Gao Qiang is not an ordinary person, as a child of the Gao family, before the Gao family's family was not defeated, he also had a lofty position on Nanyun's side.

Because, their jewelry company under the Gao family is the best jewelry company in Nanyun.

In every mine in Nanyun, a batch of fixed stones will be provided to the Gao family every month, which is why Gao Qiang is familiar with every mine in Nanyun.

Helplessly, a few years ago, a major event happened to the Gao family, which led to the rapid decline of the family, and in less than a month, the Gao family's jewelry company declared bankruptcy, and all the jewelry chain stores were forced to close.

Since then, Gao Qiang has become the current Gao Qiang, and he can only rely on odd jobs, as well as leading people and earning some money to make a living.

The wall fell down and everyone pushed it, the Gao family's family situation was ruined, and the people who were originally good friends with them drew a line with them, which made Gao Qiang see through the warmth and coldness of the human world.

Now, if he wants to make a comeback, he will inevitably have to use some of his previous relationships, and this is something he is not very willing to do.

Dealing with a bunch of hypocritical people, Gao Qiang felt very tired.

However, if he doesn't use those relationships and wants to make a comeback, the difficulty will be directly increased many times.

"Back then, the reason why your Gao family was defeated was because some opponents were secretly playing a black hand, I believe you know this better than me. Meng Hailong continued, "As a man, you must have thought about revenge, and now that the opportunity is in front of you, do you still need to hesitate?"

Regarding some things about Gao Qiang, in fact, when he was in the hotel before, Meng Hailong contacted Yike and asked him to help check it.

It was precisely because he knew some things about the Gao family that Meng Hailong would hand over such a heavy burden to Gao Qiang.

Sometimes, in order to take revenge and achieve his wishes, he will bring out all the potential in his body.

Meng Hailong believes that Gao Qiang is such a person.

If you hand over the four major mines to him, you will definitely have even greater gains in the future.

Whether he earns money or not is not the most important thing for Meng Hailong, what he wants is that when he needs jade and jade, he can easily get it.

Listening to Meng Hailong's words, a look of surprise flashed on Gao Qiang's face, he was not angry because Meng Hailong investigated his life experience, he was just thinking about why Meng Hailong chose him to help him do this.

"To buy the four major mines, I estimate that it will take 100 million. Gao Qiang thought for a while and said, "After the mine is bought, in order to make it operate normally, it will take a lot of money to turn over, and the initial budget will be nearly 100 million, I have only known you for a day, such a large investment, can you rest assured that you will hand it over to me?" "

Although we have not known each other for a long time, after all, we are living and suffering together, I have confidence in you, and I am also very relieved." Meng Hailong patted Gao Qiang's shoulder and said to him with a smile, "I have so much confidence in you, you shouldn't let me down, right?"

"I'll do my best!" Gao Qiang thought about it, and finally made a decision.

Seeing that Gao Qiang finally made up his mind, Meng Hailong didn't ink, and directly wrote him a check for 200 million.

Gao Qiang was a little excited when he held the check in his hand, but he still had some doubts, this one written by Meng Hailong for him should not be a blank check, right?

As soon as he made a move, it was 200 million, and he didn't seem to be so rich!

Although he had some doubts in his heart, Gao Qiang did not say it to his face, whether the check was real or fake, and he would naturally know if he went to the bank to verify it.

When the matter was settled, the two left the small mine side by side.

Gao Qiang went home, Meng Hailong took a taxi back to the hotel, it was late at night, he wanted to go to Miao Juanjuan and didn't know where to look, so he could only wait for dawn.

After returning to the hotel, Meng Hailong closed the door and entered the Lingyu space.

Although the police might come to him for questioning at any time, Meng Hailong was not worried at all, because he could always keep an eye on the outside in the spirit jade space, and once he saw someone coming to him, he would come out immediately.

Entering the spirit jade space, Meng Hailong was not in a hurry to throw the rough stone with jade into the spirit well, but first came to the place where the matsutake mushroom was planted before.

After some inspection, Meng Hailong smiled happily.

Matsutake mushrooms are not easy to survive in the outside world, but in the spirit jade space, its survival rate is quite good.

Whether it is planted on the black soil or planted on the golden earth, all of them have survived.

The ones on the mountain also survived, but because there was no time acceleration effect on the mountain, the growth rate of the matsutake mushrooms planted on it was much slower.

Meng Hailong secretly thought in his heart, if these matsutake mushrooms can survive in the outside world, it is another way to make a fortune, and after going back, you must try it.

Next, Meng Hailong came to a large pile of stones.

In order to be able to empty the four major mines in the shortest possible time, he didn't even open his clairvoyant eyes, and directly moved all the stones in.

Therefore, after the stone was moved in, it was not thrown directly into the spiritual well.

All the stones were piled up together to form a huge mountain of stones. Now, Meng Hailong needed to spend time picking out the stones with jade and jade and throwing them into the spiritual well.

The perspective eye opened, and Meng Hailong began to get busy.

In the spirit jade space, he has the ability to take things in the air, and when he sees that the stone contains jade jade, he waves his hand, and the stone will automatically fly into the spirit well.

Ordinary stones were thrown aside, and soon they were piled up into a hill again.

About 30% of all the stones contain jadeite and jade, which is quite a large amount, but after so many stones are thrown into the spiritual well, the spiritual well has not changed too much.

It's just twice as big as the original.

Seeing this change in Lingjing, Meng Hailong's heart couldn't help but feel a little depressed. This time, he threw much more stones into the spiritual well than last time, and he originally thought that the spiritual well would undergo earth-shaking changes, but now it seems that his expectations are too high.

After thinking about it, Meng Hailong understood that with every expansion of the spirit well, it would need more and more jade jade.

Next time, if he still wants the spirit well to continue to expand, the amount of jade and jade he needs may be twice as many as this time, or even more.

"Although the spiritual spring is wonderful, this spiritual well is a bottomless pit!" Finding out the law, Meng Hailong couldn't help but shake his head and smile bitterly.

The Lingjing did bring him a lot of benefits, however, if you want to use the money to buy jade jade to feed the Lingjing, it will be a huge expense.

But it should be better next, as long as Gao Qiang takes down the four major mines, there will be jade and jade in the future, and the investment of 200 million yuan is worth it.

After finishing the things inside, Meng Hailong came out of the spirit jade space.

It was already dark, washed up, and had a casual bite to eat in the hotel's restaurant, and Meng Hailong went out for a stroll.

Of course, he didn't wander around without a purpose, but also went to find the woman last night, Miao Juanjuan.

Meng Hailong has a lot of interest in this woman who can use charming, if he can keep her by his side, catch the thief killer or something in the future, and let them transfer money without being so troublesome, just let Miao Juanjuan use charm to confuse them.

The news spread that the owners of the four major mines disappeared at the same time, and soon after the news was broadcast, people got the news that the four major mine owners had met in a certain pit to discuss important matters, and it happened that the mine collapsed and they were all buried alive.

The fire brigade quickly rushed to the scene to rescue them, but unfortunately, when they dug people out, they found that everything was gone.

As soon as the four major mine owners died, the mine was in deficit, and in desperation, the family members planned to sell the mine.

At this time, Gao Qiang appeared on the stage, and he acquired the four major mines in a row with his absolute strength, and instantly became the focus of Nanyun.

was able to win the four major mines so smoothly, in addition to having absolute funds as the backing, Gao Qiang also used some forces that he didn't want to use.

And for this result, Meng Hailong is very satisfied.

The only thing that made Meng Hailong feel sorry was that he had not been able to find Miao Juanjuan, a stunning beauty comparable to a demon girl.

The so-called investigation cycle of the police has not yet passed, which means that Meng Hailong cannot leave Nanyun yet, although he wants to leave, absolutely no one can stop him, but Meng Hailong does not want to make trouble for himself, so he still chose to cooperate with the policeman's uncle's request.

There is nothing else to do, Meng Hailong originally wanted to visit his grandmother, but think about it, his mother was kicked out of the house by his grandmother at the beginning, and now he is rashly coming to the door, and he will be kicked out if he doesn't do it, if he really wants to do that, wouldn't he embarrass himself? Thinking about it, Meng Hailong

thinks it's better to forget it, if he really wants to go to the door to recognize his relatives, it will be when his mother wants to go back to his parents' house, as for himself, he won't go to join in the fun.

Sitting in a café, he was boredly playing with his mobile phone to pass the time, when suddenly, a familiar figure caught Meng Hailong's attention.


this familiar figure, Meng Hailong said to himself, and then he got up and walked towards the person.

This person who appeared in Meng Hailong's sight, but she was none other than Miao Juanjuan, who had used charm on Meng Hailong before.

When Meng Hailong saw Miao Juanjuan, Miao Juanjuan also saw him at the same time. But she didn't choose to run away, but walked towards Meng Hailong with a smile.

As a confident woman, Miao Juanjuan has always believed that in this world, there are absolutely few men who can resist her charm.

Especially the success of the last time, she didn't take Meng Hailong seriously.

The hint of smile on her face made Miao Juanjuan look even more charming, especially her eyes, which suddenly shot out a strange light.

In just an instant, Meng Hailong's mind was a little turbulent.

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