Although the ten female killers from Xiong Country are sexy and good-looking, Meng Hailong has no interest in them.

What he doesn't like, since they like the men, let them take care of them, just treat them as if they are winning glory for the country.

Meng Hailong felt that this was the best of both worlds.

If the men and the others can really deal with those ten female killers, then, in addition to the benefits they can get themselves, in the future, they will be even more desperate to stay here.

And with Meng Hailong's consent, the men and the others were immediately overjoyed, if they weren't all injured, they would definitely jump with joy.

Back in the courtyard, Meng Hailong took out a silver needle and began to treat the male one.

At this time, the female leaders also came in one after another, stood aside, and saw Meng Hailong's miraculous treatment, and their eyes widened one by one.

They've never seen anyone heal an injury with just a needle since they've grown up. However, Meng Hailong can quickly stop bleeding and even recover from people's wounds just by relying on such a needle.

Ten women, all so surprised that they almost dropped their eyes.

When Meng Hailong was done, the female one couldn't help but ask: "Just relying on a silver needle can heal the injury, this... What kind of principle is this?"

"I won't tell you!"

Meng Hailong said this very badly, making the female one angry to death, but she didn't dare to have the slightest idea of being unfavorable to Meng Hailong, because in that case, she would be tortured painfully.

Because the first female was just subdued, Meng Hailong did not dare to entrust them with important tasks, and he had already arranged the action at night, and went to the Skynet headquarters to take him and the purple pupils, red beans, divine arrows and sword marks, as for the others, they all stayed in the village.

After a day of rest, when everyone woke up and came to the courtyard, Meng Hailong had already prepared a sumptuous dinner for them, which moved everyone to the point of confusion.

After eating, the few of them drove off.

Xiaolong Village is still some distance from the Skynet headquarters, and according to the description of the Divine Arrow, even if it is a car, it will take at least several hours.

At this time, when you set off and arrived at the location, it was almost the dead of night and suitable for action.

Because of the familiar road, the magic arrow was caught by Meng Hailong as a driver, and Jian Scar sat in the passenger seat, while Meng Hailong sat in the back with Zitong and Hongdou, and enjoyed the treatment of hugging left and right.

The car drove on the road for nearly ten hours, and when it came to a barren mountain range, the arrow stepped on the brakes, and the road rage stopped on the side of the road.

"Village Chief, the headquarters of Skynet is about three kilometers ahead, but because they will set up some secret posts within these three kilometers, in order to avoid being targeted by these secret posts, the car can't continue to drive forward, so we can only walk over on foot. After parking, the arrow opened his mouth to explain.

After listening to the words of the magic arrow, Meng Hailong said: "It's just a few secret sentinels, don't worry about them, you just drive and drive directly to the gate of the Skynet headquarters."

"Will this work?" asked the Divine Arrow, frowning.

Not only did the Divine Arrow feel that this was not good, but even the sword marks couldn't help but glance back at Meng Hailong, in their eyes, if they did what Meng Hailong said, it would be an act to send them to death.

The place they were going to was Skynet's headquarters, a heavily guarded place where heavy weapons were said to be there.

Just exposing yourself to the other party's nose may be blasted into a pile of scum by someone's heavy weapons at any time.

"Village Chief, I think it's better for us to go there on foot. Purple Pupil also said at this time, "The driving goal is too obvious, I'm afraid that we will be killed by others before we reach the gate of the Skynet headquarters."

"Don't worry, they're not that strong yet. Meng Hailong smiled, others were nervous, but he looked calm, as if what they were facing now was not a killer organization, but a club.

Meng Hailong let him drive, and the magic arrow didn't say anything more, and as soon as he stepped on the accelerator, the road rage immediately jumped forward.

At the same time, Meng Hailong also changed positions with Zitong, sat by the window, picked up the crossbow, opened the perspective eye, and coldly released an arrow out of the window.


The copper arrow shot out, and there was a muffled snort in the woods on the side of the road, and everyone in the car knew that the reason why Meng Hailong dared to drive the car to the door of the Skynet headquarters so swaggeringly was because he had enough confidence.

This is the gap between them

and Meng Hailong! In the moving car, Meng Hailong can find the secret whistle hiding in the woods, but they don't have such ability, even if they can get lucky enough to find the secret whistle in the woods, it is impossible to do what Meng Hailong did, and he can solve people with one arrow.

Every time the car advanced a certain distance, Meng Hailong would shoot arrows out of the window with a crossbow, without exception, under the perspective eye, every arrow he shot could end the life of a dark whistle.

The distance of three kilometers passed quickly, and in front of Meng Hailong's eyes, a high mountain appeared, and at the bottom of the high mountain, there was a stone gate.

According to the introduction of the Divine Arrow, Meng Hailong knew that this was the headquarters of Skynet.

Skynet actually hollowed out a mountain to serve as their headquarters, which made Meng Hailong have to admire the top management of Skynet.

"The stone door can be opened at will from the inside, but to enter from the outside, you need a fingerprint to open it. "We need to find a place to hide first, and then we can sneak in when someone comes in and out."

"I'll go this way, you go over there. After Meng Hailong finished speaking, he turned around and walked towards the side of the stone gate, in order to avoid being discovered, the magic arrow and the others didn't say much, and immediately dodged to the other side of the stone gate according to what Meng Hailong said.

It's not a way to wait like this, seeing that everyone is hiding, Meng Hailong quietly entered the Lingyu space, and through the Lingyu space, he easily arrived at the stone gate.

Of course, Meng Hailong didn't plan to go to the Longtan Tiger's Den alone, although his skills were very good, but when he came to the Skynet headquarters, he needed someone to show him the way.

Finding the mechanism behind the door, Meng Hailong stretched out his hand and pressed it, but as soon as his hand touched the mechanism, a dangerous aura enveloped him.

Before he could react, an electric shock came from his fingertips.

With a thought, Meng Hailong hurriedly returned to the Lingyu space, so he was not electrified, but just like that, Meng Hailong had already realized that the high-level minds of Skynet were still quite cautious, and such a fake switch was actually installed inside the stone gate.

When he came out again, Meng Hailong didn't dare to be careless.

With his see-through eyes open, he searched carefully behind the stone door, and finally he found a switch button again, but this time Meng Hailong didn't press it directly with his hands, but took out a stick from the Lingyu space, and poked the button lightly with this stick, and then he quickly returned to the Lingyu space.

After returning to the spirit jade space, Meng Hailong found that the stone gate was slowly opening, and he hurriedly returned to the place where he had been hiding before, and then came out and walked quickly towards the stone gate.

They also saw the stone door open, but they only thought that someone was going to come out of it, so they didn't act immediately. I thought that I would wait for the person who came out of the inside to leave before going in, but when they saw that Meng Hailong had already walked to the door, they hurriedly followed.

"Strange, how can there be no one?" After the stone door was completely opened, the Divine Arrow couldn't help but mutter.

"When people see that I'm handsome, can't they take the initiative to open the door for me?" Meng Hailong said with a smile, "Capture the thief and capture the king first, you hurry up and show me the way and find the high-level of Skynet." "

The supreme leader of Skynet has a resounding nickname, called the Judge.

The nickname of the judge makes people think of the one in charge of people's life and death in the underworld. In fact, the judge of Skynet is indeed able to control people's life and death with one hand.

For many people, as long as someone wants to buy his life through Skynet, then the judge can deprive the person of the right to live with just one order.

Only a superb product like Meng Hailong can make the judge suffer losses one after another.

The magic arrow and the sword mark were side by side, leading the way in front, Meng Hailong followed behind the two of them, and the purple pupil and red bean behind were in charge of guarding, in case a killer happened to come back behind him.

Not long after walking forward, there was a fork in the road in front of him, a total of three roads, after the introduction of the magic arrow, Meng Hailong knew that among these three roads, only one could be walked.

The other two roads are said to be full of hidden weapons and the like, and once a person walks in, he will have to stay there nine times out of ten.

As for whether this statement is true or not, they don't know. Because, none of them, no matter who they are, have never walked those two roads.

"Pack up the judge, and you can go back and see. Meng Hailong said this with interest, because he always had a feeling that there might be a bigger secret hidden in those two roads.

But his casual words startled a few of them, and the so-called boldness of the art masters was also fully reflected in Meng Hailong.

"Sword Scar Boss..."A man suddenly appeared not far ahead, the man found the sword mark, and his face couldn't help showing a surprised expression, and when he saw the magic arrow and the purple pupil, this man seemed to understand something, and immediately wanted to call someone.

"Brother, I'm sorry!" The arrow shot quickly, and with a single crossbow move, a copper arrow shot out, directly through the man's throat, making him unable to make any sound.

Killing decisively, this is the best embodiment of a killer.

In other words, if the enemy he encountered was once his ally, then he would definitely not be able to make such a ruthless move.

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