Meng Hailong didn't do much about fighting, but before he went to college, since he went to college, he has relented.

Of course, this did not affect his performance.

Seeing the opportunity, he kicked on the stomach of the man holding the kitchen knife, because the other party had a kitchen knife in his hand, this kick Meng Hailong almost used all his strength, and the guy who was kicked flew out directly.

Stupid, the man holding the iron rod was completely dumbfounded, Meng Hailong himself was dumbfounded, when did he have so much strength, why didn't he know? Meng Hailong didn't know

, because during this time, he was turning over the soil in the Lingyu space, and when he was thirsty, he drank the spiritual spring, and it was precisely because of this that his body was unconsciously changed, and if in the words of the people in the village, he was now stronger than a cow.

The man with the iron rod looked at his partner who was kicked by Meng Hailong, the expression on his face was cloudy, it can be said that Meng Hailong's kick just now had scared him.

In fact, Meng Hailong was also frightened by himself.

The guy holding the kitchen knife stopped moving after he kicked it out, he was especially worried that the kick would kick the person to death, although he was justified in defense, but if this was a human life, it would be difficult to say, and he would have to sit through the prison every minute!

"Brother, the thing will be returned to you, just because we haven't appeared, is it okay?" The raised iron rod was put down, and the robber said in a low voice, he didn't think he could beat Meng Hailong, after all, he was inferior to others in terms of strength.

Retrieving his mobile phone and wallet, Meng Hailong stepped forward to look at the guy who was kicked by him again, and was relieved to find that he was still alive, and hurriedly left on a motorcycle.

The first time he was robbed, although there was no danger, but the pressure was still very great, Meng Hailong didn't think of calling the police in time, and when he got home, it was too late to call the police, so he didn't have to trouble the police uncle.

The market for kimchi had been determined, and Meng Hailong hurriedly notified the villagers to come over for a meeting, which was naturally not held in the village committee, but in an open place next to the cabbage field.

Seeing that everyone was almost there, as soon as Meng Hailong said what he meant, the villagers began to discuss.

The villagers agreed with and some opposed the purchase of these Chinese cabbages at the price of Chinese cabbage on the market.

Those who agree feel that no one is willing to buy these Chinese cabbages, Meng Hailong is willing to buy them at the market price, which is already very good, although the dream of making a fortune by growing cabbage has failed, but at least everyone will not suffer too much loss.

And the people who oppose it feel that since Meng Hailong dares to buy everyone's cabbage, then he must have a market, his own Chinese cabbage can be sold for 20 yuan a catty, but the price to everyone is the market price, which is a bit too low.

Some people even think that if Meng Hailong can find a market, then everyone will definitely be able to find a market.

After the villagers discussed for a while, Meng Hailong said: "Folks, I believe that everyone has a scale in their hearts, whether this cabbage is sold to me is a profit or a loss, everyone should know in their hearts, I don't force everyone to sell cabbage to me, everyone can go home and think about it, but I want to remind everyone that the cabbage is ripe, and it is not as good as a day when it is placed in the ground." "

Hailong, I don't have to think about it, all the cabbages in the field will be sold to you. Xu Weiguang was the first to stand up, in Xiaolong Village, he can be regarded as an outsider, but he can see things better than others, this cabbage sold to Meng Hailong, not only does not have to lose money, but also makes a small profit, but if he doesn't sell it at this time, I'm afraid it will only rot in the ground.

After Xu Weiguang, many villagers made a statement, and only a few families remained silent, presumably planning to find buyers on their own.

For these few families, Meng Hailong didn't bother to pay attention to them, they were looking for death by themselves, and when the cabbage rotted in the ground, they could only blame themselves.

In order to make kimchi, Meng Hailong deliberately vacated a house as a warehouse, and the Chinese cabbage purchased from the villagers was stored in the warehouse.

In order to be able to dispose of the batch of Chinese cabbage at hand as soon as possible, Meng Hailong offered attractive conditions, according to the salary of 200 per person per day, and asked interested villagers to come to him to help wash and cut vegetables.

As soon as the news spread, many people immediately came to sign up, and in the end, Meng Hailong could only select the twenty people who came to sign up at the earliest to stay and work.

The daily salary of 200 yuan will be paid to everyone by Meng Hailong before the end of the evening, which makes the villagers who failed to grab the job very envious.

It's useless to be envious, there are so many people recruited, and if you want to blame, you can only blame yourself, because of suspicion, you didn't go to Meng Hailong to sign up immediately, resulting in a missed opportunity.

The news that Meng Hailong made the purchased Chinese cabbage into kimchi for sale soon spread.

As soon as the news spread, many villagers patted their thighs and shouted in admiration, and everyone didn't think of a solution, but Meng Hailong just thought of it, and it was very successful.

The few villagers who did not sell the cabbage to Meng Hailong were secretly happy in their hearts, and immediately learned from Meng Hailong to make kimchi.

It's a pity that the kimchi they made, in terms of taste, can't catch up with the kimchi made by Meng Hailong.

Needless to say, those people all cried and fainted in the toilet.

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