Abe the Wizard

Chapter 1337: End

Chapter 1337: End

"Damn!" The Cornelius Sea Dragon in flight suddenly slowed down, cursing in his mouth.

"Cornelius Sea Dragon, what's wrong?" The Akwright Jad asked strangely.

"The tide of sea beasts I left is completely destroyed!" Cornelius Sea Dragon answered with some confusion and annoyance.

Don't underestimate this sea beast tide, it is not easy to launch the sea beast tide.

This batch of sea beasts are the sea beasts in the sea where he lived. After a lot of breath suppression, he slowly accepted him as the leader of all sea beasts.

This process takes hundreds of years to slowly transform. At the same time, the sea beasts in this sea area are also his private property. In order to vent this time, he has formed all the sea beasts into a sea beast tide, and his loss is huge.

At least in the millennium, he can no longer form a new sea beast tide, and even the sea beast tide formed after the millennium does not have this power.

This is mainly because the peace period between the Dragons and sea beasts is too long, so that there can be enough peaceful oceans to breed so many sea beasts.

After this time, the sea beasts in his hands were almost empty except for the sea beasts above the legendary level he took away.

"How can it be, how long is this!" The Akwright Jad couldn't help screaming.

Tens of millions of sea beasts plus a sea tide of sea beasts composed of countless sea creatures, even if there are no sea beasts above the legendary level, standing alone for the gods to kill will take time.

Not to mention those special powerful sea beasts in the sea beast tide, if not for their natural suppression, they are very troublesome to deal with them.

What he thought was more, fortunately, they walked fast and could kill the sea beast tide so quickly. If this kind of combat power is shot at them, how long can they support it!

The two god-level sea beasts didn't look back. The sea beast tide was all wiped out in a short period of time, leaving them stunned. They were even more afraid to stay, but accelerated to the depths of the ocean.

The war is over, and this is probably the easiest war Abel has encountered.

There were no powerful sea beasts that threatened their lives, or those mighty sea beasts had not come forward, and they were cleared by the super cannon.

This is also estimated to be the most humiliating tide of sea beasts. Obviously, there is a sufficient amount of headaches for the gods. In addition, some of the special sea beasts can cause some trouble to the existence of the gods.

However, such a wave of sea beasts has completely destroyed the super cannons manufactured by Abel.

"Blue Dragon Abel, thanks to the sea beast tide this time!" Elder Eugene now has a feeling in his dream, he said in a deep voice.

As an old antique that has lived for tens of thousands of years, he has seen too many things, but he has never seen a war-grade weapon that is more abnormal than a super cannon.

Even if this kind of war weapon cannot be copied, Abel is of the Dragon family, which means that in the future, if this wave of sea beasts is encountered, the Dragon family can solve it without paying a price.

You should know that this time the sea beast tide was precisely because of the participation of three wizards of the wizarding guild, so they did not really use the dragon's combat power.

Otherwise, the dragons will send a large number of dragons to block the tide of sea beasts. At the same time, even a large number of pseudo dragons will block on the offshore islands.

According to the previous experience of the dragons blocking the sea beast tide, almost every sea beast tide will cause a lot of loss of the pseudo dragon, and even the dragon will fall.

"Elder Eugene, you don't need to say that, I'm a member of the Dragons!" Abel replied with a smile.

At this moment, he turned his attention to the super artillery, and his mental strength was accepting the statistics of the consumption of the war by the Fajin spirit.

Don't look at the ease with which Gold Castle can be used in wars, the premise is that a large number of top-level magic stones provide sufficient energy.

Only with sufficient energy can the Golden Castle erupt such a powerful attack.

Whether it's a **** slinger or a super cannon, you need top magic stones to replenish energy.

Soon the spell array gave out this consumption, about 1,200 top-level magic stones consumed, which did not include a lot of top-level magic stones that consumed some energy and did not need to be replaced.

Regarding his own consumption, Abel did not want to mention that he did not care about the consumption of the top magic stone.

"Elder Eugene, what about the bodies of these sea beasts, won't they stay in the sea like this?" He asked Elder Eugene, pointing at some sea beast bodies on the sea.

Broken sea beast corpses are everywhere on the sea surface, which is why a large number of sea beasts are directly gasified, otherwise there are more sea beast corpses here.

Under normal circumstances, so many **** odors spread in the ocean, and a lot of marine life has come to **** food.

But the war just now, and the breath of the god-level strongman who is still here at this time, especially the breath of the dragon, let the marine life of the whole sea have already fled.

The temptation of food is far less than the sense of oppression of life level, and food cannot make marine life **** in front of a powerful existence.

"By the way, the carcass of the sea beast!" Elder Eugene could not help but wake up when he heard Abel's words. He turned to Jinlong Kemp and shouted, "You still have to collect the useful carcasses!"

"Yes, Elder Eugene!" The four dragons, such as King Dragon Kenbul, responded quickly, all flying towards the sea below.

Betting with the Wizarding Guild is not just a verbal victory or defeat. This batch of sea monster corpses is actually part of it, but if the three god-level wizards of the Wizarding Guild win, the three god-level wizards will not collect the remains of the sea monsters. Several demigod dragons went to do it, but afterwards sent the batch of sea beast corpses to the Wizards Guild.

Abel also collected the toxins from the ancient urn at the moment, and this time collected hundreds of bottles of toxins.

These are powerful toxins. If you use Herodiac blocks to synthesize, the toxins you get will be even more terrifying, and they are secret weapons against powerful professionals.

If he had so many servings of life toxin before, applying the synthesized life toxin to Milton's dagger can make up for Milton's attack power.

"Elder Eugene, Blue Dragon Abel, we are here to concede defeat!" Nesmith's god-level wizard flew outside the Golden Castle at this time, and said to Elder Eugene and Abel on the top platform.

"Three divine wizards, please come in and talk!" Abel said with a smile and bowed.

With his words, the defense of the Golden Castle was opened, and three **** wizards landed on the top platform.

As soon as the three wizards landed on the top platform, their eyes fell on the striking super cannon.

They all know that after today, this war machine will be famous throughout the continent.

This is also the most powerful energy weapon ever recorded, at least among the ancient records, and they have not seen records of war weapons exceeding the power of super cannons.

In fact, the super cannon is a war weapon that should not exist. Its technology includes the most advanced technology of the dwarves, plus the ancient pattern technology, plus the **** pentagram method, and various law methods. Graphic support and more.

Among them, the **** pentagram technique and the ‘33 #Zod Sade ’rune are available to anyone except Abel.

"Blue Dragon Abel, may I ask if this war weapon can be made for sale to the Wizarding Guild to fight against the evil kingdom!" Nesmith's god-level wizard bowed to Abel and asked.

When Elder Eugene heard his words, a strange smile appeared on his face.

This is obviously the name of the Wizarding Guild in the name of opposing the kingdom of God, and it wants to acquire the ownership of the super artillery.

"Inner Smith God-level wizard, the super cannon cannot have a second one, and the materials it needs cannot support the second one!" Abe replied with a smile.

Neith Smith, a god-level wizard, naturally knows how much material Abel has. If the world is to discuss the amount of various materials in the reserve, the Wizarding Guild is the first.

While the Wizarding Guild needs to supply the needs of as many people, Abel only needs to supply his own needs.

So Abel said that there was no material to support the construction of the second super cannon, and he believed it.

In addition, after hearing this result, he couldn't help but feel relieved for a while. One such super weapon was enough. If there were more, the world ’s combat power would be unbalanced.

The deterrent power of the super cannon is too great. At this moment, he is already considering between the Wizarding Guild and the Dragon Clan, and then someone must negotiate to limit the use of the super cannon.

Even if some conditions are conceded, the use of super cannons must be promoted.

"Blue Dragon Abel, your refined" Super Healing Potion "saved my life, and I thank you!" At this moment, the McFay God-level wizard seriously stepped forward to Abel for a half-day salute.

As a god-level wizard, he does not conceal the life-saving grace of the ‘super healing potion’, and Abel who has refined the ‘super healing potion’ is naturally most grateful.

"Mike Phillips Wizard, you do n’t have to do this,‘ Super Healing Potion ’I sold it to the Wizarding Guild. It ’s my pleasure to help you!” Abel quickly responded.

The three god-level wizards who lost in the game did not stop there, nor did they accept Abel ’s invitation to dine together. Mostly, no face was left.

The four demigod dragons were busy for several hours before they were able to scoop up the corpses that could be seen in the ocean and packed them in space bags.

"Blue Dragon and Abel, you're going to split half of this batch of materials!" Elder Eugene took the space bag handed over by the four demigod dragons and said to Abel.

Don't look at all the corpses. The bodies of sea beasts are very large. In addition, although the level is low, there are also a large number of sea beasts that are close to the legend.

Such materials can never appear on the continent, because the existence of legends above the continent is the core member of all major forces and cannot be mass-slaughtered.

Besides, there are the corpses of powerful professionals such as humans, elves, or orcs, and no one dares to use such corpses as materials.

"Elder Eugene, I don't need it!" Abel had no interest in these sea beast bodies. His only role in getting these corpses was to sell them.

If these corpses are terrestrial creatures, he is still more interested.

Now his vision is higher, and the resurrection of a powerful corpse requires at least the legendary level or above, and even the legendary level is of little help to him. Above the demigod is the best choice.

It's just that corpses above demigod are too rare to be obtained without a real war.

Elder Eugene said nothing and hung the space bag around his waist.

Half of this batch of materials can be turned into the hands of the black dragons of the dragon family, and become the research materials of the black dragons to strengthen the strength of the black dragons.

The other part is put into the hands of the dragon's refining pharmacist to refine the strength of the body. As for the sea animal skin, teeth, etc. will be sold in exchange for the dragon's needs.

Elder Eugene also always remembers Abel's contribution, he will record the contribution to the Dragon Temple, and the Dragon Temple will have corresponding rewards.

Abel used spiritual power to surround the Golden Castle and put it into the artifact space bag.

He left with several dragons, and the four dragons needed to pick up their wives before returning to the Golden Castle together.

Elder Eugene had a different story, returning directly to Long Island.

When Abel returned to the Warsong Plateau and suspended the Golden Castle in the sky again, the sky was completely dark at this time.

As usual, he entered the cultivation room, then entered the dark world through the portal, and began a new round of combat and cultivation.

At the Wizarding Guild headquarters, as soon as the three god-level wizards returned, they immediately raised the attention of the blue dragon and Abel to the red state in the intelligence system of the Wizarding Guild.

The red state is a sign of the existence of a super-powerful society in the Wizarding Guild. Recording the existence of the red state, everyone in the Wizarding Guild will try its best not to provoke it, which is more like a warning.

Not all **** levels have a red state. At least when Abel revealed that he had a War Godhood contract, the Wizarding Guild did not put it in red.

At that time, the Wizarding Guild did not think that Abel would pose too much threat to the Wizarding Guild, after all, Abel was not really powerful himself.

But this time, the three god-level wizards were really afraid that anyone in the wizarding guild would do something to avenge Abel.

They don't want to let go of their spirits and scan around constantly while they sleep.

They also don't want to suddenly feel the strong energy fluctuations. Although they came back and thought about the super cannon's attack method, their power against God-level wizards is very difficult to attack.

But under that kind of power, what defenses can be resisted, their residences, their training places, can not resist the attack of super artillery, if you are against Abel, these must be considered.

Such a life is simply hard to imagine, and it may make them uneasy to cultivate.

That's why they came back to the Wizarding Guild headquarters. The first thing they did was to remind everyone in the Wizarding Guild that Abel couldn't offend.

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(End of this chapter)

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