This proposal was quickly recognized by everyone, if these cabbages grown by themselves are really not as good as those cabbages grown by Meng Hailong, then everyone can only blame themselves for their inferior skills.

found Meng Hailong, the villagers said what they meant, Meng Hailong didn't say a word, and directly sent out more than a dozen catties of Chinese cabbage.

A large pot of boiled Chinese cabbage was quickly eaten up by everyone, without adding any condiments, just Chinese cabbage cooked in water, which tasted very sweet and fragrant.

"Our skills are not as good as others!"

"High culture is different, Hailong, this child must know how to plant scientifically, in order to grow such a delicious Chinese cabbage." Some

people blame the problem on culture, thinking that Meng Hailong once went to college and should have mastered some professional knowledge.

"Compared with the cabbage grown by the sea dragon, what we grow is. This

is a bit excessive, but it is well described, but anyone who has eaten those Chinese cabbages planted by Meng Hailong, and then eats ordinary Chinese cabbage, will have a feeling that is difficult to swallow.

Sun Wenqiang came back, and he brought bad news, Zhang Fei did not sign an acquisition contract with them, that is to say, the two parties are free to buy and sell, and if people don't buy everyone's cabbage, everyone can't do anything to him.

Someone calculated an account, and there were tens of thousands of catties of Chinese cabbage grown by everyone, and if these tens of thousands of catties of Chinese cabbage rotted in the ground, it would be a huge loss.

What's more, some villagers have also used their cultivated land in order to earn more, which is also a loss.

In the end, the problem has to be solved by the village chief, Sun Laifu was angry when he saw the villagers blocking the door, he was also for the good of everyone, so he let everyone plant cabbage, and he thought that there would be such consequences.

was blocked for several days in a row, Sun Laifu was also afraid, the mood of the villagers became more and more unstable, he was worried about being beaten, hurriedly cleaned up, and left Xiaolong Village with Sun Wenqiang overnight.

Anyway, find a place to hide and get past the limelight.

At the beginning, it was Zhang Fei who promised to give them a high commission, and Sun Laifu asked Sun Wenqiang to trick everyone into planting cabbage.

Fortunately, the villagers didn't know about this matter, otherwise, I am afraid that everyone would have done it a long time ago.

The village chief's family ran away, but the cabbage was still in the field, and the villagers were worried one by one, and in a few days, they seemed to be several years old.

It's not that no one has tried to contact the buyer outside, but these days the buyers are all the same, with a pot, the cabbage is boiled in the pot, and the people leave after tasting a mouthful, not to mention the high-price purchase, even if the family buys at a price lower than the market, no one wants it.

Some people mentioned that Meng Hailong might be able to help everyone contact buyers, as long as they can sell it, even if it is selling cabbage cheaply, it is better than letting cabbage rot in the vegetable field.

"I'll try!" The villagers found Meng Hailong and told him about the matter, but Meng Hailong didn't refuse, but he didn't dare to give everyone any guarantees.

After all, everyone grows ordinary Chinese cabbage, and it is a little unsellable on the market, and it is really hard to say whether anyone is willing to buy it.

The call naturally reached Hu Sijia, and after several contacts, Meng Hailong found that Hu Sijia was a very good and talkative boss.

She doesn't have the slightest boss frame, but she is quite efficient.

Meng Hailong said the general meaning, Hu Sijia was silent for a while, and finally said: "It's not easy to do, at least in my place, these cabbages will definitely not be sold, think about it, everyone is used to eating good, who wants to eat bad, besides, I can't smash the signboard myself, right?" "That's right, it's

really a big trouble!" Meng Hailong sighed, when the villagers wanted to plant a large number of cabbages, if he had stood up to stop it, maybe this situation would not have happened, but the question is, if he had stood up to stop him, would anyone have listened to him?

Presumably more people will think that Meng Hailong is afraid that everyone will rob his business!

Hu Sijia suddenly said, "You can try to contact some factories that make kimchi, pickles, etc., maybe people are willing to buy it, didn't you just say that the villagers don't care about the price, just want to be able to recover the cost?" "It's

really a word to wake up the dreamer!" Meng Hailong patted his head, he could really do this.

After hanging up the phone, Meng Hailong began to get busy for this matter, running several large kimchi factories, and as soon as people heard that it was Chinese cabbage or ordinary Chinese cabbage, they immediately said that they had no intention of acquiring it, which made Meng Hailong feel a little helpless.

The kimchi factory is reluctant to buy it, can we make it ourselves?

They all said that they can have enough food and clothing by themselves, and when he got home, Meng Hailong used his mobile phone to look up the production process of kimchi on the Internet, and after a brief understanding, he began to do experiments.

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