Although the seeds of the medicinal herbs have been bought, they are purchased online after all, and they are not delivered so quickly.

In the next period of time, Meng Hailong had no other plans, so he stayed at home, observed the purple pupils and a few of them, and by the way, he could also flip through the medical books.

For two days in a row, the killer did not appear again, and after careful observation, Meng Hailong did not find anything abnormal about the purple pupils.

If there is, it is that they seem to have fully integrated into the circle of life here.

"Could it be that the magic arrow is lying?" Meng Hailong had a big question mark in his heart, and this was also the result he hoped for.

In his heart, he was more willing to believe that it was the Divine Arrow that deceived him, than that it was the purple pupils who had some conspiracy.

"Village Chief, what is it in this bottle of yours, why is it so fragrant?" Zhao Qingqing held a bottle in his hand and suddenly asked.

Meng Hailong looked up and saw the bottle in Zhao Qingqing's hand, then he remembered a test he had done before, and hurriedly ran over and snatched the bottle from Zhao Qingqing's hand.

The bottle was placed in front of his nostrils, Meng Hailong took a light breath, and a faint fragrance immediately penetrated from his nostrils and went straight to his mind.

This faint floral fragrance is different from any other fragrance on the market, it smells not only fragrant, but also has a refreshing function.

Just taking such a breath and closing his eyes, Meng Hailong instantly felt like he was in a sea of flowers.

This feeling is really divine.

"Village Chief, is this a perfume?" Zhao Qingqing snatched the bottle back from Meng Hailong's hand again, put it on the tip of his nose, and took a deep breath.

A faint fragrance penetrated into her nostrils, and Zhao Qingqing quickly lost herself, and she seemed to have come to a sea of flowers.

Seeing Zhao Qingqing's very enjoyable appearance, Meng Hailong didn't say anything, just took out his mobile phone and dialed Ji Yun's phone.

As soon as the phone was connected, Meng Hailong said with a smile: "Ji Da Beauty, do you want to make a fortune

?" "Village Chief, don't you know what number this issue of Mark Six is going to open?" Ji Yun asked with a smile.

"Mark Six is a cancer, and sooner or later it will be cut off. Meng Hailong said with a smile, "We are serious people, and we will not go down the wrong path in making money." "

Okay, others don't know, can I still not know the greatness of the village chief?" Ji Yun continued, "Village chief, let's talk quickly

, what do you want to do to benefit the people this time?" "Hey, you really guessed it right, the village chief has recently researched a good product for the benefit of the people, Ji Da Beauty, if you are interested, come over quickly, I will give this product to others when it is too late

!" "Village Chief, don't don't!" Ji Yun was anxious when she heard this, and hurriedly said, "Give me thirty minutes, and after thirty minutes, I promise to appear in front of you."

After saying this, Ji Yun hung up the phone.

hurriedly went out and got into her QQ, only to start the car, Meng Hailong's phone called again.

After the phone was connected, Meng Hailong said to her with a smile: "Ji Da Beauty, look at your monkey urgency, drive carefully, we are so familiar, there is a new product coming out, I will definitely keep it for you." Ji

Yun was particularly moved by these words.

Meng Hailong didn't know that his words moved Ji Yun so much that he almost promised him, put away his mobile phone, and continued to bury his head in reading.

After soaking in flowers and spiritual springs, perfume will be formed, which is already an ironclad fact, and the next thing will be to wait for Ji Yun to come, and then discuss it with her.

In fact, from the time Meng Hailong called her to the time she appeared in front of Meng Hailong, Ji Yun only took more than twenty minutes.

The car was parked, and Ji Yun hurriedly ran into the yard.

As soon as she came in, Ji Yun was surprised to find that there were two more strange beauties in this courtyard.

When she came here before, Ji Yun had seen Liu Jinrui, and she also knew the relationship between Liu Jinrui and Meng Hailong, but the two beauties she saw this time, looking at their appearance, it seemed that the relationship with Meng Hailong was extraordinary.

"Village Chief, I haven't seen you for a few days, you are a Jinwu Zangjiao!" After being stunned for a moment, Ji Yun joked.

"It would certainly be true to say that these two are delicate, but my house is not a golden house, just a thatched house. Meng Hailong said with a smile, "Ji Da Beauty, you are also a beautiful woman, if you like it, you can also come to me to hide for a few days, the village chief is definitely welcome

!" "Virtue!" Ji Yun pursed his lips, looked at Zhao Qingqing and Zitong, and introduced himself, "Hello two beauties, my name is Ji Yun." "

Hello, my name is Zhao Qingqing, and I am a patient of the village chief. For fear of being misunderstood, Zhao Qingqing did not forget to explain the situation while introducing herself.

"Purple pupils, the village chief's maid. "

Maid?" Ji Yun pretended to be very serious and said, "Village Chief, you are so corrupt that you invite a maid, no, I will report you." Bring down you, the village chief, and make thousands of families happy.

"It's hard to say whether you can be happy or not if you can be happy with me, the village chief, but it's certain that you, a big beauty, want to eat soil." Meng Hailong said with a smile, "What I'm going to give you this time is a perfume, you see."

Meng Hailong beckoned to Zhao Qingqing as he spoke, and asked her to send the perfume in her hand to Ji Yun.

Although she was very reluctant, Zhao Qingqing also knew that Meng Hailong was going to talk to Ji Yun about serious matters, so she didn't say anything, and hurriedly handed the perfume in her hand to Ji Yun.

Catching the bottle handed over by Zhao Qingqing, Ji Yun put it on the tip of her nose and sniffed it, and immediately showed a very enjoyable expression.

Seeing her expression, Meng Hailong knew that she was also in the sea of flowers.

After almost a minute, Ji Yun opened his eyes and said with a smile on his face: "Developed, village chief, we are going to be developed again." "

Be calm!" Meng Hailong said unhurriedly, "Just a little perfume will make you like this, if the village chief takes out a bottle of holy water that day, won't it directly make you excited to death?" "

If you can take out the holy water, no matter how excited I am, I will definitely not die." Ji Yun said excitedly, "Village Chief, give this perfume a name, and I'll register the trademark." "

It's called potpourri!" Meng Hailong said after thinking for a while.

Perfume is infused with a variety of flowers, and although you can't distinguish the smell, you just need to feel that it smells like a flower, and it smells like a flower.

That's another magic of perfumery.

Therefore, there is a certain reason for calling it potpourri.

"Potpourri, good. Ji Yun said quickly, "Village Chief, you get more perfume as soon as possible, and I will go to register the trademark and make bottles, hoping that when the physical store of Fuyan opens, the potpourri can also be sold."

"Don't worry, you have as much perfume as you want. Meng Hailong said confidently.

Although there are not many flowers in the garden, in the Lingyu space, all kinds of flowers are competing to bloom, which is inexhaustible.

Now, with those flowers to make perfumes, you don't have to watch the flowers bloom and fall, wasting resources.

Ji Yun left quickly, because of these perfumes, she was not even interested in the seafood meal made by Meng Hailong himself.

After lunch, a small pickup truck slowly drove into Xiaolong Village.

At the same time, Meng Hailong's mobile phone also rang, and as soon as the phone was connected, he knew that the purchased medicinal herb seeds had been delivered.

Although Meng Hailong only bought one pound of each seed, due to the wide variety of seeds, this batch of medicinal seeds also has a total of thousands of catties.

Looking at so many medicinal herb seeds, Meng Hailong was a little surprised.

He had long known that there were many types of medicinal herbs, but he did not expect that there were thousands of seeds he bought.

If we plant it all, I don't know what the future holds.

Considering that all the seeds of these medicinal herbs would be planted in the Lingyu space in the future, Meng Hailong instructed the delivery person to let them move all these medicinal herb seeds into his room and store them.

Watching the delivery person move bags full of things into Meng Hailong's room, Zhao Qingqing and Zitong couldn't help but ask, "Village Chief, what did you buy?"

Meng Hailong smiled mysteriously and said, "Guess." Needless

to say, Zhao Qingqing and Zitong would definitely not have guessed, after all, who would have thought that Meng Hailong would suddenly have to plant medicinal herbs!

It took an afternoon for Meng Hailong to finally find the seeds of gastrodia from a large pile of medicinal herb seeds.

At night, when everyone was sleeping, Meng Hailong took these Tianma seeds into the spirit jade space.

On the golden land, Meng Hailong deliberately opened up a small piece of land for planting gastrodia, and after planting gastrodia, he walked under a few large umbrellas.

The big umbrella in front of me is not a real umbrella, but a Ganoderma lucidum.

The small Ganoderma lucidum transplanted by Meng Hailong from the mountain was planted on this golden land, and after this period of growth, it is now one person tall.

These huge Ganoderma lucidum plants are erected on top of the golden earth, like several huge umbrellas, which are very spectacular.

Looking at these huge Ganoderma lucidum, Meng Hailong's heart blossomed.

Last time, the giant ginseng was sold for a good price, and he was fully confident that as long as he took out these lingzhi, he could also sell it for a good price.

What made Meng Hailong even happier was that he found that next to these huge Ganoderma lucidum, some small Ganoderma lucidum seedlings had grown, and I believed that it would not be long before these small Ganoderma lucidum seedlings could grow into big Ganoderma lucidum.

Dig out the three giant reishi mushrooms and set them aside. Meng Hailong swung his hoe again and turned over all the remaining golden land.

Meng Hailong planned to plant all the medicinal herb seeds he bought on the golden earth.

Originally, the black soil would expand with the increase in the variety of planted species, and eventually this golden land was brought out.

Now Meng Hailong also wants to try whether this golden land, after the variety of plants is full, will also bring out a new land.

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