Abe the Wizard

Chapter 1374: Welcome

Chapter 1374: Welcome

The sun is shining, and the Temple of the Moon Goddess in the forest of Ervou is shining white in the sun today.

The Grand Druid is busy inside and outside the Temple of the Goddess. On the peak where the Temple is located, all the female Grand Druids are up to the Temple of the Goddess.

In a large flat area under the mountain peaks, the male druids who came from all over the elves were waiting respectfully for the guests.

Of course, there have never been such scenes in the maiden ceremony and coronation of the maiden, and the Druid is also the most powerful among the elves.

However, just a few days ago, when the Goddess Temple confirmed the list of guests to come, it immediately notified the Elven Queen, and the Elven Queen announced a call for the Temple of the Goddess.

The summons required that all the druids of the elves must go to the temple of the goddess and accept the arrangement of the temple.

"Landau Druid, do you know why you called us here this time?" Hales Druid quietly asked Landau Druid.

"The temple represents the will of the great moon goddess. What's your opinion?" Landau Grand Druid said in a deep voice.

Although he was the great druid of the elven royal family, the call was too sudden and the order was extremely strong. He did not know what happened.

However, as long as it is a rally issued by the Temple of the Goddess, they must all come unconditionally. This is the belief in the Moon Goddess.

"Landau Grand Druid, I didn't mean that, it was only halfway through my experiments and I was pulled in!" Heils Grand Druid quickly shook his head and explained.

"Don't say that your experiment was only half done. This time, even the retired Grand Druid went out. Didn't you see that Conrad Grand Druid was also here?" Landau Grand Druid pointed. Conrad Archdruid said aside.

"Convocation of the temple, as long as I don't die, I will definitely come!" Conrad Grand Druid said very simply.

"Look, there's a guest over there!" A big druid cried suddenly.

In fact, Elven guests were required to arrive early, such as Queen Louisa of the Elven Royal Family and important members of the Royal Family, waiting in the mountains early in the morning.

The other elves and nobles, as well as the elves eligible to come, all arrived an hour ago.

This is also a change of the goddess temple, which distinguishes the elf's own spectator and foreign spectator, mainly because the status of the external spectator is too honorable, and the temple is afraid of causing unnecessary trouble.

Landau's Druid looked into the distance, and the two wizards in white robes were using ‘momentary movement’ to quickly approach.

Because it is an event held by the Temple of the Goddess, out of respect for the Temple of the Goddess, it is also a continental tradition, and guests will not directly reach the Temple of the Goddess through the teleportation circle.

You must first arrive at the nearest teleportation circle, and then come by yourself to show your respect for the host.

"Charlie Rules Wizard, Hal Rules Wizard, welcome you!" Landau Archdruid, after seeing the faces of the two wizards before him, hurried forward and bowed in salute.

"Landau the Great Druid, it seems we should be the first!" Hall rule wizard said with a smile.

After he had spoken, he passed an invitation.

"Yes! Lightning is the first guest to come!" Landau Druid accepted the invitation, opened it, and said with a smile.

The invitation letter sent out has the power represented by the visitor, or comes in the name of a strong person used by the visitor, so you must check it.

"We're not guests!" Said the Haar Rule wizard, pointedly.

Landau Grand Druid naturally did not know what he meant.

The Blue Dragon Abel is the thing about Master Bennett. There are not many people who know it, but the high-level members of the lightning department are very clear.

In terms of Abel's relationship with the maiden Lorraine, speaking of the relationship between the maiden Lorraine and the lightning, he is considered to be his own, so only the Hal rule wizards have said so.

"The Lightning is a Charlie Rule Wizard, a Hal Rule Wizard is here!" Landau Druid read the legend loudly after reading the invitation.

Then he bowed to the two regular wizards of the lightning department and made a saluting gesture, signalling that the two could go up to the temple of the goddess.

He is only the first reception here, mainly responsible for guiding and arranging the guests. At the gate of the goddess temple on the top of the mountain, there is a special druid that receives the temple.

Next, the organization of the wizarding guilds such as the Ice Mist Land, Lieya Valley, and Binghuo Lake also sent regular wizards, which made the Druids who were receiving here nervous.

Because normally, the organization of the goddess of the goddess's rite of worship can bring some high-level wizards, but this time they are all regular wizards, and no wizards with less than regular wizards have appeared.

It can be said that the standard of guests coming to this time has reached a level that the Elves have never had. Although the Elves are a race, their strength is not very strong.

It was only because of the shelter of the moon goddess that he could survive on the central continent.

Although the maiden Lorrain is the representative of the moon goddess in the world, the guests who came this time were obviously beyond the imagination of the druids present.

"Look, that's it?" Conrad Drew called in surprise.

The things that can make him gaffe, but also let the other Druids look at it.

I saw three figures flying in the air are approaching. Although the other party was very polite and did not inspire his own breath, all the great druids knew that the least capable of flying were the legendary powerhouses.

Even if there is only one such legendary powerhouse, not all the big druids here can deal with them.

"It is the legendary wizard of Dylan, the legendary wizard of Glenn, and the legendary wizard of Doreen!" Randall the Druid looked at it with a smile on his face.

He knows these legends. These legends have some friendship with Master Bennett. They should have come in the face of Master Bennett!

"Landau Druid, this is my invitation!" First, the legendary wizard of Dylan descended to Landau Druid with a smile, passed the invitation, and said with a smile.

"Don't have to check it!" Landau Druid said quickly.

"That's not okay, I don't have the face to look at the invitation letter!" The legendary wizard of Dylan still passed the invitation letter and said.

The Wizards Guild knows that Master Elven Bennet and Blue Dragon Abel have the same identity, although not many, but they all know it.

Although the legendary wizard of Dylan had a good relationship with Abel before, he did not dare to be any special in this occasion today.

At least he knows that the rites of initiation and coronation of today's maiden Lorraine will surely be watched by the goddess of the moon and be watched by a deity. His legend does not dare to behave unusually.

Afterwards, both the legendary wizard of Glenn and the legendary wizard of Doreen smiled and passed their invitations to the hands of Landau Druid. They were extremely friendly.

Randall's druid opened the invitation letter a little bit, and then passed the arrival of several legendary wizards one by one.

These legendary wizards all came in their own personalities, and they all came in person without bringing any followers.

This is very rare in the legendary ranks. Generally, when the legendary ranks are invited to participate in the event, these legendary ranks normally let their descendants come on their behalf, which is very much a loss of face.

The three legendary wizards did not fly anymore, but walked up the mountain step by step and headed towards the top of the mountain.

"Everyone is uplifted. The guests of today's coronation ceremony are afraid that they will be very honorable. Don't lose the courtesy of the elves!" Landau Grand Druid said in a deep voice to the Big Druid.

All Archdruids bowed to their feet, some of the complaints in Archdruid's mind disappeared long after the arrival of the three legendary wizards.

Next, there were several legendary wizards from the Wizarding Guild. Most of the Landau druids didn't know them. The attitude of these legendary wizards was also very friendly.

After receiving many legendary wizards in succession, the druids present had a sense of depression, which is a natural perception of high-level combat power.

Most of them have never seen so many legends in their lives. After seeing so many legends, they became more cautious.

"A legend is here again!" One Archdruid reminded.

Sure enough, there were four silhouettes flying in the sky. The four were extremely fast, but after seeing the silhouettes, they appeared in front of Landau Druid.

Landau Druid is pretty sure this is not 'momentary movement', but that the four of them are too fast.

"May I have the honorable names of the four adults?" He asked, bowing respectfully.

"This is our invitation!" The head, who passed the invitation, asked, "Is Elder Abel here?"

Randall the Great Druid received the invitation and was surprised when he opened it. He screamed in his heart, why did n’t the Goddess Temple tell him in advance that there would be a demigod!

The invitation reads: Golden Dragon Kenbul demigod, Blue Dragon Hurley demigod, Black Dragon Prague demigod, Green Dragon Balfour demigod.

These names made Landau Druid shake his hands a little. He only heard these names in legend. These are immortal existences.

At this moment, he suddenly thought of the interrogation led by the Golden Dragon Kemp Demigod, and was busy remembering the list of guests who had arrived today.

"Golden Dragon Kenble demigod, you said Elder Abel hasn't arrived yet!" He answered, bowing.

"Strange Elves don't know Elder Abel's identity?" The black dragon Kenmour glanced at Landau Druid and said.

"Don't talk nonsense, let's go to the temple and wait!" Golden Dragon Kemp gave him a sideways look and said.

Landau Great Druid announced the arrival of the four demigods in a loud voice in the direction of the temple.

When the four demigod dragons also approached the mountain road, the druids who were present dared to let go of their breath. Just after hearing the name of the demigods, the druids all had a terrifying feeling.

For the elves who have not even appeared in the legendary stage, what kind of demigod exists.

That's one step away from the moon goddess, second only to the existence of gods.

Such strong men came four at a time, or to attend the ceremony and coronation of the Virgin Laurent, which made them too imaginable.

"Have you heard of Elder Abel?" Randall the Great Druid asked the Great Druids all around.

"I heard that the new Dragon Elder is Elder Abel!" Replied an archdruid in charge of intelligence.

The Elves 'intelligence system can't learn too much information, but because of the elder's incident in the Dragon Race, it was spread too widely, which made the Elves' intelligence system know.

Otherwise, what happened to this top-level power will not be known to the elves.

"Then pay attention, it seems that Elder Abel of the Dragon tribe will also come over!" Said Landau Druid in a deep voice.

He and the great druids did not expect that Abel was the elf master Bennett, the elf they were familiar with.

"Here is the guest again!" Another Druid reminded.

Looking at the Landau Druid, a huge carriage was flying in the sky, and eight horses were pulling the carriage.

The carriage was getting closer, he could clearly see that its surface was covered with various patterns, those patterns were all French array patterns, and the eight Pegasus were also different from the ordinary Pegasus, with one more in the middle of the top of the head. There are only unicorns, which shows that these eight Pegasus have strong unicorn blood.

The Landau Great Druid looks a bit unsightly. The unicorn is a monster of the elven tribe, and it is said to have been the mount of the moon goddess.

Therefore, in every elven heart, the unicorn is the most holy, and using a unicorn flying horse-drawn cart is an insult to the elves.

But he wasn't angry, because he saw two regular sorcerers controlling eight pegasus on top of the car.

Judging from the breath, these two rule wizards of the same order as him are both higher order rule wizards, and have a higher level than him.

The strong who can use these two regular wizards to drive, the Elven can't afford even the Goddess Temple.

"Blennan Demigod, the Vice President of the Wizarding Guild, came on behalf of the Wizarding Guild!" A regular sorcerer appeared next to the carriage door using 'momentary movement', and introduced while driving the door.

"I've seen Vice President Brennan!" All the druids who were present were shocked. No wonder such a pomp. It turned out that the Vice President of the Wizarding Guild had arrived, and they bowed in welcome together.

"This is my invitation!" Brennan the demigod stepped out of the carriage door. He wore a gorgeous robe, and handed an invitation with a smile.

Randall Druid approached carefully and accepted the invitation.

Since this is the place where the goddess of the moon believes, coupled with the rite of initiation and coronation of a saint, even if the Wizardry Guild attaches importance to Abel, it will not send a god-level wizard to the scene.

So he sent Brennan Demigod Wizard, his status is high enough in the Wizarding Guild, and his rank is just right.

Otherwise, gods are really sent here, and they must first get the consent of the goddess of the moon before they can enter the place of faith.

(End of this chapter)

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