At night, in the dead of night, Meng Hailong quietly came to the hillside and used the spiritual spring in the spiritual well to rain on this tea garden.

Of course, it's not just here where it rains. For he had been gone for three days, and the cabbage fields, the places where the melons and fruits were planted, and the fruit trees on the island, all needed to be watered.

In this way, the spiritual spring in the spiritual well is not enough.

Meng Hailong decided that he had to go to Nanyun again, because he now had enough capital, and as long as there was jade and jade, he wouldn't mind searching for it.

Knowing that Meng Hailong was going to Nanyun again, Miao Ruolan opened her mouth and said to him: "Hailong, Mom knows that your current skills are very good, and there are many capable people around you. However, Nagumo's side is really a very complicated place. Last time, my mother didn't tell you, because I was afraid of scaring you, but this time you are going, and my mother thinks that I still have to make things clear to you. "

Mom, what the hell is going on?" Meng Hailong frowned, looking at his mother's expression, it seemed that the matter was not small, but he couldn't figure it out, what terrifying things could be on Nanyun's side

?" "Have you heard of Gu poison?" Miao Ruolan asked.

"Gu poison?" Meng Hailong's brows furrowed even tighter, "Mom, isn't this thing only available on TV and in novels?

Miao Ruolan continued, "You also know that my mother is surnamed Miao, but among all the people surnamed Miao, eight out of ten will give people Gu, and if you want to give people Gu, they can usually be silent, you haven't found out yet, you have already been poisoned by someone, you say, isn't this a very terrifying thing?"

"It's quite terrifying." Meng Hailong thought for a while and said, "Mom, according to what you say, your surname is also Miao, so you also know how to trick people, right?" "

No, I won't." Miao Ruolan shook her head and said, "Mom has just said that among the people surnamed Miao, eight out of ten people will give people Gu, but Mom is one of the two people who can't." "

Miao Ruolan doesn't give people Gu, in fact, it's not because she has a bad talent and can't learn, but because she refuses to learn.

Because, in her eyes, learning to play tricks on others is equivalent to harming others, and she is kind-hearted and doesn't want to hurt people at all.

That's why she refused to learn Gu at the beginning.

It was also because of her non-cooperation that she was kicked out of the house, exiled to Haiyang City, and finally married Meng Jianguo.

"Mom, don't worry, I just went to Nanyun to buy something, as long as I don't have conflicts with the local people, there will be no danger. Meng Hailong opened his mouth to comfort his mother a few words, he always had a feeling that with his current skills, even if someone wanted to kill him, he should be able to find out in time.

Therefore, he didn't worry too much about Gu poison. But whether this is the case or not, it will only be known when we meet.

"Hailong, that's all my mother can tell you, in short, when you get to Nanyun, you have to be careful, if you are really tricked, go to your grandmother!" Miao Ruolan continued, "Although my mother was kicked out of the house by your grandmother at the beginning, the palms and backs of her hands are full of meat. Mom is also her biological daughter after all, and you are also her grandson after all, if you have difficulties, your grandmother will still help you.

"Mom, I know. Meng Hailong nodded and said.

This time he went to Nanyun, Meng Hailong did not take a plane, but planned to drive there. Because he also has a plan, which is to buy some saplings along the way.

The mountain that had just appeared in the Spirit Jade Space, after the experiment, Meng Hailong found that the characteristics of the mountain were the same as the previous black and golden land.

Although the mountain does not have the function of time acceleration, the mountain also needs to be replenished with a variety of saplings, and it will gradually expand only when the variety of saplings increases.

Because of his relevant experience, Meng Hailong knew that only when this mountain expanded to a certain extent, the Lingyu space would change again, and a new land would appear.

Meng Hailong was looking forward to what would happen to this mountain in the future, so he had to buy all kinds of saplings as much as possible and plant them on the mountain.

Driving along the road, whenever Meng Hailong found a suitable sapling, he would stop the car and transplant the suitable sapling to the Lingyu space.

Gradually, Meng Hailong discovered the benefits of driving to Nanyun. Because he walked along the road like this, he could dig up a lot of saplings without spending a penny.

When approaching Nanyun, Meng Hailong had just transplanted a sapling to the Lingyu space and was about to leave, when he suddenly saw some fungi growing under a big tree in the woods.

When he got closer, Meng Hailong was immediately happy. Because he found that those fungi were not ordinary, they were actually matsutake mushrooms.

Meng Hailong once saw in the book that matsutake mushroom is very precious, its nutritional value and medicinal value are very high, modern medicine has shown that matsutake has a variety of effects such as improving immunity, anti-tumor, treating diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.

In recent years, due to the deterioration of the environment and large-scale predatory collection, matsutake has become an endangered species.

Meng Hailong was really surprised and pleasantly surprised to meet this endangered species of matsutake mushroom here.

But at the same time of surprise, Meng Hailong had a little more worry in his heart, according to the records in the book, matsutake mushrooms cannot be artificially cultivated, and he didn't know if he wanted to transplant these matsutake mushrooms into the spirit jade space.

Transplant it, Meng Hailong is worried that the matsutake mushroom will be depleted due to changes in the environment, but if you don't transplant it, if you put it here, it will be discovered sooner or later, and once it is discovered, it will definitely be destroyed, which is an inevitable thing.

After thinking about it, Meng Hailong decided that it would be better to transplant the matsutake mushroom into the spirit jade space.

Instead of being plundered by others, it is better to give it a try, if the matsutake can adapt to the environment in the spirit jade space, then he will make a lot of money.

It took more than ten minutes for Meng Hailong to transplant all the matsutake mushrooms he saw now into the spirit jade space.

The black soil, the golden land, and the hill that had just appeared not long ago, Meng Hailong planted some of them.

In this way, it is possible to prevent the depletion of matsutake mushrooms due to the different environments.

According to Meng Hailong's thoughts, there should always be one of these three places that can be suitable for the survival of matsutake mushrooms, and if these three places are not suitable for the survival of matsutake mushrooms, then he will have to accept his fate.

After finishing these things, Meng Hailong searched the neighborhood again, wanting to see if he could find some equally precious species.

However, after searching for more than half an hour, he didn't find anything of value, so he had to go back to the car and continue to set off.

Because there were always stops and stops along the way, it took Meng Hailong a total of two days to officially come to the realm of Nanyun.

It was precisely because of the continuous replenishment of saplings to the mountain in the Lingyu space along the way, that mountain had now doubled in size compared to when it first appeared, and the fog covering the mountain had dissipated a lot.

Meng Hailong felt that if he went to buy a batch of fruit trees and plant them, the mountain should be able to complete the expansion and new land would appear.

It is precisely because of this feeling that after arriving in Nanyun, Meng Hailong did not rush to find the original stone mine, but first found a fruit tree cultivation base, and planned to buy a batch of fruit trees first.

After spending tens of thousands of dollars, Meng Hailong purchased nearly 100 kinds of fruit tree seedlings from this fruit tree cultivation base, and after planting them on the mountain in the Lingyu space, the mountain really underwent great changes.

The whole mountain has grown a hundredfold larger than it had first appeared, but no new land has ever appeared.

Around the mountain, the fog still has no intention of dissipating.

Finding this situation, Meng Hailong thought that there were not enough types of trees, so he found another fruit tree cultivation base and purchased dozens of fruit trees.

Unfortunately, after planting these fruit trees in the mountains, the situation has not changed.

The mountain was still like that, and the fog around him was still like that, and this situation suddenly made Meng Hailong fall into deep thought.

According to past experience, the area of this mountain is no longer expanding, which proves that the types of saplings needed are saturated, but Meng Hailong just can't understand why the new land has not appeared since the saplings needed by this mountain have reached a saturated state?

This is an extremely painful question, because Meng Hailong didn't get any hints, and everything could only be slowly explored by himself.

But Meng Hailong doesn't have much time to explore these now, so he simply doesn't want to think about it so much, since he came to Nanyun, he should first sweep Nanyun's rough quarry.

Because he had been here before, he already had some preliminary understanding of Nanyun, and Meng Hailong didn't bother to go to those gambling stone markets in the city center, and went directly to find the surrounding raw mines.

Only in the raw mine can we find better things.

Driving the car, Meng Hailong was looking around for raw ore, and suddenly saw some people holding signs on the side of the road that said "Lead the way".

Stopping the car and beckoning a young man over, Meng Hailong asked, "Do you know where Nanyun's largest raw ore is?" "

Dude, you have found the right person, I can count how many raw mines there are here in Nanyun, let me show you the way, and ensure that you don't have to take the wrong road." The young man patted his chest and said.

"How do you charge?"

"It's cheap to go to a place for a hundred." The young man said with a smile.

"I'll give you two hundred, if I want to go there today, you can take me there, how about it?"

"This can't be done, if you go to several places a day, then I won't be a loss." The young man shook his head like a rattle.

"If it doesn't work, pull it down, I'll find someone else. Meng Hailong didn't grind, after saying this, he stepped on the accelerator directly, and the car suddenly jumped out.

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