Abe the Wizard

Chapter 1360: enter

Chapter 1360: Enter

He has been stolen once by the stolen **** Milton. At least that's what the central temple of the kingdom of God thinks.

This divine power barrier is specially prepared to prevent the theft of Milton from coming to the central temple. Although it consumes some of the power of faith and needs to be added all the time, relative to the safety of the central temple, Shenqi has arranged this Divine barrier.

In fact, this kind of prevention by Shenqi is indeed useful. If it is really stealing the power of God Milton alone, it does not have the ability to pass through this barrier of divine power.

The breath that Pirates of Milton can simulate, at least his strength can reach, too high and too powerful, such as the level of demon barriers outside the devil, is his weakness.

However, Abel was there, combining the power of the **** of stealing Milton and the breath of the angel's body. It was extremely easy to pass through this divine barrier.

The divine barrier at this time completely treated the pirate **** Milton as a demon in the sky, letting him in and out.

Pirate **** Milton flew over the barrier of divine power, and Abel did not want to look elsewhere, but instead steered him to the side hall.

The side hall is different from the hall. There are some paladins in the hall, but there is no one in the side hall.

It was dark now, and it was time to pray. Except for some guardians, the rest of the temple staff were praying daily.

This also made it easier for him to travel, at least when he opened the side door to the back of the temple, it did not attract anyone's attention.

There are several courtyards behind the temple. Here are the residences of important personnel. Those who can have independent residences here are all important personnel in the temple.

Pirate God Milton flew to the yard where he was located. At this time, he had two options. One was to break the defense of the yard and enter into the assassination of the God-level Paladin of Keynes.

If this method is very dangerous, but if it succeeds, then the hope of exiting the central temple is much greater.

Another way is to wait outside the door and wait for Keynes's divine paladin to step out of the yard and make a one-shot kill.

It is just that the biggest disadvantage of this method is that the waiting time is too long, and the waiting time is still unknown, which makes the danger of the pirate **** Milton greatly increased.

At the same time, as long as the assassination is shot, whether it is successful or not, it will be surrounded by all the Paladins in the central temple.

"Go in and assassinate!" Abel quickly made a decision in his heart. At least assassination in the courtyard, his breath can be blocked by some of the yard's own array.

In addition, he also saw that the Keynesian paladin was somewhat temperamental, which was a bit abnormal, and it was estimated that the people in the temple would not bother.

Thinking of this, Pirate God Milton pressed a hand quietly on the courtyard door.

There are many extremely complicated legal arrays on the gate. These legal arrays include analysis, scanning, judgment, and alarm. As long as there is nothing wrong, these arrays will let the whole temple know that outsiders have entered.

But for Milton, this was just a small problem, and he was more careful about the sound of the door when it opened.

When his breath was pressed against the courtyard door with his hand, it had completely become the atmosphere of the courtyard gate array. At the same time, a spirit of changed spirit came along the courtyard door to the door axis.

The mental force wraps the door shaft, separating a gap between the door shaft and the door frame.

This is also the reason why the spiritual power of the pirate **** Milton has reached the level of God, and he can easily hold up the gate.

Of course, he also knew that this method only reduced the chance of being discovered by the Keynesian Paladin in the courtyard, and he was not confident that he would not be found by the Keynesian Paladin.

It's just that Abel who manipulated Milton, the thief, also has a sense of spirit. If there is danger, Abel can also improve his foresight.

At this moment, the action he wanted to open the courtyard door did not cause his spiritual sense to respond, which naturally showed that the chance of danger was not high.

This is also his confidence in manipulating Pirate God Milton to sneak into the central temple, how to say that Pirate God Milton is also an important combat power in his hand, assassinate the invincible existence.

He can let Pirates Milton take risks, but he cannot sacrifice Pirates Milton.

The courtyard door opened silently, and the pirate **** Milton immediately entered the courtyard, closing the courtyard door in the same way.

At the same time as entering the courtyard, Abel reduced the control of the stealing Milton to a very low standard, only to the extent that he could barely direct the operation of the stealing Milton.

There are god-level paladins like Keynes, who may be discovered by Keynes at any time.

What happened to Abel unexpectedly, in fact, the best situation he analyzed at that time was to be able to let the **** of stealing Milton enter the yard even if it was successful.

Because in this small environment, as long as a bottle of dark gold-quality life toxins, you can let the defenseless Keynes divine paladin win.

But what happened? He all came in and didn't alarm the Keynes divine paladin.

Although the stealth breath ability of Thieves Milton is very overbearing, but based on the experience of the last sneak attack of Bradford **** wizards, in this distance, **** gods can be fully aware of the presence of similar peers.

Keynes ’s paladin ’s perception of anomalies is better than Bradford ’s witch who is a witch ’s god. How could he not find the stealing Milton!

Although suspicious, he carefully looked at the room in the yard with the light of his eyes.

He suddenly noticed that the door of the room was wide open, not knowing what had happened, and the door of the room was not closed.

He took a bottle of "Detoxifying Potion" from the space bag and used it. At this time, he had five seconds to immunize all poisonous elements.

He also took a bottle of dark gold-quality life toxin from the space bag and held it in his hand. This thing was extremely horrible. Even if it was a **** body, he would not dare to try its power easily.

Ordinary levels of life toxins can all work for the **** level. Under the condition that the quality of dark gold has been improved, its power is definitely a qualitative leap.

With this bottle of dark gold-quality life toxin in hand, he calmed down.

Dark gold-quality life toxins do not work well in combat in open areas. That environment will greatly reduce the attack range of dark gold quality life toxins, and even prevent the enemy from being exposed to life toxins.

But here is different. At the beginning of the yard, if you fight with Keynes ’Holy Paladin, then a bottle of dark gold-quality life toxin is directly spilled, even if Keynes’ Holy Paladin is strong, there will be some dark gold Quality life toxins are contaminated.

Why did Abel dare to let the stealing **** Milton assassinate the Holy Knights of Keynes alone? The most powerful weapon is the dark gold quality toxin.

He continued to manipulate Milton, a thief, where he did not dare to probe with spirit, even with his eyes, he had to be careful.

In fact, to this day, he has a speculation that something is wrong with Keynes's divine paladin.

If it weren't for a clear breath of life in the room, he would have thought that Keynes's paladin was not in this residence.

Where did he know that because of the violent breath of Keynes ’divine knights, the entire central shrine was unable to work properly, so Shenqi requested‘ Guardian Skywing ’to comfort Keynes’ divine knights and let them fall asleep.

If it is ordinary sleep, even if the action of Pirate God Milton is light, it is all in the living yard and found to be inevitable.

However, this was guarded by the Heavenly Demon, which caused the demon of the gods to sleep. This effect caused the **** of the knights to lose their vigilance, and even reduced some perception of danger. .

Pirate God Milton flew to the door of the house and saw the Keynesian Paladin who was lying asleep on the table.

He stared at a **** in surprise, even sleeping in such a completely relaxed way.

Not to mention a divine paladin like the Keynes divine knight. Even Abel, a thirty-level legendary wizard, has not slept like this.

Although he didn't know what happened, how could he miss this rare opportunity.

He did not pour dark gold-quality life toxins into the house as he originally thought.

Dark gold-quality life toxins are obtained from the sea bee swarm life toxins in the ocean. The last time I obtained them using the sea beast tide, the next time I want to get life toxins, I don't know how long it will take.

Therefore, five bottles of dark gold-quality life toxins are very precious. This gadget is a big killer. If the **** level is accidentally accidental, it will have a strong killing power.

Rarely, the Keynesian Paladin lost his vigilance and fell asleep. Then the worst way to spread the effect through the air is not necessary. It will have a better effect on the Keynesian Paladin.

Thief Milton enters that weird state again, his own psychic is completely suppressed, Abel's psychic is retracted into the soul chain, leaving only an instruction to his body, allowing him to continue to Kay Ince's divine paladin flew away.

Before the flight, Abel uneasily applied a bottle of 'antidote' to Milton the Pirate God.

Keynes's divine paladin hasn't slept so comfortably for a long time. After receiving the breath of the demons in the heavens and mind, his body and mind went into the deepest sleep.

Although he reached the level of God, in theory, he is in the same realm with the strength of the demon in the sky.

But he is a believer in the outer demon, and the unfounded trust in the outer demon has never changed.

Therefore, after a day of fighting, he experienced anger and killing again, and was soothed by the breath of a demon from outside.

He hasn't dreamed for a long time, and he has forgotten what it is like to dream.

This time he was dreaming, dreaming that he became the patron saint beside his master, and could always feel the breath of the master.

That feeling kept him sinking, and the breath of the Lord gave him a sense of sublimation.

Just when he dreamed of a holy light emitted from the Lord that would enhance his strength and become a great existence with angel wings like the Lord, the holy light turned into a demon.

At the same time he felt an extreme danger, a hunch of death.

He opened his eyes suddenly, the holy light and the demon disappeared, everything was a dream, but he felt a drop of black water dripping at him.

At this time, it was too late for him to avoid, his body posture was not good, there was no defense at all, his too relaxed body was completely different from the body in combat, and he wanted to respond more slowly than in combat. .

He could only use the most direct way, a sacred power emerged from his body, blocking him from the black drops of water.

At this time he was too late to call the power of the real world, only the divine power in the body was the only one that could be used quickly.

It was at this instant that Keynes ’divine paladin suddenly felt that everything in the world was slowing down.

He could clearly feel that the black drop was in contact with the divine force, but the dark golden arc flashed on the black drop, which separated his body from the divine force of the black drop and opened a small hole. .

The black water drops hardly paused, and thus passed through the divine power.

Keynes ’s divine paladin has a feeling that everything just slowed down in the world may be a reaction to his extreme danger. If he survives this attack, he is likely to enter the next level. .

The black water drops did not change because of the reaction of Keynes's divine paladin, so they dripped on him.

The golden-quality steel armor on the Keynesian paladin also had no effect at all. Black water droplets also penetrated the armor, and he felt the skin had a slight coolness.

Then the coolness instantly turned into a numbness. This numbness was transmitted to his whole body. This process was fast. As soon as he couldn't do the next action, he couldn't move.

The only thing he can do now is to prevent the numbness from entering his brain and heart, once he enters there, he will be the strongest body and will die completely.

He affirmed this too, because his spiritual sense at this time told him that death was in sight.

His real world was standing in front of his brain and heart, and his powerful strength was completely useless at the moment.

Abel looked at Keynes ’holy knight through Pirates’ Milton ’s eyes, but a drop of dark gold-quality life toxin made a god-level holy knight lose his combat power.

At this moment, he could use the mental power of Pirate God Milton at ease, and sense the situation of Keynes's divine paladin.

"Longevity!" During the investigation, he came to a conclusion.

Keynes's divine paladin is constantly consuming the power of the real world, blocking the dark gold quality life poison.

If this life toxin is in contact with the real world in the air, then the real world should be able to barely block dark gold-quality life toxins while consuming a portion of its original power.

But today's situation is that the dark gold quality life toxin passed from his body, and where the life toxin passed, his body lost control.

Now even his mental power cannot be transmitted, because once his spiritual power extends outward from the soul, he will be in contact with dark gold-quality life toxins, and his mental power will be instantly dissipated.

(End of this chapter)

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