Meng Hailong didn't actually think about anything, he just saw the two hunters drop the bow, but walked away with two arrows on their backs, it's a pity to have a bow without arrows, let them stop, Meng Hailong just wanted the two arrows on their backs.

Knowing Meng Hailong's purpose, the two hunters breathed a sigh of relief.

Especially the short hunter, he shot the arrow just now, so he was always afraid that Meng Hailong would trouble him.

After handing over the quiver they were carrying to Meng Hailong, the two hunters left in a hurry.

As soon as they left, Meng Hailong threw all the bows and arrows into the spirit jade space, although this kind of thing is not of high value, but it can be used occasionally if it is kept.

As for the little eagle, Meng Hailong didn't send it back immediately.

After searching in the woods for so long, he couldn't find the eagle eagle, which made Meng Hailong begin to feel that perhaps, only the eagle could attract the eagle eagle out.

Holding the eagle in the woods, he continued to search, and after a short time, the two eagle eagles flew over from not far away.

Seeing the little eagle in Meng Hailong's arms, the two eagle eagles fluttered their wings to attack Meng Hailong, but the little eagle screamed a few times in time, and the eagle gave up attacking Meng Hailong.

Meng Hailong understood the eagle's cry, it was telling the eagle that Meng Hailong had saved it, so the two eagles did not continue to attack Meng Hailong.

Seeing these two eagles, Meng Hailong couldn't help but be slightly disappointed.

Originally, he thought that the eagle eagle would be very large, but unfortunately, this was not the case. These two eagles, the larger one, are only as tall as a five or six-year-old child, and the eagle eagle among the Condor Heroes must be very different.

When the eagle owl came, Meng Hailong naturally couldn't hold their child all the time.

handed over the eagle, but unfortunately, the eagle was injured, it couldn't fly at all, and the eagle was not a human being, and it was impossible to hold the eagle like Meng Hailong.

Just about to hand over the little eagle, it turned its head to look at Meng Hailong, and called a few low voices, actually asking Meng Hailong not to leave it.

Xiao Diao said this, Meng Hailong didn't put it down, still holding it, but he didn't bother Xiao Diao and Da Diao chatting.

What made Meng Hailong happy was that the little eagle actually told the eagle that after he was injured, he went to a very magical place, where not only the environment was beautiful, the air was fresh, but also there was very good drinking water.

After introducing the environment of the Lingyu space to the eagle, the eagle called a few more words to Meng Hailong, meaning to let Meng Hailong take his parents to the Lingyu space to have a look.

Meng Hailong naturally has no opinion on this.

Although the two eagles made him a little disappointed, after all, not everyone can see this kind of animal.

Even if they are not that big, as long as they appear in front of people, they can still cause a lot of shock.

Holding the small eagle in one hand and putting the other hand on the two eagles, Meng Hailong's heart moved, and he took the small eagle family of three into the spiritual jade space.

After coming in, the two eagles were also very satisfied with the environment here, especially after they tasted the spiritual spring, they made a decision that they wanted to settle here.

The eagle wants to settle down in the Lingyu space, which is exactly what Meng Hailong wants.

Tell them about some of the situation in the Lingyu space, and tell them that both the black soil and the golden land have the effect of time acceleration, which can make the eagle grow rapidly, and it will also make the eagle grow old faster.

After some introduction, Meng Hailong gave them another suggestion, the little eagle can live on the golden earth for the time being, so that it can not only grow rapidly, but also make its injuries recover faster.

As for the two eagle eagles, Meng Hailong suggested that they live in the mountains, because there is no time acceleration effect on the mountains, so they will not grow old too quickly.

Knowing that Meng Hailong was for their good, he left the little eagle on the golden earth, and the two big eagles flew towards the mountain.

Seeing them settle on the mountain, Meng Hailong suddenly smiled, and smiled very brightly.

Because, when the two eagles landed on the mountain, Meng Hailong saw that a miracle had happened, and the fog around the mountain dissipated a little.

Although it was only a little bit, it made Meng Hailong realize that in order to make the fog disappear and new lands to appear, what he still needed to add was animals.

This problem that puzzled Meng Hailong was finally solved, and next, he only needed to collect a large number of animals and then release them on the mountain, and when the types of animals reached a certain number, I believed that the spirit jade space would change again, and new land would appear again.

Coming out of the Lingyu space, Meng Hailong went directly back to the Mid-Levels Villa.

Originally, he wanted to catch some more animals in the woods and throw them into the spirit jade space, but as soon as he came out, Miao Xintian called him, saying that she was ready for scorpions and ninety-nine kinds of poisons.

Meng Hailong also wanted to finish this matter as soon as possible, because after finishing this matter, he could leave with peace of mind and go back to his Xiaolong Village.

When Miao Xintian handed over a big box to Meng Hailong, the rest of the Miao family was also there, but everyone thought that Miao Xintian was very stupid, ninety-nine kinds of poisons were not so easy to collect, and handing them over to Meng Hailong at once, wasn't that a tyrannical thing?

Someone also opened her mouth to persuade Miao Xintian to say a few words, but she still did not waver in the end. In fact, Miao Xintian hoped that Meng Hailong would fail, because if he failed, he would have to lend Lan Bing to her.

In Miao Xintian's eyes, Lan Bing is a god-like existence, and with it in his hand, he can definitely sweep away all poisons.

Because of this, when looking for poisons, Miao Xintian did not go to find those vigorous poisons, but spent some money and purchased a batch of poisons that were processed at a special price in the hands of some people and handed them to Meng Hailong for disposal.

took the poison handed over by Miao Xintian, Meng Hailong didn't say anything, and went back to his room directly.

As soon as the door was locked, Meng Hailong entered the spirit jade space with those poisons, and directly put those poisons on the golden land where time accelerated the fastest.

After doing this, Meng Hailong did not leave in a hurry, because he saw that the grapes he had planted before were now ripe and could be used to make wine.

Looking at each grape the size of an egg, Meng Hailong was very surprised.

Now he was finally sure that what was planted on the golden earth would normally change under normal circumstances.

For example, roses, ginseng, reishi, and now grapes.

Roses planted on top of the golden earth will turn into golden roses, ginseng and reishi will become super large, and the same is true for this grape, although it is only several times larger than a normal grape, but this is already an exaggeration.

In this world, although it is not excluded that there are special varieties of grapes that can grow such big grapes, Meng Hailong planted ordinary varieties, and he was really surprised to be able to have such an effect.

Picking a grape and tasting it, Meng Hailong's brows instantly relaxed.

This egg-sized grape not only looks extraordinary, but also tastes very different from ordinary grapes.

The soft flesh and strong grape flavor are put into the mouth and gently bitten, the juice is sweet but not greasy, making people feel that they never get tired of eating.

Seeing Meng Hailong eating grapes, Xiao Diao walked over.

Although its wings were injured and could not fly, it could still walk on two feet. When he came to Meng Hailong's side, Xiao Diao chirped a few times, needless to say, it was looking for Meng Hailong to eat.

Throwing a few grapes to Xiaodiao, the little guy lowered his head and ate it, eating so happily that Meng Hailong was a little suspicious that it was contrived.

Naturally, the eagle is not pretentious, it really thinks that this grape is delicious.

Meng Hailong didn't care about it, as long as it likes to eat it, anyway, there are a lot of grapes, so it can eat enough.

With a wave of his hand, a large water tank flew towards him, and with another wave of his hand, the bunches of grapes automatically and consciously fell into the large water tank.

Because it is planted in the spirit jade space, it is dust-free and pollution-free, so even the cleaning link is saved.

In just half an hour, Meng Hailong had already made more than half of the grapes into wine and placed them on the golden earth.

As for the remaining grapes, some of them are not ripe enough, and Meng Hailong plans to keep them, so that not only can Xiaodiao eat them, but when the time comes, when he returns to Xiaolong Village, he can also take them out to treat everyone.

After finishing this matter, Meng Hailong came out of the spirit jade space.

In broad daylight, if he had been hiding in the room and not showing up, he would have attracted the attention of others.

After coming out, Meng Hailong planned to go to Mrs. Miao, and he could only go to her, because in this family, nine out of ten people regarded him as an enemy, and Meng Hailong didn't want to deal with these people, because it would be too tiring.

When he came to the living room of the villa, Meng Hailong saw several unfamiliar faces.

Grandma's family, Meng Hailong has basically seen all of them, except for the second aunt and the two cousins who are still in retreat.

But these unfamiliar faces in the living room were all men, and Meng Hailong was a little curious in his heart, could it be that his grandmother's family had other relatives? Walking into the living room

, when Meng Hailong saw these strangers, they also saw him at the same time.

And when they saw Meng Hailong, the reaction of these people was a little big, and almost at the same time, several people all stood up and turned to face Meng Hailong.

One of the men quickly spoke: "I know your name is Meng Hailong, tell us, where is

Miao Juanjuan?" "Who are you?" Meng Hailong was slightly shocked in his heart, he didn't expect that these strangers were actually coming for Miao Juanjuan.

"Mom, I said a long time ago that Ruolan is the disaster star of our family, this kid is here, and he will definitely bring us disaster, now you believe it, right?" Miao Ruoying said loudly in front of Old Lady Miao.

The woman was punished by Mrs. Miao, but she didn't go to face the wall, nor did she leave, just now, after these strangers came in, she also came in.

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