"Rarity, you think I have superpowers!" Meng Hailong thought for a while and said, "As for the origin of my superpowers, at present, I can't explain it to you.

"I just need to know that there is no problem with you, and I don't care about the rest." After Liu Jinrui finished speaking, he threw himself into Meng Hailong's arms.

The reason why she decided to ask about this matter was also because she was worried that Meng Hailong would have other problems, and when she learned that he was still the same as before, Liu Jinrui was relieved.

Although Meng Hailong couldn't explain his strange abilities clearly, there were still some things he could say.

For example, why the cabbage grown in Xiaolong Village is so delicious, and why he can grow golden roses, including his ability to understand the words of animals, Meng Hailong feels that there is no need to hide Liu Jinrui.

As for the fact that he has a clairvoyant eye, Meng Hailong didn't say it.

Of course, there is a reason why he didn't say it, in case Liu Jinrui knew that he had clairvoyance and mistakenly thought that he was looking at women everywhere, it would be bad.

It was already late at night when I was chatting, and as soon as the lights were turned off, a war began every other year.

I don't know why, Meng Hailong behaved very heroically tonight, killed Liu Jinrui to the point of losing his armor and begging for mercy.

In the early hours of the morning, Meng Hailong suddenly felt something, his heart moved, and he entered the Lingyu space without even having time to put on his clothes.

The reason why he was in such a hurry was because Meng Hailong had just had a hint of feeling.

He could sense that something big was about to happen in the Spirit Jade Space, and as for what was going to happen, he didn't know.

After coming to the Lingyu space, Meng Hailong found that some of the medicinal herb seeds planted a few days ago had already grown, and the rest had also sprouted, and it seemed that the seedlings would grow soon.

And with the emergence of these seedlings, the area of the golden land is also expanding rapidly.

Standing next to the golden land, Meng Hailong witnessed a spectacular scene with his own eyes, and at the same time as the golden land continued to expand, the fog around the golden land was slowly dispersing.

Just as the fog gradually dissipated, suddenly, a bare hill appeared in Meng Hailong's sight.

As soon as this bare hill appeared, Meng Hailong found that the area of the golden land was no longer expanding, even if the medicinal herb seeds in the ground were still growing, the golden land had not changed in any way.

However, if the golden land can have such an area as it is now, Meng Hailong feels that it is enough.

Only half of the bare hill appeared, and the remaining half of the hillside was still covered in mist, making it impossible to see the situation.

But Meng Hailong guessed that the other side of the hill should also be bare.

"These mulberry trees are going to be transplanted to the mountains." Meng Hailong thought so in his heart, and a magical scene happened.

A few mulberry trees that he had planted on the black soil suddenly disappeared on the black soil and appeared on the bare hill.

With the appearance of these mulberry trees, the hill seems to have grown a little bigger.

Witnessing all this, Meng Hailong was very surprised, and he felt more and more that in this spirit jade space, he was an omnipotent master.

I experimented with it again and transplanted some flowers and plants to the hill.

But Meng Hailong didn't transplant indiscriminately, because he found that once the flowers and plants were transplanted to the mountain, they could never be transplanted back.

He still didn't know what the attributes of this bare hill were, so he felt that it was better to be cautious for the time being.

In addition to transplanting mulberry trees and some flowers and plants to the mountain, Meng Hailong drove all the chickens to the mountain.

In order to provide food for Xiaohu before, he threw some chickens into the Lingyu space, and those chickens were not completely eaten by Xiaohu.

Later, Xiaohu left here, but the chickens were still there.

Meng Hailong didn't care about those chickens, and after a few times of breeding, there are now hundreds of chickens in the Lingyu space.

These chickens are now the subject of Meng Hailong's experiments.

Both the black earth and the golden land have the effect of time acceleration, Meng Hailong just wanted to see if the hill that had just appeared also had the effect of time acceleration, and if so, how many times faster?

After arranging everything, Meng Hailong went back to his room.

When he got up in the morning, before he had time to eat breakfast, Meng Hailong's phone rang, and the person who called him early in the morning was actually Liu Hai.

On the phone, Liu Hai kept thanking Meng Hailong.

Because of the clues provided to her by Meng Hailong, Liu Hai took the people from the police force to arrest Jiang Zhiyun and seize the stolen goods.

That bastard really planted poppies in the field under the cover of cultivating flowers, because the number of poppies planted was huge, and Jiang Zhiyun would be sentenced to death by the court.

successfully cracked this big case, and Liu Hai was highly praised by the superiors.

It is said that she also has the opportunity to take over the position of director and become the director of the Hai Duong Public Security Bureau. Of course, that's an afterthought.

Dare to plant poppies, Jiang Zhiyun will be caught, this is a matter of time.

Meng Hailong effortlessly got rid of this person who wanted to buy and kill him, but there was another person who was still alive and well.

This person is Sun Laixi.

According to the news brought back by the Divine Arrow, Sun Laixi also paid Skynet to buy Meng Hailong's life. Since this guy wants his life, then Meng Hailong naturally won't let him live too freely.

sent Song Qingshu out, of course, Meng Hailong did not ask him to kill, but asked him to collect evidence of Sun Laixi's crime.

A person who is connected to the killer organization, he will definitely not be innocent there, as long as enough evidence is collected, Meng Hailong can use legal means to clean him up.

Not long after Song Qingshu left, Mo Chen and Mo Yu appeared.

Although they were empty-handed, judging from the expressions on their faces, Meng Hailong knew that these two people had succeeded.

That's right, they did.

After Morita left, Mochen and the others followed him, and before Morita returned to the Xiongtai Group, Mochen and the others had already started to steal the super big Lingzhi.

It's just that with such a big Ganoderma lucidum, it is impossible for them to carry it back, so they first found a place to hide it. They came back here because they had promised Meng Hailong that they would take him to that island to visit those children.

If it weren't for this promise, Mochen and the others would have taken Lingzhi directly to that island a long time ago.

As soon as he said what he meant, Meng Hailong said, "You wait for me a while, I'll make a call first." Meng

Hailong called Wu Xinwen, discussed it with him, and decided to ask him to drive a boat to take them to that island.

Regarding Meng Hailong's arrangement, Wu Xinwen naturally has no opinion.

The fruit tree saplings were piled up on the island in the middle of the river, and after sending the workers to the island, Wu Xinwen could leave.

The reason why Meng Hailong wanted Wu Xinwen to send them was because he knew that Morita had lost Lingzhi, and he would definitely call the police.

The price of 100 million Ganoderma lucidum is lost, once the police are called, the police will definitely pay more attention.

Meng Hailong: If they take Lingzhi and walk the main road, they may be seized at any time, but it is different when they take the waterway, although there will be water police on the water, but relatively speaking, it is still much safer.

Wu Xinwen drove the boat, first went to the place where Mochen and Mochen hid the Lingzhi, and after getting the Lingzhi in his hand, he drove towards the island that Mochen said.

The island they were talking about was actually not very far, and the boat had been in the water for more than an hour, and the island had already appeared in everyone's eyes.

But just then, a speedboat approached them.

The speedboat was not big, but there were four people on it, all of them men, all of them wearing a pair of swimming trunks, with dark skin, and they knew at a glance that they were people who had been floating on the water all year round.

Seeing the speedboat approaching them, especially the appearance of the men on the speedboat, Wu Xinwen was a little anxious, looking at Meng Hailong, he quickly said: "Hailong, we may have encountered robbers, what should we do, do you want to call the police?"

"Don't worry, it's good to meet robbers, as long as you don't run into the police." Meng Hailong smiled, there was ink dust and ink rain, there was really nothing to worry about.

Meng Hailong was not only not worried, but also had some expectations, he secretly thought in his heart, this robber met a big thief, and he didn't know what the result would be.

Wu Xinwen was still very worried, but seeing Meng Hailong's calm and breezy appearance, he also relaxed a little.

For Meng Hailong, he still trusts him very much.

"Stop the boat, do you hear me?" As soon as the speedboat approached Meng Hailong's boat, one of the men yelled loudly.

"Xinwen, stop for a moment!" Meng Hailong commanded, and then, he looked at Mo Chen again, and said to him with a smile, "The rest of the matter will be handed over to you."

Mo Chen despised Meng Hailong for a moment, and then he looked towards the speedboat.

Wu Xinwen also understood that their ship couldn't outrun the speedboat at all, and even if he didn't stop the boat, people could easily catch up with them.

So, he quickly turned off the engine and stopped the boat.

The next moment Wu Xinwen stopped the boat, three of the four men on the speedboat climbed onto Meng Hailong's boat, leaving only one person to control the speedboat.

The three men who climbed up were carrying a mountain knife behind their backs.

Coming to Meng Hailong and the others, the three of them pulled out the mountain knife from behind their backs at the same time, and began to intimidate Meng Hailong and them, "From now on, this boat is ours, if you want to live, jump down, otherwise, the brothers will chop you up and feed the fish." "

Wait, there's a beautiful woman here!" The other man looked at Mo Yu with greedy eyes and continued, "The beauty stays, the man jumps, hurry up."

"Originally, I was going to give you a chance, but now, this opportunity has been canceled." Mo Yu said coldly, "Leave the third leg by yourself, and then roll down, or, I'll do it, but in that case, I promise that you will be better off than dead." "

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