never consider them as an individual.

The strength of the sea bee swarm lies in their group, and its special space jumping ability is enough for any strong person to deal with it carefully.

They are very vengeful. After choosing the target, they will continue to fight. As long as the king of the sea bee does not kill the sea bee swarm, the sea bee swarm will never disperse.

The most important thing is that any breath suppression on a single target will be transmitted to the entire sea bee colony, which makes the breath suppression almost no effect.

Of course, in the sea beast tide, the suppression of God's breath will not work.

But the sea beast tide has strengthened the combat power of the sea bee swarm, so when seeing the sea bee swarm, the three god-level wizards chose the most secure fighting method.

They backed out two kilometers at the same time, and at the same time laid the first 'fire wall', and then one 'fire wall' from a distance of two kilometers to a distance of one kilometer.

In this distance of 1,000 meters, a patch of death was laid.

Of course, this arrangement also caused huge consumption, which caused the three god-level wizards to consume a lot of energy instantly.

As the sea bee swarm approached the wall of fire, it suddenly flickered towards the sky, appearing like a large cloud in the sky, thereby easily avoiding the attack of wall of fire.

The three god-level wizards who have been prepared hope that the sea bee swarm will leave the cover of the huge waves. You must know that the sea bee swarms in the waves. Together with other sea beasts, the 'fire wall' will be consumed by other sea beasts. Drop, the bee swarm cannot be killed.

Even the three god-level wizards do not want to bring this group of sea beasts with flashing ability close, so their layout is to let the sea bee colony take off.

As the Swarm Swarm appeared in the air, the three god-level wizards simultaneously cast out the icy **** and blizzards already prepared from their real world.

Because the sea bee swarm lost the cover of the giant waves and other sea beasts, the three god-level wizards broke out with all their strength this time, adding up to nearly one hundred and fifty spells all hit the sea bee swarm.

The swarm of sea bees in the sky, like rain, kept falling down.

Of course, the three god-level wizards will not let go of the sea bee swarm. After the first round of spells, the continuous saturated spell attacks caused the sea bee swarm to suffer great losses.

There was almost a large gap in the sea bee swarm in the sky, and all the sea bee swarms there were killed by the just attack.

The sea bee swarm flickered again, and the sea bee swarm that escaped the first attack crossed the attack range and approached the three **** wizards again.

"Defense!" Shouted Neith Smith.

As the real worlds of the three god-level wizards are all separated from each other, and then each grows to guard one direction, just like the magic tower against the Bradford god-level wizards, but this time it is protected in the three real world itself.

Spell patterns continue to appear in the real world, then erupt in the real world, and are led out of the real world.

At this time, the sea bee swarm has continuously come to the three god-level wizards after continuous flashing, and has begun to continuously impact the real world.

An individual sea bee has the strength of only a high-level wizard, but it has a special ability to use the cost of life to excite life toxins.

This toxin, even in the ocean, is one of the most toxic.

Every time a sea bee attacks the real world, it will bump its body heavily against the real world, and then a trace of life toxins will start to penetrate into the real world.

If it is a little of the toxin of life, the god-level wizard would not care, but there are always sea bees fearlessly dying, and the life toxin is crazy released into the real world, so that the real world is also affected.

Usually encountering sea bee swarms, sea bee swarms cannot have such attacks at all, because they also need to protect the survival of sea bee swarms, and they cannot completely consume the sea bee swarms.

But this is the sea beast tide, which is a special state blessed by god-level sea beasts, and is in a frenzy of sea bee swarms.

Spells derived from the real world are constantly killing sea bee swarms, but sea bees are constantly attacking the real world.

The real world is not life, but it is equivalent to the extended body of a god-level wizard. The toxin of life is also a poisonous element, which is also effective for the real world composed of energy.

In order to protect the real world, the three god-level wizards are constantly consuming energy and attacking while repairing the real world and expelling life toxins.

"Exit two kilometers, widen the distance!" Shen Smith, the god-level wizard, said.

Just retreating two kilometers away, the three god-level wizards lost face. If they belonged to the Wizarding Guild, they would fight alone here, and it would not matter how they fought.

But this time, they were fighting in cooperation with the Dragons, but they kept falling back to open up the battlefield space.

On the other side, the Golden Castle is still suspended in the sky and has not retreated.

However, although Neith Smith was not willing to retreat, he knew that if he wanted to maintain his combat power for a long time, it was the best way to keep the distance.

This is also the normal way for the wizard to fight, but it's just not good-looking.

The three god-level wizards backed away by two kilometers again, widening the distance from the sea bee colony again, and then began to consume the number of sea bee colony.

Compared to the three god-level sorcerers of some cowardly wizarding societies, the golden castles on the dragon side are much smoother.

Five hundred trebuchets are like five hundred powerful wizards, but also tireless wizards.

In the unknown battle process, there are continually taking out the top magic stone from the energy warehouse, and then reaching the **** slinger through the short-range teleportation magic circle to replace it.

This is a crazy war of attrition, and the wealth that Abel consumed for this battle is unimaginable to others.

Like the three god-level wizards, sea bee swarms also appeared here.

"Blue Dragon Abel, watch out for the bee swarm!"

Abel had no knowledge of the Sea Bee Swarm, so when Elder Eugene reminded him, the Sea Bee Swarm had reached the Golden Fortress.

This is not untimely reminded by Elder Eugene, mainly because the battle was led by Abel, who is now in the same Dragon status as Elder Eugene.

In particular, Abel's contract has successfully assassinated a divine wizard, which has raised his status again.

Elder Eugene didn't want to interfere with Abel's idea of ​​leading the battle, so he kept watching the battlefield and didn't want to say much.

Only after seeing the sea bee swarm approaching, Abel still did not respond, so he had to give a reminder.

For large targets like the Golden Castle, the sea bee swarm is the favorite, and their life toxins are a catastrophic attack for any energy shield.

It's just that the bee colony continuously lays the life toxin on the energy shield at the cost of life, and the only effect is to make a surface of the energy shield appear disgusting yellow venom.

The energy shield of the Golden Castle is supported by tens of thousands of **** pentagrams and the top magic stones among them.

If you want to break this energy shield, it will definitely not be slowly eroded and can be broken. The competition cost is estimated to be a hundred times more than the number of sea bee swarms, and you cannot use the life toxin to consume the energy shield of the golden castle. .

"Elder Eugene, this sea bee swarm is very powerful?" Abel turned to ask Elder Eugene.

"Yes, this sea bee's life toxin is one of the most powerful toxins in the world!" Elder Eugene looked at the life venom strewn with energy shields with some palpitations.

Even if the dragon encounters so many venoms of life, it will be poisoned. As for the extent to which it can be poisoned, at least so far, no dragon has tried it.

"This life toxin is a good thing!" Abel said with a bright eye, then he instructed the Fajin spirit: "Faljin spirit, let us collect the toxin of life!"

With his orders, ancient magpies continued to appear on the energy shield with containers and began to scrape life toxins.

Although some sea bees also attacked the ancient golem, but the ancient golem's body can only be shaken by the advanced wizard's attack level sea bee. You must know that the ancient golem's full body metal, even the regular sorcerer can't damage it.

As for life toxins, its effect is very weak for the ancient puppets, which have no life hidden in the ancient metal.

Elder Eugene was stunned and looked at everything in front of him, but it was the sea bee swarm that made many powerful beings horrible in the ocean.

In the ocean, any strong person who chooses to encounter this kind of sea bee colony will choose to concede rather than conflict with it.

But now the sea bee swarm faces the Golden Castle, but there is no way.

Elder Eugene would like to cut the Golden Castle and see what the energy supply is. From the beginning of the battle to the present, the energy consumed is enough to consume any poor medium-sized organization.

From the fight to the present, 500 **** trebuchets have been steadily attacking at a frequency of once every second.

The sea beast tide in front of the Golden Castle, just like a giant wave encountering a reef, have broken into pieces.

"Blue Dragon Abel, is there enough energy in the Golden Castle? There will be more powerful sea beasts later!" Elder Eugene reminded.

"Then settle the battle earlier, just try my new weapon super cannon!" Abel nodded, watching the sea beast tide.

Although the sea beast tide has been fighting for hours now, it still can't see any progress. Looking ahead, the sea beast tide still can't see its head. Countless sea beasts and marine life are constantly coming.

He didn't care about the consumption of the top magic stones. If he was fighting like this, it would take several days, which would affect his training time at night.

Without a super cannon, he can only slowly consume these sea beast tides.

But with the super cannon, he has no idea until now.

Long after the super cannon was created, he and several dragons wanted to see the power of the super cannon, but they stopped because there was no place to test.

Compared to several other dragons, he has more confidence in the super cannon.

You should know that the purpose of designing and manufacturing super cannons is to be god-level.

"Super Cannon? Are you talking about that?" Elder Eugene came to the Gold Castle and naturally saw the particularly striking Super Cannon arranged on the top platform and asked with his finger.

"Yes, it has just been manufactured and has not been tested yet!" Abel introduced with a smile.

"Brother Abel, give it a try, but I want to see it for a long time!" Jinlong Kenbull hurried when he heard that he wanted to test the super cannon.

Elder Eugene glared at him. Although Abel agreed with King Dragon Kenbour, in front of him, King Dragon Kemp called Abel, who was equal to him, a brother, how he felt a little weird.

King Dragon Kenbour quickly shut up, but still looked curiously at the super cannon.

"Falun Ling, charge for the super cannon!" Abel commanded loudly.

With Abel's orders, the entire Golden Castle could not shake, all the dragons present felt the massive energy began to gather in the direction of the super cannon.

Elder Eugene's mental strength swept away, pulling four demigod dragons and two other juniors behind him, while a thick wall of ice appeared between him and the super cannon.

But he was frightened. This level of energy fluctuations showed that the mobilized energy was extremely scary enough to make the gods feel extreme danger.

If it explodes at such a close distance, he can still save his life, but the other dragons cannot protect themselves.

Thanks for the "white hot" reward for 100 starting coins! !! Thank you "lobrfish" for rewarding 200 starting coins! !!

(End of this chapter)

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