"Mom, you say, I've realized my mistakes, whatever you tell me to do. Miao Ruoying said quickly. What is going on in her body, she naturally knows better than others.

Although those Gu poisons were all cultivated by herself, if there was only one, she could naturally easily solve them, the problem was that there were several Gu poisons in her body now, and if she lifted one of them, it would stimulate another one or even several.

Once the Gu poison attacked, she couldn't continue to detoxify the Gu for herself. It is precisely because of this that she has to ask for her mother.

Old Lady Miao looked at Miao Ruoying, pondered for a moment before she spoke: "Old woman, although I didn't go down the mountain, I know that all four tires of Hailong's car were punctured.

Glancing at everyone, Mrs. Miao continued: "If the tire is broken, it can be replaced with a new one, this is a trivial matter, but if people's conscience is gone, it can't be changed, I hope you can all be a person with a conscience, from now on, in our family, I don't want to see any more disputes

, Ruoying, can you do it?" "Mom, I know it's wrong!" Miao Ruoying nodded and said, "I, Miao Ruoying, swear here, from now on, I will never do anything that destroys family harmony." Knowing

that Meng Hailong didn't come to divide the family property, Miao Ruoying really knew that she was wrong. Therefore, this time she also sincerely admitted her mistake.

Seeing Miao Ruoying's sincere appearance, Mrs. Miao didn't say anything more, and gave an order, asking Miao Yunyao to find someone to change the tires of Meng Hailong's car, and she herself took out her real skills and began to detoxify Miao Ruoying.

It took most of the day for the Gu poison in Miao Ruoying's body to finally be completely lifted.

Even the powerful old lady Miao was tired enough. After finishing her work, she couldn't help but look at Meng Hailong, and said: "Hailong, you are really, you are so ruthless, you want to torture me, an old lady, don't

you?" "Uh, grandma, you misunderstood, don't I don't understand Gu poison? If I knew that those little things were so powerful, I would definitely not mess around." Meng Hailong said apologetically, "By the way, the second cousin also has a worm on his body, which he took from the second aunt, grandma, you can help him take out the worm by the way."

Listening to Meng Hailong's words, Mrs. Miao couldn't help but roll her eyes, although she had known for a long time that no one could bully her grandson, but she didn't expect that this grandson would bully people first.

"Mom, since the worms in Yun Zong's body were taken from me, then leave this matter to me!" Miao Ruoying said, "Your old man should go and rest first." "


Mrs. Miao nodded, and was about to get up and go back to the room to rest, when Meng Hailong hurriedly said, "Grandma, the matter has been settled, I'll go back first." "

Grandma knows that you are busy, and you want to go back, so go back!" Mrs. Miao said, "If you have time, bring your parents with you, grandma hasn't seen your father yet."

"Definitely, definitely. Meng Hailong nodded vigorously.

The person Miao Yunyao found quickly replaced the tires of Meng Hailong's car with new ones, and when the key was returned to Meng Hailong, Miao Yunyao scratched his head and said a little embarrassed: "Brother, I'm sorry, I'm a little impulsive, brother, you have to bear with me!" "

It's okay, you can treat me as a brother, let him pass the past, if you are free in the future, welcome to Xiaolong Village to find me, let's eat wine and drink meat together." Meng Hailong said with a grin.

"Eat wine and drink meat?" Miao Yunyao frowned slightly, but he still didn't point out the error of Meng Hailong's sentence just now.

Bidding farewell to everyone in the Miao family, with a large number of small boxes, Meng Hailong drove back to the village.

On the way, while driving, Meng Hailong threw the pile of small boxes into the Lingyu space, although he was not very interested in the contents of these boxes, but the people of the Miao family regarded these as treasures.

It's not good if you lose it.

It is the safest to throw it into the spirit jade space, even if the contents of the box run out, they will not be able to escape the spirit jade space.

After a bunch of boxes were all thrown into the spirit jade space, Meng Hailong's mobile phone rang. The phone was connected, and a strong voice came from the other end.

Gao Qiang told Meng Hailong on the phone that the four major mines had dug up the first batch of ores, and thinking that Meng Hailong was buying a large number of rough stones before, he asked Meng Hailong what to do with these ores.

originally planned to go back to the village directly, but after receiving Gao Qiang's call, Meng Hailong temporarily changed his mind.

It was really not easy for him to come to Nanyun, since the four major mines had dug up another batch of ore, Meng Hailong felt that he had better go and see the quality first.

If the quality is good, he will take it away directly, and maybe he can make some changes in the spiritual well.

When he came to the mine, Gao Qiang was already waiting there, accompanying Meng Hailong for a while, Gao Qiang said confidently: "Dude, I have an idea, the rough stones excavated by the four major mines are of good quality, I think we shouldn't just sell stones, if we can, we should set up a jewelry company."

"You can just watch and do it. Meng Hailong said casually, "However, if you want to set up a jewelry company, I won't take the funds, you can sell some stones first, and then open a company when it's almost over."

"Actually, that's what I plan. Gao Qiang said with a smile.

After walking through the four large mines, Meng Hailong picked a total of nine big stones, and the quality of these nine big stones was very good, and almost every one of them was pure jadeite. Meng Hailong had a feeling that if he threw these nine stones into the spirit well, the spirit well would definitely undergo some changes.

With these nine big stones and bidding farewell to Gao Qiang, Meng Hailong drove away.

When the car drove to a place where no one was watching, Meng Hailong stopped the car and threw the nine big stones directly into the spiritual well.

"A man's sixth sense is actually quite accurate!" After

the stones were thrown into the spiritual well, Meng Hailong said to himself, because he found that after the nine big stones were thrown into the spiritual well, the spiritual well really underwent some changes.

However, this time the well did not become deeper, but its width increased. Of course, whether it becomes deeper or larger, the result is the same, that is, the space for storing the spiritual spring has become larger.

After finishing this, Meng Hailong didn't stay in Nanyun for more, and drove back to Xiaolong Village.

Knowing that Meng Hailong was back, everyone gathered in the courtyard of his house one after another, and said that they wanted to give Meng Hailong the wind, but in fact, they were greedy and ate it.

Knowing everyone's purpose, Meng Hailong didn't expose it, because he knew that everyone really regarded him as a friend, so they would come to him to eat.

Quietly brought out some matsutake mushrooms from the Lingyu space, today's meal, Meng Hailong didn't plan to continue eating lobster, he was going to give everyone a matsutake feast.

Deep-fried matsutake mushrooms, matsutake chicken broth, and a matsutake baked rice.

As soon as this idea came out, everyone was immediately stunned, there were so many people coming, how many matsutake mushrooms did you have to use for this matsutake feast?

The most surprised person was Ye Nantian.

As an old Chinese medicine doctor, among these people at the scene, Mr. Ye knew the most about matsutake mushrooms, and he knew that matsutake mushrooms were very beneficial to people's bodies.

It is precisely because matsutake mushrooms have great benefits for the human body that once they are discovered, they are looted by people, and their numbers are declining day by day on the planet.

And Meng Hailong was able to take out so many matsutake mushrooms at once, which was really unexpected.

But Ye Nantian also knew that in Meng Hailong, there were many unexpected things, if he went to find out the root of everything, it was estimated that his life would not be so long.

Anyway, at his age, some eat and play, and when he really needs him, he just shows his hands.

For the rest, Ye Nantian felt that it was better to take care of it less.

Purple pupils and red beans are here, the male and the male and the second have all arrived, not to mention Song Qingshu, this guy has no other skills, the nose is the smartest, Meng Hailong just lit the stove here, and he came.

Because they were patrolling the rivers, they didn't come so quickly.

Meng Hailong made a few phone calls, and he and Mo Yu hurried back, as for those who were taken in by them, Mo Chen didn't bring them.

After all, this courtyard is so big, if you bring everyone, I'm afraid you won't be able to squeeze in.

"What about Sword Marks?" Everyone gathered and was about to start the meal, but Meng Hailong suddenly asked, he didn't pay attention to it just now, but now he finally found out that this guy Sword Mark was not here.

"He's injured!" Hongdou replied, "These days, the people from Skynet have come to trouble us. Last night, they came again, and they used their guns, and it was the Sword Mark Boss who helped me block two bullets, otherwise I wouldn't be standing here now. "

Sword marks aren't in any danger now, right?" After listening to Hongdou's words, Meng Hailong asked.

"I'm fine. Before Hongdou could answer, a faint voice came from the door, and everyone turned their heads one after another, and saw a sick sword mark walking in from the door.

"Ye Lao helped me take out the bullet, I won't be in danger for the time being. Walking up to Meng Hailong's side, Sword Scar spoke again, "Skynet's hunt order is not a joke, if you want to ensure everyone's safety, you have to make some preparations, otherwise, when they come again, I'm afraid everyone will be in danger."

"Don't worry, I'm here, as long as they dare to come, I can leave them behind." Meng Hailong said this confidently, and then he announced that the matsutake feast could begin.

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