Abe the Wizard

Chapter 808: The last Principality of Keene (III

Chapter 808 The Last Principality of Keene (Three Chapters in One)

In early May, a sky boat was flying in the sky. Around it, ten griffin knights were guarding it. On the ground were three hundred knights wearing a full set of magic armor, controlling the war horses in order.

The ten knights marching in front of this three hundred knights are all knights with long ranks. They hold two types of heraldic flags in their hands, one is the unicorn coat of arms of the Harry family in Harvest City. Banner, a type of dragon heraldic banner.

Nobles who knew the coat of arms would recognize it as the two coats of arms of King Abel of the Principality of Camai.

This ceremonial ceremony shows that a powerful king is traveling. This is the first time that Abel has used the king's identity to travel. In order to honor the Principality of Cameron, he must show the bravery and power of the Principality of Cameron on major occasions.

Whether the boat in the sky or the griffin knight is a powerful symbol of the Principality of Camai, plus the three hundred knights in magic armor, this scale of defense has made all the duchy of the Holy Land irresistible.

For this trip, the Principality of Carmel forced the Principality of Laka and the Principality of Koror to withdraw from the boundary between the Principality of Carmel and the Principality of Keene, withdrawing fifty miles each.

Although the Principality of Raka and the Principality of Koror are quite complaining about this, they can only swallow their voices and concede each other from the border by fifty miles, so that there is a sufficiently wide passage between the Principalities of Kamai and the Principality of Keene.

And this army that defended Abel advanced from this channel to the Principality of Keene. Originally, the principalities of the Principality of Keane were weak and had small actions. Now, due to Abel's current visit, he had to change his plan.

Abel was sitting on the Sky Boat No. 1 at the moment, and the other two Sky Boats stayed in the Harvest City area of ​​the Principality of Camai to deter all intelligence organizations that dared to spy on the secrets of the Harvest City.

At this moment he was holding a sacrifice spell book obtained from the orc's high sacrifice, watching that King Kenneth of the Principality of Keene proposed to him the decision to merge into the Principality of Camai, disrupting his cultivation plan again.

He had intended to end Talaxia's exploration after the war, but now he had to postpone it.

It happened that his crystal crystal of the twelfth level wizard was full and was waiting for an opportunity for promotion. It was precisely because the level was about to increase that he decided to wait for his strength to rise by one level, and to have more control before killing Durrell.

Each level of wizard level increases, the suppression given by the higher level will be less, especially the dark gold level command like Durel.

The integration of the Principality of Keene into the Principality of Cameron is still confidential, but the Principality of Cameron has provided a batch of food to the Principality of Keen for all the principalities to be very eye-catching. If the Principality of Cameron did not show its strength, they There are still some ideas, but now there is only envy.

The Principality of Keene is through this batch of food, allowing the people to have a respite.

When Abel's army entered the Principality of Kean, a knighthood of a hundred knights joined the guard, which was the last arm of the Principality of Kean. The joining of these knights also showed that the Principality of Kean was against Abel Welcome welcome.

Of course, this is also the last glory of the Principality of Keene. These 100 knights will eventually become the knights of the merged Principality of Camai. At this time, the knights did not know these.

On their way to the Principality of Dubili, the Principality of Kean, countless people of the Principality of Keene looked at this mighty army with a venerated look, and the boat in the sky in the sky made them feel like they had never I have been trembling.

That is a kind of human fear of unknown things. A ship capable of flying in the sky, and flying in the sky with a strong arm, anyone who sees the boat in the sky will have a deep sense of powerlessness.

It was this act of manifestation of force that made the people of the Principality of Keane feel awe of Abel and his party, which is also Abel's intention.

Let the people of the Principality of Keene see the strength of the Principality of Cameron, coupled with the use of food to solve the people's food and clothing, this will make the Principality of the Keen better integrated into the Principality of Cameron.

At this time is the time of winter wheat harvest, but along the way, a large area of ​​the Principality of Keene has been deserted. The invasion of the four principalities has put this principality into despair, and the food of the Principality of Camai is like a desert. The bowl of water, although not much, gave them hope.

When Abel's army appeared outside the city of Billy, King Kenneth and the ministers of the Principality of Keane had stood at the gate of Billy to meet Abel.

This etiquette was beyond the expectation of all the nobles in Biry City, and it also puzzled the diplomatic envoys and intelligence personnel of each country in Biry City.

No matter how honorable Abel's identity is, this behavior of King Kenneth is more like a subordinate's act. As the king greeted out of the city, this etiquette will only appear when the country surrenders.

Because at any time, the king always represents the decentness of a duchy, and once the king loses his dignity, the duchy will be despised by the human world.

No matter how weak the Principality of Keane is, it is still a Principality, a Principality recognized by the human world.

Although Abel was strong and the Principality of Cameron was also strong, Abel was not counted as a master blacksmith in terms of identity. His king status was equal to that of King Kenneth.

Abel also gave King Kenneth his face. Not far from the gate, the sky boat descended, and he walked down from the sky boat.

"Dear King Abel, welcome to your visit!" King Kenneth hurried forward and bowed deeply.

He had already made Abel his own king at this time, and he was just a noble who would loyal to Abel. Although his status was reduced, he could keep the wealth and prosperity of the family, and it was worth it.

"King Kenneth, thank you for your welcome!" Abe also bowed back and said with a smile.

The ministers behind King Kenneth looked at Abel with a complicated look. Since King Kenneth's operation was very confidential, these ministers had just learned about the incorporation into the Carmel Principality.

Abel was a nightmare for the Principality of Keane, that is, he personally changed the Principality of Keane from strong to weak, and the disappearance of the wizarding circle greatly reduced the power of the Principality of Keane.

However, at that time, Abel as a wizard engaged in the war with the prince of Keene. It was an act between wizards, and if it wasn't for the prince of Keene, the wizarding circle did something beyond the rules of the wizard.

No one is clear about the right or wrong of this, and this hatred should be very bone-in.

But the invasion of the Principality made the four neighbors of the Principality of Keane become far more hateful enemies of Far Biaber, countless knights and nobles were lost, food and wealth were looted, and the Principality was almost destroyed Country.

It was at this time that Abel extended a helping hand to them, providing food to the Principality of Keene, so that the Principality could spend the most difficult moments.

So these ministers of the Principality of Keene have a very complicated attitude towards Abel, and they also know that Abel will become their king, and their fate will be put into the hands of this young king.

"His Majesty King Abel!" The ministers bowed and salute, things have come to this point, they also know the purpose of Abel today, they can no longer prevent this from happening, they can only accept.

Ministers at this time have begun to consider the attitude of their families, how to deal with Abel, and get the corresponding rights.

"King Abel, please!" King Kenneth said in a greeting.

At this time, a luxurious carriage stopped beside Abel. This is a carriage dedicated to the King ’s King. The golden body reflects the dignity of its users. The four snow-white war horses use the same golden horse. The harness pulled the golden carriage.

A waiter was approaching to help open the carriage door, but King Kenneth stepped forward to open the door.

Abel smiled, and made a treat, inviting King Kenneth to board the carriage with him. King Kenneth showed absolute respect for him, and he paid the same respect to King Kenneth.

During the carriage journey, the entire population of Biri City was concentrated on both sides of the avenue. When they saw the golden carriage, they were cheering wildly. For the Camai Principality who helped them, these people came from a sincere welcome.

And some aristocrats who have some ideas about Abel and the Principality of Camai have seen in the sky the sky boats that have been traveling at the same speed as the carriages on the ground, and the gryphon knights constantly circling around the sky boats. That little idea disappeared.

The carriage was slowly marching, receiving the welcome of the people around it. Three hundred knights of the Principality of Camai followed the golden carriage, and a hundred knights of the Principality opened their way in front.

The front curtain of the golden carriage was opened, and Abel and King Kenneth smiled and waved while talking softly to each other.

Just in the sky and the ground were protected by strong force. At a seemingly extremely safe moment, Abel's eyes suddenly changed, and a magic shield appeared in his left hand, blocking him and King Kenneth. .

The knight's long consciousness made him feel locked by a killer. The quick dress change from the space bracelet is a skill he has learned from constant battles for a long time. The spiritual force penetrated into the space bracelet and the shield appeared directly on the left hand. In the middle, it was only an instant.

Of course, he can also have a better way to deal with it, that is, `` momentarily move '' to the attacker's side and catch the attacker.

But doing so would put King Kenneth in danger. He would not let King Kenneth die at this time. The Principality of Keene would soon become the Principality of Carmel. He did not want to be caused by King Kenneth. , And affect the implementation of the plan.

"Ding!" A armor-piercing arrow flew from the carriage on the side, and at the same time two white lights appeared on the side of Abel's carriage. This was the light of 'momentary movement'. There were two intermediate wizards at the same time. Attacked Abel.

Abel couldn't move. King Kenneth beside him was just an ordinary nobleman, not even a knight. Even a slight attack would cause King Kenneth to be fatally hit.

When the armor-piercing arrow hit the magic shield, Abel clearly smelled the stench of the armor-piercing arrow, which had a great poison on it.

The two intermediate wizards also have very strong combat experience. The "fireball" spell has been completed as soon as they appear in the hands. This is a two-handed spellcasting technique. When the two intermediate wizards are in a carriage, they have moved 'instantly' 'The spell is activated, and at the same time the' Fireball 'spell pattern is drawn.

When arriving in front of Abel, 'Fireball' was activated with almost no pause and flew towards Abel.

The 'fireball' spell is a group attack spell. Once Abel is blasted to protect himself, there is absolutely no problem, but the King Kenneth on the side will be harmed.

The probability that an ordinary person can survive within the explosion range of two 'fireball' spells is almost zero.

After the two intermediate wizards threw the "fireball" spell, another spell pattern was almost completed in the other hand.

Abel's hand lightly rested on King Kenneth's body, and the 'momentary movement' was activated. After his 'momentary movement' spell was activated after the 'fireball' spell, he first cast it out. By then, it had disappeared from the carriage.

After being hit by two 'fireballs', this luxurious golden carriage was turned into fragments of one place by two closely related explosions. Four white warhorses were also injured by the explosion and turned into flesh and blood of one place. .

The two intermediate wizards did not expect that Abel could also ‘move in an instant’, which is not consistent with the information they received. The information did not say that Abel was an intermediate wizard.

Just as the two intermediate wizards were looking for Abel's "momentary movement", two lightning bolts from the sky hit them.

If the attack comes from Abel, they may still have the opportunity to use 'momentary movement'. Even if they do not have the opportunity to use 'momentary movement', the 'momentary movement' scroll on them will also flee.

However, their two intermediate wizards never thought that the attack came from the sky. Although the boat in the sky showed a strong war capability in the war, it was only in the war. In such a dense crowd, they did not believe it. The machinery on the sky boat will attack them with precision.

They were wrong, and the price of the mistake was to be struck by the lightning spiral lightning.

If it is a burst of strong city crossbow, it is really impossible to respond in a short time, because the burst of strong city crossbow is aimed at attack by people, no matter how good the crossbow archer has time to prepare.

But the Lightning Spiral is different. It is controlled by Spirit of the Sky Boat 1. As long as it is within the detection range of the Spirit of the Sky Boat 1, the Lightning Spiral can attack at any time.

The passive defense magic items on the two intermediate wizards were activated, which made the lightning spiral's lightning attack effect less, but it only reduced a little, and the remaining power was enough to cause the two intermediate wizards to be seriously injured by lightning. State while being paralyzed.

"Protect King Kenneth!" Abel ordered to the ten knight captains who rushed forward.

His heart was already full of anger, and this assassination appeared on him. After he turned King Kenneth into the protection of ten knight captains, he immediately turned into a white light and appeared next to the two intermediate wizards. , The shield in his hand knocked down on the two intermediate wizards.

"Shield strike", his power is not great, but the stun effect of "Shield strike" brought two intermediate wizards into a completely involuntary state for two seconds, and then he took two from the space bracelet The shackles were brought directly to the two intermediate wizards.

By this time, the carriage on the roadside had been struck by several lightning bolts. When several knights opened the door, the two archers inside had become scorched corpses.

Both archers should be very scary assassins. They know how to suppress murderous forces, and they will only be exposed at the last moment, but they find the wrong target, and the terribleness of the sky boat is beyond their expectations.

The two archers only fired one arrow, and they were baptized by lightning from the sky. Although their bodies have been extremely strong, but in the face of the lightning spiral attack, no lightning element resistance, no matter how strong the body is useless.

Abel grabbed two intermediate wizards, his figure turned into a white light and disappeared, and then he appeared on the boat in the sky.

He threw the two intermediate wizards to the ground, and then said to Captain Bodley, who came with him, "Call the intelligence department to check for me and dig out from their mouths who wanted to assassinate me!"

"Her Majesty, are they intermediate wizards, the Wizarding Guild?" The Grand Cavalier Bodley has contacted many intermediate wizards, knowing that intermediate wizards have many privileges, and intermediate wizards who usually kill people in the city will be handled by the wizarding association. The local principality has no right to deal with it.

"Don't worry, no wizarding guild will take the lead for these two intermediate wizards, and I'm also trying to see who will take the lead for them!" Abel said with murderous eyes.

Today is a happy day. At such a time when we should be happy, this kind of thing happened, so how could he not be annoyed in his heart.

He also saw that both the intermediate wizard and the archer were real assassins, especially the fighting skills of the two intermediate wizards, which would definitely not be ordinary intermediate wizards.

Of course, although the intermediate wizards are powerful, they have shackles. The intermediate wizards are just like ordinary people and cannot use mana. The space bags on the two intermediate wizards have also been taken down by Abel. The two intermediate wizards are almost placards. The meat is already powerless to resist.

There are countless ways for the intelligence service to let anyone speak. Abel now just has to wait for the final result.

"King Kenneth, are you okay?" Abel ‘moteed’ from the sky boat back to the ground and stepped forward to King Kenneth.

"Thank you King Abel for your life-saving grace, or I'll die on the carriage!" King Kenneth looked at the wagon that had turned into a black and gray carriage gratitudely, thanking him.

"I've asked the intelligence department to interrogate, it's likely that I'm bothering you!" Abel said with a smile and waving.

The carriage was destroyed, and at the same time, the surrounding people were a little confused, but this battle started quickly and ended quickly. Two powerful intermediate wizards were instantly subdued, which made the people immediately confused by Abel's power once again. Cheers.

After changing a carriage, Abel and King Kenneth got into the carriage again and headed towards the palace.

When he arrived at the palace, King Kenneth had recovered his calmness, but there was something different in his eyes when he looked at Abel, and his strength was always awesome.

Previously, Abel's power was in the legend, but now everything happens before his eyes. This experience is different from rumors.

In the palace hall, the noble nobles of the entire Biri city, as well as some powerful knights, are concentrated here.

Although they were nobles and knights in the city of Biri, due to the invasion of the Four Principalities, the nobles and knights of the Principality of Keene were almost all concentrated in the city of Biri. Although the war has ended, due to the destruction of the four principalities and shortage of food The problem is that these nobles and knights remain in Biri.

When Abel and King Kenneth entered the hall, the eyes of hundreds of nobles and knights in the hall all focused on Abel.

"Cough!" King Kenneth gave a slight cough, turning everyone's gaze in the hall to him.

"The Principality of Cameron is a powerful Principality. Under the leadership of King Abel, it defeated the Five Principality Alliance consisting of 14,000 knights with three hundred knights and created a miracle of war!" King Kenneth solemnly introduced Road.

There was a round of applause in the hall. The glorious victory was always sung, and the commander of this war was in sight, and it made everyone more excited.

"The Principality of Cameron is a rich Principality. In the current situation of severely reduced crops, the Principality of Cameron can still guarantee the food of every citizen and give us a helping hand!" King Kenneth continued Again.

Applause resounded in the hall, and everyone present was a beneficiary of aid from the Principality of Camai.

"Today, on behalf of the royal family of the Principality of Keene, I formally loyal to the honorable King Abel, and transferred the rights of the Principality of King Abel to King Abel. , My people will always enjoy a peaceful and stable life! "King Kenneth's voice rose, he announced loudly.

The sudden news made the whole hall quiet, and everyone in the hall couldn't digest the news just heard.

The people present were not ordinary people. The identity of the nobles and knights made them know more about the Principality of Cameron, and how powerful the Principality of Cameron is today, and what the Principality of Keane is facing.

The Principality of Keane has been lingering for a long time. If the Principality of Cameron had not destroyed the principalities around the Principality of Keane, the Principality of Keane would not have existed until now.

Joining the Principality of Camai is acceptable, because in the Kingdom of St. Ellis, there is no Principality that can accept them except the Principality of Camai. Other Principalities do not say that their domestic strength is greatly weakened, that is, food. Unable to feed itself, let alone the Principality of Keene.

But the only question now is whether their treatment will change after they join the Principality of Kamak, will they be marginalized, and will their titles and territories be affected.

"I accept the allegiance of the Duke of Kenneth and promise that as long as the nobles of the Principality of Keene are loyal to the combined Principality of Cameron, your current territory and title will remain unchanged, and in the process of rebuilding this land in the future, I also need your support! "Abel said with a smile as he watched the disturbed crowd.

The area of ​​the Principality of Keene is not small. Due to the war, there are very few nobles in various places. After being returned to the Principality of Camai, it needs to be rebuilt, which requires all kinds of talents.

In the holy continent, this kind of talents are all from the aristocracy. The civilians have no inheritance of management. A large number of job vacancies make Abel pay great attention to the nobles and knights in the hall.

"Allegiance to you, my king!" Said an old nobleman, bowing first.

With a head start, nobles and knights one after another swore to pledge allegiance, and there was no longer a straight attendee in the hall.

The integration of the Principality of Keene into the Principality of Cameron has shaken the entire Holy Continent. This is the first case of the Principality being merged into the Principality in nearly a thousand years, and the position of the Principality of Keene has made the other five The principality was extremely disturbed.

Because all the territories of the Principality of Camai now border all five other principalities, and a powerful principality that is powerful enough to suppress the union of all principalities, the five principalities feel oppression.

The territory itself has been reduced because of compensation after the defeat. What is happening now makes them feel less secure.

In the palace hall of the Kingdom of St. Ellis, the atmosphere was extremely dull, with a weaker nation and a stronger nation, which greatly affected the strength of the kingdom of St. Ellis.

Although the Camai Principality is said to be a country, it is now closer and closer to the kingdom of St. Ellis in terms of strength. The Kingdom of St. Ellis has 20,000 Knights, and the Camai Principality has more than 10,000 Knights.

The Kingdom of St. Ellis has a squadron of about 100 Gryphon knights, while the Principality of Camai has only fourteen Gryphon knights, but its equipment is more powerful, and it is assisted by a boat in the sky. The air superiority of the Kingdom of Sri Lanka is lost.

In terms of wizards, if the middle and low-level wizards are truly contrasted, the Wizarding Circle of the Carmel Principality of the Mormon Intermediate Wizards with lightning talent will be in terrible results once they fight against the wizarding circle of the Kingdom of St. Ellis.

The senior wizards in the kingdom of St. Ellis did not dare to go to Harry Castle. There was a graveyard for senior wizards. Three 17th-level senior wizards died there, which made most senior wizards lose their way to Harry Castle. Courage.

The most terrible of the Principality of Cameron is not these, but their king. Abel has the strength that has been proven to destroy the city. This strength makes Abel's destructive power almost equal to that of the Principality of Cameron and St. Eli. The gap between the strength of the Kingdom of Sri Lanka.

"Father, Duke Kenneth has no right to give the Principality of Keene to Grandmaster Abel!" Said the prince Alec and stepped forward in the hall.

Although he said in his mouth that he had no right, Kenneth was already called the Duke in his words, which was a tacit acquiescence.

"Your Majesty, we can't just sit back and watch the Principality of Cameron, the Principality of Cameron, having a lot of food. In such a shortage of food, it is too easy to buy people's hearts, and we do n’t know how Master Abel had so much food. What the Empire needs most urgently! "Said Duke Ernest Shen.

He had felt the pressure from the Principality of Carmel. Both the great prince Alec and the Duke of Ernest had a good relationship with Abel on the surface, but differences in national interests directly made them ask for the kingdom of St. Ellis. Punish Abel.

"Alec, envoy Carmel Principality again for me, bring a redrawn map as a congratulation to the merger of the two principalities and the 15 cities of the Carmel Principality!" His Majesty Ambrose said as a gift , But his face was gloomy.

The great prince Alec heard that he would bring a re-drawn map as a gift, and he was surprised to see His Majesty Ambrose. If he took such a gift, he would recognize the expansion of the Carmel Principality from the side of the empire. legality.

"Father Emperor, did you just recognize the status of the Principality of Camai in this way?" The great prince Alec asked unwillingly.

"Alec, if we don't approve the integration of the Principality of Keene into the Principality of Carmel, then the integration of the Principality of Keene into the Principality of Cameron will not stop there?" Ambrose asked in a deep voice.

"No!" Said Grand Prince Alec, shaking his head.

"Are we really at war with the Principality of Camai now, is it feasible?" His Majesty Ambrose asked again.

The great prince Alec still shook his head. How could he start a war again? This time, he sent a 20,000 knight army to the Principality of Thunder and wanted to check the price. However, he returned dimly, and it was consumed by the 20,000 knight army. Grain and grass all robbed the four principalities and the Principality of Keen all at once, and wanted to send 20,000 knights out, and there was no supply of grass.

"It can neither start war nor prevent the Principality of Keene from being merged into the Principality of Camermy. It does not recognize that the merger of the Principality of Cameron is still strong, and acknowledges that the merger can also ease relations with the Principality of Cameron. Everything is for the benefit of the Empire!" Ambrose! His Majesty said to Alec the Great Prince.

"Yes, Father, I will go to the Principality of Camai!" Said Alec the Great Prince.

(End of this chapter)

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