Abe the Wizard

Chapter 838: Cui Fanke (3

Chapter 838 Cui Fanke (Three Chapters In One)

Outside of Kurast Harbor in Dark World, Abel has leveled Spider Forest, huge wetlands, peeling forests, lower Kurast floors, Kurast malls, and upper Kurast floors.

Of course, the **** creatures on the ground are the easiest. Johnson, who has the Tatar artifact set, the young dragon Feiyan and Bai Xue almost wipe out all the **** creatures in a sweeping manner, and Abel only needs to follow Charge the soul of the **** creature.

He found Klim's eyes in a spider cave in the Spider Forest, found Klim's brain in a peeling cellar in a peeling forest, entered the sewer from the Kurast store, and found it on the second floor of the sewer Klimt's heart.

Exploring these caves took him a lot of time. Due to the large number of **** creatures here, each row in the cave must be further cautious, and he dare not to joke about his life.

With the ghost guardian knight as a shield, this allowed him to collect these Klim's bones. These bones were synthesized into Klim's will using Heraldik cubes. Klim's will can use Klim's willpower. Come and destroy the Forced Orb to open the fallen sanctuary to Mephisto.

Abel remembered that the final dark gold **** commander of Kurast Harbor was Mephisto, and he could only clean up Kurast Harbor **** creatures if he found and killed Mephisto.

And he was very clear that after killing the demon queen Andalil and Duriel, he got the World Stone Fragment. If he expected it, this Mephisto should be controlled by the World Stone Fragment.

The mysterious stone fragments of the world have a different appeal to him, especially as long as you have the corresponding stone fragments of the world, the corresponding area is completely under his control.

Just as he is now in the area of ​​Camp Rogge and Lugoin, because of the impact of the stone fragments of the world, he exists in these two areas as a god, except that his mental strength and constitution are limited and he cannot bear too much. More energy prevented him from entering the state of deities for a long time in these two areas.

At the same time, his real strength is too far from this sudden powerful godlike ability. If he is not careful, he will lose his soul, which makes him rarely stay in those two areas now.

But he was very clear that when his strength was further improved and his physique was stronger, the deities of the world stone given to him in the two places of Camp Rogge and Lugoin may be the goal to guide him forward.

Today he came to Trivank with three Klims' bones. This is where the Thakarum church is located. Mephisto uses the antiquities of the forcing sphere to control the priest and his followers of Thakarum. The evil lies.

Abel looked at the city made entirely of stones, and paid homage to the Church of Zakarum in his heart.

He still remembers the legend circulating here that the leader of the Church of Thakarum, Klim, was not deceived by Mephisto, but he was killed by other members of the High Council, and the body was split apart and buried in Everywhere, that is Klim's eyes, Klim's brain, and Klim's heart in his current hands.

Just sent Klim's flail, Klim's flail was on the members of the High Council.

"Johnson, be careful, these are ruins, don't step on them!" Abel turned to remind Johnson that he knocked a stone sculpture down.

Johnson looked helplessly at his big feet, and looked at this city, which was too delicate for it, but the owner's order still had to be obeyed.

Abel takes everything seriously here, because it will soon belong to him, and he doesn't want it to be in ruins.

A small group of **** creatures appeared. This was a group of mad soldiers in the church found Johnson. Of course, when Abel was with Johnson, Johnson was always found and attacked first, because Johnson was too obvious a target.

The screaming Berserker rushed towards Johnson with a knife and fearlessly. Their height could only attack Johnson ’s legs, but before they approached, the lightning spear in Johnson ’s hand swept across. Sweeped out a dozen Berserkers.

But just after these Berserkers, a flash of lightning hit Johnson, which made Johnson pause.

Abel could see clearly that it was a Heil Ofent in a robe. Heil Ofent was a caster of the Thakarum Church. He had 'lightning', 'healing', 'momentary movement', and 'blizzard' Four spells.

It can be said that Haier Offent is a wizard with a very comprehensive elemental attack ability, but its opponent is Johnson, who has a strong defense ability.

That lightning just gave Johnson a pause, and did no harm to it. Just above it, a dark cloud appeared. Before the 'blizzard' spell had fallen, it had already rushed into the Berserker's speed. In the middle, the lightning spear in his hand stabbed several Berserkers in succession, and also stabbed Haile Oventer into pieces.

Yes, it is smashing. The lightning spear in Johnson's hand is a weapon of the Titan. The huge spearhead combined with its great power will cause the stabbed person to directly become a fragment of a place.

Just as Johnson was preparing to expand the battle, an ice mist fell from the air, wrapping up all the Berserkers on the ground. The Berserkers in the Ice Fog quickly became ice sculptures, and White Snow hovered from the air. Next, I swept through the ice sculptures with its steel-like wings, and with a crisp crackling sound, the mad soldiers turned into a **** of ice.

Johnson was helpless to put away the lightning spear. On defense, it can surpass Bai Xue a lot, but on group attack, how can it be compared with the top-level spirit beast that has mastered the frozen element.

Fei Yan in the sky did not participate in the behavior of Johnson and Bai Xue's grabbing the battle results. He is proud that this low-level **** creature cannot attract his attention. At this time, he has turned his eyes to Huo Fan. Temple in the depths of K.

Johnson and Shirayuki soon found new targets, and they launched their attacks again.

Abel did not participate in the attack. He sat on the back of Black Wind and followed not far behind Johnson to ensure that the soul of each dead **** creature would be sucked away by the Heraldik cube.

Cui Fanke's range is not too big, but there are many buildings. Johnson and Shirayuki cannot enter the building to clean up the **** creatures, but **** creatures have a natural desire to attack non-hell life, so as long as they come near the building, these **** creatures Will automatically run out of the building.

Abel commanded Johnson and Shirayuki, and spent some time cleaning up the entire Cui Fank except the central temple.

At the same time, he also found Cui Fanke's teleportation station, using two perfect gems to activate it.

When he emerged from the building of the teleportation station, he saw Feiyan flying above the central temple, and he seemed to be provoking the members of the parliament.

Members of parliament also discovered Feiyan flying in the sky, and they threw out the 'nine-headed sea snake' spells one by one from the window.

The ‘Nine-Headed Sea Snake’ spell is the strongest of the fire-based spells. It summons the flame beast ’s nine-headed sea snake from the elemental world of fire and lets it attack the enemy autonomously.

At least this spell has exceeded the ability of senior wizards, and the members of the High Council of Zarakam churches specialize in fire spells, and under the strengthening of hell, they have the ability to cast this spell in advance.

Then a dark gold-level speaker rushed out of the temple with a group of members, shouting at Feiyan in the sky, and seemed to let Feiyan come down, 'Evil Hand-Ismail', Abel passed the world The ability of the Fragment of Stone sees the name of this Dark Gold Speaker.

Feiyan saw that 'Evil Hand-Ismail' provoked him and became very angry. To know that since he became a young dragon, in addition to maintaining respect for Abel's master, he also respected other contracts. There is a feeling of supremacy.

This is not what Fei Yan wants to be, but a natural pride of the Dragons that makes him so.

At this time, the provocation of "Evil Hand-Ismail" made him rush to the ground quickly, and a white ball of fire in his mouth spit out at "Evil Hand-Ismail".

In the sound of "Boom", 'Evil Hand-Ismail' was hit by a white fireball. The power of the white fireball also spread to the surrounding parliamentarians.

Even Abel in the distance can see the strength of the blow. The white fireball is Fei Yan's best attack, not to mention that the body and the steel will also be melted by it.

Abel thought that under this blow, the "evil hand-Ismail" would also be severely killed. After the white fireball attack of Feiyan disappeared, the "evil hand-Ismail" seemed okay. Generally, a 'nine-headed sea snake' is exhibited.

Just after the white fireball hit its body, four arcs were excited from its body, spreading around.

However, the arc spreading on the ground had no effect on the flying inflammation in the air, but it disappeared after spreading on the ground for a certain distance.

‘Lightning Enhancement’, Abel immediately recognized the enhancement capabilities of this hell.

Feiyan's white fireball not only did not hurt 'Evil Hand-Ismail', even the ruthless legislators around 'Evil Hand-Ismail' were not harmed.

'Invalid element of fire', Abel thought of the elemental invalidation ability of the members of the High Council of the Thakarum Church. This 'evil hand-Ismail' and the members surrounding it have the 'ineffective element of fire' .

With this ability, no matter how powerful the task's elemental fire attack is, it cannot exert its effect. This ability is not given to these members by hell, but it was owned by these members before they became **** creatures.

Fei Yan also did not expect this to happen. He was hit by a fireball from the Nine-Headed Sea Snake. As a dragon family who is also good at controlling fire, these fireballs could not hurt him.

Suddenly, the battle became extremely weird, and the flying white fireball and the "nine-headed sea snake" of "Evil Hand-Ismail" could not hurt each other.

Abel saw Fei Yan preparing to drop his body, and forcibly attacked 'Evil Hand-Ismail' with his claws, his face changed.

"Fei Yan, don't come near!" He immediately warned Fei Yan through the soul chain.

Fei Yan still obeyed his words, and immediately flew up again, but this short approach made Fei Yan's cursed light appear on his head.

‘Special Curse-Deepening Damage’ is another enhancement of Hell.

Captain Abel breathed a sigh of relief, just now he thought that the dark gold-level speaker here has an extremely scary ability, ‘Flame Enhancement’, which can almost achieve the ability to kill in one hit.

Regardless of whether this "evil hand-Ismail" has the ability to "fire strengthen", he will not let Feiyan try.

"Shirayuki, be careful, attack from a long range!" Abel instructed Shirayuki through the soul chain.

Just now Fei Yan was attacking, Bai Xue had been flying in the distance, and he dared not enter it, because the level difference made him afraid to get involved in Fei Yan's battle.

Now hearing the owner's order, Bai Xue flew over 'Evil Hand-Ismail', escaped several fireballs attacked by 'Nine-headed Sea Serpent', and spit out dozens of ice crystals to fly to 'Evil Hand- Ismail 'and surrounding MPs.

When he saw the ice crystals flying, the figure of "Evil Hand-Ismail" flashed a few ghosts on the ground, and he easily escaped the flying ice crystals, and his speed was a surprise to Albert.

"Extremely fast" is another kind of **** enhancement.

However, although the "evil hand-Ismail" escaped, the legislators around him did not escape. They were hit by ice crystals one by one and their bodies were smashed into ice sculptures.

Bai Xue saw the attack escaped, and seemed to feel lost face in front of Fei Yan and his master, and his mouth spit again. This time, an ice mist appeared, covering the entire area.

This large-scale attack cannot be avoided by speed. ‘Evil Hand-Ismail’ is also covered by ice and fog, and the body is blue, and the speed is greatly reduced.

When Shirayuki saw the attack had an effect, another string of ice crystals spit out of his mouth. This time, the greatly reduced speed of "Evil Hand-Ismail" did not escape the ice crystals.

Ice crystals exploded on the body of the "evil hand-Ismail", and the body of the "evil hand-Ismail" kept shaking, and the arc was spreading around it. With.

Abel looked at ‘Evil Hand-Ismail’, which had been stuck for five minutes under the attack of Shirayuki, and could not help but estimate its defensive ability.

'Skin hardening', he estimates that this 'evil hand-Ismail' should have this hell-enhancing ability.

"This is the first kind of **** enhancement ability?" Abel calculated, he was very fortunate that the speaker did not appear in the cave or the building, otherwise he would kill the word of "evil hand-Ismail" by him That would be a very dangerous thing.

And this is only a speaker of dark gold grade. According to Abel's knowledge, there are three speakers of dark gold grade in this temple.

Finally, "Evil Hand-Ismail", which lacks defense ability against the frozen elements, suddenly bursts out in the constant ice crystal attack.

As he was being slowed by the frost, and the ice crystal attack had an interruption effect, the ‘evil hand-Ismail 'could barely cast the‘ Nine Hydra ’spell and died.

"Fei Yan, another group of members will come out!" Abel instructed Fei Yan through the soul chain.

In the contract here, Johnson and Fei Yan have strong defenses, but Fei Yan has the advantage of flying. This kind of thing that leads to the **** creatures in the temple is of course the most suitable for him.

Fei Yan's body was circling at the gate of the temple, and the dragon groaned continuously in his mouth. Unfortunately, the **** creatures here were not afraid of the dragon groans, but the dragon groans made the **** creatures in the temple go crazy.

The two secret gold-level speakers rushed out of the temple with a group of parliamentarians, and saw that both dark gold-level speakers were led out, and Abel could not help but relax.

He didn't want to go into the temple and fight desperately with this speaker, it was too dangerous.

"Finger of Fire-Gileb", "Ice Fist-Toke", Abel sees the names of the two dark gold-level speakers through the ability of the stone fragments of the world.

'Finger of Fire-Gillib' first rushed out of the many members of the parliament, his body turned into a ghost image, rushing towards Fei Yan, but Fei Yanfei was a bit high, it could only be displayed helplessly. Head sea snake 'spell.

The "Ice Fist-Toke" does not seem to have a "specially fast" enhancement, and it is much slower, but it soon came to the "Finger of Fire-Gilleb" and also exhibited the "Nine-Headed Sea Serpent" spell. .

For a while, dozens of 'nine-headed sea snakes' were summoned above the ground, and large red fireballs flew towards Fei Yan.

Fei Yan was lazy to avoid the fireball that came, and he once again spit out a huge white fireball to the ground.

However, what made Feiyan depressed was that the white fireball exploded on the two dark gold-level speakers, but it had no effect, and even the legislators on the side were not harmed.

All members of the Zakaram High Council members have the ability to "invalidate the element of fire", and the powerful Feiyan has no power at all.

When Shirayuki saw this situation, he could not help but tell Abel to spit out an ice mist and wrapped the parliamentarians on the ground.

Fei Yan is not without his mission. He needs to attract all the fireballs from the nine-headed sea snake to him. Shirayuki can't bear so many fireball attacks.

Almost soon, the speaker and members of the parliament on the ground were wrapped in frost outside the body, turned blue, and the speed dropped.

But 'Ice Boxing-Toke' is the exception. This ice mist has no effect on it. It keeps showing 'nine-headed sea snake' to the surroundings.

"Leave it alone, kill the other monsters first!" Abe hid in a safe place and could clearly see the situation on the battlefield, he commanded.

Snow's consumption seems to be a bit large. Its ice mist and ice crystal attacks both consume a large amount of ice elemental energy, and it can only use frozen elements to attack in cold places.

After seeing Shirayuki's ice attack slow down, Abel immediately sensed the cause through the soul chain, and then a bottle of ‘full rejuvenation potion’ was passed to Shirayuki ’s body through the potion space in the belt.

Bai Xue's body flashed a purple light, and the energy in her body instantly recovered to its full value. Its frozen elemental attack was once again quickly displayed.

Abel guessed that 'Finger of Fire-Gileb' should also have a lot of **** enhancement capabilities, but under the attack of snow in the sky, this makes 'Finger of Fire-Gileb' simply unable to fight back. The general attack of the bug quickly emptied the vitality of 'Finger of Fire-Gileb'.

"Boom", the body of 'Finger Finger-Gillib' exploded, and the fiery red fire element can be seen almost instantly with the naked eye.

Although Abel couldn't know all the hell-enhancing abilities of 'Finger Finger-Ghileb', he was certain that he had the hell-enhancing ability of 'Fire-enhancement', because the explosion just now was the manifestation of the 'fire-enhancement' ability.

In the battlefield, only 'Fist of Fist-Toke' is left, the speaker of the dual invalidation ability of 'Ineffective Fire Elementary' and 'Ineffective Ice Elementary'.

"Johnson, be careful!" Abel is still very confident in Johnson's ability, even if the opponent has the ability to 'fire strengthen', but Johnson has the ability to attack and rebound, in this case, in case of 'ice fist- Toke 'has the ability to' fire strengthen ', then the most likely is that' ice fist-toke 'is directly bounced to death by his' fire strengthen'.

However, Abel still wants Johnson to try not to let the 'Ice Fist-Tocker' approach the attack. With the length of the lightning spear, as long as the attack is accurate, the 'Ice Fist-Tocker' without the 'special fast' ability cannot be approached. .

With a lightning spear, Johnson rushed forward, and because of his speed, his huge steel body could only see a phantom.

With a bang, the tip of its lightning lance hit the body of Ice Fist-Tock accurately. The huge impact force caused the body of Ice Fist-Tock to fly out involuntarily.

When 'Ice Fist-Tock' landed, Abel could see the electric arc flashing on its skin, which was the damage of the lightning spear on it.

It was just that this strong attack by Johnson, with the properties of the Lightning Spear Artifact, plus the impact of its rapid acceleration, actually only caused ‘Ice Fist-Tock’ to be slightly injured.

"How many defense enhancements does this guy have?" Abel exclaimed.

This enhancement of **** is a rule-based enhancement, is it 'skin hardened' or 'extra strong', or both.

The faceted iron ball in Johnson's body is also changing rapidly. The faceted iron ball drawn with the element of fire resistance has been placed on the outermost layer of the body, so that the fireballs spit out by the nine-headed sea snake can only be found in it. A little black mark was left on his body.

Abel knows that this is not because the ‘Nine-Headed Sea Snake’ spell is not powerful, but that ‘Ice Fist-Tok’ has only forcibly mastered this top-level spell, which has greatly reduced the power of this spell.

Of course, Johnson ’s defense is also extremely strong, which makes the fireball attack of the “nine-headed sea snake” hardly produce any effect.

"Ice Fist-Toke" can't help casting the useless "Nine Hydra" spell. When he finds that this spell can't hurt Johnson, he wants to attack it closely, but even though Johnson's target is huge, but Johnson with a "specially fast" reinforcement is not that it can be said to be close.

The lightning spear in Johnson's hand kept blasting ‘Ice Fist-Toker’ away, and his body kept moving his position, making ‘Ice Fist-Toker’ unable to approach.

Fighting is a unilateral attack. ‘Ice Fist-Tocker’ is like a hard stone. It is dropped by Johnson's constant beatings, but he stands up only once every time.

Abel knows the results of the fight no longer need to think about it, Johnson has mastered the rhythm of the fight, even if the defense of ‘ice fist-tok’ is strong, under this attack, it is only a matter of time before defeat.

As time passed, the speed of ‘Ice Fist-Tock’ was getting slower and slower. At the end of a stab at Johnson, its body exploded outwards, and the frozen element exploded in an instant.

Johnson was not affected because he was not close.

‘Frozen Strengthening’, Abel sees what ‘Ice Fist-Tok’ ’s explosive ability was before he died.

In Abel's Heradick box, there were three more bottles of purple 'power potion', and each of the three Dark Gold Speakers provided him with a bottle.

Abel's body turned into a white light and disappeared in situ, using `` momentary movement '' to quickly enter the battlefield and search on the ground.

He did not pick up the staff in the hands of these members, because after the members died, the staff lost the blessing of hell, and they became dilapidated and no longer used.

"This is it?" Abel found a ring on the finger of the "evil hand-Ismail" corpse. As a wizard, it is impossible to use useless jewelry, whether it is a human wizard or this **** wizard. in this way.

Abel's brutal force cut the fingers of 'Evil Hand-Ismail' directly, and took off the ring that was shining with dark gold.

Just seeing the dark golden color made him rejoice. The ability of the dark golden ring and the stone fragments of the world was turned on.

‘Stone of Jordan’, a name appeared in his mind.

The surprise is definitely a surprise. If there is any dark gold ring that has improved his strength the most, then it must be a dark gold quality ring, ‘Jordan ’s Stone’.

This ring has increased all his spells by one level, increasing lightning damage by 1-12 points. This effect is not significant, but only allows him to carry in ordinary attacks without using lightning combat. 12 points of lightning damage.

Useful effects for him include 20 mana and 25% mana cap.

Adding 20 mana is not much, but increasing the mana cap by 25% is too much for him. For his current mana, the mana cap has increased by nearly a thousand points, which is a huge increase. It almost made him no longer have to worry about the consumption of mana.

Put 'Jordan's Stone' on your finger, of course, 'Bahamut's Vampire's Ring' can't be worn any more, 6% less mana stolen and 120 mana increased, but the benefits In terms of difference, it is too much.

The rules of dark world equipment can only be equipped with a maximum of two dark world rings, no more can produce effects.

'The Ring of Vampire of Bahamut' will not be wasted. This ring will be given to Bartoli to increase her strength. Abel is ready to put her in a rune suit too, her safety Already linked to the security of the Kingdom of St. Ellis.

‘Jordan ’s Stone’ is an unexpected delight, so it ’s to be expected to find ‘Klim ’s flail’ in the corpse of ‘Finger of Fire-Gileb’.

This 'Klimt's flail' was carried by the Speaker to ensure that the antiquities orb of the antiquities would not be destroyed. The only thing in the dark world that can destroy the orb of compulsory spheres is the 'Klein' synthesized from four Klein fragments. Will's. '

Now that Abel had four pieces of Klim's body, he emptied the Hradik cubes and put Klim's eyes, Klim's brain, Klim's heart, Klim's flail into He In the Ladik cube, mental power initiates synthesis.

In the white light, four items disappeared, and a new flail weapon appeared. This is 'Klimt's Will'.

Before entering the temple, Abel still scanned the temple with his spiritual power to ensure that there are no **** creatures in the temple. The **** creatures here are too terrible to fight, especially the ability to invalidate the elements, which is what restrains the wizard. Ability, so you can only be careful.

The temple was not large, and there was no compartment, so he quickly searched the temple, and after confirming his safety, he entered the temple.

The temple can be seen faintly, but unfortunately there are blood stains and stench everywhere. The dark brown blood stains have polluted the murals on the wall and the sculptures on the pillars. The temple, which was supposed to be sacred, is now hell. Creatures' lair.

Abel can see that the temple itself is made of the best white stone, and on the sacred platform in the center, the original deities can no longer be seen, leaving only the empty platform to the rear People know that this was once the place of the gods.

Thanks to "326 Men's First Male God" for rewarding 100 starting coins! !! Thank you "Sui Wind Piaoxu" for rewarding 100 starting coins! !! Thanks for "Cola Chicken Wings" for rewarding 100 starting coins! !! Thanks for the "white hot" reward for 100 starting coins! !! Thank you "slang" for rewarding 1000 starting coins! !! Thank you "Tom2017" for rewarding 2000 starting coins! !!

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(End of this chapter)

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