After Meng Hailong came out with the potion, he directly found Zhao Qingqing.

When he arrived at his room, he asked Zhao Qingqing to pick up his clothes, and took the potion and was about to apply it to Zhao Qingqing's back, but at this time, Meng Hailong found that the fish scales in the place where he had applied those burning potions before, as if they were about to fall out.

With a pull of his hand, a small piece of fish-scale skin fell off Zhao Qingqing's back.

"Qingqing, do you feel anything?" Tearing off the small piece of fish-scale skin, Meng Hailong asked casually.

Seeing Zhao Qingqing shaking her head, Meng Hailong told her that the previous potions with a burning sensation had an effect, and at least after wiping it, it could remove all the fish scales on her back.

However, after removing those skins, it is unknown whether Zhao Qingqing's back will grow fish scales.

Although this is good news, there is a great deal of pain to endure when rubbing the medicine.

In the end, Meng Hailong still decided to rub these milder potions on Zhao Qingqing first, if these potions could produce effects, it would naturally be the best.

But if these potions fail to produce an effect, then Zhao Qingqing will have to be wronged.

Considering that this time it was a large-scale rubbing of medicine, Zhao Qingqing took the initiative to take off his shirt, fortunately, this thing grows on his back, and he can also use clothes to block it in front.

The potion was rubbed down, except for a slight itch, Zhao Qingqing did not feel any other discomfort.

After wiping the medicine, Meng Hailong gave the remaining potion to Zhao Qingqing.

After the adjustments, the potion became very gentle, and the effect was definitely not as pronounced as the previous potions that made people burn.

However, Meng Hailong is not in a hurry, the potion with a high concentration has an effect on Zhao Qingqing's disease, so the potion with a low concentration will also be effective, it is only a matter of time.

After Zhao Qingqing left, Meng Hailong walked into the Lingyu space again.

This time he came in, mainly to see the situation of the hill, it had been a few days, and he had to know if the hill also had the effect of time acceleration.

After entering the Lingyu space, Meng Hailong came directly to the mountain.

The mulberry tree was still so big, and the chickens he drove up the mountain did not change much, all of which showed one thing, this hill was different from the black earth and the golden earth, because it did not have the effect of time acceleration.

A mountain is just an ordinary mountain!

Coming to this conclusion, Meng Hailong was not disappointed, on the contrary, he was still a little happy in his heart.

Because Xiaoshan doesn't have the effect of time acceleration, he can send Blue Ice in, and in the future, no matter where he goes, Blue Ice can appear by his side at any time.

This is definitely a great thing for Meng Hailong.

As soon as his mind moved, Meng Hailong came to the mountain outside world, found Lan Bing, and told it about the situation, but Lan Bing did not refuse, and was directly sent in by Meng Hailong.

Although animals such as tiger cubs and blood wolves are rare, they exist after all, and they are not scared to death when they are seen.

But blue ice is a different story.

A big guy like Lan Bing, if he appears in front of people, even if he doesn't move, he can directly scare people to death.

At that time, it will definitely lead to some troubles as well.

Therefore, Meng Hailong felt that letting Lan Bing live in the spirit jade space was the best choice.

After sending Lan Bing into the spirit jade space, Meng Hailong went to find the queen bee again, hoping to send it in as well, and after some negotiations, the queen bee also agreed with Meng Hailong's statement, and entered the spirit jade space with a part of the hornet.

Inside, they will also be better reproduced.

Everything was arranged, Meng Hailong checked on the mountain again, and planned to build a few houses on it, in the future, he would still have to take out things like giant ginseng and super big lingzhi.

Every time he was in Xiaolong Village, he was worried that he would bring trouble to Xiaolong Village.

If he built a few houses on this mountain, he would take out things like giant ginseng and put them in these houses on the mountain.

When a thief comes, it's much easier to get things done.

Just do it, Meng Hailong returned to the village, immediately called the villagers for a meeting, and told him what he meant, after all, those places on the mountain are collective land, and he has to ask for everyone's opinions.

Otherwise, it's a mess.

As soon as Meng Hailong said this, most of the villagers said they had no opinion.

But as a villager of the older generation, Meng Changqing said: "Village chief, it is unlucky to build a house on the mountain, before liberation, it was a cemetery, like a mass grave."

"It's okay, let's not be superstitious." Meng Hailong smiled.

Respecting the ancestors is a must, but Meng Hailong has already seen it with her perspective eyes, and there are no tombs of the ancestors in the place he chose, and if there is, he will not dig other people's tombs.

Since Meng Hailong had already said so, the villagers didn't say anything more.

The land on the mountain is the collective land of the village, and what Meng Hailong wants to discuss with everyone is the two issues of buying or renting.

Of course, as a user of the land, Meng Hailong naturally hopes to be able to buy the land directly, so that no matter what happens in the future, there will be no disputes.

But he also respects the villagers' decisions.

If the villagers wanted him to rent the land, then Meng Hailong would not have to argue for it, he didn't want others to say that he was abusing his power behind his back.

"Village chief, it's up to you to decide this matter!" Xu Weiguang stood up and said, "No matter what you say, we will support it."

"Brother Xu, this won't work!" Meng Hailong said with a look of embarrassment, "Now I want to buy the land, or it's better for everyone to decide."

"That's it, don't rent it, it's too troublesome to collect rent every day, the village chief, you just buy the land, just give a few million." Someone opened his mouth to make a suggestion, but as soon as he finished speaking, he attracted several pairs of eyes.

"Ungrateful fellow, you can afford to wear a suit without the village chief? Can you afford a motorbike without a village chief? Without a village chief, can you take your children to the city to eat McDonald's? Now the village chief just wants a piece of land, are you embarrassed to call him millions? The

person who had just spoken was beaten down, and he hurriedly said: "Sorry, it was a slip of the tongue just now, I originally wanted to say a few hundred yuan..."

Meng Hailong thought for a while and said, "A few million is a bit less, so let's do it, I'll give 10 million, if you don't have any opinions, I'll pay the money now."

"Village chief, are you sure you want to buy that land with so much money?" Xu Weiguang looked at Meng Hailong with strange eyes, he hadn't seen anyone buy things like this, he actually thought that the money was less, Khan!

Meng Hailong nodded affirmatively.

He's not stupid, he just doesn't want the villagers to suffer, the land in Xiaolong Village will be every inch of land in the future, as the village head, Meng Hailong doesn't want to be said badly behind his back a few years later, so he raised the price of buying land.

When everyone saw Meng Hailong so determined, they didn't say anything more, anyway, everyone knew that the little village chief was not short of money now.

A strain of ginseng and a strain of Ganoderma lucidum have already made him a billionaire, just 10 million, drizzle.

After the matter was decided, Meng Hailong handed over the money to Liu Jinrui, of course, the money was handed over to Liu Jinrui, and it would not return to Meng Hailong.

Because Liu Jinrui is the finance of Xiaolong Village, since the money was handed over to her, it will go into the collective account of the village.

called Hu Sijia and inquired, and learned that there were many construction companies that this girl knew, so Meng Hailong entrusted her to find a more reliable construction company.

The matter of repairing the house on the hill was left to the construction company.

Meng Hailong purchased some rice, vegetables and fruits in the village, and then sailed with Wu Xinwen to Baby-Friendly Island again.

Because he was moved by Fang Ming's love, now, the island where Fang Ming adopted the child has been called the baby-loving island by Meng Hailong.

Before the boat approached Baby-Friendly Island, Meng Hailong saw a fishing boat parked on the shore.

Realizing that the situation was not good, Meng Hailong asked Wu Xinwen to speed up, and after they landed, Meng Hailong heard a child's cry.

After telling Wu Xinwen a few words and letting him guard the boat, Meng Hailong quickly went to the island.

After getting close to the wooden house, Meng Hailong found that in addition to Fang Ming and those children, there were three more men dressed as fishermen on the island.

The three fishermen were tightly entangled by a dozen children, pulling their clothes and hugging their legs, just not giving them a chance to leave.

After a closer look, Meng Hailong immediately found that among the three people dressed as fishermen, one of them was holding the leftover Ganoderma lucidum that had been cooked for the children to eat.

Seeing this, Meng Hailong probably understood what was going on.

It must have been these people who found Ganoderma lucidum and wanted to snatch it, so the children pulled them back.

But, what about Fang Ming?

Without seeing Fang Ming, Meng Hailong hurriedly opened his clairvoyant eye, only to find that Fang Ming had been knocked unconscious in the wooden house.

At the same time, there were two children who were knocked unconscious.

Meng Hailong was completely enraged, not only did these people not pity these children on the island, but they actually beat people, which was really too much.

Without saying a word, Meng Hailong took out the pipe that the red beans gave him and blew it on a fisherman.

The steel needle in the tube flew out with a "whoosh" and pierced into the fisherman's left eye, and he let out a scream.

The other two fishermen were startled by this sudden situation, and by the time they saw Meng Hailong, Meng Hailong had already come to them.

With one punch, Meng Hailong directly knocked down the two fishermen.

Seeing Meng Hailong coming, and seeing the three fishermen being knocked down by him, twenty or thirty children screamed and pounced, and opened their mouths to bite those people.

Although the children are small and have no fighting power, they have sharp teeth, and it is impossible to bite people to death, but it is still possible to torture those fishermen severely.

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