Not only did Zi Tong make such a suggestion, but they also opened their mouths one after another, saying that those two paths could not be walked and were too dangerous.

Although no one has ever walked those two roads, and no one can really prove that those two roads are dangerous, some things handed down by ancestors must not be done inappropriately.

Seeing that they were all scared when they saw the purple pupils, Meng Hailong smiled and said, "It's okay if you don't want to go in, but I want to go in and have a look, and you can drive the car back." "

Village chief..."

Zitong wanted to say something more, but when the words came to her lips, she finally swallowed them back.

Although she didn't follow Meng Hailong for a long time, she already had some understanding of Meng Hailong, and knew what he had decided, and even if she said more, it was impossible to change his mind.

In the end, the words of advice just turned into a sentence of care.

At the three-way intersection, Meng Hailong said goodbye to Zitong and them, and then walked towards the two roads.

Seeing Meng Hailong walk in, the purple pupils couldn't help but sigh, but they didn't leave immediately, but waited silently at the three-way intersection.

The road Meng Hailong took was not much different from the road he took to find the judge before, if there is, the road he took before was paved with a concrete floor, and the road he is taking now, perhaps because no one dares to take it, is still a dirt road.

Fortunately, this is inside the mountain, there is no sunlight, and even if no one walks all year round, there are no weeds growing here.

All the way forward, Meng Hailong didn't find any danger, this road was like an underground passage, but he didn't know where it would end.

The so-called road to heaven and hell, Meng Hailong does not believe.

However, after walking a little further, Meng Hailong changed his opinion, believing that the road he was taking now was indeed leading to hell.

It's just that this "hell" is not that hell.

Just ten meters in front of him, under the perspective eye, Meng Hailong saw a stone door, and two words were engraved above the stone door, "Hell!"

Seeing these two words, Meng Hailong grinned, and the people in the past were really funny, and they wanted to scare people with such two words.

The clairvoyant eye looked forward through the stone gate, and the smile on Meng Hailong's face suddenly froze.


the perspective of the eyes, Meng Hailong clearly saw that behind the stone gate, there was actually a dense body of poison, there were many poisonous snakes, spiders, centipedes, scorpions, and some unknown things, which looked very terrifying.

If you open this stone door, you will really go to hell, and it will be the kind that goes down to the eighteenth floor.

Meng Hailong was secretly glad in his heart, fortunately, he was smart, so he took a look at it with perspective first. If he opened the stone door directly without looking, although he was sure to hide in the spirit jade space in time, but the stone door was opened, and all these poisons ran out, I don't know how many people would suffer.

While secretly rejoicing, Meng Hailong had some worries in his heart.

He has clairvoyant eyes, and he can see that it is full of poison, so naturally he will not open the stone door.

However, in this world, he is not the only one who likes to explore, and if this place is discovered by others in the future, once the stone gate is opened, the consequences will be quite serious.

After thinking about it, Meng Hailong felt that since he had discovered this place, he should do his part to eliminate this hidden danger and benefit future generations.

But how to eliminate this hidden danger has become a headache.

Set a fire and burn all those poisons to death, Meng Hailong felt that this was the easiest way, but he was reluctant to do it.

Although all of them are poisons, if these things can be used well, their value is also quite high.

After thinking about it, Meng Hailong entered the Lingyu space, and through the Lingyu space, he came to the back of the stone gate again.

Of course, Meng Hailong didn't come out immediately, if he walked out like this, he would definitely become the supper of those poisonous snakes and spiders.

In the spirit jade space, Meng Hailong first took out the scorpion that Miao Xintian gave him for safekeeping, said a few words to it, and then sent the scorpion out, intending to let it take away the poison behind the stone gate.

The purple scorpion had just been sent out by Meng Hailong, and it immediately attracted the attention of the scorpion begging him.

For such an outsider as it, the scorpions seemed to be very unwelcome, and all of them surrounded it at once, and the scorpions that rushed to the front had even tried to attack the purple scorpions.

Seeing this, Meng Hailong couldn't help frowning.

His original intention was to let the purple scorpions negotiate with the scorpions outside in order to subdue them, but he thought that there was no way to negotiate between the scorpions and the scorpions.

After all, the purple scorpion has been cultivated, its combat effectiveness is very strong, and the scorpions that came forward to attack it were all defeated by it, so that the scorpions that followed behind were all shocked.

Meng Hailong smiled with satisfaction, and took out another small snake, this little snake was handed over to him by his cousin Miao Xinyu for safekeeping, and now it just came in handy.

After communicating with the little snake for a few words, Meng Hailong sent it out as well.

Centipede spiders and other things are also available in the Lingyu space, and when they were at Grandma's house, their family handed over a lot of poison to Meng Hailong.

Meng Hailong flipped through and sent all the poisons out, and then, he just waited to reap the benefits of the fisherman.

Without exception, after cultivation and staying in the spirit jade space for a while, these poisons sent out by Meng Hailong were very strong, and as soon as they appeared, they conquered those poisons outside with a strong side.

When they were almost done, Meng Hailong walked out of the spirit jade space directly.

Because he had already greeted him in advance, Meng Hailong was not attacked after he appeared, which made him very satisfied.

At least he already knew that the poisons could be controlled.

After talking to the poisons here, he told them that he would send them to a better place, because the poisonous snakes and scorpions were suspicious, so Meng Hailong asked them to send a representative to go to the Lingyu space with him to have a look.

In the end, each poison sent a representative to follow Meng Hailong into the spirit jade space, and when they came out, they all looked very excited.

The environment inside the Lingyu space is much better than this dark and damp place.

After getting this answer, all the poisons were obediently sent into the spirit jade space by Meng Hailong.

Putting all these poisons into the spirit jade space, Meng Hailong arranged for them to live on the mountain, of course, he didn't forget to tell them that they couldn't take the initiative to attack other animals without being attacked, this was a rule that must be followed.

After making sure that all the poisons had been sent into the spirit jade space, Meng Hailong found a way to open the stone door.

Since this place has been stocked with so much poison and is called hell, maybe there is something important hidden in it.

Meng Hailong opened the stone door in order to let in more fresh air, in case of accidents, after all, he had to stay here for a while.

After the stone door opened, Meng Hailong began to search carefully with his clairvoyant eye.

Soon, he found that in a corner, there was a skeleton lying quietly. The skeleton only showed a skull, because the part of the body was still wrapped in a robe.

Finding this skeleton, Meng Hailong walked over curiously.

With his eyes open, after approaching, Meng Hailong saw that there was an ancient book hidden inside the robe wrapped around the skeleton.

Seeing this book, out of curiosity, Meng Hailong took out a stick from the spirit jade space, covered his mouth and nose, and flicked the robe wrapped around the skeleton with the stick, and the yellowed book fell out of the robe.

picked up the book and looked at it carefully, Meng Hailong found that it was actually a book related to drugs.

To be precise, it wasn't a book, but a notebook, presumably written down by the skeleton's owner.

Holding this notebook, Meng Hailong flipped through it at random, and found that in this notebook, all the things recorded were related to poison, including what kind of poison can be made from what kind of herbs, what kind of effect this poison has, and even what kind of way to poison people, all of which are clearly recorded.

At the end of this notebook, Meng Hailong saw a few sentences, which were related to the origin of this skeleton.

According to the record on the note, this person is a master of the poison gate, because he came here to avoid the pursuit of the opponent, and the word "hell" on the stone gate was engraved by him, and the original intention was to scare people.

Meng Hailong now finally understands that the reason why there are so many poisons in this place should be brought in by this poison master when he hid in.

After he died, the poison began to multiply, and eventually, it became the same as before.

With his perspective eyes open, he scanned the skeleton again, and found nothing of value, so Meng Hailong turned his attention to other places.

After searching carefully and finding nothing useful, Meng Hailong took out a hoe from the spirit jade space.

As the saying goes, you are safe in the ground.

Meng Hailong felt that since he had taken other people's things, he should let him rest in peace, anyway, it was just to dig a pit and bury his bones, which was not a difficult thing.

With a wave of the hoe in his hand, Meng Hailong began to dig a pit next to the skeleton.

After digging for more than half an hour, the pit was dug well, and Meng Hailong took out a pair of gloves from the spirit jade space and put them on his hands, and then carefully transferred the skeleton next to him to the pit.

After reading that diary and knowing that this person was a master of poison in front of him, Meng Hailong naturally didn't dare to be careless, who knows if he would do anything to himself when he was about to die, in case he was pitted, it would be a big loss.

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