Abe the Wizard

Chapter 805: The first battle of the Principality of Camai (3

Chapter 805: The First Battle of the Carmel Principality (Three Chapters in One)

The great knight of Job rode on a war horse and walked in the forefront of the 14,000 knights. Behind him, the knights were aggressive and easily captured Nei Jincheng, and got enough rewards to make these knights The prospects for this war are promising.

"Report!" A scout yelled as he stopped in front of Captain Job.

"Say!" Captain Chob did not slow down, and the scout could only increase the horse speed to the same speed as him.

"Sir, there is a legion of knights ahead!" Scout said, bowing.

"What? The Principality of Cameron responded so quickly?" Captain Job was surprised. He did not expect that the Principality of Cameron would send troops so fast. It was only more than a day that the Cavaliers had been transferred here.

You should know that according to his estimation, when the Principality of Camai fully reacts, and then mobilize the Cavaliers, the whole process will take at least one week. At that time, he should have reached the edge of the harvest city with his army.

He wanted to fight against the army of the Principality of Camai on the edge of Harvest City. At that time, his leading five-nation coalition could justify the destruction of several cities and kill the army of the Principality of Camai in one fell swoop.

Captain Job's knight never thought that the Principality of Carmel would mobilize the army by a boat in the sky. Of course, the speed was not as slow as coming from the ground.

This is also the result of Abel's failure to use the teleportation circle, not that he does not have that much energy, but that he wants a normal war, a war that will allow the army of the Principality of Camai to grow.

The three Skyboats will eventually remain in the Principality of Camai and become part of the Principality of Camai, so the speed of the Skyboat's transfer of troops can just provide a researchable case for future generals.

"How many knights in the Principality of Camai make up the Cavalry Corps?" Captain Job asked again.

"Sir, more than three hundred knights!" Scout replied.

"Haha, the Principality of Camerai has prepared for us an army of three hundred knights, ready to fight us!" Said the big knight, laughing and turning back to the knights behind him.

With a bang, the knights behind them also laughed, and as the news spread, the more knights they knew, the more all the knights laughed.

It turned out that the Earl Knight, who was still a little worried, also put down his mind. It seems that the military power of the Principality of Cameron is not strong except Abel. The 14,000 knights, plus so many wizards, are taking People can also pile Abel.

Not only the Grand Knight of Earl, but the other Grand Knights also put down their hearts, the victory seems to be in sight.

Fourteen thousand versus three hundred, no matter how you fight this war, there will be only one result.

"It's a must win!" Grand Cavalier Job shouted at the opportunity.

The morale of the knights also skyrocketed, and they shouted with all their strength: "It must win!"

When Captain Job, the Knight of the Five Kingdoms, came out of Murray City, it was noon, and the sun was shining directly on the three hundred knights in front.

The armor of the three hundred kama prince knights reflected strange light, and the hands of each of them, whether it was a knight's sword or a shield, had the same strange light.

"Is the Principality of Camai crazy? The three hundred knights are all equipped with magic knights!" The big knight Job swallowed a saliva, his eyes fixed on the knights' equipment, and he murmured in his mouth. .

He only remembered that Abel was a master blacksmith, and he could not help admiring the knights of the Principality of Camai, even if he was a long knight, only his knight sword and shield were magic equipment, and the armor was ordinary armor. .

Even the knight's sword and shield are just the works of ordinary blacksmith masters, and the gap between Aber's works is not a little or two.

"Snatch them!" Crypter Job's long eyes were red, and he shouted.

"Grab all their gear!" The big knight of Amand also had red eyes, and at this moment he had only those magic gears in his heart, and he shouted.

"Abel is crazy, but this is a complete set of three hundred magic knight outfits. Just dress these knights!" Grand Lord Earl yelled, and he didn't believe his eyes.

The news spread quickly among the 14,000 knights, and then all knights' eyes turned red.

There are several important items in a knight's life. War horses, knight swords, shields, and armor are important partners of knights. Every knight must learn how to get along with war horses and how to maintain the knight sword from the time of the trainee knight. , Shields and armor.

It is because of contact from an early age, and in the process of growing up, they gave their lives to the knight equipment to protect them, giving them an extraordinary love for knight equipment.

Now three hundred sets of magic knight equipment are in sight, in the hands of a group of knights who are not strong.

And how many knights they have, 14,000 knights, victory is inevitable, but there are only three hundred sets of equipment, then the only question at this time is to see who is the fastest and who is the fastest.

Fortunately, the knights still pay attention to discipline. They are waiting for the command of Captain Job, and only after a command, they start to charge.

But Captain Job did not do so. His hand was pressed in the sky, signalling the Cavaliers to stop moving forward.

"Knights, in order to reduce casualties, our group of knights battles the knights in the front of the Principality of Cameron!" Said the knight Captain to the knights next to him.

This proposal was immediately agreed by all the Grand Cavaliers. Can you disagree?

You must know that 14,000 knights went to grab three hundred sets of magic knight equipment, and fifteen big knights went to grab three hundred sets of magic knight equipment. The gains were completely different.

All rushed up. In the end, each of the big knight captains couldn't guarantee that they could get a set of magic knight equipment, and their fifteen big knight captains rushed up, then each big knight captain could get many sets of magic knight equipment.

If these magic knight outfits are really forged by Abel, then each set of this magic knight outfit is an exquisite piece that can be passed down for generations, and each set allows a knight to exert its strength beyond its combat power.

The words of the big knights made the knights behind them insulting, but the booty that belonged to them became a private item shared by the big knights. This change made the knights complain.

However, these big knight captains are all leaders of the principalities, and the knights are not afraid to overdo it, but they already have some dissatisfaction in their hearts.

The arrangement of Captain Job, the knight, is also helpless. If ordinary knights have been equipped with magic knights, what do they do?

Once a robbery is taken, the entire Cavaliers army will be disheartened, because the cavalry will participate in this kind of war, provided that their respective loot must be guaranteed not to be violated.

This is also the tradition of the Holy Continent. The knights play the principle of loot distribution. The enemies killed by them are attributed to the killers.

Of course, this is an explanation that Job's Grand Cavalier is making for himself, and he does not want to admit his greed.

Soon the fifteen knight captains had assembled and formed an arrow-shaped battle array towards the three hundred knights of the Principality of Camai.

"Bodley, let the Cavaliers retreat, I will kill them with the boat of the sky!" Abel contacted Captain Bodley through the identity card.

With the existence of the sky boat, the spirit on the sky boat can use the magic array on it to place a surrounding area within the range of the contact card. In this area, you can use the contact card to make contact calls.

Therefore, Abel on the sky boat can easily talk to the commander of the three hundred knights on the ground, Captain Bodley.

"Your Majesty, can you let the Cavaliers fight against each other's fifteen knight captains? I am confident that the three hundred knights can block them!" Said the grand knight of Bodley, Shen Sheng.

He knows that Abel is worried about the loss of the Cavaliers, but he thinks differently. It has been nearly two years. The Cavaliers have trained under his hands, have the best equipment, have the best benefits, but they have never been there. Live the real war.

They do n’t know what a real war is, and it ’s no good training. They need a real battle, a battle of life and death. Although death may occur, it is of great benefit to the growth of these knights.

"Bodley, I trust you, do what you want!" Abel groaned, then said.

"The king looks at us in the sky. We enjoy the best resources of the Holy Land. We have the magic equipment forged by the king. We ride the best war horses in the human world. Everything is the best, but why do we have them? ?

Because we are the knights of the king, we will fight for the king, and we give our lives to the king! "Lord Bodley said loudly, looking at the three hundred knights he had trained himself.

"We are the knights of the king. We will fight for the king. We give our lives to the king!" The light rose in the eyes of the three hundred knights. They have been training continuously. Although they are the most elite knights, they do not. The corresponding record.

At Harry Castle, there were even more powerful Griffin knights, who almost eliminated all enemies as soon as they crossed the border, leaving no chance for them.

Now they can finally take a shot, fight the enemy alive and die, and fight for King Abel.

"Honor is my life!" Roared the big knight of Bodley, his powerful fighting spirit lit up, and behind him, the three hundred knights flashed with vigour.

A diamond-shaped battle formation quickly formed with the running of the horse, this is a rare knight battle formation.

The reason why the great knight of Bodley was valued by Abel was because of his commanding ability. In the orc battlefield, countless knights and wizards believed him and entrusted his life to him precisely because of this.

The difference between Captain Job and Captain Bodley is that Captain Job has been fighting with the wind, and he rarely fights evenly matched opponents.

For a long time, the Grand Knight of Bodley has been fighting on the orcs' battlefield for a long time, and the difference is huge.

Another point is that when the Knight of Bodley growled out loud: "Honor is my life!", The Knight of Job also wanted to roar the same words, but the roar reached the mouth but could not scream.

Because of his greed, plunder, and injustice to come and invade the Principality of Camai, no matter how he used various reasons to justify, when he wanted to call out the word of the knight, Can't scream with passion.

The fighting spirit of the three hundred knights of the Principality of Cameron was transmitted to the Bodley Grand Cavalier who was in the forefront of the battle line with the rhombus battle array. His combat strength stock soared, and some of his combat strength instantly turned into a piece of ice armor. An ice shield was formed on the knight.

The other part of the fighting spirit turned into a flame sword and held high into the sky.

"The double knight captain!" The big knight Captain Job saw the horror in his eyes after seeing the great Bodley knight in front of him using two kinds of fighting spirits.

The reason why the double knight can become the most terrible existence of the big knight is because the ordinary big knight is either the strongest defense or the strongest attack, and the double knight can be in both points. Reflected to the strongest.

And this point in the knight battle line, it can greatly improve the combat effectiveness of the knight battle line.

On one side was a diamond-shaped battlefield composed of three hundred knights, and on the other side was an arrow-shaped battlefield composed of fifteen knights. Two battlefields collided in the battlefield.

The great flame and great sword in the hand of the great knight of Bodley were severely chopped down. The fifteen knight-chiefs in front of Job knight-knight raised their shields. With a loud noise, one of Jobs' knight-knight's shields The flash of light flashed, and the attack of this terrible power and fire element was transmitted to the fifteen knights.

Although the fighting spirit of the three hundred knights was strong enough, they were spread evenly among the fifteen big knight captains, but they could not cause damage to any one.

On the knight's great sword in the hand of the great knight, the flames flashed. He did not condense the great fighting spirit sword, because they were less in number, he condensed all his fighting spirit on the knight's sword, and concentrated ten The five knight captains slashed at the big knight of Bodley.

The shield in the left hand of the big knight of Bodley was lifted, and the long knight sword of the long knight of Job was cut on his shield. If the ordinary shield was hit by this strike, it should break directly.

Because this is the fierce attack of fifteen knights, but the shield of knights of Bodley is forged by Abel, a shield made of fine iron, plus the attribute of reducing physical damage. Although powerful, it did not break the shield.

In other words, the shield in the hands of Captain Bodley did not leave any seals. The blow of Captain Job ’s knight just shook the body of all three hundred knights in the diamond battle, and the terrible attack was resolved. .

When Captain Chob was preparing for the second attack, he suddenly found that his speed had slowed down, only then did he realize that his body was not covered with frost.

"Change the line!" He yelled, and quickly retreated, allowing the Grand Cavaliers of Amand to step forward to lead the battle for him.

The slowing effect on him comes from the ice armor of the great knight of Bodley. Attacking the ice armor will naturally be countered by the ice armor. This is also the ability of the ice knight to be proud of, although it is not as good as fire in attack. He is a big knight, but can slow down to affect his opponent.

Fortunately, Captain Job's knight reacted quickly. When the second attack of Captain Bodley came, the shield in the hand of Captain Armand blocked his attack.

A strange phenomenon appeared in the battlefield. Under the leadership of a two-line knight captain, three hundred non-powerful knights came and went against you for fifteen knights.

This battle fully demonstrated that in the war between knights, the use of battle lines is sometimes more important than personal force, and personal force can assist the battle lines.

Abel watched the battle below in the sky boat. In his heart, he felt very worthwhile to pull the Knight of Bodley to the Principality of Cameron. In the future, the family of the Knight of Bodley would definitely have a second Bodley. Cavaliers are even more.

Don't underestimate the inheritance of the family. The ordinary family inheritance has at most capped a knight to the knight captain, unless an enlightened king like Abel is given the knight captain's corresponding cultivation methods and resources.

The family of the Grand Knights of Bodley has a complete inheritance of the Grand Knights and the battle lineup, which is what Abel attaches most importance to.

Twenty minutes have elapsed in the battle. The Grand Cavaliers of Bodley are almost directing the battlefield in an artistic way. Under his command, three hundred ordinary knights did not die in 20 minutes. Fifteen knight captains battled against each other.

But ordinary knights are ordinary knights, and the stock of fighting spirit makes them unable to insist on the continuous fighting output.

"Your Majesty, the Cavaliers demanded their withdrawal!" Captain Bodley had sensed this, and asked Abel through the sign.

"Bodley, you are doing well, withdraw!" Abel replied immediately.

He was very satisfied with the first battle of the Cavaliers. He needed all of these knights alive. These knights were the knight seeds of the Principality of Camai.

The Grand Knight of Bodley yelled suddenly. The knight's sword in his right hand ignited the flame again, and the flame became huge instantly, forming a huge sword of flame.

He swept the huge flame sword to the opponent, and at the same time, the diamond-shaped battle array changed direction. During the change of direction, on the side opposite to the enemy battle array, each knight took turns to split a sword, Although they are not big knights, when they split that sword, they gathered the fighting spirit of all three hundred knights.

The sword of constant fighting is shot at the battle formation composed by the long knight captain, first the sword of flame, and then the sword of constant fighting. In this short time, the fighting spirit of the three hundred knights was exhausted.

But it also gave the battle array the opportunity to turn, and the battle array quickly retreated.

The battle formed by the fifteen knight captains was stopped by a sudden onslaught. This pause lost speed. When the three hundred knights of the Carmel Principality retreated, they wanted to chase but started late. .

However, the Grand Cavaliers of Amand did not want to let this opportunity go. With a wave of his hand, the fighting spirit of the Grand Cavaliers in the battle array flashed, and the combat soon wrapped the horse.

This is a way to consume the horse's physical strength. You can raise the horse from slow speed to extreme speed by means of fighting spirit.

But just as the Grand Cavalier Amand just raised the battlefield to the top speed, three huge flying objects suddenly appeared in the sky. He could clearly see the flying object wearing the wizard's method Young man in robe.

Although I haven't seen Abel, all the big knights present have seen portraits of Abel. Although he has grown a lot after two years, his face has not changed much.

This is also necessary. He has become a formal wizard from an early age, and his face will hardly change much. In addition, he will have a lotion in his face and a bottle of "all-around revitalizing potion". Effect, the change is even less obvious.

Then on the three flying objects, fourteen Gryphon knights flew out, and the breath of the four Gryphon knights was obviously the breath of the great knight.

Abel's way of playing was beyond the expectations of all the big knights present. They allowed the war horses to stop slowly. At this time, they no longer wanted to hunt down the three hundred knights of the Principality of Camai because of the three heads above them. The huge flying objects put a lot of pressure on them.

"I'm angry!" Abel's voice spread through the battlefield through the sound reinforcement array above the boat in the sky.

"There are 853 people killed in Nei Jincheng, including the Harold Knight Captain of the Harry family in my Gangba city. He is the Lord of Nei Jincheng I appointed. You killed him!" Abel seemed to be talking to people Generally, it doesn't sound like an angry voice, but it makes more than 14,000 knights on the battlefield feel a sense of oppression.

"I need someone to bear my anger!" Abel's voice raised a bit, and a slight murderous spirit rose from his body.

If there is a dragon family here, you will know what kind of breath this is. This is the dragon power of the dragon family. Although Abel did not want to reveal the dragon power, but was changed by the dragon crystal many times, the soul and the dragon power merged. He already had some characteristics of the dragon.

During Abel's speech, five intermediate wizards have used 'momentary movement' to quickly approach the boat in the sky. At this time, the height of the boat in the sky is not high, only 150 meters. This height is completely at the moment of the intermediate wizard. Move 'within'.

Five intermediate wizards have been waiting for Abel's appearance, and now Abel appears, and their opportunity is here.

Abel ’s war commander could warn him about the combat power that threatened his life, but the five intermediate wizards did not fall within the warning range, and even the war commander did not regard the intermediate wizard as It was Abel's threat.

How fast is the 'momentary movement'? When a middle-level wizard casts a full-scale 'momentary movement', he stays in place for half a second each time, and then he can continue the 'momentary movement', and the distance of each 'momentary movement' is per wizard The mental strength is different, and the distance is different.

The "momentary movement" distance of the basic intermediate wizard is about 150 meters. Although these five intermediate wizards are not very powerful, they have always enjoyed the worship of their respective principalities and their mental strength is not low.

After their figure 'moved away' from the carriage, they quickly flashed among the 14,000 knight battles. Just a few seconds later, they had reached the Sky Boat # 1.

Just in front of Wan Wan, the figures of the five intermediate wizards turned into a white light, ‘momentarily moved’ onto the boat in the sky, a distance of about ten meters from Abel, and quickly began to draw spell patterns in his hands.

Their mental power draws the magic pattern at full speed. They want to complete the spell pattern and display it before Abel's reaction pattern is completed.

But something that made them happy happened. Abel didn't cast the spell, or said that Abel didn't move, just looked at them in place.

What just puzzled them was that Abel's eyes had a strange smile that seemed to laugh at them.

The Mallory Intermediate Wizard has a very bad feeling. He has seen this smile before, and treats his opponent as an indifferent smile. In this smile, he is caught like a child. This smile has always been his Nightmare.

Now this smile appeared again, the spell pattern in his hand stopped, it seemed that everything in front of him had stopped, he could only feel the sound of heartbeat.

Then several flashes of lightning appeared. No one was faster than lightning. Lightning spells have always been the most terrifying in the wizarding world.

The Mallory Intermediate Wizard saw that it was not Abel's shot, but the lightning that was excited on the ball of light above the decorative pillars in front of the boat in the sky.

"Is there anyone who can engrave the lightning spell in the organ!" A question came to mind in the middle of the wizard, but no one answered his question.

He and four other intermediate wizards were surrounded by lightning, and the lightning came too fast, and they were too close to the lightning spiral that looked like a decoration, and the danger of the lightning spiral was discovered when the lightning struck them.

After the five intermediate wizards were struck by the lightning spiral, they were not as strong as Abel. They did not even have a scream and did not send out. They fell black on the deck of the sky boat.

The entire battlefield is quiet, but it is an intermediate wizard. The most powerful existence of each principality is that it is almost impossible for an intermediate wizard with a 'momentary movement' to be killed. But just now, five intermediate wizards were there. More than 10,000 people were killed.

Unlike the legendary senior wizard who was killed by Abel, the legend is no less terrifying than the reality of everything he sees.

The long Knight Job's heart sank fiercely. He could not imagine what would happen when the Duchy of Taikos lacked an intermediate wizard, and the strength of the Duchy would decline significantly.

But at this time, it is no longer necessary to consider these. He is already thinking about how many knights he can bring back to the Duchy of Tycos today.

The three flying objects in front of them could not be attacked at all, and they could only be passively beaten. In addition to the fourteen griffin knights, now it depends on who can escape faster.

His eyes were rolling fast, thinking how he could leave here, and Abel turned again to look at the enemies in the battlefield.

"Enjoy my anger, attack!" Abel's voice rang through the earth. As soon as his order was issued, the crossbowman on the boat of the sky had inspired the powerful city crossbow, and a crossbow flew into the knight group. .

And the lightning spiral above the boat in the sky once again excited, this time the target was a battle formation of the fifteen great knight captains.

"Defense!" Shouted the great Knight Job. He had seen the lightning spiral start to glow, and knew that the situation was not good.

He didn't expect to run away at this time, because he knew that it wouldn't be faster than the "momentary movement" of the intermediate wizard, and even the intermediate wizard could not escape, and the knight riding a war horse like this could not escape.

His cries were fairly timely. At least before the Lightning Spiral came, their battlefield had successfully erected the defensive battlefield.

But all this was in vain. Between the flashes of lightning, the fifteen knight captains who formed the battle line had merged, and the lightning hit one of them, it was equal to all of them.

For lightning attacks, Abel did not dare to resist the lightning spiral attacks, even if he had not weak electrical resistance, let alone the big knights who were born with low resistance.

In just one blow, among the fifteen knight captains, the five weakest knight captains have become scorched black, and five ‘combats’ are rising in the battlefield.

The other ten knight captains have lost the ability to resist. At this time, according to the knight rule, they should be captured and their families will be required to pay the ransom for redemption.

But they did it wrong before, and they have lost the protection of the Cavaliers Code.

The second lightning bolt of the Lightning Spiral fell, adding ten more 'fighting fighters' to the battlefield.

The crossbow arrows fired by the Qiangcheng crossbow shot into the battle line of 14,000 knights, but at this time the knight battle line no longer had a commander, and after the crossbow shot, it became a piece of sand.

Fourteen Gryphon knights became hunters, and the terrible attributes of the Harry Bow in the air were evident. The almost shadowless arrows attacked with elements, causing the ground knights to fall continuously.

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(End of this chapter)

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