Meng Hailong and the others did not stay on the island for too long, and when they left, Meng Hailong told Fang Ming that every week in the future, he would ask people to send some vegetables, fruits, rice and other things to ensure that the children could eat enough.

Listening to Meng Hailong's words, Fang Ming was grateful again.

Adopting so many children, the most difficult thing for him is the problem of food and clothing for the children. Meng Hailong's generous funding also solved this problem.

If Fang Ming knew that Meng Hailong was still thinking about building a school for these children, it was estimated that he would have to be moved to tears directly.

Of course, regarding the construction of the school, Meng Hailong only had a preliminary plan in his heart, and it is difficult to say whether it can be realized.

Therefore, before the matter is decided, Meng Hailong will naturally not say, lest when the time comes, if things are not done well, it will be disappointing.

"How about it, are you going back to Xiaolong Village with me, or do you have other plans?" Meng Hailong looked at Mo Chen and Mo Yu, and asked.

Meng Hailong knew the skills of these two people, although he really wanted to keep these two people by his side and become his right-hand men, but Meng Hailong didn't want to embarrass them.

After all, these two are grand thieves, and their future may have been planned long ago.

Meng Hailong didn't want to disrupt their plans, so he decided to respect the choice of the two people, if they were willing to stay, it would be best.

But if they want to leave, Meng Hailong will not forcibly stay, in short, everything is up to them.

Mo Chen and Mo Yu glanced at each other, hesitated slightly, and then the two spoke: "We just stole Ganoderma lucidum, and the limelight is tight during this time, let's go back with you, let's avoid splitting up first!" "

Actually, the limelight is just an excuse for Mo Chen, with their ability, as long as they are not stolen on the spot, they will definitely be fine.

And the reason why they said this was just that they didn't want Meng Hailong to feel that they were willing to stay and help him.

Because they were very curious about Meng Hailong's ability to command animals, Mo Chen and the others wanted to stay by Meng Hailong's side, hoping to find some secrets from him.

But they didn't want to become Meng Hailong's subordinates, so they could only find such an excuse.

For the thoughts of these two people, Meng Hailong also saw through it.

However, he didn't say much, between people, sometimes what is needed is trust. Meng Hailong believed in Mochen and them, so he and Ben didn't need to use any regulations to restrain them.

If it's a man and them, the situation is different!

Because the men are all killers, they only do things to achieve their goals, and they don't know how to control the sense of proportion at all, which requires some rules to restrain them.

Back in Xiaolong Village, Meng Hailong found that there was a guest at home, our Ji Da beauty, Ji Yun.

In fact, Ji Yun had been waiting here for a long time, and after seeing her, Meng Hailong knew that this beauty had been calling him, but unfortunately his mobile phone was turned off because it was not charged in time.

"Village chief, village chief, can you please go out and bring a power bank?" Knowing that Meng Hailong's mobile phone was turned off because there was no power, Ji Yun said helplessly, "This girl has been waiting for you here for more than an hour, you want to kill me in a hurry!" "

Okay, I'll bring a generator next time." Meng Hailong joked and said: "Ji Da Beauty, you are in such a hurry to see me, have you taken an expired magic medicine, waiting for me to help you reduce the fire, or what's the matter?"

"you, you just took the expired elixir!" Ji Yun scolded angrily, and glared at Meng Hailong fiercely, this guy is really getting more and more annoying, and he always likes to say meat things to her.

Still, she loves to listen.

Ji Yun came to Meng Hailong, mainly because of the perfume problem.

Because when she registered the trademark for the perfume, the other party asked her to provide the formula of the perfume, and there was no way, so she could only come to Meng Hailong.

"You still need the recipe for perfume?" Meng Hailong frowned slightly.

"yes!" Ji Yun also looked helpless, "It is said that in recent years, there have been many accidents caused by excessive volatile agents added to some perfumes, so the relevant departments have been stricter in this regard." Village chief, don't tell me, you don't even have a recipe.

"Not really." Meng Hailong smiled and said, "However, let's just write one."

"Write any one?" Ji Yun's brows furrowed even tighter, "Village Chief, do you think the people in that department are all three-year-olds?" If you write a recipe casually, can you pass the review of others?

"How else?" Meng Hailong has no other way, only he knows how those perfumes are made, and there is really no formula.

"I have a solution." Liu Jinrui walked over, and she continued, "We can take the perfume to the testing center for a detailed inspection, list the ingredients and whatever, and then we can write a formula based on these ingredients."

"Hey, Shenzhou is okay, I'll see it." Meng Hailong slapped his thigh, and the matter was settled.

Of course, Meng Hailong would not do this kind of errand, so he packed some perfume and handed it to Ji Yun, and this matter fell on her.

After Ji Yun left, Meng Hailong turned around and saw Zhao Qingqing sitting in the courtyard in a daze.

Zhao Qingqing has been in Xiaolong Village for a while, Meng Hailong promised to help her find a cure, but she has been too busy recently, and Zhao Qingqing is suffering from a strange disease, so far, Meng Hailong has not been able to find a cure for her.

In this matter, Meng Hailong felt that he was a little sorry for Zhao Qingqing.

walked over and said hello to Zhao Qingqing, and Meng Hailong said, "Qingqing, are you bored with me?"

"Sort of!" Zhao Qingqing said honestly, "But I'm used to it, even on Nanyun's side, I basically live alone."

"If only you could get used to it!" Meng Hailong smiled and said, "There is just a lack of legal counsel in the village, and if you are idle anyway, you will be idle, or Qingqing, you will be this legal counsel, okay?" "

Isn't that okay?" Zhao Qingqing hurriedly said, "Although I studied law like Bingli, after I graduated, because of physical reasons, I only took classes for a few months, and then basically left that industry, I'm afraid I won't be able to do it." "

It's fine!" Meng Hailong said with a smile, "Xiaolong Village is also just starting now, let's grow together!"

Zhao Qingqing knew that Meng Hailong was afraid that she would be idle, so she found something to do, she wanted to refuse, but after thinking about it, she agreed.

Meng Hailong is right, Xiaolong Village is just starting out, but she has also seen that Xiaolong Village is developing rapidly, and there will definitely be many problems in the future.

At that time, it can come in handy, and she also wants to help Meng Hailong.

After the matter was confirmed, Meng Hailong took out his mobile phone and searched for it. The medical book could not find a case similar to Zhao Qingqing's condition, so he might be able to find something useful with the help of Internet searching.

Meng Hailong was surprised by this search!

He found that Zhao Qingqing's illness was not too unusual at all, because there were many people in this world who suffered from the same disease as her.

Some people are even worse than Zhao Qingqing's situation.

Zhao Qingqing just had something like fish scales on his back, but some people were not so lucky, not only all over his body, but even on his face, which looked very terrifying.

But thinking of what Zhao Qingqing said before, the scope of those things on her back will expand year by year. Presumably in some time, Zhao Qingqing will be like those photos on the Internet, his whole body is covered with terrible fish scales.

In addition to being able to find related cases, Meng Hailong also found that there is indeed no cure for this disease all over the world.

The phone was put away, and Meng Hailong opened the perspective eye again.

He wants to study these things on Zhao Qingqing's back well, since there is no precedent for cure, then he can only rely on himself to study them.

Under the perspective eyes, Meng Hailong suddenly discovered that these things similar to fish scales on Zhao Qingqing's back grew on the skin, and he secretly thought in his heart that if this piece of skin was completely clear, maybe there would be no more such terrifying things.

With the initial idea in mind, the next step is to take action.

Of course, to get rid of the skin with fish scales on Zhao Qingqing's back, it is not just to peel off her skin.

If it were that simple, there wouldn't be so many people in the world who would be sick and unable to be cured.

Meng Hailong remembered that he had seen a prescription that could concoct a potion, and after this potion was concocted, it would make people's skin necrotic and fall off when applied to the body.

If you add some drugs that inhibit cell growth to this potion, the effect may come out.

Thinking of this method, Meng Hailong quickly hid in the spirit jade space, found the previous medical book, and then began to study.

There are all kinds of medicinal materials in the spirit jade space, which is of great help to Meng Hailong's research.

But he didn't have the expertise after all, and it was very difficult to successfully develop a drug.

After continuous experiments, and not knowing how long it had been and how many medicinal materials had been wasted, Meng Hailong had concocted a small bottle of potion that he thought he was satisfied with.

When he came out of the spirit jade space with this bottle of potion in hand, Meng Hailong realized that it was already the middle of the night.

Shaking his head and smiling bitterly, Meng Hailong went to take a bath.

In the middle of the night, it was naturally impossible for him to take the potion to find Zhao Qingqing, everything could only be said until dawn.

After taking a shower and returning to the room, Meng Hailong was about to lie down and rest, but suddenly heard a strange sound, which seemed to be made by a musical instrument.

It's just that in the middle of the night, who will be playing the instrument?

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