Abe the Wizard

Chapter 1366: Retreat

Chapter 1366: Retreat

Of the two resurrected divine paladins, the real world of Keynes divine knights was first formed, and this was also the first divine paladin under Abel.

Soon afterwards, the Lancelot Divine Paladin also formed the real world, and returned to the true divine Paladin combat power.

"You'll be called Divine No. 2 in the future, you're called Divine No. 3!" Abel said separately, pointing to Keynes' Holy Paladin and Lancelot's Holy Paladin.

Although there are two more divine paladins, if not for a real emergency, he would not expose the two divine paladins to the Wizards Guild.

Soon after Abel left with two newly-revived divine paladins and other covenants left, a head was protruded from the sea. It was Bartholomew's giant-horned sea beast.

Bartholomew's giant horned sea beast looked at Abel's direction of departure with a dreadful eye. Although he had just left, he did not escape far, but kept watching Abel's side.

If Abel did settle here, he would have a chance to get revenge.

It was just that he had no chance, and Abel left after the two divine paladins resumed combat power.

Bartholomew's giant horned sea beast can only think of a future opportunity to revenge today, but knows that as long as there is no war between the ocean and the mainland, he is simply unable to deal with a human who can command four god-level combat power of.

He quickly thought about the Ludwig God-level turtle that threw him down and escaped alone. The Ludwig God-level turtle without the shell was now a lamb to be slaughtered. Just find Ludwig God-level turtle, then you can kill him and get his flesh and resources.

Abel did not expect that in the area of ​​the sea after he left, because of his reasons, there were some small disputes, and these disputes became a war between the two races of sea beasts.

When he returned, the two divine paladins were taken into the space beast ring, and he did not want to encounter any trouble because he had two more divine breaths.

Until returning to the Warsong Plateau and releasing the Golden Castle again, this released the two divine paladins.

For a while, there was a rare calm on the central continent.

Neither the kingdom of gods nor the wizarding guild has made any major moves. Only the wizarding guild has issued a task to find non-witch guilds in all regions of the continent.

This task is not difficult, but it is rich in rewards, making all the professionals in the entire central continent crazy.

And because there is no upper limit to this task, as long as a non-witches' guild is found transmitting telegrams, you can get corresponding rewards.

This also allowed the rank of the mages to rise in a straight line, because on the third day of the mission release, the first teleportation matrix that was found hidden in the mountains was hidden by the isolated mages, if not for that team Division, this teleportation array will never be found.

With the spread of the news, all the professionals involved in the task found that only a small team with a magic division in the team can more quickly find the transmitting magic array in the task.

The elves are the elves and dwarves. The elves have few contacts with the outside world, so few professionals can invite elven mages.

Dwarven mages should have been difficult to hire, but for some reason, a large number of dwarven mages appeared in the mission hall of the Wizarding Guild. At any time, many dwarven mages were waiting to be hired. .

Only a small number of people know that these dwarven magisters were specially invited by the wizarding guild, which is for the thousands of years of the Kingdom of God, a large number of teleportation mages arranged on the central continent.

Although these teleportation formations want to be isolated through the space of the doomsday defensive wall, they must consume 'Divine Power Crystals' to turn on teleportation, but this is a major loophole that can instantly transfer the power of the kingdom of God to the back of the Wizarding Guild. The Wizarding Guild is It is impossible to allow these teleportation circles of the kingdom of God to exist.

Because of the existence of these teleportation matrices, the Clemens Rule Wizard of the Wizarding Society Intelligence Department has also been implicated, especially now that the god-level wizard is the master, let alone the Clemens Rule Wizard, which is the Clemens Rule Wizard. The backstage wants to ask for love to do nothing.

The Clemens Rule Wizard was placed in the Doomsday Defense Wall for three hundred years, which was a severe punishment.

You know that before that, he was a senior member of the Wizarding Guild. He enjoyed the best resources. He had power in his hands and had a lot of invisible resources available.

Nowadays he has very few regular shaman training resources, and this amount of resources is only enough for him to barely maintain his own strength. He doesn't need to think about progress.

Especially the doomsday defensive wall, there are no more countless minerals in the battlefield, and it has become the most barren place.

A few days after the Clemens Rule Wizard reached the Doomsday Defense Wall, the Kingdom of God erupted with five breaths of Divine Paladin.

Although the Wizarding Guild knew that it was the Kingdom of God who wanted to tie the wizarding wizards of the Wizarding Guild to the Doomsday Defense Wall, all five Wizarding Wizards of the Wizarding Guild remained on the Doomsday Defense Wall.

No matter how strong the defense of the doomsday defense wall is, it cannot really block the full impact of many god-level paladins.

In the following six months, the Wizarding Guild again released three god-level wizards, bringing the number of god-level wizards in the wizarding association to eight.

Abel's fighting frequency has increased a lot in the past six months, and many powerful covenants have increased his battle in the dark world.

The battle in the dark world is also extremely dangerous. Even if a few powerful contracts are added, he dare not take the slightest care.

I don't know if the psychological pressure brought by the changes in the situation has improved his cultivation speed, or because the "wisdom fruit" used for cultivation has been doubled. His six-month cultivation has been The mana and rules of the three 30th-level wizard patterns in his body have reached a state of fullness.

This has kept him excited in recent days, for nothing else, only for his imminent existence.

Although his age in this world is very young, he has experienced hundreds of years of fighting in the dark world, plus the experience of previous lives, he is full of fear of death.

He frantically increased his powerful men in order to be safe when his strength was not enough to protect himself.

But this is only external protection, and there is another threat, that is, the threat of life.

In fact, as far as he has strong blue dragon blood, he shouldn't have considered lifespan at just 22 years old, because the life span of dragons can basically reach thousands of years.

A successful dragon can achieve a longer life span. Even if it cannot become a demigod, it can easily live for 10,000 years.

Abel has never regarded himself as a real dragon. Although he has joined the dragon family, from his experience, we can know that his joining the dragon family is also a helpless move.

He wanted to enter the Wizarding Guild, but his life was threatened, and he had to leave the Wizarding Guild and abandon human identity.

He then joined the elf clan and became an elf alchemist, but was still attacked by members of the wizarding guild that dominated the mainland.

In the end, there is no way he will join the Dragons and become a member of the Dragons.

Of course, this is not that he doesn't like the Dragons, but because his cultivation system has no relationship with the Dragons at all, and he can only be sheltered from the Dragons. In addition, he does not help him much.

Now he only recognizes the Dragons, because only the Dragons spend the most sincerity to protect him, so that he has the time required to grow up.

"Master, Elder Eugene asked for contact!" Fa Zhen Ling sent a message to him at this time.

"Falun spirit, connect it!" Abel said in a deep voice.

"Elder Abel, I haven't seen you for a long time, are you out of customs?" Elder Eugene's voice came over with some surprises in his voice.

Of course, Abel knows what this accident means. He has been completely isolated from the outside world for several months, and devoted himself to the battle and cultivation of the dark world.

This is also a matter of a few months, he has improved his strength to a state of near fullness.

It is estimated that Elder Eugene contacted him this time and also wanted to try it.

"Elder Eugene, I'm sorry. I've learned something during the recent practice, so I closed it for some time!" Abel said with a smile.

The situation on the central continent is changing. Although he has divine power in his hands, he is also for self-protection, not for the dragons to perform their daily tasks.

In this regard, he believes that Elder Eugene is also very clear. Besides, the daily patrol of the Dragon tribe, letting a god-level wizard or spirit participate, also weakens the dragon's face.

You must know that the dragons have always been linked by blood. If the **** level one and the war **** doom are not a contract of Abel, the dragons will not consider them as the fighting power of the dragons.

"Haha, Elder Abel now needs the time to improve his strength. Cultivation is the most important thing!" Elder Eugene said with a smile, and then he said, "But today I want to disturb you. The elder Blue Dragon Elder Mumford has returned. He hasn't met you yet. I'm just with him at this moment and want to visit you! "

"Welcome your arrival, I will open the power to transmit the legal array!" Abel agreed with a smile.

He also happened to be looking for Elder Eugene. The turtle shell was thrown by him into a large magic circle in the Dark World's Roger camp. After several months, the golden patterns on its surface had been Recovery was no different from that on the Ludwig Turtle that day.

But he still couldn't find a way to use it. Even if Elder Eugene didn't find him, he wanted to go to Elder Eugene after he was promoted to demigod.

"Master, there is a strange god-level dragon coming!" Just as Abel felt the breath of two god-level dragons appearing in the large teleportation circle in the basement of the Golden Castle, the reminder of the war gods from the kingdom of God followed. Come.

Abel believes that the most correct thing he did was to make Warsong Plateau a place of faith for war gods, which made it impossible for anyone who wanted to enter the Warsong Plateau to hide himself.

And now there is only God-level combat power that threatens him. As long as he is prepared, even if there is some god-level combat power, he is not afraid.

"Elder Abel, let me introduce you. This is Elder Mumford!" Elder Eugene appeared on the top platform with an old man who had become a person, and said to Abel with a smile when he met.

"Meet Elder Mumford!" Abe bowed to Elder Mumford.

Together with Elder Mumford, there are four dragon-like **** dragons he has seen, three of which are blue dragons.

When he thought about it, this is probably after occupying the ocean, and obtained most of the resources are frozen resources, so that there are so many god-level blue dragons.

"I've heard of Elder Abel's name for a long time. Fortunately!" Said Elder Mumford with a sincere smile.

After seeing the continuous killing of multiple god-levels, any god-level will maintain the due respect, even if this one's own strength is not strong.

Not to mention that Abel was still a genius among the Dragons. This genius appeared in the Dragons and was also lucky.

"Elder Abel, I wonder if the bodies of the two divine paladins have been resurrected successfully?" Elder Eugene couldn't bear it now, he asked.

He had wanted to know for a long time, but Abel had no choice but to retreat. By contacting the Array spirits, he knew that Abel had cultivated in retreat, and he didn't bother.

At last I could see Abel. He naturally asked questions after introducing Elder Mumford.

"Elder Eugene, this is Divine Level 2 and Divine Level 3!" Abel didn't hide it either, he summoned two divine paladins from the space beast ring, and then introduced.

The first time I saw God-level combat power was carried around like this, Elder Mumford's eyes could not help but twitched.

These are two gods. Although they are god-level paladins, they are not easy to use, but anyway, this is god-level combat power.

Abel also didn't want to keep God Level 2 and God Level 3 in the space beast ring all the time, but just because he had just returned from the dark world, he used to enter the space beast into the space beast for convenience. In the ring, return to the Golden Castle.

"I've seen two!" Elder Mumford bowed down to salute God No. 2 and God No. 3.

Even if these two divine paladins are a contract of Abel, he still needs to show due respect.

"Really done!" But Elder Eugene knew that the memory of these god-level combat powers had been cleared after Abel's resurrection of the god-level contract, and the general etiquette did not care, so he was not as Elder Mumford Usually salute, but said excitedly.

How can he not be excited, not excited, the Dragon family has two more god-level Paladin combat power, although usually not available, but at a critical time, it can reverse the existence of the war.

It was a pity in his mind that it was too difficult to kill the gods, otherwise it would be possible to have more god-level corpses to resurrect Abel.

Thinking in my heart, I was suddenly shocked that these god-level corpses seemed to have been killed by Abel himself.

(End of this chapter)

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