Abe the Wizard

Chapter 1343: situation

Chapter 1343: The Situation

Abel sat alone in the empty dining room for breakfast. After the eight demi-gods had talked with the three god-gods a few days ago, he returned to the small world of Long Island with Elder Eugene.

In the past two days, the Golden Castle quieted down, and only the ancient monk kept working in the Golden Castle.

Fortunately, in recent days, Abel has been busy with the **** pattern. Most of the daytime is in the kingdom of God, which also reduces the feeling of loneliness.

The current situation made him start to feel uneasy about the situation on the Holy Continent.

Although he remains in the Holy Land with a large number of backhands and should be able to make corresponding defenses, he still hopes to do more.

So he decided to make a set of super teleportation arrays and set them up at Harry Castle on the Holy Land so that he could return at any time.

The Super Teleportation Matrix is ​​a restricted-level item at any time. His Super Teleportation Matrix in the Golden Castle is still his trophy when he goes to the mainland.

At first he didn't expect to make it himself, because the Super Teleportation Matrix was too complicated, and he didn't have this ability yet.

The first thing he thought of was the Dragon Clan, but after inquiring, he knew that the Dragon Clan Master who can create the Super Teleportation Array is a god-level dragon, and now that god-level dragon is still in the deep ocean Cannot return for at least one or two years.

The Dragon's Super Teleportation Matrix is ​​different from the ordinary Super Teleportation Matrix, because to accommodate the huge body of the dragon, its Super Teleportation Matrix is ​​larger and more material-intensive.

Abel didn't care about the material, but he couldn't wait.

Later, he thought of the dwarves, but instead of contacting the dwarves, he came to the huge factory in the kingdom of God and found the last master of Aldell Blacksmith.

Master Aldell the Blacksmith was forcibly delivered to Abel. Originally, Aldell the Blacksmith was somewhat angry because he was interrupted from working in his hands. When he saw Abel, he bowed salutingly.

"Master Aldell Blacksmith, are there any blacksmiths here who can make Super Teleport?" Abel asked with a smile. He was very forgiving to these blacksmiths.

"Great deities, there are 65 dwarf blacksmith masters who can make super teleportation circles!" Master Aldell blacksmith master answered with a bow.

Abel couldn't help but be overjoyed, he really underestimated these blacksmith masters in his kingdom.

In the production of the Super Teleportation Matrix, many of the key technologies are in the hands of a few powerful forces.

However, the dwarves have always been the project builders designated by the Wizarding Guild. Naturally, a small number of blacksmiths need to master the method of making the super teleportation matrix.

In particular, among these dwarven blacksmith masters, there are still some alchemists. Although the level is not too high, it is enough to produce the metallurgical materials required by the super teleportation circle.

You must know that these dwarf blacksmiths are the best part of the dwarf blacksmiths.

Each of them is a genius among blacksmiths, and it is not surprising that some blacksmiths and alchemists are studying at the same time.

As for materials, Abel is the worst material in the world.

As Abel's orders continued, led by Aldell Blacksmith Master, a group of Dwarven Blacksmith Masters began to manufacture a large number of law circle accessories for the super teleportation circle.

This is a huge project, and it usually takes months or even years to complete.

However, in the Kingdom of God with dwarf blacksmith masters of 5,000, only a part of the blacksmith master needs to be used, and the construction speed of the super teleportation circle has reached a rapid speed.

Five days later, the entire set of super teleportation matrix and supporting matrices have been completed. This speed is fast, and you can imagine the productivity of the kingdom of God left by Vulcan.

When Abel returned all the Super Teleportation Arrays and the supporting Law Arrays to the space bag and returned to the Golden Castle, he was worried about how to install the Super Teleportation Arrays.

In fact, if he brought the Golden Castle back to the Holy Land and the engineering puppet was controlled by the magic of the magic circle, the super teleportation magic circle could be easily installed.

However, in this way, it is impossible to debug the connection with the Super Teleportation Matrix in Golden Castle.

By Abel's side, when it comes to intelligence, the war commander is a top-ranked spirit, but he has always used the war commander simply to scan the surrounding environment and control it.

"Falun spirit, pass the knowledge about the construction of super teleportation to the war commanding spirit!" Abel decided to try and see if the war commanding spirit could accomplish this task, he ordered the Falcon spirit.

"Yes, master!" With the response of Fa Zhen Ling, all the messages also passed into the elder identity card around his waist.

"Received the message from the same spirit!" The war commander also responded.

Since their owners are Abel, the transmission of information is smooth.

"War commander, do you know how to install Super Teleportation?" Abe asked the war commander.

"Lord Elder, master the new abilities and install the Super Teleportation Matrix!" The war commander gave him a clear answer.

Of course, the war command spirit cannot replace the law array spirit. The law array spirit has countless knowledge of the law array, and can even analyze new law arrays based on the knowledge it possesses.

However, the war commander has only learned a method of installing a super teleportation matrix, which is fundamentally different from the law array.

There is a specialization in the art industry. If you let the Falcon Spirit command a group of war puppets, it is estimated that even 10 Falcon Spirits cannot compare with the War Commanding Spirit.

"You stay, if any enemies appear, you can use super cannons, or you can ask the dragons for help!" Abel did not take the second **** body of the war priest, leaving it to protect the golden castle.

This is his home, and it is the most important breeding base for the Dragon.

He didn't want any accidents during the time he was away from home.

Whenever he thought of returning to the Holy Land immediately, he was very excited. Although he returned to the Holy Land several times after coming to the Central Continent, but as long as he thought of seeing Harry Castle again, seeing Uncle Marshall, seeing the teacher Morton Wizard, seeing He was thrilled by those he knew.

This is also the difference between him and other powerful people. Those strong people generally have hundreds of years of cultivation time. Except for a few individuals, their relatives and friends have long passed away.

The powerful ones have a weak connection with the world, but he is the most special one.

After arranging the Golden Castle, he teleported directly to the teleportation circle attached to the dragon clan.

Then he flew to Longdao Small World, but just after approaching Longdao Small World, he felt that it was different from the past.

In the sky near the Long Island Small World, there are constantly flying pseudo dragons patrolling, and some legendary dragons can be seen from time to time.

"Elder Abel!" The dragons kept greeting him.

It seems that Abel's becoming an elder of the Dragon family has long been announced among the dragons. Regardless of whether the dragon family has seen or not seen Abel, the identity of Abel's elder is identified through a special breath.

Abe nodded with a smile all the way, he felt the tense atmosphere of Longdao Small World today.

This is only on the periphery. It has been blocked before entering the small world of Long Island.

"Abel ... Elder!" Golden Dragon Kemp seemed to have heard the news, waiting for him long ago when Abel was flying near the small island of Dragon Island.

Just met, because Abel was already an elder of the Dragon clan, he was not used to changing the name for a while.

"Brother Kemp, call me Abel Brothers. I like this title!" Abel said with a smile, holding on to Jinlong Kemp, who was about to salute.

"Brother Abel, I'm not used to it!" Jinlong Kenbul was not tangled, he said with a laugh.

He got along with Abel at a time when Abel was still young, and at that time he communicated with Abel on an equal footing.

Abel's friendship with him would never have given birth to the Golden Dragon Kemp because he had become an elder of the Dragon clan.

"Brother Abel, why did you come here this time?" Kim Long Kenble wondered when Abel had left the Golden Castle at this time, and he asked.

You must know that Abel is the safest only in the Golden Castle. Because Aber's own combat power is too different from that of his contractual objects, this makes him the biggest weakness.

"Brother Kemp, I'm going to borrow Super Teleport and go back to the Holy Land!" Abel replied with a smile.

"Brother Abel, the situation on the central continent has been complicated recently. You'd better stay in the Golden Castle and don't walk around!" Jinlong Kemp said with concern.

"Thank you Brother Kemp for your concern. It is because of the complex situation that I am not assured of the situation of the Holy Land. I am going back this time to arrange a super teleportation matrix at my family castle so that I can take care of me. Family! "Abel said with a smile.

Golden Dragon Kemp couldn't help but be a little dumb before he remembered the information about the age of Abel he had learned.

Abel's age is actually no secret at the high levels of all forces. At the age of twenty-two, the legendary sorcerer at the thirty level, two deities at the deity level, a deity-level paladin deed, the other half Not to mention the covenants below God.

Such strength, but only 22 years old, it is no wonder that Abel needs to consider the situation of the family.

"Brother Abel, I don't advise you anymore, you will not find your trace if you take the Dragon's super teleportation circle!" Jinlong Kenbul said helplessly.

Abel entered into the small world of Dragon Island, and Golden Dragon Kemp continued to ‘momentarily move’ forward in the air with him.

He also saw that the Long Island Small World was very lively. There were dragons flying constantly in the sky. Compared with the last time he came to the Long Island Small World, he looked like a big force.

Along the way, I went to the Dragon Temple's Temple Super Teleportation and took three top magic stones aside.

He was preparing to activate Super Teleportation, but suddenly stopped.

"Brother Kemp, this is a thousand bottles of 'Super Healing Elixir', just keep it in case!" He said, passing a space bag to Kim Long Kemp.

This is made in the dark wasteland of the dark world, using the "Three Goddess Statue" spring water to accelerate growth and obtain materials other than the share.

It was precisely because of the recent situation that he was also very uneasy, so a large number of "super healing potions" were refined.

"Brother Abel, there are a lot of things in the clan and what you gave me before. This 'super healing potion' is so precious now, you still have to defend yourself!" Jinlong Kenbul did not accept it, But refused.

"Don't be polite to me, I will not lack the potion of self-defense. If you have more potions here, share them with Black Dragon Prague and Blue Dragon Hurley!" Abel threw the space bag over and said .

Then he activated the Super Teleportation Matrix. In the frantic operation of energy, the power of space wrapped his figure.

Jinlong Kenbul held a space bag containing 'super healing potion' in his hand, his eyes flashed with emotion.

He knew, however, that precisely because of the complicated situation, all forces wanted to increase the purchase of 'super healing potions', but none of them succeeded.

The Elven Moon Goddess Temple has always maintained its original trading share, and even if the Wizards Guild proposes to increase the reward, it has not been agreed.

The thousand bottles of "Super Healing Potion" in his hand can be exchanged for several times the amount of resources before being placed anywhere.

Of course, it is impossible for him to sell the ‘Super Therapeutic Potion’. There are no more such life-saving Super Potions.

He glanced at the empty Super Teleportation Circle and flew towards the residence of Blue Dragon Hurley. This was Abel's intention, and he wanted to bring these thoughts to these friends.

Abel shook his head, no matter how many times, this super teleportation would make him feel dizzy.

This is where the dragons of the Holy Land are located, but now the dragon has very little breath, and he did not stay, and flew directly out of here.

In fact, the calling of the central continent is not only a god-level dragon, but even some idle dragons left behind in each subcontinent are also called to return to the small island of the central continent.

For at least a hundred years, these dragons will remain on the central continent, waiting for a possible war at any time.

Abel did not use the Firefang War Bastion, so he was constantly 'momentarily moving' in the air.

He breathed the air of the Holy Land, and everything was so kind.

He flew over the kingdom of St. Ellis, where there was peace, and the powerful national strength made the people here peaceful.

"Here is my empire!" He cried, laughing.

It is only here that he is relaxed. There is no suppression by powerful forces and no intricate relationships. Here he is the emperor of the most powerful empire.

In the Wizarding Guild of Riante, the senior wizard of Lorenzo looked at a scanning array in front of him, looking pale.

"Some legends have come to the Holy Land!"

The scan array in front of him is a special scan array covering the entire Holy Land, and only scans for breaths above the legendary order.

Of course, if the legendary stage came to the Holy Land without leaking breath, this scanning method could not be found at all.

Thanks for the "white hot" reward for 100 starting coins! !! Thank you "lobrfish" for rewarding 200 starting coins! !! Thank you "Treasure on the Ground" for rewarding 200 starting coins! !! Thank you "Fan Shaoyan" for rewarding 200 starting coins! !!

(End of this chapter)

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