Hearing this, everyone turned their heads, and immediately saw a man and a woman walking in from outside. These two people are none other than Mo Chen and Mo Yu.

Seeing the ink dust and ink rain, the sword marks couldn't help but be slightly stunned.

"Male and female thieves, actually male and female thieves, how can they be here?" Sword Scar's heart was full of questions, especially when he saw that the relationship between the male and female thieves and everyone here was still very good, he was even more entangled.

Purple Pupil and Divine Arrow stayed here, it was to avoid the pursuit of Skynet. However, the male and female thieves also appeared here, and the situation was a bit abnormal.

"The Sword Scar Boss is here too!" Mo Chen smiled and looked at the sword marks, he and this person can be regarded as having a relationship, since they met here, they must say hello.

"Brother Mochen, I haven't seen you for a long time, are you washing your hands in a golden basin, are you planning to live in seclusion in the mountains?" The sword mark asked the question in his heart.

"I want to wash my hands in a golden basin, but unfortunately, so far, I haven't saved enough money to buy a golden basin, so I can't wash my hands!"

Mo Chen's words drew a burst of laughter.

Sword Scar didn't say anything more, because he had already guessed that Ink Dust was staying here, not because he was hiding from something, but because he was attracted by something here.

The food was plentiful and delicious, but unfortunately there was no good wine.

Meng Hailong wanted to buy some grapes and come back to make his own wine, but when he looked it up online, he found that he didn't need to use water to make wine.

In other words, it is not possible to use the spiritual spring to make wine.

If you want to make good wine, you have to grow your own grapes.

Late at night, Meng Hailong brought some grape seeds into the spirit jade space, and there were still many empty places on the golden earth.

After turning over the soil with a hoe, sowing the seeds, and watering them with the spiritual spring, the grapes were planted.

After completing this matter, Meng Hailong came to the place where he planted gastrodia before.

After this period of growth, these days the hemp has been completely matured, Meng Hailong dug some and brought it out, as soon as the morning dawned, he went to buy some pig brains and came back, stewed for his father to eat.

Early in the morning, Lan Xinyan came to Xiaolong Village.

This time, she came over for the purpose of the all-purpose eye drops.

Zhao Qingqing's side has already completed all the necessary procedures, and Lan Xinyan's side, her online mall has also been built.

It can be said that now they are ready for everything, and they only owe the east wind.

As soon as Lan Xinyan told the situation, Meng Hailong said: "Xiaoyan, it's not that I don't approve of online sales, it's just that if you sell completely online, you won't be able to drive the economic development of Xiaolong Village." "

Meng Hailong has his idea, this eye drop works so well that it will definitely cause a frenzy of people to buy it in the future.

If the sales point of eye drops is placed in Xiaolong Village, then it will inevitably bring additional income to Xiaolong Village.

But Lan Xinyan chose to sell all-purpose eye drops in the online mall, and she couldn't achieve such an effect.

As soon as Meng Hailong said this, Lan Xinyan was unhappy, "Didn't you say it at the beginning, village chief?" I can do whatever I like, why do you want to put the sales point in Xiaolong Village now?

"Don't worry, I'm not saying that you won't be allowed to sell it in the online mall, I just hope that Xiaolong Village can also have a sales point." Meng Hailong explained, "You are still in school, and you must not have time to run this sales point, but Qingqing has time!"

"You look at the online mall, the sales point in Xiaolong Village is watched by Qingqing, isn't this enough?"

"Okay!" Lan Xinyan thought about it carefully and felt that this idea was not bad, at least, this sales point in Xiaolong Village could be convenient for some people who didn't know how to shop online.

The matter was decided, and Lan Xinyan went to Zhao Qingqing to discuss countermeasures.

Meng Hailong took out his mobile phone and began to search for information on the Internet. Since he was going to plant tea trees on the hillside behind the village, he couldn't afford to put it off and had to buy tea trees in a hurry.

Through the almighty Du Niang, Meng Hailong soon targeted a tea factory in Haibei.

According to the introduction of the encyclopedia, this tea factory named Yuncha has a large planting base in Haibei.

Moreover, the sales volume of cloud tea is also the first in the country.

When he went to this tea factory to buy tea trees, Meng Hailong felt that this was the best choice. With such good genes, coupled with the watering of the spiritual spring, the tea grown is absolutely extraordinary.

As soon as Lan Xinyan and Zhao Qingqing discussed, they planned to hold a product launch conference in Xiaolong Village.

There are two advantages to holding this press conference, the first is to enhance the reputation of Xiaolong Village, according to Meng Hailong, that is, to drive the economic development of Xiaolong Village.

Second, they can also promote some of Lan Xinyan's online mall by the way.

At that time, I believe that many media will come to participate, as long as you say hello to the media and ask them to help publicize it, you can achieve good results.

After listening to their words, Meng Hailong didn't say a word, took out his mobile phone and called Xiaoman.

If Meng Hailong had called Xiao Man and asked her to interview about the universal eye drops, then Xiao Man would definitely not come.

But now it's different.

As soon as Xiaoman heard that Meng Hailong invited her to come to Xiaolong Village to participate in the press conference of the universal eye drops, without saying a word, she rushed to Xiaolong Village with her partner Yi Wenyang.

As a journalist, they naturally know best about what is going on on the Internet.

During this time, anything that has anything to do with the universal eye drops will definitely be popular. Unconsciously, the question that people are most concerned about is, when will the all-purpose eye drops be on the market?

Getting this opportunity for an exclusive interview, Xiao Man was naturally happy.

Once this news is broadcast, she will be able to follow the fire!

Meng Hailong didn't like to be on camera very much, so this opportunity was left to Lan Xinyan and Zhao Qingqing. This can make the two big beauties with star dreams happy.

Being able to appear on the TV screen, I don't know how many people can't realize their dreams in a lifetime, they have realized it all at once, no wonder they are unhappy!

After the interview ended and sent Xiao Man away, Meng Hailong began to organize people to build a platform.

Since the development conference is going to be held, it is necessary to make it decent, the red carpet must be indispensable, besides, he is not short of this money now, and he can't let people squat at the door of the village committee!

The time of the press conference was set for tomorrow morning, and after a busy afternoon, the platform was set up, and the red carpet was rolled out, just like a stage.

As soon as the news was broadcast on the TV station, Lan Xinyan publicized it on the Internet again, and the number of people who came to Xiaolong Village the next day was several times more than when Meng Hailong auctioned ginseng and lingzhi.

According to the people's words, the cars can be lined up in the city.

Of course, this is a bit of an exaggeration.

Seeing that the people were almost here, Lan Xinyan and Zhao Qingqing each walked up to the built platform with a microphone.

is already good-looking, and after some careful dressing, whether it is Lan Xinyan or Zhao Qingqing, they all look very amazing.

Seeing these two super beauties, the noisy voices in the audience suddenly stopped, and not only men were stunned, but even women were stunned.

"Beauty, what a beautiful beauty!"

Someone couldn't help but shout, and was immediately despised by everyone around him.

"Hello everyone..."

Hello, beauty, let's introduce yourself in detail, what's your name?" Height, measurements, and your WeChat ID, what are they?

Lan Xinyan's words were interrupted just as she spoke, but this did not affect her emotions in the slightest.

Smiling, Lan Xinyan continued: "My surname is Lan, my name is Lan Xinyan, I keep my height and measurements secret, as for the WeChat ID, you can scan the QR code over there, that's my WeChat public account."

As soon as the words fell, everyone in the audience had already taken out their mobile phones and scrambled to pay attention to the QR code scanning on the billboard next to them.

"That beauty, can you also introduce yourself, what do you call it?" Someone in the audience shouted again, and the target was naturally Zhao Qingqing.

Zhao Qingqing was not shy, put the microphone to his mouth, and said in a sweet voice: "Hello everyone, I'm glad that everyone can come here to cheer us on, my name is Zhao Qingqing." Of course, I believe that you are not here today for our name, and next, let's pay attention to our important product today, universal eye drops.

After saying that, Zhao Qingqing took out a bottle of universal eye drops and showed it before she continued: "The bottle in my hand is universal eye drops, and now I will introduce to you what kind of effect universal eye medicine has."

"Whether you are nearsighted, farsighted, astigmatism, cataracts, glaucoma, etc., you can use our universal eye drops for treatment." Zhao Qingqing continued, "Because of the wide range of uses, rapid efficacy, and high production cost of all-purpose eye drops, our current pricing is 1,000 yuan per bottle.

"A thousand yuan, so expensive?"

"Actually, it's not expensive, last time I had eye pain, I went to the eye hospital and lost more than 700, if this all-purpose eye drop is really effective, I would rather spend a few hundred yuan more to buy a bottle, and I don't want to go to the eye hospital for treatment again."

"To be honest, this price is not expensive, but I don't know how it works?"

"Brother, I'll tell you, buy it with confidence!" A boy next to me suddenly said, "I used to be a thousand degrees of myopia, and after using this eye drop, within three days, I threw away my glasses and insisted on using up a bottle, and now my vision has completely returned to normal."

"Are you still here when you're back to normal?" Someone asked suspiciously.

"Come on, how can you not come?" The boy continued, "The village chief gave me such a valuable thing, if I don't come to thank him, then am I still human?" "

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