Ji Yun released the news again that anyone who buys the product of rejuvenation today and does not win a prize can get a free bottle of potpourri perfume.

Of course, there is a difference between this sample and the prize.

Each bottle of potpourri obtained by the lottery is the amount that will be sold on the market in the future, but this sample is different, the bottle contains only a small amount, and it can be used three or five times at most.

But even so, people's enthusiasm for buying has been completely ignited.

According to Meng Hailong, the main purpose today is not to make money, but to send money.

That's right, it's to send money, as long as you send the potpourri out, you won't have to worry about making no money in the future, because he has enough self-confidence, once people use the potpourri perfume, they will definitely come to buy it again, and at that time, they really don't have to worry about making no money.

People rushed to buy first, and the scene suddenly became a little chaotic, Ji Yun hurriedly commanded everyone, to line up, and if you don't line up, you won't sell it.

was frightened by her like this, and people automatically and consciously lined up again.

As the producer behind this product, Meng Hailong is naturally happy, which means a lot of income for him.

Seeing that there was nothing to do with him here, Meng Hailong said to Ji Yun, and then he drove away and came to Annie's flower shop.

On the way, Meng Hailong saw a man with unkempt hair and dirty body sitting on the side of the road in a daze.

And this man turned out to be the one he knew, the one who used white roses to dye and turn them into golden roses for sale, Dai Zixiang.

Having lost everything at once, Dai Zixiang couldn't carry it mentally and was already crazy.

However, in this matter, Meng Hailong did not feel guilty, because he gave Dai Zixiang a chance, but he didn't want it to end up like this, which can't be blamed on him.

When he arrived at Annie's flower shop, Meng Hailong found that the flower shop's business today was much better than before.

Because overnight, the places where you could buy golden roses disappeared, and now, people who want to buy golden roses have to come to Anne's flower shop to buy them.

Seeing that Anne was almost busy, Meng Hailong pulled her aside and asked, "Miss Anne, have you earned any money during this time?"

"With the special care of the village chief, I don't think it's even difficult to make money!" Anne replied with a smile, but she was thinking in her heart, the village chief asked, I don't know if he wanted to borrow money from her, or if he wanted to increase the supply price of golden roses?

Of course, none of her thoughts were right.

Meng Hailong quickly spoke again: "Miss Annie, since you have earned money, do you think it is necessary to do everything yourself?" "

Village chief, I don't understand what you mean." Anne said with some confusion, "Village Chief, if you have anything to say, just say it, don't beat around the bush with me." "

The case of dyed roses made me realize that it is not enough for a single flower shop to sell golden roses in Hai Duong."

Meng Hailong continued: "I am going to divide Hai Duong into several districts, and then, each area must have our flower shop. In this way, it will not be easy for others to take advantage of loopholes and infringe on our interests.

"Village chief, do you mean you want me to open more branches?" Anne is not stupid either, she understands as soon as she hears it.

"Yes." Meng Hailong nodded and said, "From now on, you have to recruit store staff for training, and at the same time, you have to find the store yourself, these things must be implemented as soon as possible."

"But the village chief, according to the current output of Xiaolong Village, with so many branches, can the supply of flowers keep up?"

"Don't worry, it's not a problem, I can grow as many flowers as you can sell." Meng Hailong said confidently.

Leaving from Annie's flower shop, Meng Hailong returned directly to Xiaolong Village.

Seeing Zitong and Hongdou chatting in the courtyard, Meng Hailong walked over to them, took out an A4 paper and handed it to Hongdou.

"Red Bean girl, this is the design I drew after a few overnight observation and research, you find someone to try, according to the design on this, transform your pipe, and see if there will be a better effect."

After using the red bean tube, Meng Hailong did find some minor problems.

But he can only draw these small problems and let him transform them, he doesn't have that ability, and even if he does, he doesn't want to waste this time.

Why would he do something he could ask others to do?

Holding the drawings that Meng Hailong gave her, Hongdou didn't understand it after reading it for a long time. Still, she decided to give it a try, and if it succeeded, it would be a great help for her.

After saying goodbye, the red bean left.

And not long after the red beans left, Zhao Qingqing came.

In the past two days, Zhao Qingqing has been busy going through various procedures for universal eye drops, and just now, she finally got the last approval.

This also means that the all-purpose eye drops can be officially put on sale.

Of course, all this was expected by Meng Hailong, so when he learned of this situation, Meng Hailong did not show a look of great joy.

On the contrary, he was more concerned about Zhao Qingqing's condition.

Pulling Zhao Qingqing, the two came to his room, knowing that Meng Hailong was going to check the situation on her back, Zhao Qingqing didn't grind, as soon as the door was closed, she took off her shirt directly.

Seeing the situation on Zhao Qingqing's back, Meng Hailong grinned.

Because he saw that after using the potion he had prepared, the fish-scaly skin on Zhao Qingqing's back had all left her body.

As for whether it will grow in the future, Meng Hailong still doesn't know.

He only knew that the fish-scale skin on Zhao Qingqing's back had left a scar after it was taken off, and at present, what he had to do was to eliminate these scars first.

took out a bottle of rejuvenation and applied it evenly to Zhao Qingqing's back.

After applying it, let Zhao Qingqing put on the clothes, and Meng Hailong took out a few bottles of rejuvenation and gave it to her, so that she could apply it a few more times when she was fine, so that the scar would be eliminated faster.

Knowing that the situation on his back was relatively optimistic, Zhao Qingqing was so happy that he almost jumped up and hugged Meng Hailong and kissed him.

Fortunately, at the critical moment, she still controlled it and did not do it.

People have fiancées, in their family, if she does this, if she is discovered by someone's fiancée Liu Jinrui, she may not be chased and cut by Liu Jinrui with a kitchen knife.

After lunch, Meng Hailong took Huahua to the mountain.

After he bought the land halfway up the mountain, the construction team came the next day, and according to his intentions, within two months, there would be an extra row of two-story bungalows.

At the back of the village, a large hillside has been developed by the villagers, and there is no sign of overgrown weeds.

According to the plan, in the near future, tea trees will be planted there.

After walking around the mountain and finding no problems, Meng Hailong returned to the village.

During this time, because he had been busy with other things, Meng Hailong had no time to check the situation in the village, and now, he was finally more relaxed, and naturally he had to fulfill his responsibilities as the village head.

After some inspection, Meng Hailong really found the problem.

The enthusiasm of the villagers for their work has begun to fall compared with before. Today the villager will take leave and will not work, and tomorrow the villager will also take leave and not work.

It is not that leave is not allowed, but as soon as someone takes leave, the workload of others increases. If this situation is not eliminated in time, in case one day, there are many people taking leave at the same time, and things become a bit troublesome.

The reason why the villagers wanted to ask for leave, Meng Hailong thought about it carefully, and guessed the root of the problem, money. That's right, it's because of the money.

From the beginning, as long as the villagers participated in the labor, each person could earn 200 yuan a day. And in Xiaolong Village, a family of four is a very common thing.

That is to say, if all the people in a family participate in the labor, the daily income will be 800 yuan.

After all, a family's monthly income is as high as 24,000 yuan.

Such a family income, even in the city, is definitely a high income. It is precisely because this is a high income that the villagers begin to feel lazy.

Everyone thinks so in their hearts, because they used to have no money, they used to face the loess with their backs to the sky every day for 365 days a year, and they had to bear it when they were sick.

There are too many hard days, and now there is no shortage of money, and life is passable, everyone thinks, why do you have to work so hard?

Meng Hailong feels that in order to put an end to this problem, it is necessary to start from the root.

The villagers feel that they have money, so he wants to let everyone know that they can be richer, but to get more money, they have to put in more effort.

As soon as the radio started, all the villagers gathered at the door of the village committee.

Seeing that everyone was here, Meng Hailong said: "Folks, I won't talk about beating around the bush, I want to hear everyone's opinions about this meeting today, do you think you are a rich man?" "

Village chief, we do have money now, at least, compared to before, the current life is heaven, and the previous life, that is hell."

"This is a bit exaggerated, but it is a fact that everyone has money now, but everyone will not forget that all this was brought to us by the village chief."

"That's right, we will never forget that the village chief is our great benefactor."

"Long live the village chief! Long live the village chief!

"Don't dare to be! Don't dare to be! Listening to the flattering words of the villagers, Meng Hailong couldn't help but shake his head and sigh, "It seems that everyone really thinks of themselves as rich people!" "

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